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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > The hydrosphere
This book presents a social science perspective on drought and water scarcity in the UK. It puts forward a narrative of how different stakeholders manage drought and water scarcity, how they generate and manage knowledge and how power relationships between stakeholders shape drought and water scarcity management. The book begins with an analysis and critique of all water resources management plans produced by English and Welsh water supply companies for the period 2014-2019 and introduces a novel typology for drought management options. It then moves on to discuss the effect of drought and water scarcity on businesses and production processes as well as how knowledge about drought and water scarcity is generated, by whom and for what purpose. Ultimately the book argues for the urgent need to engage people in the UK about water issues and offers a novel perspective on how to communicate and engage with drought research.
Preparing a Workforce for the New Blue Economy: People, Products and Policies discusses the Blue Economy, how the industry will develop, and how to train the next generation. The book considers the use of big data, key skillsets, training undergraduate and graduate students, the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) in the US, economic opportunities in African coastal countries, and governmental agencies, non-profits and NGO's. Finally, a broad range of case studies are provided, covering oil spills, commercial fishing, data protection and harvesting, sustainability and weather forecasting, all presented to highlight the educational requirements of the workforce and potential economic opportunities.
This volume constitutes the results of the International Conference on Underwater Environment, MOQESM'14, held at "Le Quartz" Conference Center in Brest, France, on October 14-15, 2014, within the framework of the 9th Sea Tech Week, International Marine Science and Technology Event. The objective of MOQESM'14 was to bring together researchers from both academia and industry, interested in marine robotics and hydrography with application to the coastal environment mapping and underwater infrastructures surveys. The common thread of the conference is the combination of technical control, perception, and localization, typically used in robotics, with the methods of mapping and bathymetry. The papers presented in this book focus on two main topics. Firstly, coastal and infrastructure mapping is addressed, focusing not only on hydrographic systems, but also on positioning systems, bathymetry, and remote sensing. The proposed methods rely on acoustic sensors such as side scan sonars, multibeam echo sounders, phase-measuring bathymetric sonars, as well as optical systems such as underwater laser scanners. Accurate underwater positioning is also addressed in the case of the use of a single acoustic beacon, and the latest advances in increasing the vertical precision of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are also presented. Most of the above mentioned works are closely related to autonomous marine vehicles. Consequently, the second part of the book describes some works concerning the methods associated with such type of vehicles. The selected papers focus on autonomous surface or underwater vehicles, detailing new approaches for localization, modeling, control, mapping, obstacle detection and avoidance, surfacing, and software development. Some of these works imply acoustics sensing as well as image processing. Set membership methods are also used in some papers. The applications of the work presented in this book concern in particular oceanography, monitoring of oil and gas infrastructures, and military field.
This book carefully considers hydrological models which are essential for predicting floods, droughts, soil moisture estimation, land use change detection, geomorphology and water structures. The book highlights recent advances in the area of hydrological modelling in the Ganga Basin and other internationally important river basins. The impact of climate change on water resources is a global concern. Water resources in many countries are already stressed, and climate change along with burgeoning population, rising standard of living and increasing demand are adding to the stress. Furthermore, river basins are becoming less resilient to climatic vagaries. Fundamental to addressing these issues is hydrological modelling which is covered in this book. Integrated water resources management is vital to ensure water and food security. Integral to the management is groundwater and solute transport, and this book encompasses tools that will be useful to mitigate the adverse consequences of natural disasters.
The African Seas include marginal basins of two major oceans, the Atlantic and the Indian, a miniature ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and an infant ocean, the Red Sea. Understanding the wide spectrum of environmental features and processes of such a varied collection of marine and coastal regions requires that in situ observation systems be integrated and actually guided, by the application of orbital remote sensing techniques. This volume reviews the current potential of Earth Observations to help in the exploration of the marginal seas around Africa, by virtue of both passive and active techniques, working in several spectral ranges - i.e. measuring either reflected visible and near-infrared sunlight, as well as surface emissions in the thermal infrared and microwave spectral regions, or again the surface reflection of transmitted lidar or radar impulses of visible or microwave radiation. The in-depth evaluation of the advantages offered by each technique and spectral region and in particular by the development of advanced multi-technique systems, contributes to the assessment of the abundant natural resources that the Seas of Africa have to offer, of those in dear need of being - sustainably - exploited and of others that should be protected and maintained in their still pristine conditions.
The main objective of the Water Framework Directive in the
European countries is to achieve a good status of all the water
bodies, in the integrated management of river basins. In order to
assess the impact of improvement measures, water quality models are
necessary. During the previous decades the progress in computer
technology and computational methods has supported the development
of advanced mathematical models for pollutant transport in rivers
and streams. This book is intended to provide the fundamental
knowledge needed for a deeper understanding of these models and the
development of new ones, which will fulfil future quality
requirements in water resources management. This book focuses on
the fundamentals of computational techniques required in water
quality modelling. Advection, dispersion and concentrated sources or sinks of
contaminants lead to the formulation of the fundamental
differential equation of pollutant transport. Its integration,
according to appropriate initial and boundary conditions and with
the knowledge of the velocity field, allows for pollutant behaviour
to be assessed in the entire water body. An analytical integration
is convenient only in one-dimensional approach with considerable
simplification. Integration in the numerical field is useful for
taking into account particular aspects of water body and
pollutants. To ensure their reliability, the models require accurate
calibration and validation, based on proper data, taken from direct
measurements. In addition, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis are
also of utmost importance. All the above items are discussed in detail in the 21 chapters of the book, which is written in a didactic form for professionals and students. "
Hurricanes are nature's most destructive agents. Widespread interest surrounds the possibility that they might get even more destructive in the future. Policy makers consider it a call for action. Answers about when and by how much hurricanes will change are sought by financial institutions especially industry. And scientists are challenged by the range and interactions of the processes involved. This book, arising from the 2nd International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change, contains new research on topics related to hurricanes and climate change since the 1st Summit. Chapters are grouped into research studies using global climate models and those taking empirical and statistical approaches. The latter include investigations of basin-wide and regional hurricane activity.
This book focuses on motions of incompressible ?uids of a freely moving surface being in?uenced by both the Earth's rotation and density strati?cation. In contrast to traditional textbooks in the ?eld of geophysical ?uid dynamics, such as those by by Cushman-Roisin (1994) and Gill (1982), this book uses the method of proce- oriented hydrodynamic modelling to illustrate a rich variety of ?uid phenomena. To this end, the reader can adopt the model codes, found on the Springer server accompanying this book, to reproduce most graphs of this book and, even better, to create animation movies. The reader can also employ the codes as templates for own independent studies. This can be done by a lay person as a hobby activity, undergraduate or postgraduate students as part of their education, or professional scientists as part of research. Exercises of this book are run with open-source software that can be freely downloaded from the Internet. This includes the FORTRAN 95 compiler "G95" used for execution of model simulations, the data visualisation program "SciLab", and "ImageMagick" for the creation of graphs and GIF animations, which can be watched with most Internet browsers.
With bountiful salmon and fertile plains, the Duwamish River has drawn people to its shores over the centuries for trading, transport, and sustenance. Chief Se'alth and his allies fished and lived in villages here and white settlers established their first settlements nearby. Industrialists later straightened the river's natural turns and built factories on its banks, floating in raw materials and shipping out airplane parts, cement, and steel. Unfortunately, the very utility of the river has been its undoing, as decades of dumping led to the river being declared a Superfund cleanup site. Using previously unpublished accounts by Indigenous people and settlers, BJ Cummings's compelling narrative restores the Duwamish River to its central place in Seattle and Pacific Northwest history. Writing from the perspective of environmental justice-and herself a key figure in river restoration efforts-Cummings vividly portrays the people and conflicts that shaped the region's culture and natural environment. She conducted research with members of the Duwamish Tribe, with whom she has long worked as an advocate. Cummings shares the river's story as a call for action in aligning decisions about the river and its future with values of collaboration, respect, and justice.
This book provides a world-wide perspective of submarine mass movements and their consequences. This book is of interest to any researcher in the field of marine and coastal geo-hazards. It will be useful for planners, scientists and engineers involved in the development of offshore and near-shore resources and also to those in charge of the management and mitigation of coastal hazards. For graduate students, this book provides an up-to-date vision of the process of submarine mass movements and their consequences from both a scientific and an engineering standpoint, and it includes a unique collection of the existing literature on marine geo-hazards. This volume contains a DVD-Rom with full colour versions of figures which are printed in black-and-white in the book.
Climate Change and the Oceans investigates the effects of climate change on the ocean environment and its implications for maritime activities, both globally and within the Asia Pacific region. This detailed work draws together informed opinion from a range of disciplines to examine the impacts of climate change on marine and coastal areas and review legal and policy responses to the rapidly changing ocean environment. Issues including the effects on fisheries and marine biodiversity in the Asia Pacific region, maritime security, global shipping, marine jurisdiction and marine geo-engineering are also explored. Examining the multiple impacts of climate change on the oceans and ocean based solutions to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change, this thought-provoking book will prove invaluable to academics, researchers and students in the fields of law, environment, ecology and political science. Oceans and marine environmental policymakers will also find this to be an essential resource. Contributors: A. Arsana, M. Haward, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, S. Kaye, R. Kenchington, L. Kirkendale, S. Palassis, C. Rahman, R. Rayfuse, A. Rubio, C. Schofield, R. Warner, P.C. Winberg
Distantearthquakesarewellknowntoinduceawiderangeofresponsesinsurface water and groundwater. These responses are often viewed as mere curiositiesas theiroccurrenceislimitedinspaceandtime.Thefrequentemphasisonearthquake precursorsinstudiesofthesephenomenaalsotendstopushthestudyof'earthquake hydrology' away from the mainstream of geoscience. The observed phenomena, however,probetheinteractionbetweenhydrogeologicalprocessesandmechanical deformationintheshallowcrust.Hencetheyprovideinsightintotheinteraction among water cycle, tectonics, and properties of the crust. As such, the study of earthquakehydrologyalsohasthepotentialtoprovideamorequantitativeand- depthunderstandingofthenatureofearthquakeprecursorsandevaluatewhether theyareinfactprecursors. The title of this book re ects the nature of the connections we address: we focus on how earthquakes affect hydrology. Water also in uences earthquakes as it affects the strength of faults and the rheology of rocks. Our emphasis here, however, is not on the hydrology of earthquakes, but on understanding the hydrological phenomena induced or modi ed by earthquakes. The boundary betweenthe'hydrologyofearthquakes'andthe'earthquake-inducedhydrological phenomena', however, can sometimes be blurred. For example, triggered ear- quakes are sometimes explained by a re-distribution of pore pressure following the triggering earthquake. Hence, triggered seismicity may be an example of an earthquake-induced hydrological phenomenon. Thestudyofthelatter,therefore, canbeimportanttowardsabetterunderstandingofthemechanicsofatleastsome earthquakes. Therearemanystudents,postdocsandcolleagueswewishtothankforcolla- ratingonresearchprojectsrelatedtothetopicsreviewedinthisbook,orparticip- inginstimulatingdiscussionsintheclasswetaughtcalled'Earthquakehydrology'. In particular, we wish to thank Emily Brodsky, Yeeping Chia, Douglas Dreger, Shemin Ge, Fu-qiong Huang, Tom Holzer, Chris Huber, Joel Rowland, Martin Saar, Yaolin Shi, Chung-Ho Wang, Kelin Wang, Pei-ling Wang and Alex Wong forenlighteningexchanges.HunterPhilsonhelpedwith guresandtheindex.We v vi Preface alsothanktheNationalScienceFoundation,theMillerInstituteforBasicResearch inScience,andNASAforsupportingtheresearchandsynthesisinthisvolume.
This book describes the challenges for the natural environments and local communities in the future. Among the high mountains of Africa, only Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya, and the Rwenzori Mountains are still capped with glaciers. The retreating rate of these glaciers has accelerated, and they are expected to disappear in the near future. In the area around Mount Kenya, the precipitation is generally low, such that rainfall cannot stably supply water for farmlands and daily life. It has been revealed that the glacial meltwater has produced springs at the foot of the mountain. It is therefore important to characterize the condition of water sources near Mount Kenya for use by local people. This book discusses the relationships between the actual state of the climate and glacier shrinkage around Mount Kenya, the surrounding vegetation, soil, and water environments, and the lives of the foothill region inhabitants confronting the glacier shrinkage. This book is valuable in the contemporary age, when the assurance of a sustainable relationship between nature and mankind is critical.
Aquatic Chemistry Concepts, Second Edition, is a fully revised and updated textbook that fills the need for a comprehensive treatment of aquatic chemistry and covers the many complicated equations and principles of aquatic chemistry. It presents the established science of equilibrium water chemistry using the uniquely recognizable, step-by-step Pankow format, which allows a broad and deep understanding of aquatic chemistry. The text is appropriate for a wide audience, including undergraduate and graduate students, industry professionals, consultants, and regulators. Every professional using water chemistry will want this text within close reach, and students and professionals alike will expect to find at least one copy on their library shelves. Key Features Extremely thorough, one-of-a-kind treatment of aquatic chemistry which considers: a) chemical thermodynamics fundamentals; b) acid/base, titration, and buffer calculations; c) CO2 chemistry and alkalinity; d) complexation of metal ions by ligands and chelates; e) mineral solubility processes; f) redox chemistry, including the chemistry of chlorine (as in disinfection), oxygen, CO2 and methane, nitrogen, sulfur, iron, and lead, including the story of lead in the drinking water of Flint, Michigan; and g) electrical effects in aqueous solutions including the Debye-Huckel Law (and related equations for activity corrections), double layers, and colloid stability Discussions of how to carry out complex calculations regarding the chemistry of lakes, rivers, groundwater, and seawater Numerous example problems worked in complete detail Special foreword by Jerry L. Schnoor 'There's a lot to like about a book on water chemistry that lays it out simply. Einstein said that everything should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler. Wise advice. And that is what James F. Pankow has accomplished in the second edition of his textbook, Aquatic Chemistry Concepts. It covers the "waterfront" of essential inorganic chemistry topics, and it supplies enough examples to lead the student toward problem solving.' -From the Foreword, Jerry L. Schnoor
This is the first book to provide assessments of multidecadal changes in resources and environments of the Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) of the North Atlantic. Using the case study method, researchers examine the forces driving the changes and actions underway aimed at turning the corner from declining trends in biomass yields, toward recovery of depleted species populations and improvements in ecosystem integrity.
In a powerful work of environmental history, Martin Doyle tells the epic story of America and its rivers, from the U.S. Constitution's roots in interstate river navigation, to the failure of the levees in Hurricane Katrina and the water wars in the west. Through his own travels and his encounters with experts all over the country-a Mississippi River tugboat captain, an Erie Canal lock operator, a project manager buying water rights for farms along the Colorado River-Doyle reveals the central role rivers have played in American history and how vital they are to its future.
Nonlinear Ocean Dynamics: Synthetic Aperture Radar delivers the critical tools needed to understand the latest technology surrounding the radar imaging of nonlinear waves, particularly microwave radar, as a main source to understand, analyze and apply concepts in the field of ocean dynamic surface. Filling the gap between modern physics quantum theory and applications of radar imaging of ocean dynamic surface, this reference is packed with technical details associated with the potentiality of synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The book also includes key methods needed to extract the value-added information necessary, such as wave spectra energy, current pattern velocity, internal waves, and more. This book also reveals novel speculation of a shallow coastal front: named as Quantized Marghany's Front. Rounding out with practical simulations of 4-D wave-current interaction patterns using using radar images, the book brings an effective new source of technology and applications for today's coastal scientists and engineers.
This book describes a comprehensive selection of ocean processes such as wave phenomena (surface, internal gravitational, and acoustic waves), the influence of surfactants and pollutants on the aquatic environment's dynamics, the models of the stratified natural environment, convective phenomena in the ocean, and the interaction of wave and convective processes. Finally, this book dedicates the last section to unsolved problems in the physics of anomalous waves. Most of the chapters present the most hegemonic theories but also they introduce the revulsive ideas based on alternative approaches. The underlying mathematical models are scientifically justified both at the physical and formal mathematical levels. In all known limiting cases lead to well-known classical results. They are in good agreement with experimental data. Several sections show the application of developed approaches to the description of natural phenomena. The book is of interest to specialists working in the field of ocean physics, as well as undergraduate and graduate students specializing in marine physics and oceanography.
Annotated Atlas of Coastal and Marine Winds provides a quick-reference on major, prevailing near-surface wind systems, along with concise explanations of the features that cause these winds and a quick qualitative assessment. As accessibility to the most recent and complete atmospheric datasets is often limited, either because they are subscription-based or because they are available only in netCDF format, this book alleviates roadblocks by providing the major, prevailing near-surface wind systems, concise explanations, the features that cause these winds, and a qualitative assessment on the amount of moisture that such winds typically carry to coastal and marine scientists and engineers. This book will be an ideal resource on coastal and marine winds for a variety of professionals, including coastal scientists, marine scientists, and engineers who study phenomena that are affected directly by weather and climate.
A large-scale outbreak of red tide along coastal areas is becoming a global marine hazard, which is associated with fish and shellfish mass mortalities through poisoning. The Seto Inland Sea, the largest semi-enclosed sea in Japan has suffered from red tide outbreaks since the late 1950's. This book discusses the red tide phenomena throughout the world, which includes biological research results on taxonomy of cyst and vegetative cells of red tide organisms and ecological and physiological studies using ecological modeling. This book is undoubtedly useful for scientists and students in the field of biological oceanography, marine environment science and aquaculture, as well as governmental researchers working for the conservation of marine coastal environment.
Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters, 2e, provides an integrated look at the major disasters that have had, and continue to have, major implications for many of the world’s people, such as floods and droughts. This new edition takes a geoscientific approach to the topic, while also covering current thinking about some scientific issues that are socially relevant and can directly affect human lives and assets. This new edition showcases both academic and applied research conducted in developed and developing countries, allowing readers to see the most updated flood and drought modeling research and their applications in the real world, including for humanitarian emergency purposes. Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters, 2e, also contains new insights about how climate change affects hazardous processes. For the first time, information on the many diverse topics relevant to professionals is aggregated into one volume. It is a valuable reference to researchers, graduates, scientists, physical geographers, urban planners, landscape architects, and other people who work on the build environments of the world.
Various problems in climate research, which require the use of advanced statistical techniques, are considered in this book. The examples emphasize the notion that the knowledge of statistical techniques alone is not sufficient. Good physical understanding of the specific problems in climate research is needed to guide the researcher in choosing the right approach to obtain meaningful answers. The second edition of this book, originally based on contributions given during a school sponsored by the European Union on the Italian island of Elba, continues to be based on these general principles. The general outline has been kept the same, covering aspects such as the examination of the observational record, stochastic climate models, analytical techniques, e.g. EOF, teleconnections and so on, but the chapters have been revised and updated, in some cases extensively, to cover the advances in the field in the years since the first edition. |
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