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The concept of emotional intelligence (EI), which has steadily
gained acceptance in psychology, seems particularly well suited to
the work of school counselors and school psychologists who must
constantly deal with troubled and underperforming students. To
date, however, no book has systematically explained the theoretical
and scientific foundations of emotional intelligence and integrated
this information into the roles and functions of school counselors
and other school personnel. In addition to illustrating how social
emotional learning is important to both individual students and to
school climate, the book also shows school counselors how to expand
their own emotional awareness and resiliency.
This timely and important collection broadens our understanding of the ways in which lay theories (also known as folk psychologies, implicit theories, naive theories, or mindsets) impact our lives and social relations. Moving well beyond lay theories as applied to intelligence and achievement, this volume considers lay theories in an admirably wide context, including perspectives on prejudice, creativity, self-regulation, health, free will, justice, magic, religion and more. Eminent and emerging scholars alike provide a comprehensive overview that presents and synthesizes cutting edge contemporary research on lay theories, spanning social, cognitive, developmental, cultural, and clinical psychology. Structurally, this volume is organized in three parts. Beginning with a preface by renowned scholar Carol Dweck, the first part looks at the origins and nature of lay theories, and how malleable they are. The second part explores lay theories about common psychological phenomena. The third section discusses lay theories about the metaphysical or supernatural. Finally, the last section explores the important question of how lay theories impact health and health behavior. Taken together, the chapters provide an integrative survey of the science of lay theories, bringing together many perspectives that previously have been studied largely in isolation. This volume is more than the sum of its parts-perspectives from different strands of research provide insights that cut across research disciplines, making novel connections and prompting new directions for this field of study. Shedding light on how our beliefs shape all facets of our lives, The Science of Lay Theories: How Beliefs Shape Our Cognition, Behavior, and Health will appeal to researchers and practitioners in psychology, as well as philosophers, cognitive and developmental neuroscientists, religious scholars, sociologists, and anthropologists. It is very rare to say of an edited volume of scholarly chapters "I couldn't put it down!" Yet that was the case with this book. It's not just that I have worked in this field for many years, but rather, with every chapter I felt I was gaining new insights into what, deep down, people really believe and how these beliefs influence their lives-Carol Dweck, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA
The concept of emotional intelligence (EI), which has steadily
gained acceptance in psychology, seems particularly well suited to
the work of school counselors and school psychologists who must
constantly deal with troubled and underperforming students. To
date, however, no book has systematically explained the theoretical
and scientific foundations of emotional intelligence and integrated
this information into the roles and functions of school counselors
and other school personnel. In addition to illustrating how social
emotional learning is important to both individual students and to
school climate, the book also shows school counselors how to expand
their own emotional awareness and resiliency.
Die Lehrerbildung befindet sich derzeit erneut in einem Reformprozess. Vielerorts werden entsprechend neue Curricula entwickelt und akkreditiert. Seit mehr als 30 Jahren gibt es Lernwerkstatten an Hochschulen, teils versteckt in Nischen, mehr als Refugien, zunehmend werden sie aber auch bewusst als innovative Lernorte in der Hochschullandschaft wahrgenommen. Mogliche Wirkungsfelder von Lernwerkstatten an Hochschulen sind je nach Situation sehr unterschiedlich. In Teilbereichen kann man sie separat betrachten, es gibt aber auch viele Schnittmengen, die besonders das Potential dieser Hochschuleinrichtungen fur Konzepte der Lehrerbildung verdeutlichen. Fokus dieses Sammelbandes ist der Blick auf mogliche Beitrage und Impulse von Lernwerkstatten im Bereich des Studiums und der Lehre.
In der praktischen Umsetzung wird die Speicherung von Wissen meist unter dem Aspekt des technisch Moeglichen und nicht unter jenem des funktional Sinnvollen gesehen. Barbara Muller zeigt, dass die "Theorie sozialer Systeme" neue Perspektiven in die Wissensmanagement-Diskussion einbringen kann, indem sie den Einfluss von Erwartungsstrukturen auf den Prozess der Wissensretention in High Tech und Beratungsunternehmen analysiert.
Jorgen Johansen (Peace Activist, Trainer and Researcher, with expertise in the conflicts in Colombia, India, Congo, Cameron, China, Palestine, Israel, Indonesia, and other areas) writes on this book: "The international peace movement changed its strategy in the early nineties. From mainly working in their own countries members moved into the war zones in large numbers. This had been done earlier, but not on such a large scale. The new context rendered most of their experiences out of date. Many tried and some failed. It was obviously not enough to be armed with good intentions. What was functioning well outside US Embassies or in their home constituencies could not be copied on the battlefields. In order to learn from these new types of intervention and improve organisation for coming campaigns, it is crucial to soberly evaluate newly gained experience. Barbara Muller has studied the Balkan Peace Team and its work in Croatia, Serbia and Kosovo. The present book presents a critical and thorough evaluation of this important project. In a true 'Gandhian' tradition, the author takes the reader on a tour through this "experiment with the truth." This is far from being a list of ovations for the volunteers who spent years in the Balkans doing their best. The most useful parts of the present book are the detailed descriptions of the complexity and difficulties facing such projects. Organised by a number of peace organisations from different backgrounds and cultures, and run by a similar diversity of people each in their own particular field, it should not come as a surprise to anyone to realise that the difficulties were numerous. And to work in a war zone obviously adds to the list of challenges. All in all, the Balkan Peace Team did a great job and it deserves the recognition found in this detailed documentation and critical examination. No organisation should venture to plan such a project without first reading this important book. Neither should any volunteers be sent to a conflict area without having this book on their obligatory assignments list."
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Pflegewissenschaften, Note: 1,0, Alice-Salomon Hochschule Berlin, 108 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Wahrheit ist von dieser Welt; in dieser wird sie aufgrund vielfaltiger Zwange produziert, verfugt sie uber geregelte Machtwirkungen. Jede Gesellschaft hat ihre eigene Ordnung der Wahrheit, ...]; es gibt Mechanismen und Instanzen, die eine Unterscheidung von wahren und falschen Aussagen ermoglichen und den Modus festlegen, in dem die einen oder die anderen sanktioniert werden; es gibt einen Status fur jene, die daruber zu befinden haben, was wahr ist und was nicht. (Foucault 1978: 51) Die Analyse des gesundheitspolitischen Diskurses erfolgt aus einer sozialwissenschaftlichen Perspektive unter dem Paradigma der sozialen Beziehungen des Menschen und seiner Einbindung in gemeinsame Sinnsysteme und Wissensordnungen. Methodologisch und methodisch verortet ist sie im Ansatz der Wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse nach Reiner Keller, begrundet auf der Diskurstheorie von Michel Foucault. Die Analyse der sprachlichen Elemente beruht auf dem methodischen Instrument der Kollektivsymbolik nach Jurgen Link. Der institutionell-organisatorische Kontext bildet die Gesundheitspolitik in Deutschland; das diskursive Ereignis bildet die Gesundheitsreform 2003. Die Analyse untersucht die medialen Diskussionen ausgewahlter Pressetexte im Jahr 2004, das Jahr des In-Kraft-Tretens der Gesundheitsreform. Sie untersucht die Aussageereignisse auf der Grundlage der sprachlichen Ausserungen und Bedeutungszuschreibungen der Akteure, ihre dimensionale und inhaltliche Auspragung auf den Diskursebenen der Ethik, Wirtschaft, Politik und des Gesellschaftssystems. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Strukturen der Auseinandersetzung innerhalb der sozialen Praktiken der Akteure im Umgang mit der Gesundheitsreform 2003 und ihre Einbettung in die Entwicklungen sozialer Veranderungen in einem ubergreifenden soziokulturellen Kontext
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