Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs > Aspects of religions (non-Christian) > Worship
Sobre la base de su trabajo innovador que une la oracion y la
salud, el reconocido autor y medico Larry Dossey ofrece nuevas
maneras de mirar a la oracion y nos dice como pueden aprovechar sus
notables poderes curativos. No importa que forma toma su fe, La
oracion es buena medicina le inspirara una nueva apreciacion de
como la oracion puede lograr un cambio saludable - y le dara las
herramientas para que esto ocurra.
A Novice's Guide Through the Jewish Holidays explores the
traditions, historical events along with Hebrew blessings in
transliteration of the holidays for all people of diverse faiths
and learning skills. The book engages and encourages the reader to
become comfortable practicing the observances of the holidays. This
guide will inspire and enlighten multi-generational and interfaith
families to learn together. There are recipes and decorations to
enhance the richness and beauty of each holiday. The special gift
of this book is to bring a better understanding of the Jewish
people's rich heritage. May your thirst for knowledge never be
For Christians, prayer is the main way we communicate with God -
but what can we do when we struggle with the question of how to
pray or feel our prayer lives are lacking? Seven Ways to Pray
explores how by looking to ancient prayer practices of
Christianity, we can find fresh ways to relate to God today.
Discovering these tried and tested tools will not only strengthen
our relationship with him but will bring us joy, contentment,
growth and transformation. With warmth and encouragement, Amy
Boucher Pye takes us through seven ways to pray to God: praying
with the Bible, receiving and extending forgiveness, practicing
God's presence, listening prayer, the prayer of lament, praying
with the gospels imaginatively and the prayer of examen. Guiding us
through their history, she shows us how easily we can make these
prayer practices part of our lives and use them to grow closer to
God. Along with prayer exercises to help us engage directly with
God, there are questions for individual reflection or small-group
discussion, making Seven Ways to Pray perfect to use as a family,
in churches or with friends. This is a book for anyone who has ever
wondered how to pray or is looking for ways to revitalise their
prayer lives. It will give you an understanding of some of the
oldest prayer practices of Christianity, and equip you with the
tools you need to renew and refresh your relationship with God.
Come along, and discover Seven Ways to Pray.