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The word 'diaspora' has leapt from its previously confined use -
mainly concerned with the dispersion of Jews, Greeks, Armenians and
Africans away from their natal homelands - to cover the cases of
many other ethnic groups, nationalities and religions. But this
'horizontal' scattering of the word to cover the mobility of many
groups to many destinations, has been paralleled also by 'vertical'
leaps, with the word diaspora being deployed to cover more and more
phenomena and serve more and more objectives of different actors.
With sections on 'debating the concept', 'complexity', 'home and
home-making', 'connections' and 'critiques', the Routledge Handbook
of Diaspora Studies is likely to remain an authoritative reference
for some time. Each contribution includes a targeted list of
references for further reading. The editors have carefully blended
established scholars of diaspora with younger scholars looking at
how diasporas are constructed 'from below'. The adoption of a
variety of conceptual perspectives allows for generalization,
contrasts and comparisons between cases. In this exciting and
authoritative collection over 40 scholars from many countries have
explored the evolving use of the concept of diaspora, its
possibilities as well as its limitations. This Handbook will be
indispensable for students undertaking essays, debates and
dissertations in the field.
The word 'diaspora' has leapt from its previously confined use -
mainly concerned with the dispersion of Jews, Greeks, Armenians and
Africans away from their natal homelands - to cover the cases of
many other ethnic groups, nationalities and religions. But this
'horizontal' scattering of the word to cover the mobility of many
groups to many destinations, has been paralleled also by 'vertical'
leaps, with the word diaspora being deployed to cover more and more
phenomena and serve more and more objectives of different actors.
With sections on 'debating the concept', 'complexity', 'home and
home-making', 'connections' and 'critiques', the Routledge Handbook
of Diaspora Studies is likely to remain an authoritative reference
for some time. Each contribution includes a targeted list of
references for further reading. The editors have carefully blended
established scholars of diaspora with younger scholars looking at
how diasporas are constructed 'from below'. The adoption of a
variety of conceptual perspectives allows for generalization,
contrasts and comparisons between cases. In this exciting and
authoritative collection over 40 scholars from many countries have
explored the evolving use of the concept of diaspora, its
possibilities as well as its limitations. This Handbook will be
indispensable for students undertaking essays, debates and
dissertations in the field.
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Sozialpadagogik /
Sozialarbeit, Note: 2,1, Duale Hochschule Baden-Wurttemberg,
Ravensburg, fruher: Berufsakademie Ravensburg, Sprache: Deutsch,
Abstract: Diese Arbeit beinhaltet Erklarungen fur einen Amoklauf an
Schulen und beschaftigt sich weiterhin mit der Frage, inwieweit die
Sozialarbeit dazu beitragen kann, in direktem Kontakt mit
potenziellen Tatern und deren Umfeld, einen Amoklauf zu verhindern.
Nach einem konkreten Fallbeispiel werden die wichtigsten Begriffe
wie Amoklauf und School Shooting erklart. Der soziale Stellenwert
dieses Themas wird dann anhand von gesellschaftlichen Befunden wie
dem Setting Schule oder der Gesetzeslage in Deutschland
verdeutlicht. Mit Hilfe verschiedener Studien wird dann das
Phanomen des Amoklaufs an Schulen genauer betrachtet und
interpretiert. In einem weiteren Teil wird das Phanomen des
Amoklaufs auch bezuglich soziologischer und psychologischer
Erklarungsansatze untersucht, die neben der Thematik der Phantasie
auch kriminologische Kontrolltheorien beinhalten. Besondere
Beachtung finden auch Nachahmungstaten und Medien, um damit
schliesslich die Grundlagen der moglichen Pravention zu bilden. Im
Anschluss werden diese Erklarungsansatze auf den Beispielfall
angewendet. Als nachster Punkt der Arbeit wird die Auswirkung auf
die Betroffenen, im Sinne der Traumabewaltigung behandelt. In einem
weiteren Schritt werden die Moglichkeiten der Pravention und
Intervention durch Soziale Arbeit naher betrachtet. Besondere
Beachtung findet dabei neben den Praventionsmodellen die
primarpraventive Arbeit und die auf das Fallbeispiel bezogenen
Praventions- und Interventionsmoglichkeiten
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