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Books > Business & Economics > Industry & industrial studies > Energy industries & utilities > Water industries
Conventional services, such as water, energy and waste services, have been for a long time physically networked and centrally managed. Today, this delivery model appears increasingly inefficient in two respects. It often fails in guaranteeing its financial viability and equitable service access, and and it generally draws heavily on the natural resources conveyed by these services. The book aims thus at exploring how service coproduction, based on public-community collaborations, can represent a valuable alternative to the conventional service provision model. Contributions in this book look into service coproduction and its relationship with the conventional service model both in the Global North (Germany) and Global South (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, India, Tanzania). They also address a variety of different perspectives in coproducing conventional services, such as the role of service modernisation, the variety of non-networked solutions, the relationship with the commons, just to cite some of them. Eventually, this book provides a first comprehensive exploration of the service coproduction theory in relation to conventional services, such as water, energy and waste. The chapters originally published as a special issue in Urban Research & Practice.
This book contains technical papers, presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Chemical Oxidation: Technology for the Nineties held in Tennessee in 1984, on theory, design, and practices of chemical oxidation processes applied to environmental problems.
More than a billion people cannot get safe drinking water; half the world's population does not have adequate sanitation; within a generation over three billion will be suffering from water stress. This text analyzes the issues in this crisis of management and shows how water can be used effectively and productively. The key to sustainable water resources is an integrated approach. The authors assert that careful planning and concerted action can make the fundamental changes needed and that the implications of not dealing with the crisis are immense. The book comes with downloadable resources containing background research and scenarios.
Conflicts over waste disposal facility siting is a pressing issue not only in developed countries but also in fast-growing countries that face drastic waste increase and rapid urbanisation. How to address distributive justice has been one of the biggest concerns. This book examines what determines the influence of distributive justice in siting policy. In the 23 wards of Tokyo, one idea of distributive justice, known as "In-Ward Waste Disposal" (IWWD), emerged amid the ongoing garbage crisis in the early 1970s. IWWD was adopted as a significant principle, but its influence waxed and waned over time, until the idea was finally abandoned in 2003. To unravel causes and mechanisms behind the changing influence of IWWD, this book adopts a framework that considers not only ideational causes, but also the power struggles between rationally calculating actors, as well as the influence of external events and environments. By combining an in-depth case study with an integrative theoretical framework, this book tells a thought-provoking story of the changing influence of IWWD in a deep, comprehensive and consistent way. This book provides significant insights and lessons for both academics and practitioners.
Borehole geophysics is frequently applied in hydrogeological environmental investigations where, for example, sites must be evaluated to determine the distribution of contaminants. It is a cost-effective method for obtaining information during several phases of such investigations. Written by one of world's leading experts in the field, A Practical Guide to Borehole Geophysics in Environmental Investigations explains the basic principles of the many tools and techniques used in borehole logging projects. Applications are presented in terms of broad project objectives, providing a hands-on guide to geophysical logging programs, including specific examples of how to obtain and interpret data that meet particular hydrogeologic objectives.
Overview of Japan's long water history, by the Japanese Commission on large dams. Starting from the 7th century, when irrigation ponds were first constructed for paddy cropping, until the beginning of the 21st century. Elaborates on various roles of dams: water supply, power generation and flood control. Moreover, tries to clarify the negative impacts of dams on the natural environment and local societies, as well as extensive efforts made to minimize these impacts. Includes appendices with location and characteristics of main dams, administrative organs, river management system and water resources development river systems and facilities to offer the full picture. Richly-illustrated. Intended for dam and water resources professionals.
Researchers and managers of regulated river systems will find this volume useful in acquiring information for deciding an integrated management plan for regulated river operations. Rather than the ecological theory of impacts of flow regulation, emphasis has been placed on methods to predict water quality and habitat alterations, as well as techniques to mitigate impacts from various operational scenarios. Although most chapters refer to impacts of riverine impoundments, these alternatives apply to any regulated situation in which changes in water quality or flow pattern occur. The predictive modeling techniques are explained primarily from a theoretical background. However, extensive bibliographies can guide the uninitiated to specific texts and software. Where controversial techniques have been presented, alternate methods are also described. Major topic areas include water quality problems, channel modification and management, ecological modeling and management, as well as a section on perspectives for ecological management and special problems in developing nations.
Wetlands are, by their very nature, ephemeral and transitional, which makes them challenging to characterize. Yet the need for characterizing wetlands continues to grow, particularly as we develop a better understanding of the wealth of ecosystem services that they provide. Wetland Landscape Characterization: Practical Tools, Methods, and Approaches for Landscape Ecology, Second Edition shows how wetland characterization tools, methods, and approaches can be integrated to more effectively address twenty-first-century wetland issues. A Practical Toolbox for Integrated Wetland Landscape Characterization The book explains how to locate, identify, and map the extent of wetlands to learn more about their importance to society and the larger landscape. It examines jurisdictional, regulatory, and practical applications from the scientific, engineering, and lay perspectives. Fully updated, the second edition reflects an emerging infrastructural, ecosystem goods-and-services perspective to better assist readers who may encounter these concepts and challenges as they assess and characterize wetlands. Examples and case studies illustrate a variety of situations and solutions, highlighting the use of current techniques to assess, inventory, and monitor natural resources under changing conditions. These examples offer lessons and ideas for the issues encountered every day by wetland landscape ecology practitioners. The book also refers readers to additional resources to help them solve specific challenges. New in This Edition Updates of practical geospatial methods More project-driven examples A description of the pitfalls of using ecological data at landscape scales, along with solutions Alternative techniques for a variety of practitioners Linkages between field and landscape ecological practices Online resources for practitioners New illustrations This book helps readers develop the concepts, skills, and understanding of how to best achieve project goals in the rapidly changing disciplines of landscape science and wetland ecology and management. A valuable resource, it provides practical tools, methods, and approaches for conceptualizing, designing, and implementing broad-scale wetland projects that take into account critical societal linkages.
Irrigation with Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater - A Guidance Manual is for use in the planning, design, and operation of agricultural and landscape irrigation systems using reclaimed municipal wastewater. It is written for civil and sanitary engineers, agricultural engineers, and agricultural extension workers and consultants. The manual is also useful as a reference for public works officials, municipal wastewater treatment plant operators, and students at colleges and universities. The text emphasizes irrigation for the purpose of optimizing crop production; therefore, it includes detailed instruction in the calculation of crop water requirements. Furthermore, the benefits and limitations of using reclaimed municipal wastewater for agricultural and landscape irrigation are discussed, as are other topics of special interest, including water management for salinity and sodicity control, and economic and legal aspects of reclaimed wastewater irrigation.
The purpose of this book is to present practical information on the planning and conduction of river water quality monitoring studies.
The Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF) in Minnesota serves as a living laboratory and provides scientists with a fundamental understanding of peatland hydrology, acid rain impacts, nutrient and carbon cycling, trace gas emissions, and controls on mercury transport in boreal watersheds. Its important role in scientific research continues to grow as the data gathered offers invaluable insight into environmental changes over the last century and goes far in answering many of today's pressing questions at landscape and global scales. Synthesizing five decades of research, Peatland Biogeochemistry and Watershed Hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest includes hundreds of research publications, dozens of graduate theses, and even some previously unpublished studies. Research at the MEF has been at the forefront of many scientific disciplines and these 15 chapters offer the depth and breadth of long-term studies on hydrology, biogeochemistry, ecology, and forest management on peatland watersheds at the MEF. Focusing on peatlands, lakes, and upland landscapes, the book begins with the pioneering research on hydrology done during the 1960s. It presents the innovative 1970's studies of atmospheric deposition; the 1980's research into nutrient cycles including carbon, nitrogen, and methane emissions; and the 1990's investigations into mercury deposition. The book concludes with a look at the latest and on-going studies such as this century's research into controls on methylmercury production and landscape-level carbon storage and cycling. Covering 50 years of research and written by a veritable who's who in peatland and forestry science, this important milestone in the collection of ecological data highlights bright prospects for future research, including the continuation of existing long-term measurements, the initiation of new monitoring programs, and plans for unprecedented studies on climate change.
This dissertation considers various questions with respect to the effects of salinity on nutrification: what are the main inhibiting factors causing the effects, do all salts have similar effects, what is the maximum acceptable salt level, are ammonia oxidisers or nitrite oxidizers most sensitive to salt stress, can nitrifiers adapt to long term salt stress and are some specific nitrifiers more resistant to salt stress than others? Research was carried out at laboratory scale and in full-scale plants and modelling was employed in both phases to provide a mathematical description for salt inhibition on nitrification and to facilitate the comparison. The result has led to an improved understanding of the effect of salinity on nitrification. The results can be used to improve the sustainability of the exisisting wastewater treatment plants operated under salt stress.
This book represents the proceedings of the firstGreat Lakes Costal Wetlands Colloquium (November 5-7, 1984; East Lansing, Michigan). The theme wasNatural and Manipulated Water Levels in Great Lakes Wetlands. This material constitutes both Great Lakes wetlands and the state of understanding about them. It is intended to provide fisheries and wildlife biologists, ecologists, aquatic resource managers and planners and environmental scientists information about the coastal wetlands in regard to eight priority areas. The colloquium and publication of the proceedings were cosponsored by Sea Grant Program and Environment Canada.
This volume is a guide to the state of the art of activated carbon adsorption technology as applied to wastewater treatment. This book surveys this body of knowledge and is a detailed description of current technology.
Tremendous improvements in ground-water sampling methodologies and analytical technologies have made it possible to collect and analyze truly representative samples to detect increasingly lower levels of contaminants now in the sub-parts-per-billion range. Though these new methods produce more accurate and precise data and are less expensive, many companies and government agencies are reluctant to update their sampling protocols and regulations claiming the transition would be too costly. The Essential Handbook of Ground-Water Sampling clearly details the economic and scientific case for adopting these new methodologies. Citing examples of unnecessary expenditure due to the inaccuracy of out-dated techniques, the editors point out that the expense of making incorrect decisions based on poor quality samples clearly negates any savings that might be realized by using older, more inefficient, and effectively short-sighted, methods. Using numerous figures, tables, and references to recent research, the editors explain the efficiency of utilizing newer, more accurate, techniques that produce higher quality data. The text provides a detailed discussion of every aspect of ground-water sampling from the development of a sampling and analysis plan, through sample collection, pretreatment, handling, shipping, and analysis, to the documentation, interpretation, and presentation of ground-water quality data. Successful sampling events and accurate data provide a sound foundation for making important, potentially expensive decisions regarding site monitoring, risk assessment, remediation, and closure. Armed with the information presented in this handbook, environmental professionals will be able to make sound technological and economic decisions regarding the choice of sampling equipment, methodologies, and procedures to meet their site-specific objectives and ensure the success of their ground-water sampling programs.
This work describes the role of sediment transport in the operation and maintenance of demand-based downstream controlled irrigation canals. Sediment deposition in these irrigation canals severely affects the operation of the automatic flow control system. The book also discusses sediment transport modelling in irrigation canals. A simplified 1-D mathematical model SETRIC (Sediment Transport in Irrigation Canals) has been improved with the inclusion of downstream control component for the downstream controlled irrigation canals. Based on field measurements and sediment transport modelling, a number of approaches have been proposed for sediment management in such irrigation canals by improvement in their design and operation. This book will be of interest to Irrigation Engineers and Managers, Hydraulic Engineers, Water Resources Engineers and Managers, Civil Engineers, and Agricultural Engineers.
Pollution of water sources with emerging contaminants (micropollutants) is a fact known worldwide. Although the risks of micropollutants in sources of water are partly recognized, interpretation of consequences are controversial; thus, the future effects of altered water with micropollutants remains uncertain and may constitute a point of concern for human beings when potable water consumption is involved. Therefore, many drinking water utilities target as an important goal high-quality drinking water production to lessen quality considerations that may arise from the consumers. In this thesis, by means of the use of multivariate data analysis techniques, removal quantification is effectively determined and more understanding of the separation of micropollutants by membranes is achieved.
Nowadays the environmental sustainability of the cropping systems is increasingly requested by the consumers. Conventional tillage practices, totally turning over the soil between the vineyard rows, may cause erosion due to rain as well as structure destruction of the soil in the long term. Conservation tillage is a soil management technique, poorly widespread in Sardinia, allowing cover cropping between vineyard rows. Furthermore, this technique makes the canopy development control of herbage possible by cutting it up during specific phenological phases. Conservation tillage usually involves direct benefits to farmers such as increasing soil fertility as well as reductionof tillage costs, soil erosion and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the atmosphere. This long term trial, during at least five years aims to assess the conservation tillage impact on chemical-physical soil characteristics in comparison with traditional tillage by evaluating the change of organic matter, C.E.C. and availability of major plant nutrients in the soil and to estimate their probable rise. The field plots are located in a 35% slope condition vineyard, showing massive erosion problem and organic matter low content. A split/plot design with four replications was set up, with the comparison between conservation and traditional tillage apart as main plots. Moreover, the effects of two different irrigation levels were evaluated in the subplots of each main plot. At the beginning of the trial (2011) a pedological survey was made. Three soil profiles were described and sampled along the field slope and soil sampling in each plot were made both to characterize the soil and to find the zero point. The soil chemical and physical characteristics were monitored through a second soil sampling made at the end of 2013. Conservation tillage caused increasing organic matter content and C.E.C. values. As for major plant nutrients in soil, results were more uncertain. Grapevine yield and quality parameters did not show any negative effect when passing from conventional to conservation tillage techniques. The trial provided a preliminary positive evaluation of conservation tillage. However, more years are required to confirm this trend.
The sustainable management of waste water should aim at pollution prevention and reduction first, followed by resource recovery and reuse. This work shows that substantial water quality improvements could be achieved through a so-called 3-Step Strategic Approach. The frameworks developed in this research for managing water on-site and at centralized and de-centralized levels can be used in re-designing current systems or designing new systems that make optimal use of wastewater components whilst minimising pollution.
This new book offers an engineer's perspective on the history of water technology and its impact on the development of civilisation. A Second Edition and translation into English of the French book "L'Hydraulique dans les Civilisations Anciennes". Water professionals, engineers, scientists, and students will find this book fascinating and invaluable to their understanding of the fundamental role of water engineering in the development of civilization. The book abounds with descriptions of hydraulic techniques in the civilizations of the classical era and the Middle Ages, including illustrations and translated descriptions of ancient observers and authors. The work is unique in offering an engineer's perspective not only on the history of water technology, but also demonstration of the genesis of ideas and the transmissions of ideas and technology from one age and civilization to the next. The book is especially noteworthy for its efforts to situate hydraulic developments in their historical and intellectual context.
This dissertation considers various questions with respect to the effects of salinity on nutrification: what are the main inhibiting factors causing the effects, do all salts have similar effects, what is the maximum acceptable salt level, are ammonia oxidisers or nitrite oxidizers most sensitive to salt stress, can nitrifiers adapt to long term salt stress and are some specific nitrifiers more resistant to salt stress than others? Research was carried out at laboratory scale and in full-scale plants and modelling was employed in both phases to provide a mathematical description for salt inhibition on nitrification and to facilitate the comparison. The result has led to an improved understanding of the effect of salinity on nitrification. The results can be used to improve the sustainability of the exisisting wastewater treatment plants operated under salt stress.
One quarter of the world's population lives in karst terrains, yet karsts are highly vulnerable to stresses caused by human activity. This book surveys human impact on karst water, showing that the increasing pollution of the environment has, to a great extent, spoiled sensitive karst ecosystems. This text examines such consequences and offers proposals for future solutions and strategies. Part One provides an overview of the functioning of karsts and of human interaction with karst environments over several millennia. Part Two consists of a systematic examination of the major areas of human activity affecting karst waters, such as agriculture, industry, mining and water exploitation. Finally, Part Three views the effects on karst groundwater within a broader societal and legislative perspective and considers possible changes of methodology and approach.
This study investigates the patterns that describe reliability of water distribution networks focusing to the node connectivity, energy balance, and economics of construction, operation and maintenance. A number of measures to evaluate the network resilience has been developed and assessed to arrive at more accurate diagnostics of regular and irregular demand scenarios. These measures have been proposed as a part of the methodology for snap-shot assessment of network reliability based on its configuration and hydraulic performance. Practical outcome of the research is the decision support tool for reliability-based design of water distribution networks. This computer package named NEDRA (Network Design and Reliability Assessment) consists of the modules for network generation, filtering, initialisation, optimisation, diagnostics and cost calculation, which can be used for sensitivity analyses of single network layout or assessments of multiple layouts. The study concludes that none of the analysed aspects develops clear singular patterns. Nevertheless, the proposed network buffer index (NBI) and the hydraulic reliability diagram (HRD) as visual representation of the network resilience give sufficient snap-shot pointing the composition of the index value, and displaying possible weak points in the network that can be hidden behind the averaged values of various reliability measures.
Despite the apparently desperate situation of sub-Saharan Africa, rainwater harvesting and management is a viable intervention for upgrading rain-fed agriculture, improving water supply and sustainable livelihoods in water-scarce river basins. If strategies are developed to ensure equity allocation of basin water, a win-win situation for diverse water users can be achieved. This thesis assesses the hydrological impacts of land use changes on water resources management and socio-economic development of the upper Ewaso Ng iro river basin in Kenya. It considers the impact of irrigation on dry season river flows and highlights the challenge of flood storage strategies. While flood storage can reduce dry season irrigation water abstractions by more than a half, without affecting hydro-ecological functions downstream, unplanned flood harvesting may impact negatively on flood flow, being detrimental to natural ecosystems and groundwater downstream.
Spellman's Standard Handbook for Wastewater Operators is a three-volume study guide and readily accessible source of information for review in preparing wastewater personnel for operator certification and licensure. These handbooks are resource manuals and troubleshooting guides that contain a compilation of wastewater treatment information, data, operational material, process control procedures and problem solving, safety and health information, new trends in wastewater treatment administration and technology, and numerous sample problem-solving practice sets, many based on actual tests. The Handbook volumes review the wastewater operator's job-related knowledge as job requirements identified by the examination developers as essential for a minimally competent Class IV through Class I or Grade I through Grade V wastewater treatment plant operator. Every attempt has been made to make the three Handbook volumes as comprehensive as possible, while maintaining their compact, practical format. |
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