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Books > Business & Economics > Business & management > Management & management techniques > Time management
Effective time management makes employees more efficient, more effective and less stressed, and is a fundamental skill in all organisations. This brand new toolkit will provide a time management resource which HR managers and consultants can either give to individuals to work through by themselves or which they can adapt to run a training course. The toolkit provides activities and handouts that you can give to managers to use in coaching sessions and it provides activities and handouts that you can give to employees to work through alone. These resources will give you fresh ideas and approaches to improve and freshen up your time management training even if you already use other materials. The Time Management Toolkit: - will save you time preparing training course materials as the materials you need are already provided in an adaptable format - provides activities and handouts that you can give to managers to use in coaching sessions - provides activities and handouts that you can give to employees to work through alone - gives fresh ideas and approaches to improve and freshen up your time management training provision even if you already have materials.
For better or worse, the information and communication revolution has transformed our economic, cultural, and political world. On an individual scale, many of the traditional social, political, and cultural habits of mind and ways of being that evolved under the regime of the clock are changing rapidly, including the way individuals save, spend, and optimize time. At the organizational level, the pacing of innovation, levels of production, and new product development, are no longer temporally fixed due to the effects of living in a networked society and in the networked economy. 24/7 brings together leading thinkers from a variety of disciplines to analyze the differing relationships to time in an accelerated society. Offering much-needed insight and perspective into new issues and problems, this unique volume is the first to offer a wide range of cutting-edge thought on the new economic, cultural, and political world of the networked society. The book includes contributions from the leading scholars in this area, such as Barbara Adam, Mike Crang, Thomas Hylland Erikson, and Geert Lovink.
Meetings should matter. No one wants to be called in for a meeting that could've been an email. No one wants to sit in a meeting where everyone's distracted or talking over each other. If you're going to attend or lead a meeting, don't you want it to...well, matter? Meetings are a chance to initiate a conversation with your teammates. You can communicate information with them that wouldn't have the same hold digitally. You can foster new relationships with your coworkers, and learn from their new ideas and perspectives. So why do so many people dread meetings? Because they're doing them all wrong. Change the way people think about meetings. Transform their opinions by holding a meeting that is efficient and productive, that is open and communicative, that is useful and important. Revolutionize the definition of a meeting. Learn to make them matter. Paul Axtell affirms the importance of meetings, and he redesigns them using the vital foundation of conversation. With real-life examples and actionable advice, he shows you how to design meetings for results, lead them to achieve agendas that move projects forward, and even allow time for building the relationships that make working together in a remarkable way possible. Based on his award winning efficiency training, this book will revolutionize the meeting-moving it from that dreaded obligation to a powerful way to get things done in business and in life.
A road-tested formula for improving your professional performance, from one of the business world's most successful and productive executives - with practical suggestions and takeaways in every chapter. Discover the secrets to professional productivity and high performance. Extreme Productivity is for anyone feeling overwhelmed by their existing workload-facing myriad competing demands and multiple time-sensitive projects. Offering antidotes to a calendar full of boring meetings and a backlog of e-mails, Robert Pozen explains how to determine your highest priorities and match them with how you actually spend your time. Pozen demonstrates that in order to be truly productive, professionals must make a critical shift in their mind-set: from hours worked to results produced. In a knowledge-based economy, what's important is what you've accomplished, not how many hours you've logged at your desk. Pozen teaches you how to efficiently complete your large projects and quickly move through the small stuff. He shows you how to delegate functions and manage your boss. He helps people at all stages of their careers read, write, and make presentations more effectively. He provides professionals with practical tips on how to efficiently use their time-while leading full and productive personal lives as well.
The international bestseller on escaping the 9-5 and finding a new way of living Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan - there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, this book is the blueprint. This step-by-step guide to living the life you want reveals: * How Tim went from $40,000 dollars per year and 80 hours per week to $40,000 per MONTH and 4 hours per week * How to outsource your life and do whatever you want * How to eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours * How to trade a long-haul career for short work bursts and frequent 'mini-retirements' This edition also includes: * More than 50 practical tips and case studies from readers (including families) who have doubled their income, overcome common sticking points and reinvented themselves using the original book as a starting point * Real-world templates you can copy for eliminating email and negotiating with bosses and clients * How lifestyle design principles can be used to live ambitiously in unpredictable economic times * The latest tools and tricks, as well as high-tech shortcuts, for living like a diplomat or millionaire without being either.
Imbalance is natural. The key is to make it purposeful. In "Life on the Wire," "New York Times" best-selling author Todd Duncan challenges the status quo in search of a better, smarter way to work and live. He profiles several people striking out to find "balance." You'll meet an entrepreneur, a bartender, and an accountant, among others. You'll hear their stories, their challenges, their insights, and the critical lessons they learned. Duncan contends the last thing we need amid life's inherent imbalance is another attempt at a how-to formula for perfect balance―equal parts work and life. In fact, he argues that such a holy grail does not exist. Instead, he has issued a more pragmatic formula he calls "purposeful imbalance" the process of purposefully leaning toward work without sacrificing life and purposefully leaning toward life without damaging your career. It is precisely the way a tight-rope walker makes his way across a one-inch rope without falling. "I've always believed that when you're at work, you should work hard, and when you're at home, you should play hard. That's easy to say, but for a lot of people it's hard to do. In "Life on the Wire," Todd Duncan clears up the myth about the 'balanced' life and shows you how to rejoice in the purposeful--and planned-- imbalanced life." --Dave Ramsey, Best-Selling author and host of "The Dave Ramsey Show" "This book quickly shows you how to get more done, of greater importance, and less time, and dramatically increase the quality of your entire life.""" --Brian Tracy, Best-Selling author of "Eat That Frog "EO and founder of Todd "Open these pages and discover practical yet potent advice for pursuing your dreams and living your life well " --Glenna Salsbury, CSP, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, author of "The Art of the ""Fresh Start "and "Professional Speaker" "Todd has really touched on an important perspective regarding 'Life Balance.' Timely and relevant . . . reading this book will give you a nice bit of personal peace." --Terri Sjodin, principle and founder, Sjodin Communications
MASTER YOUR TIME PERFORMANCE IN ORDER TO ADD HOURS BACK TO YOUR DAY Most people blame time for not being able to accomplish their goals. The Time Cleanse provides a proven program that helps you realize that time isn't the problem, it's your relationship with time. The Time Cleanse provides a proven program you can use to achieve your goals, begin focusing on tasks that matter most, and gain back a minimum of 7-10 hours a week. The author takes you through a systematic program to rescue your time and reallocate it in ways that bring a more fulfilled life while simultaneously maximizing the productivity and performance of all your time. The book takes you through the processes of: * Determining your "time type" * Mastering mindful multitasking* Eliminating obstacles that hijack time, energy, and focus* Accepting or rejecting certain habits, interaction, or tasks * Establishing a new relationship with time that supports what you most want
Die Zahl Kleiner Anfragen steigt seit mehreren Legislaturperioden immer weiter an. Der Autor nimmt damit zusammenhangende Klagen aus der OEffentlichen Verwaltung zum Anlass, um zu untersuchen, welche Auswirkungen diese Steigerung auf Arbeitsbelastung und Performanz sowie auf Einstellungen und Praxisverstandnis von Beschaftigten der Ministerialburokratie hat. Dazu analysiert er die Parlamentsstatistik und fuhrt eine Umfrage in mehreren Bundesministerien durch. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Bearbeitung Kleiner Anfragen und deren Rahmenbedingungen die Verwaltung erheblich belasten und in Extremfallen die Funktionsfahigkeit gefahrden koennen. Er empfiehlt daher eine AEnderung der Bundestagsgeschaftsordnung. Auf Basis der Umfrageergebnisse diskutiert der Autor erste Reformvorschlage hierfur.
"The most positive take on work and family I've read in a long time" New York Times Do you struggle to balance the demands of a successful career with quality time with family and friends, your hobbies, and even a decent night's sleep? In I Know How She Does It, time management expert and bestselling author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast Laura Vanderkam reveals the surprising strategies you can use to spend more time on the things you enjoy. By following her advice, you will be able to work less, sleep more, enjoy date nights, go to the gym and socialise. Based on hour-by-hour time logs from 1,001 days in the lives of real women, Vanderkam proves that you don't have to give up on the things you really want. I Know How She Does It offers specific strategies proven to help you build a life that works, one hour at a time.
Dave Kahle contends that smart time management is not about cramming more activity into each hour, but about achieving greater results in that hour. The content has been honed in hundreds of seminars and refined by the feedback and experiences of thousands of salespeople. The first edition of this book was translated into seven languages and made available in 20 countries. Since then, the problem for salespeople has become even more acute, with smart phones and tablets creating a culture of instant communication. Salespeople need assistance in not being seduced by all the digital noise. 11 SECRETS OF TIME MANAGEMENT FOR SALESPEOPLE provides powerful, practical insights and ideas that really work, including hundreds of specific, practical, effective time-management tips from dozens of salespeople who are on the front lines every day.
?Como puedes ser mas efectivo al buscar vivir para la gloria de Dios? Aprovecha bien el tiempo cambiara tu forma de ver la productividad como un concepto fundamental que te ayudara a ser eficiente y organizado en tu vida y en todo lo que emprendas. Trabajas todo el tiempo, pero sientes que nunca satisfaces tus expectativas? Sientes que te esfuerzas demasiado, que trabajas largas horas, pero siempre te quedas corto con los resultados. Al final, terminas preguntandote, "?que estoy haciendo mal? ?Que es lo que me falta?". Quizas te encuentras en el otro extremo y nunca has pensado demasiado en alcanzar grandes objetivos. Te has acostumbrado a enfrentar la vida conforme a lo que se te presenta por delante. Los planes no son lo tuyo, pero hubo un momento en que te preguntaste: "?Como llegue aqui? Seguramente tiene que haber algo mas que ir flotando por la vida". En este libro descubriremos que si; hay mucho mas. Aprovecha bien el tiempo cambiara la manera en que entiendes la productividad a traves de seis principios, para que puedas ser eficiente y organizado en todas las areas de tu vida: Tiempo: Tienes tiempo para hacer lo que deberias estar haciendo. Limites: No puedes hacerlo todo. Decisiones: No tienes que hacerlo todo. Enfoque: Si no fijas los ojos en la meta, acabaras perdido. Habitos: Cada paso en la direccion correcta, cuenta. Herramientas: Tu cerebro fue creado para crear, no para almacenar. En Aprovecha bien el tiempo aprenderas que ser productivo no es algo demasiado complicado. Ser productivo es vivir la vida que Dios te ha llamado a vivir, para Su gloria y el bien de los demas. Make the Most of Your Time How can you be more effective in living for the glory of God? Make the Most of Your Time will change the way you see productivity as a fundamental concept to help you be efficient and organized in your life and in everything you do. Do you work all the time, but feel like you never meet your expectations? Do you feel that you try hard, work long hours, but still fall short with your intended results? In the end, do you find yourself asking, "What am I doing wrong?" "What am I missing?" Maybe you're at the other end of the spectrum and have never given much thought to achieving big goals. You've grown accustomed to living life as it comes, without planning. But then there came a moment when you asked yourself, "How did I get here? Surely there must be more to life than just going with the flow." In this book we will discover that there IS much more. Make the Most of Your Time will change your view of productivity through six principles that will revolutionize the way you approach your daily tasks: Time: You have time to do what you SHOULD be doing. Limits: You can't do everything. Decisions: You don't have to do it all. Focus: If you don't keep your eyes on the goal, you will fail. Habits: Every step in the right direction, counts. Tools: Your brain was created to create, not just to store information.
This is a book on self-management. It is interesting that the skills we need to manage others are the same we need to manage ourselves: the ability to plan, delegate, organise, direct and control.
Immer wieder kommt es bei der Besetzung von Ausschussen zu Pattsituationen zwischen dem Regierungs- und dem Oppositionslager. Der Autor geht der Frage nach, wie mit derartigen Pattsituationen umgegangen werden soll. Dabei berucksichtigt er einerseits die staatsrechtlichen Vorgaben fur die Ausschussbesetzung, die durch die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts konturiert wurden. Andererseits tragt er der politischen Praxis, namlich dem regelmassig geschlossenen Agieren von Regierungs- und Oppositionslager in den Ausschussen, Rechnung. Am Ende seiner Untersuchung unterbreitet der Autor einen Regelungsvorschlag zur Aufloesung von Pattsituationen, bei dem alle Massgaben gleichermassen zur Geltung kommen.
Mas que cualquier otra habilidad en tu carrera, la capacidad de manejar el tiempo determinara tu exito o fracaso. Es una simple ecuacion. En cuanto mejor uses tu tiempo, conseguiras mas y mas grandes seran tus recompensas. Esta practica guia de bolsillo revela 21 tecnicas comprobadas que puedes usar inmediatamente para ganar dos o mas horas productivas cada dia. Ofrece las estrategias que el experto en negocios Brian Tracy ha identificado como las mas eficaces que el mismo emplea. Lleno de la sabiduria caracteristica de Brian Tracy, este libro te ayudara a conseguir mas cosas... y con mucho menos estres. Este practico libro te ensenara a: Manejar las interminables interrupciones, reuniones, correos electronicos y llamadas telefonicas Identificar tus principales areas de resultados Designar suficiente tiempo para las responsabilidades mas prioritarias Agrupar las actividades similares para mantenerte enfocado y aprovechar al maximo cada minuto Superar la postergacion Determinar que delegar y que eliminar Utilizar el Programa de evaluacion y tecnicas de revision para trabajar a partir del futuro... y asegurar que alcanzas tus metas mas importantes Y mas. Time Management More than any other practice in your career, your ability to manage time will determine your success or failure. It's a simple equation. The better you use your time, the more you will accomplish, and the greater your rewards will be. This pocket-sized guide reveals 21 proven time management techniques you can use immediately to gain two or more productive hours every day. Featuring the strategies that business expert Brian Tracy has identified as the most effective and that he himself employs. Filled with Brian Tracy's trademark wisdom, this book will help you get more done, in less time...and with much less stress. This handy volume reveals how you can: Handle endless interruptions, meetings, emails, and phone calls Identify your key result areas Allocate enough time for top priority responsibilities Batch similar tasks to preserve focus and make the most of each minute Overcome procrastination Determine what to delegate and what to eliminate Utilize Program Evaluation and Review Techniques to work back ward from the future...and ensure your most important goals are met And more.
Sass, Wise Words, and Advice from Empowering WomenBecca Anderson is back with another inspiring book packed with everything you need to know about love, life, and relationships. Enjoy these wise words from powerful women from all over! Wise words from badass and powerful women. Becca Anderson has gathered the wisdom from a chorus of empowering women for this one-of-a-kind advice book. From housewives to Hollywood starlets, from standup comedians to startup entrepreneurs, these powerful women offer unvarnished and unabashed opinions and share their frank and forthright thinking on the wild world of relationships; enjoy these words of wisdom. Read more books for women empowerment! On your journey to self empowerment and personal growth, add books for women that empower you to live a full life now. Girl bosses and boss ladies from every walk of life unleash their cunning wit in this humorous compilation. From Anais Nin, Lily Tomlin, Amy Bloom, Dorothy Allison, Drew Barrymore, Chrissy Teigan and beyond, there's no shortage of sass, sarcasm, or sizzle. Grab your copy today and enjoy the wise words of the powerful women featured in this book! Inside, you'll find: Many of your favorite empowering women all in one book Quotes, wise words, and daily affirmations for women by powerful women A book of positive affirmations and powerful women giving you advice on love, marriage, dating, and other areas of life If you're looking for books for entrepreneurs or books for women empowerment, or if you're a fan of Badass Affirmations, Collective Wisdom, or Empowered Black Girl, then you'll love Badass Advice.
Learn powerful, science-based techniques to boost focus, drive and energy hour-by-hour throughout the day--every day. As leadership consultants and executive trainers, Bonnie St. John and Allen P. Haines have heard the same complaints from clients for years; periodic burnout, lack of focus and low energy. So they dug into the latest research on neuroscience, psychology and physiology looking for big answers. Instead they found small answers; proof that small adjustments in daily routines, including thought patterns, food and drink, rest and movement can fight the forces that sap our energy and store focus and drive. They call these amazing efficient restorative techniques "micro-resilience." Thousands of men and women from all walks of life have already found effortless ways to incorporate these little changes into the busiest of schedules.
What helps employees to perform well and stay healthy under high levels of stress? What are the factors that distinguish those employees? What are the best ways to recover from a stressful day at work? How can employees proactively address stressors they encounter at work, and how can they move from "coping" to "thriving"? Can stress even have positive consequences? Most employees can recall times when they have dealt with the stress they were under at work, even coming out stronger as a result of performing well under difficult conditions. Yet many approaches to stress at work view stress as a toxic experience that should be avoided at all costs, and do not recognize how stress might be used to facilitate personal growth, professional development, and higher levels of performance. In this book, Britt and Jex describe how stressful working conditions can produce positive outcomes when employees approach demands in the right way, focus on the meaning and significance of their work, and recover appropriately from stressful working conditions, both during the day and when at home. The book encourages employees to view themselves as active constructors of their work environment who are capable of proactively addressing many of the demands they encounter, instead of being passive recipients of work stressors. To help readers reach the goal of thriving under stressful work, application exercises are provided in each chapter of the book. In these exercises, employees consider how they are currently responding to work stressors, how they might identify the significance and importance of their work, and identify ways they can better recover from work demands. Given the importance of managers in creating the conditions necessary for employees to thrive under stressful conditions, each chapter also includes a box with recommendations for managers who are looking to reduce the negative effects of stress at work, enhance the positive effects, and create a work environment where employees can thrive.
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