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A contemporary, fact-filled resource on the historical, legal,
medical, and political aspects of a wide variety of sexual crimes.
Authoritative and informative, Sexual Crime: A Reference Handbook
offers a thoroughly up-to-date report on an issue of extraordinary
urgency. It is an expert introduction to a variety of often
misunderstood crimes. Sexual Crime begins with a background chapter
outlining the causes and definitions of sexual crime, legal and
cultural attitudes over the past three centuries, and common myths
surrounding this sensitive subject. It then offers wide ranging
coverage of issues, including date rape, crimes involving male
victims, rape in prison, female perpetrators, medical treatments,
political ramifications, and other contemporary issues. A
chronology of events related to sexual crime from colonial times to
present, as well as a Facts and Data chapter with a range of
informative statistics and excerpts of pivotal legal decisions
Biographical sketches of nearly 35 activists, scholars,
policymakers, and other notable figures involved in the efforts to
fight sexual crimes
This title takes a calendrical approach to illuminating the history
of Latinos and life in the United States and adds more value than a
simple "this day in history" through primary source excerpts and
resources for further research. Latino/a history has been
relatively slow in gaining recognition despite the population's
rich and varied history. Engaging and informative, Latino History
Day by Day: A Reference Guide to Events will help address that
oversight. Much more than just a "this-day-in-history" list, the
guide describes important events in Latino/a history, augmenting
many entries with a brief excerpt from a primary document. All
entries include two annotated books and websites as key resources
for follow up. The day-to-day reference is organized by the 365
days of the year with each day drawing from events that span
several hundred years of Latino/a history, from Mexican Americans
to Puerto Ricans to Cuban Americans. With this guide in hand,
teachers will be able to more easily incorporate Latino/a history
into their classes. Students will find the book an easy-to-use
guide to the Latino/a past and an ideal starting place for
research. Hundreds of chronologically arranged entries featuring
events and information about Latino/a history in the United States
An introduction that overviews the importance of Latino history in
a day-by-day approach A preface that explains the scope,
methodology, and rationale for coverage Primary-source excerpts for
some events and two vetted books and websites for all events
Cells can be funny. Try to grow them with a slightly wrong recipe,
and they turn over and die. But hit them with an electric field
strong enough to knock over a horse, and they do enough things to
justify international meetings, to fill a sizable book, and to lead
one to speak of an entirely new technology for cell manipulation.
The very improbability of these events not only raises questions
about why things happen but also leads to a long list of practical
systems in which the application of strong electric fields might
enable the merger of cell contents or the introduction of alien but
vital material. Inevitably, the basic questions and the practical
applications will not keep in step. The questions are intrinsically
tough. It is hard enough to analyze the action of the relatively
weak fields that rotate or align cells, but it is nearly impossible
to predict responses to the cell-shredding bursts of electricity
that cause them to fuse or to open up to very large molecular
assemblies. Even so, theoretical studies and systematic examination
of model systems have produced some creditable results, ideas which
should ultimately provide hints of what to try next.
Major help for African American history term papers has arrived
to enrich and stimulate students in challenging and enjoyable ways.
Students from high school age to undergraduate will be able to get
a jump start on assignments with the hundreds of term paper
projects and research information offered here in an easy-to-use
format. Users can quickly choose from the 100 important events,
spanning from the expansion of the slave trade to North America in
1581 to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Each event
entry begins with a brief summary to pique interest and then offers
original and thought-provoking term paper ideas in both standard
and alternative formats that often incorporate the latest in
electronic media, such as iPod and iMovie. The best in primary and
secondary sources for further research are then annotated, followed
by vetted, stable Web site suggestions and multimedia resources,
usually films, for further viewing and listening. Librarians and
faculty will want to use this as well.
With this book, the research experience is transformed and
elevated. "Term Paper Resource Guide to African American History"
is an invaluable source to motivate and educate students who have a
wide range of interests and talents. The events chronicle the long
struggle for freedom and equal rights for African Americans.
Developing Organisational Consultancy provides consultants with
theoretical and practical advice on how to handle typical
consultancy challenges. Well-established organisational consultants
from the UK and the USA offer descriptions of problems they have
encountered in their work, theoretical and practical approaches
that they have found helpful, cases from their actual practice, and
advice about how to apply their suggested approach generally.
Chapters are grouped together to address three key areas of
interest to consultants: * evolving a professional stance *
considering psychodynamic approaches * applying organisational
theory. For both experienced and newly-practising organiszational
and management consultants, this book is a valuable source of
reference and the key to developing a more aware and successful
Franz Neumann's classic account of the governmental workings of
Nazi Germany, first published in 1942, is reprinted in a new
paperback edition with an introduction by the distinguished
historian Peter Hayes. Neumann was one of the only early Frankfurt
School thinkers to examine seriously the problem of political
institutions. After the rise of the Nazis to power, his emphasis
shifted to an analysis of economic power, and then after the war to
political psychology. But his contributions in Behemoth were
groundbreaking: that the Nazi organization of society involved the
collapse of traditional ideas of the state, of ideology, of law,
and even of any underlying rationality. The book must be studied,
not simply read, Raul Hilberg wrote. The most experienced
researchers will tell us that the scarcest commodity in academic
life is an original idea. If someone has two or three, he is rich.
Franz Neumann was a rich man. Published in association with the
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Cells can be funny. Try to grow them with a slightly wrong recipe,
and they turn over and die. But hit them with an electric field
strong enough to knock over a horse, and they do enough things to
justify international meetings, to fill a sizable book, and to lead
one to speak of an entirely new technology for cell manipulation.
The very improbability of these events not only raises questions
about why things happen but also leads to a long list of practical
systems in which the application of strong electric fields might
enable the merger of cell contents or the introduction of alien but
vital material. Inevitably, the basic questions and the practical
applications will not keep in step. The questions are intrinsically
tough. It is hard enough to analyze the action of the relatively
weak fields that rotate or align cells, but it is nearly impossible
to predict responses to the cell-shredding bursts of electricity
that cause them to fuse or to open up to very large molecular
assemblies. Even so, theoretical studies and systematic examination
of model systems have produced some creditable results, ideas which
should ultimately provide hints of what to try next.
Understanding the impacts of climate change on economic behaviour
is an important aspect of deciding when to take policy actions to
prevent or mitigate its consequences. This book applies advanced
new economics methodologies to assess impacts on potentially
vulnerable aspects of the US economy: agriculture, timber, coastal
resources, energy expenditure, fishing, outdoor recreation. It is
intended to provide improved understanding of key issues raised in
the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
reports. It concludes that some climate change may produce economic
gains in the agriculture and forestry sectors, whereas energy,
coastal structures, and water sectors may be harmed. The book will
serve as an important reference for the scientific, economic, and
policy community, and will also be of interest to natural
resource/environmental economists as an example of economic
valuation techniques. The volume will clearly be of main importance
to researchers and policymakers in the US, but will also be
influential as a model for assessment of impacts on economies
Die Strasse dient dem Verkehr, der von Fussgangern, Viehherden,
Radfahrern und Fahrzeugen sehr verschiedener Art, die der .
Personen-oder GuterbE>foerderung dienen, gebildet wird. Streifen
der Strassen werden auch von Fahrzeugen benutzt, die an Schienen
gebunden sind. Die Fahrzeuge werden zum Teil von Zugtieren bewegt,
teils sind sie Selbstfahrer. Die Selbstfahrer sind Fahrrader,
Motorrader (MR. ), Personenkraftwagen (PKW. ), Lastkraftwagen (LKW.
), Zugmaschinen (ZM. )' und Sonderfahrzeuge wie z. B.
landwirtschaftliche Gerate. Diese Mischung sehr verschiedener
Verkehrsglieder auf den Fahrbahnen der Strassen hat minde stens
ebensosehr dem Strassenbau neue Aufgaben gestellt, wie die
besonderen Eigenschaften der Selbstfahrer (Kraftwagen) im Vergleich
zu dem fruheren Spannverkehr, die durch das hoehere Gewicht, das
angetriebene Rad an Stelle des gezogenen und durch die wesentlich
hoehere Fahrgeschwindigkeit gekennzeich net sind. Aber diese
Merkmale beschreiben den tatsachlichen Zustand nur angenahert. Die
in den letzten Jahren durchgefuhrten Untersuchungen am Kraftwagen
haben gezeigt, dass die grossen lebendigen Krafte, die vom
Kraftwagenmotor ausgehen und durch die Antriebsrader auf die
Strasse ubertragen we:cden, weiterhin die grossen Massenkrafte, die
im Kraftwagen, besonders im L:((W. , aufgespeichert sind und
ausserdem das Kraftespiel, zufolge ausserer Einwirkungen auf den
Lauf des Wagens, wie Luftwiderstand, Wind, Fahrbahnunebenheiten,
die seinen Lauf beeinflussen, einen Kraftschluss zwischen Rad und
Fahrbahn erfordern, den man fruher nicht genugend beachtet hatte,
der aber unter allen Bedingungen vorhanden sein muss, da er in
erster Linie die Sicherheit des Verkehrs gewahr leistet.
Agriculture is one of the most climate-sensitive of all economic
sectors. Azerbaijan is one of the many countries where the majority
of the rural population depends on agriculture directly or
indirectly for their livelihood. Further, changes in climate and
their impacts on agricultural systems and rural economies are
already evident throughout Europe and Central Asia. The risks
associated with climate change therefore pose an immediate and
fundamental problem in the country. Adaptation measures now in use
in Azerbaijan, largely piecemeal efforts, will be insufficient to
prevent impacts on agricultural production over the coming decades.
As a result, there is growing interest at country and development
partner levels to have a better understanding of the exposure,
sensitivities, and impacts of climate change at the farm level, and
to develop and prioritize adaptation measures to mitigate the
adverse consequences. Beginning in 2009, the World Bank embarked on
a program for selected Eastern Europe and Central Asian (ECA)
client countries to enhance their ability to mainstream climate
change adaptation into agricultural policies, programs, and
investments. This multi-stage effort has included activities to
raise awareness of the threat, analyze potential impacts and
adaptation responses, and build capacity among client country
stakeholders and ECA Bank staff with respect to climate change and
the agricultural sector. This study, Reducing the Vulnerability of
Azerbaijan s Agricultural Systems to Climate Change, is the
culmination of efforts by the Azerbaijani institutions and
researchers, the World Bank, and a team of international experts to
jointly undertake an analytical study to address potential impacts
climate change may have on Azerbaijan s agricultural sector, but,
more importantly, to develop a list of prioritized measures to
adapt to those impacts. Specifically, this study provides a menu of
options for climate change adaptation in the agricultural and water
resources sectors, along with specific recommended actions that are
tailored to distinct agricultural regions within Azerbaijan. These
recommendations reflect the results of three inter-related
activities, conducted jointly by the expert team and local
partners: 1) quantitative economic modeling of baseline conditions
and the effects of certain adaptation options; 2) qualitative
analysis conducted by the expert team of agronomists, crop
modelers, and water resource experts; and 3) input from a series of
participatory workshops for farmers in each of the agricultural
regions. Reducing the Vulnerability of Azerbaijan s Agricultural
Systems to Climate Change is part of the World Bank Studies series.
These papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank s
ongoing research and to stimulate public discussion. The study is
one of three produced under the World Bank program Reducing
Vulnerability to Climate Change in European and Central Asian
Agricultural Systems. The other countries included in this series
are Armenia and Georgia. World Bank Studies are available
individually or on standing order. This World Bank Studies series
is also available online through the World Bank e-library
Agriculture is one of the most climate-sensitive of all economic
sectors. In many countries, such as the four examined in Looking
Beyond the Horizon, the risks of climate change are an immediate
and fundamental problem because the majority of the rural
population depends either directly or indirectly on agriculture for
its livelihood. The risks of climate change to agriculture cannot
be effectively dealt with-hand the opportunities cannot be
effectively exploited-without a clear plan for aligning
agricultural policies with climate change, developing the
capabilities of key agricultural institutions, and investing in
infrastructure, support services, and on-farm improvements.
Developing such a plan ideally involves a combination of
high-quality quantitative analysis; consultation with key
stakeholders, particularly farmers and local agricultural experts;
and investments in both human and physical capital. The diverse
experiences of Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
Moldova, and Uzbekistan, highlighted in this book, show that it is
possible to develop a plan to meet these objectives-one that is
comprehensive and empirically driven as well as consultative and
quick to develop. The approach of this volume is predicated on
strong country ownership and participation, and is defined by its
emphasis on 'win-win' or 'no regrets' solutions to the multiple
challenges posed by climate change for the farmers of Eastern
Europe and Central Asia. The solutions are measures that increase
resilience to future climate change, boost current productivity
despite the greater climate variability already occurring, and
limit greenhouse gas emissions-also known as 'climate-smart
agriculture'. Looking Beyond the Horizon draws on the experiences
of applying this approach to these four nations in Eastern Europe
and Central Asia with the goal of helping each country mainstream
climate change adaptation into its agricultural policies,
programmes, and investments. The book also highlights the projected
impacts of climate change on agriculture in these countries through
forecast variations in temperature and rainfall patterns, which are
crucial to farming, and offers a map for navigating the risks and
realising the opportunities. Finally, a detailed explanation of the
approach, as well as lessons learned from its implementation, is
provided for those who would like to implement similar programmes
in other countries of Europe, Central Asia, or anywhere else in the
Agriculture is one of the most climate-sensitive of all economic
sectors. Armenia is one of the many countries where the majority of
the rural population depends on agriculture - directly or
indirectly - for their livelihood. Further, changes in climate and
their impacts on agricultural systems and rural economies are
already evident throughout Europe and Central Asia. The risks
associated with climate change therefore pose an immediate and
fundamental problem in the country. Adaptation measures now in use
in Armenia, largely piecemeal efforts, will be insufficient to
prevent impacts on agricultural production over the coming decades.
As a result, there is growing interest at country and development
partner levels to have a better understanding of the exposure,
sensitivities, and impacts of climate change at the farm level, and
to develop and prioritise adaptation measures to mitigate the
adverse consequences. Beginning in 2009, the World Bank embarked on
a programme for selected Eastern Europe and Central Asian (ECA)
client countries to enhance their ability to mainstream climate
change adaptation into agricultural policies, programmes, and
investments. This multi-stage effort has included activities to
raise awareness of the threat, analyse potential impacts and
adaptation responses, and build capacity among client country
stakeholders and ECA Bank staff with respect to climate change and
the agricultural sector. This study, Reducing the Vulnerability of
Armenia's Agricultural Systems to Climate Change, is the
culmination of efforts by the Armenian institutions and
researchers, the World Bank, and a team of international experts to
jointly undertake an analytical study to address potential impacts
climate change may have on Armenia's agricultural sector, but, more
importantly, to develop a list of prioritised measures to adapt to
those impacts. Specifically, this study provides a menu of options
for climate change adaptation in the agricultural and water
resources sectors, along with specific recommended actions that are
tailored to distinct agricultural regions within Armenia. These
recommendations reflect the results of three inter-related
activities, conducted jointly by the expert team and local
partners: 1) quantitative economic modeling of baseline conditions
and the effects of certain adaptation options; 2) qualitative
analysis conducted by the expert team of agronomists, crop
modellers, and water resource experts; and 3) input from a series
of participatory workshops for farmers in each of the agricultural
Agriculture is one of the most climate-sensitive of all economic
sectors. Georgia is one of the many countries where the majority of
the rural population depends on agriculture directly or indirectly
for their livelihood. Further, changes in climate and their impacts
on agricultural systems and rural economies are already evident
throughout Europe and Central Asia. The risks associated with
climate change therefore pose an immediate and fundamental problem
in the country. Adaptation measures now in use in Georgia, largely
piecemeal efforts, will be insufficient to prevent impacts on
agricultural production over the coming decades. As a result, there
is growing interest at country and development partner levels to
have a better understanding of the exposure, sensitivities, and
impacts of climate change at the farm level, and to develop and
prioritize adaptation measures to mitigate the adverse
consequences. Beginning in 2009, the World Bank embarked on a
program for selected Eastern Europe and Central Asian (ECA) client
countries to enhance their ability to mainstream climate change
adaptation into agricultural policies, programs, and investments.
This multi-stage effort has included activities to raise awareness
of the threat, analyze potential impacts and adaptation responses,
and build capacity among client country stakeholders and ECA Bank
staff with respect to climate change and the agricultural sector.
This study, Reducing the Vulnerability of Georgia s Agricultural
Systems to Climate Change, is the culmination of efforts by the
Georgian institutions and researchers, the World Bank, and a team
of international experts jointly undertake an analytical study to
address potential impacts climate change may have on Georgia s
agricultural sector, but, more importantly, to develop a list of
prioritized measures to adapt to those impacts. Specifically, this
study provides a menu of options for climate change adaptation in
the agricultural and water resources sectors, along with specific
recommended actions that are tailored to distinct agricultural
regions within Georgia. These recommendations reflect the results
of three inter-related activities, conducted jointly by the expert
team and local partners: 1) quantitative economic modeling of
baseline conditions and the effects of certain adaptation options;
2) qualitative analysis conducted by the expert team of
agronomists, crop modelers, and water resource experts; and 3)
input from a series of participatory workshops for farmers in each
of the agricultural regions. Reducing the Vulnerability of Georgia
s Agricultural Systems to Climate Change is part of the World Bank
Studies series. These papers are published to communicate the
results of the Bank s ongoing research and to stimulate public
discussion. The study is one of three produced under the World Bank
program Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in European and
Central Asian Agricultural Systems. The other countries included in
this series are Armenia and Azerbaijan. World Bank Studies are
available individually or on standing order. This World Bank
Studies series is also available online through the World Bank
e-library (www.worldbank.org/elibrary)."
This book illustrates the World Bank s commitment to assist
countries to respond to the opportunities and challenges posed by
climate change. Undertaken in collaborative partnership with policy
makers, farmers, civil society, and other stakeholders in Armenia,
Azerbaijan and Georgia, it provides a much needed response to the
call for action by quantifying the impact and identifying key
priorities for policies, programs, and investments to reduce the
vulnerability of agricultural systems to climate change in the
South Caucasus. The study responds to the urgent need for climate
adaptation, as highlighted in the World Bank s Turn Down the Heat
report. Notably, the South Caucasus is already contending with
increasing aridity and more frequent extreme weather events (e.g.
severe droughts, floods and hailstorms). It presents practical
solutions for a more climate smart agriculture, at the regional,
national and agro-ecological zone level in each country. The
recommendations offered in this book are a compilation of the
results of the three national studies, and highlight the need and
potential for regional collaborative action to increase benefits,
while also continuing to emphasize the need for an effective
response at the national level. The national level results are
supported by country reports, which provide more details. This work
is but an important beginning. To achieve the goals of climate
resilience in the agriculture sector, more work is needed to
translate the proposals into reality. The analysis demonstrates
that investments in irrigation infrastructure and on-farm
technologies have great potential to raise agricultural
productivity and improve the climate resilience of the sector.
Demand-side agricultural water management will have high short-term
payoffs, and these short-term payoffs are complementary to the
success of long- term irrigation, drainage and other infrastructure
investments. Strengthening the disaster risk management strategies
(beyond agricultural measures) are also needed to help mitigate
household risks from extreme events, especially for the poorest,
who are the most vulnerable."
As the bloodshed in Iraq intensified in 2005, Afghanistan quickly
faded from the nation's front pages to become the "other war,"
supposedly going well and largely ignored. In fact, the insurgency
in Afghanistan was about to break out with renewed force, the drug
problem was worsening, and international coordination was losing
focus. That July, Ronald Neumann arrived in Kabul from Baghdad as
the U.S. ambassador, bringing the experience of a career diplomat
whose professional lifetime had been spent in the greater Middle
East, beginning thirty-eight years earlier in the same country in
which it ended-Afghanistan. Neumann's account of how the war in
Afghanistan unfolded over the next two years is rich with
heretofore unexamined details of operations, tensions, and policy
decisions. He demonstrates why the United States was slow to
recognize the challenge it faced and why it failed to make the
requisite commitment of economic, military, and civilian resources.
His account provides a new understanding of the problems of
alliance warfare in conducting simultaneous nation building and
counterinsurgency. Honest in recounting failures as well as
successes, the book is must reading as much for students of
international affairs who want to understand the reality of
diplomatic policymaking and implementation in the field as for
those who want to understand the nation's complex"other war."
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