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Globalization, European integration, and social change have
devaluated traditional social democratic policy instruments. This
book compares and explores how social democratic governments have
had to adapt and whether they have successfully managed to uphold
old social democratic goals and values in the light of these
challenges. This volume examines the policy measures of social
democratic parties in government in a comparative framework. The
authors focus on traditional social democratic goals and tools, in
particular, fiscal, employment, and social policy, in the United
Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark.
They identify three policy patterns in social democratic
governments: traditional, modernized, and liberalized social
democracy and provide a comparative account of the explanatory
power of the national context for policy adopted by social
democratic parties. Finally, the extent to which social democratic
parties have been able to use the European Union as a political
space for social democratic governance and policy-making is
examined. Social Democracy in Power will be of interest to students
and scholars of politics, comparative politics, European studies
and public policy.
Globalization, European integration, and social change have
devaluated traditional social democratic policy instruments. This
book compares and explores how social democratic governments have
had to adapt and whether they have successfully managed to uphold
old social democratic goals and values in the light of these
challenges. This volume examines the policy measures of social
democratic parties in government in a comparative framework. The
authors focus on traditional social democratic goals and tools, in
particular, fiscal, employment, and social policy, in the United
Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark.
They identify three policy patterns in social democratic
governments: traditional, modernized, and liberalized social
democracy and provide a comparative account of the explanatory
power of the national context for policy adopted by social
democratic parties. Finally, the extent to which social democratic
parties have been able to use the European Union as a political
space for social democratic governance and policy-making is
examined. Social Democracy in Power will be of interest to students
and scholars of politics, comparative politics, European studies
and public policy.
The Munich-based German Research Council-funded post-graduate
research group 'Textual Criticism as a Basis and Method in
Historical Studies' brought together editor and text theoreticians
from the Classics, art history, musicology and philosophy. The
interdisciplinary nature of the research group is reflected in the
contributions to this collection, which contains smaller-scale
editions and manuscript studies alongside studies on text theory
and editing history. The volume marks the 65th birthday of Hans
Walter Gabler, who was spokesman of the research group from 1996 to
its conclusion in 2002.
With reference to the relationship between text and author, a
subject as challenging as it is problematic in textual criticism
terms, the members of the Munich postgraduate research group on
ATextual Criticism as Foundation and Method in Historical StudiesA
here present the findings of their Venice symposium and in so doing
give impressive evidence of their competence on the practical and
theoretical plane. The range of subjects addressed stretches from
inscriptions from the ancient world and medieval authorial
awareness to musical works of the Renaissance and from there to
texts culled from present-day literary works. In terms of editorial
history, the spectrum extends from the beginnings of textual
criticism in the writings of J.J. Bodmer and J. Grimm to the
textual genesis approach in editorial practice of the modern age.
Ende der 90er Jahre waren sozialdemokratische Parteien in den
meisten Landern der Europaischen Union an der Regierung beteiligt.
Wie erfolgreich waren die unterschiedlichen Parteien in ihrer
Reformpolitik? Folgten sie einem einheitlichen Dritten Weg? Mit dem
Buch liegt eine in sich geschlossene, vergleichende empirische
Untersuchung der Regierungspolitik sozialdemokratischer Parteien
auf europaischer Ebene seit Mitte der 90er Jahre vor. Auf Grundlage
von Landerstudien (zu Grossbritannien, Frankreich, Deutschland,
Niederlande, Schweden und Danemark) wird die Politik
sozialdemokratischer Regierungen analysiert und deren Fiskal-,
Beschaftigungs- und Sozialpolitik in vergleichender Perspektive
bewertet. Ausserdem untersuchen die Autoren, inwieweit
sozialdemokratische Parteien die Europaische Union zur Erweiterung
ihres Handlungsspielraumes nutzten.
Diploma Thesis from the year 2008 in the subject Computer Science -
Applied, grade: 1, Technical University of Berlin, language:
English, abstract: Network Measurements play an essential role in
operating and developing today's Internet. A variety of measurement
applications demand for multipoint network measurements, e.g.
service providers need to validate their delay guarantees from
Service Level Agreements and network engineers have incentives to
track where packets are changed, reordered, lost or delayed.
Multipoint measurements create an immense amount of measurement
data which demands for high resource measurement infrastructure.
Data selection techniques, like sampling and filtering, provide
efficient solutions for reducing resource consumption while still
maintaining sufficient information about the metrics of interest.
But not all selection techniques are suitable for multipoint
measurements; only deterministic filtering allows a synchronized
selection of packets at multiple observation points. Nevertheless a
fillter bases its selection decision on the packet content and
hence is suspect to bias, i.e the selected subset is not
representative for the whole population. Hash-based selection is a
filtering method that tries to emulate random selection in order to
obtain a representative sample for accurate estimations of traffic
characteristics. The subject of the thesis is to assess which hash
function and which packet content should be used for hash-based
selection to obtain a seemingly random and unbiased selection of
packets. This thesis empirically analyzes 25 hash functions and
different packet content combinations on their suitability for
hash-based selection. Experiments are based on a collection of 7
real traffic groups from different networks.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1996 im Fachbereich
Ingenieurwissenschaften - Nachrichtentechnik /
Kommunikationstechnik, Note: 1,0, Technische Universitat Dortmund
(Unbekannt), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung:
Die optische Nachrichtentechnik gewinnt in der Telekommunikation
mit dem wachsenden Bedarf an hohen Ubertragungsraten und der
Globalisierung der Informationsverarbeitung an Bedeutung. Die
Bauteile der integrierten Optik sind aufgrund ihrer
Anwendungsmoglichkeiten innerhalb der optischen Nachrichtentechnik
von grossem Interesse, da bei Verteilungs- und Schaltfunktionen auf
die Umwandlung in elektrische Signale verzichtet werden kann. Das
im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit betrachtete Bauteil, der passive
optische Sternkoppler, findet vorwiegend in lokalen Netzen seine
Anwendung. Die hierbei verwendbaren Materialien mussen
gewahrleisten, dass die Lichtwellenleiter geringe
Ubertragungsverluste durch Dampfung und Dispersion besitzen und
reproduzierbar herzustellen sind. Die Moglichkeit der Kopplung an
andere optische Komponenten wie Glasfasern, Lichtquellen und
Photodetektoren ist ebenso wichtig. Diese Forderungen erfullen
verschiedene Substratmaterialien wie z. B. Glas, Polymere und nicht
zuletzt Silizium. Die Herstellung des Sternkopplers auf
Siliziumsubstrat hat verschiedene Vorteile. Standardsiliziumwafer
besitzen eine qualitativ hochwertige Oberflache und sind deshalb
ein geeignetes Substrat fur optische Wellenleiter. Die
Siliziumtechnologie ist gut erforscht und zur Abscheidung und
Strukturierung der Lichtwellenleiterschichten kann auf Verfahren
der Halbleitertechnologie zuruckgegriffen werden. Ein weiterer
Vorteil ist das einfach herzustellende, arteigene Oxid des
Siliziums mit guten optischen Eigenschaften. Aufgrund des grossen
finanziellen und zeitlichen Aufwandes ist es sinnvoll, vor der
technologischen Realisierung eine simulatorische Opitimierung
durchzufuhren. Aus diesem Grund teilt sich diese Diplomarbeit zu
etwa gleichen Teilen in einen
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