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Still the definitive book on the subject, this volume has been
thoroughly revised to cover rapidly changing aspects of the
economics of aging. It provides an in-depth examination of the
nation's evolving private and public policies on retirement,
pension, and health, including, for instance, the dramatic changes
in employer-sponsored pensions. New attention is given to the
retirement of baby boomers and the financial situation of older
women, many of whom still live in poverty. Other topics added to
this edition include the proposed new way of measuring poverty, new
economic implications of demographic aging, the concept of
productive aging', an update on reverse annuity mortgages, hybrid
pension plans and pension privatization, and current information on
Social Security. This highly readable book is essential for
everyone concerned with gerontology. A thorough, rich, and current
work, this book is the most comprehensive resource available for
students, policymakers, researchers, human resource directors, and
in short, all who have a personal or professional interest in the
essential questions facing the growing aging population in the
United States. It examines changes in retirement patterns, problems
of older workers, and the complexity of retirement preparation, as
well as pension plan health costs and all the programs affecting
financial security.
With the impending retirement of some 76 million Baby Boomers,
understanding the economic, political, and social issues related to
the aging population is paramount. If the doom-and-gloomers have
their way, the elderly will be put out to pasture, with inadequate
health care and financial resources, and a crumbling social welfare
system. In Aging Nation, renowed experts in the field, James Schulz
and Robert Binstock, agree that there is considerable cause for
concern, but with a variety of sound policies and programs in place
and smart individual choices, the elderly can prosper, and a
demographic tsunami is not inevitable. Drawing from the most
current data, the authors provide in-depth analysis of the nation's
evolving private and public policies on retirement, faltering
employer pensions, health care, workplace conditions, and
entitlement programs, and consider such timely issues as poverty
among the elderly, rejoining the workforce after retirement, Social
Security and health care reform, and the rise of the elderly as a
powerful political force. Dispelling popular myths and
misconceptions that are perpetrated by politicians and pundits
alike, they provide a comprehensive and balanced assessment of the
issues and their impact on everyone, old and young. Deserving poor
or greedy geezers? The debate rages on. In a period of huge
government deficits and the impending retirement of some 76 million
Baby Boomers, understanding the economic, political, and social
issues related to the aging population is paramount. The policy
debates have never been more contentious; they range from deciding
who should receive limited subsidized housing and medical services
to the ongoing battle over saving Social Security and other
entitlement programs. If the doom-and-gloomers have their way, the
elderly will be put out to pasture, with inadequate health care and
financial resources, and a crumbling social welfare infrastructure
that will implode under the strain of intergenerational conflict.
This book debunks most aging crises put forth by merchants of doom
and offers a new policy focus for our nation. In Aging Nation,
renowned experts in the field, James Schulz and Robert Binstock,
agree that there is considerable cause for concern, but with a
variety of sound policies and programs in place and smart
individual choices, the elderly can prosper, and a demographic
tsunami is not inevitable. Drawing from the most current data, the
authors provide in-depth analysis of the nation's evolving private
and public policies on retirement, faltering employer pensions,
health care, workplace conditions, and entitlement programs, and
consider such timely issues as poverty among the elderly, rejoining
the workforce after retirement, Social Security and health care
reform, and the rise of the elderly as a powerful political force.
Dispelling popular myths and misconceptions that are perpetrated by
politicians and pundits alike, they provide a comprehensive and
balanced assessment of these issues and their impact on everyone,
old and young.
This book examines claims that aging populations will create
serious economic problems for various nations. It examines the
question in large part through the eyes of researchers and
legislators in three target countries: Australia, Japan, and the
United States. These countries were chosen because of similar
states of economic development and because all were experiencing a
rapid aging of their populations. A comprehensive overview is
provided of the economic issues related to aging populations.
Several aspects are explored in more depth. To date, it is the most
complete and thorough study of economic issues associated with
population aging. After a brief review of the phenomenon of
demographic aging, the authors give a summary of the major economic
programs offered to the aged. Extensive research is used to
evaluate the concept of dependency ratios and to predict the impact
on younger and older persons of future economic and demographic
growth. This discussion then provides the basis for a review of
evolving retirement policies in the three countries. Special
attention is given to the way pension plans have been designed,
especially early and mandatory retirement policies. An assessment
of the adequacy of retirement income follows. The final three
chapters are devoted to policy options for the future, given trends
in demographic aging. Social scientists and economists will be most
interested in this study.
With the impending retirement of some 76 million baby boomers in a
period of huge government deficits, public anxiety about the social
and economic health of an aging nation is widespread. The policy
debates are contentious -- from deciding who should receive limited
subsidized housing and medical services to the ongoing battle over
"saving" Social Security and other entitlement programs. Some
policy makers and pundits forecast disaster: elderly people will be
put out to pasture with inadequate health care and financial
resources, and a crumbling social welfare infrastructure will
implode under the strain of intergenerational conflict.
In Aging Nation, renowned experts James H. Schulz and Robert H.
Binstock agree that there is considerable cause for concern but
insist that a demographic tsunami is not inevitable. Drawing from
the most current data, the authors provide an in-depth analysis of
the nation's evolving private and public policies on retirement,
faltering employer pensions, health care, workplace conditions, and
entitlement programs. They consider such timely issues as poverty
among older people, rejoining the workforce after retirement,
Social Security and health care reform, as well as the rise of
elderly people as a powerful political force.
Dispelling popular myths and misconceptions perpetrated by
politicians and pundits, Schulz and Binstock consider the economic,
political, and social challenges arising from the aging U.S.
population, and present a balanced -- and reassuring -- assessment
of the future.
Genetic recombination is the process by which a strand of genetic
material (usually DNA; but can also be RNA) is broken and then
joined to a different DNA molecule. In eukaryotes recombination
commonly occurs during meiosis as chromosomal crossover between
paired chromosomes. This process leads to off-springs having
different combinations of genes from their parents and can produce
new chimeric alleles. In evolutionary biology this shuffling of
genes is thought to have many advantages, including that of
allowing sexually reproducing organisms to avoid Muller's ratchet.
However, a recombination pathway in DNA is any way by which a
broken DNA molecule is reconnected to form a whole DNA strand. In
molecular biology "recombination" can also refer to artificial and
deliberate recombination of disparate pieces of DNA, often from
different organisms, creating what is called recombinant DNA.
Enzymes called recombinases catalyse natural recombination
reactions. RecA, the recombinase found in E. coli, is responsible
for the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). In yeast and
other eukaryotic organisms there are two recombinases required for
repairing DSBs. The RAD51 protein is required for mitotic and
meiotic recombination and the DMC1 protein is specific to meiotic
recombination. This book presents the latest research in the field.
Das Buch behandelt die beiden wichtigsten Aufgabenstellungen im
Rahmen des wirtschaftlich und wissenschaftlich ausserst bedeutenden
Gebietes der Testvorbereitung: die automatische
Testmustergenerierung und die Fehlersimulation. Alle im Buch
beschriebenen Methoden und Verfahren zielen zum einen auf die
Minimierung des dazu erforderlichen Rechenzeitaufwandes und zum
anderen auf die Bewaltigung moglichst grosser
Schaltungskomplexitaten. Besonderer Wert wurde auf eine prazise,
formal konsistente und illustrative Beschreibung und auf eine
moglichst vollstandige Aufbereitung der einschlagigen Literatur und
somit des Standes der Technik gelegt. Das Buch enthalt eine Fulle
neuer Methoden, die eine wesentliche Beschleunigung von
Testmustergenerierungs- und Fehlersimulationsverfahren ermoglichen,
und dokumentiert den mit diesen Methoden erzielten Fortschritt
anhand einer Reihe von vergleichenden Untersuchungen. Ausserdem
wird mit SOCRATES das derzeit leistungsfahigste der aus der
Literatur bekannten Testmustergenerierungssysteme detailliert
vorgestellt. Neben der Hilfestellung bei Implementierungsaufgaben
gibt das Buch eine detaillierte Darstellung der Problematik des
Testens integrierter Schaltungen und speziell der Prinzipien der
automatischen Testmustergenerierung und der schnellen
Fehlersimulation. Daruber hinaus kann es als Richtschnur fur
Spezialvorlesungen nach dem Vordiplom (Elektrotechnik und
Informatik) dienen sowie als Ansatz- und Ausgangspunkt fur
Forschungsaktivitaten auf verwandten Forschungsgebieten.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer
Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags
von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv
Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche
Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext
betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor
1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen
Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Der heute fast auf allen Gebieten durchgefuhrte Austauschbau
verlangt Werkstucke, die das vorgeschriebene MaB innerhalb sehr
enger Grenzen inne halten. Zu ihrer Kontrolle - und somit auch zur
Erreichung des Zieles einer volligen Austauschbarkeit - werden
MeBgerate gebraucht, die naturgemaB wesentlich genauer sein mussen
als die zugelassenen Toleranzen der Werk stucke. Die MeBgerate
mussen nun ihrerseits durch andere kontrolliert und eingestellt
werden, an deren Genauigkeit wieder entsprechend hohere Anspruche
zu stellen sind. So kommt es, daB die als letzte Normale in der
Technik dienenden EndmaBe ihre GroBe bis auf wenige Zehntausendstel
Millimeter innehalten und selbst auf mindestens Hunderttausendstel
Millimeter gemessen werden mussen. Die Einheit des technischen
MeBwesens ist dadurch heute das Tausendstel Millimeter, das Mikron
oder My (fl), geworden und in die Fabrik laboratorien haben die
wissenschaftlichen MeBmethoden, die fruher auf wenige, besonders
dafUr eingerichtete Institute beschrankt waren, in immer weiterem
Umfange Eingang gefunden. Namentlich in etwa den letzten zehn
Jahren hat sich die industrielle MeBtechnik in ungeahntem MaBe
entwickelt. Eine groBe Reihe neuer MeBgerate ist entstanden, die
vor allem durch die Verwendung optischer Methoden (Lupe, Mikroskop
und Fernrohr) und, fur die feinsten Mes sungen, durch die Benutzung
der Interferenz des Lichtes gekennzeichnet sind. Einen Uberblick
uber die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der MeBtechnik und uber die
fur das technische MeBwesen geeigneten Gerate zu geben, war das
Ziel der ersten, im Jahre 1921 erschienenen Auflage und ist auch -
un verandert - das der jetzt vorliegcnden geblieben."
The Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura; dove) is the most harvested
migratory game bird in North America and a ubiquitous species that
is valued and easily recognized by the general public. Informed
harvest management of this important recreational resource requires
knowledge of harvest attributes and population vital rates, several
of which are estimable from banding and from hunter-harvested
birds. We conducted a national-scale banding program in 2003 - 2005
to generate such data for estimation of band reporting rates,
harvest rates, distribution and derivation of harvest, and annual
survival rates. The study required training of a new cadre of
biologists in field techniques and establishment of data collection
and management protocols, as well as providing an opportunity to
evaluate logistics and costs associated with the large-scale study
design. During 2003 - 2005, biologists in 29 participating states
banded nearly 100,000 birds, and hunters have reported almost 5,000
bands to date from harvested doves. In 2004 and 2005, a proportion
of the trapped and released doves received an extra reward band
which allowed estimation of the probability that a hunter reported
a band from a harvested dove to the United States Geological Survey
Bird Banding Laboratory. This reporting rate varied considerably
among geographic regions (range: 0.40 - 0.85). Weighted average
adult harvest rates for the Eastern Management Unit and Central
Management Unit were similar. Adult harvest rates were greatest in
the Western Management Unit, but this estimate was influenced by
the single large estimate from California in 2005. Juvenile harvest
rates were greatest in the Eastern Management Unit and similar in
the Central Management Unit and Western Management Unit. With the
exception of only a few states in the northern U.S., at least 80%
of the harvest of banded adults and juveniles occurred in the state
of banding. Similarly, with only a few exceptions, nearly all
recoveries in each state were derived from banded cohorts in the
same state. Average adult subregion survival rates were generally
greater than corresponding subregion juvenile survival rates.
Comparison to results from reporting rate studies conducted more
than 30 years ago suggests a large average increase in reporting
rate, probably due to the availability of the Bird Banding
Laboratory toll-free telephone number for reporting bands. The last
national-scale dove banding study was conducted more than 30 years
ago, and a comparison of harvest rates suggests current harvest
rate estimates for both age classes in Eastern Management Unit and
Western Management Unit states are generally less than previous
estimates, while estimates are greater or about the same in Central
Management Unit states. Survival rates from the earlier study were
significantly greater for both age classes in the Eastern
Management Unit and the Central Management Unit, but no differences
were found in the Western Management Unit. We did not find any
important changes in harvest distribution or derivation patterns
within the management units. This study provided the foundation for
an operational long-term banding program that is critical to the
implementation of the National Mourning Dove Strategic Harvest
Management Plan (Anonymous 2005), which describes the conceptual
framework for an improved, informed system of harvest management
for doves.
Still the definitive book on the subject, this volume has been
thoroughly revised to cover rapidly changing aspects of the
economics of aging. It provides an in-depth examination of the
nation's evolving private and public policies on retirement,
pension, and health, including, for instance, the dramatic changes
in employer-sponsored pensions. New attention is given to the
retirement of baby boomers and the financial situation of older
women, many of whom still live in poverty. Other topics added to
this edition include the proposed new way of measuring poverty, new
economic implications of demographic aging, the concept of
productive aging', an update on reverse annuity mortgages, hybrid
pension plans and pension privatization, and current information on
Social Security. This highly readable book is essential for
everyone concerned with gerontology.
A thorough, rich, and current work, this book is the most
comprehensive resource available for students, policymakers,
researchers, human resource directors, and in short, all who have a
personal or professional interest in the essential questions facing
the growing aging population in the United States. It examines
changes in retirement patterns, problems of older workers, and the
complexity of retirement preparation, as well as pension plan
health costs and all the programs affecting financial security.
Ordnungspolitische Massnahmen loesen vielfaltige
Anpassungsreaktionen der Marktakteure aus. Es fehlt jedoch ein
einheitliches und standardisiertes Bewertungsverfahren, um die
Dynamik und Anpassungen auf Markten zu ermitteln und zu beurteilen.
Das Forschungsziel der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Verfahrens
fur die gesamtwirtschaftliche Bewertung der Marktwirkungen von
ordnungspolitischen Massnahmen. Analytischer Ausgangspunkt ist die
Industrieoekonomik, mit der der Wirkungszusammenhang von
Marktstruktur, -verhalten und -ergebnis realitatsnah abgebildet
werden kann. Um die Marktdynamik, Interdependenzen und
Interaktionen zu erfassen, muss der industrieoekonomische Ansatz um
eine system-dynamische Modellierung erweitert werden. Veranderungen
des Marktsystems koennen damit unter Berucksichtigung aller
Zusammenhange simultan ermittelt werden. Mit einem empirischen
Anwendungsfall wird die Anwendbarkeit der system-dynamischen
Modellierung demonstriert. Kleine und mittelstandische Unternehmen
sind einem hohen Anpassungsdruck ausgesetzt, weil sie nur einen
geringen Einfluss gegenuber der Politik haben. Als Beispiel fur
einen mittelstandisch strukturierten Markt wird daher der
Strassenguterverkehr gewahlt. Ordnungspolitische Eingriffe haben
auf diesem Markt zudem weitergehende gesamtwirtschaftliche
Auswirkungen, da es sich um einen Vorleistungsmarkt handelt. Fur
Lkw-Maut und Unterinvestitionen in die Strasseninfrastruktur werden
die Wirkungen auf die Marktdynamik und die Marktanpassungen im
Strassenguterverkehr system-dynamisch modelliert. Es werden
Aussagen zu folgenden Marktindikatoren getroffen: Fahrleistungen,
Fahrzeugauslastung, Entwicklung des Verkehrsleistungsangebots,
Marktanteile, Beschaftigtenzahl und Gewinne. Aufgrund des
anwendungsorientierten Ansatzes leistet das Buch nicht nur einen
Beitrag fur die industrieoekonomische und system-dynamische
Forschungsrichtung, sondern es richtet sich auch an
Entscheidungstrager in Unternehmen und in der Politik.
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