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The Narratologiaseries publishes state-of-the-art monographs and
collective volumes devoted to modern narrative theory and its
historical reconstruction in all the philological disciplines. It
is the first narratological forum of its kind in Germany. In
addition to literary texts, the series focuses on narration in
everyday contexts, in pictorial media, in film and in the new media
as well as on narration in historiography, ethnology, medicine, and
the law. The series publishes in German and English. All volumes
are peer reviewed by two anonymous assessors.
Great-power conflict and great-power war are still the most
dangerous risks the international community is facing today. This
edited volume investigates the feasibility of a modern day concert
of powers as a way for managing the risk of great power conflicts
in the 21st century. The volume takes its inspiration from history.
The 19th century European Concert was not only able to ensure a
period of exceptional peacefulness among the European great powers,
it also limited the scope and duration of the few wars that did
break out. The chapter authors discuss the achievements and limits
of the historical concert, define the requirements that a new
concert would have to meet, critically evaluate obstacles and risks
of the approach and indicate how a 21st century concert of powers
could complement, and fit into, the present legal and institutional
setting of global politics. This volume offers a systematic
examination of the norms and tools of the historical template and
scrutinizes these tools for their utility in our time. It will be
of great interest to a wide range of scholars and students in areas
such as International Relations, History and International Law.
This book addresses itself to the concept of the implied author,
which has been the cause of controversy in cultural studies for
some fifty years. The opening chapters examine the introduction of
the concept in Wayne C. Bootha (TM)s a oeRhetoric of Fictiona and
the discussion of the concept in narratology and in the theory and
practice of interpretation.The final chapter develops proposals for
clarifying or replacing the concept.
Great-power conflict and great-power war are still the most
dangerous risks the international community is facing today. This
edited volume investigates the feasibility of a modern day concert
of powers as a way for managing the risk of great power conflicts
in the 21st century. The volume takes its inspiration from history.
The 19th century European Concert was not only able to ensure a
period of exceptional peacefulness among the European great powers,
it also limited the scope and duration of the few wars that did
break out. The chapter authors discuss the achievements and limits
of the historical concert, define the requirements that a new
concert would have to meet, critically evaluate obstacles and risks
of the approach and indicate how a 21st century concert of powers
could complement, and fit into, the present legal and institutional
setting of global politics. This volume offers a systematic
examination of the norms and tools of the historical template and
scrutinizes these tools for their utility in our time. It will be
of great interest to a wide range of scholars and students in areas
such as International Relations, History and International Law.
It has become generally accepted wisdom that democracies do not go
to war against each other. However, there are significant
differences between democratic states in terms of their approach to
war and security policy in general. This edited book offers a broad
examination of how democratic preferences and norms are relevant to
security policy beyond the decision of whether to go to war. It
therefore offers a fresh understanding of state behaviour in the
security realm. The contributors discuss such issues as defence
policy, air war, cluster bombs, non-lethal weapons, weapons of mass
destruction, democratic and non-democratic nuclear weapon states'
transparency, and the political and ideological background of the
ongoing 'Revolution in Military Affairs'. It has become generally
accepted wisdom that democracies do not go to war against each
other. However, there are significant differences between
democratic states in terms of their approach to war and security
policy in general.
It has become generally accepted wisdom that democracies do not go
to war against each other. However, there are significant
differences between democratic states in terms of their approach to
war and security policy in general. This edited book offers a broad
examination of how democratic preferences and norms are relevant to
security policy beyond the decision of whether to go to war. It
therefore offers a fresh understanding of state behaviour in the
security realm. The contributors discuss such issues as defence
policy, air war, cluster bombs, non-lethal weapons, weapons of mass
destruction, democratic and non-democratic nuclear weapon states'
transparency, and the political and ideological background of the
ongoing 'Revolution in Military Affairs'. It has become generally
accepted wisdom that democracies do not go to war against each
other. However, there are significant differences between
democratic states in terms of their approach to war and security
policy in general.
Managing a Multilevel Foreign Policy is a helpful resource for
enhancing current understanding of the European Union as an
emerging actor in the global system. Analyzing the role of the EU
in international affairs, Foradori, Rosa, and Scartezzini seek to
foster understanding of the complexity of the present international
conditions and the ways in which the EU is responding to threats
and opportunities from the outside world. The numerous contributors
examine the latest developments in the fields of EU foreign,
security, and defense policies, providing a complete overview of
the ways in which the EU has grown as a global actor with a
significant impact on international affairs.
Managing a Multilevel Foreign Policy is a helpful resource for
enhancing current understanding of the European Union as an
emerging actor in the global system. Analyzing the role of the EU
in international affairs, Foradori, Rosa, and Scartezzini seek to
foster understanding of the complexity of the present international
conditions and the ways in which the EU is responding to threats
and opportunities from the outside world. The numerous contributors
examine the latest developments in the fields of EU foreign,
security, and defense policies, providing a complete overview of
the ways in which the EU has grown as a global actor with a
significant impact on international affairs.
This volume comprehensively covers a range of issues related to
dynamic norm change in the current major international arms control
regimes related to nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons; small
arms and light weapons; cluster munitions; and antipersonnel mines.
Arms control policies of all of the key established and rising
state actors are considered, as well as those of nonaligned
countries, nongovernmental organizations, and international
governing bodies.
Recent studies on multilateral arms control tend to focus mostly on
"structure," by which opportunities and constraints for action are
created. This volume pays equal attention to "agency," through
which opportunities and constraints to produce change or maintain
the status quo are handled. In addition-and in greater depth than
in recent studies-the volume acknowledges the force of moral and
ethical impulses (alongside such factors as political, legal, and
technological change) in the evolution of arms control norms.
The volume begins with a look at the structure of regimes, at the
conflicts residing in these structures, and at the dynamic
processes in which these conflicts are worked out. The impact of
extrinsic factors on norm dynamics is considered next, including
technological change and shifts in attitudes and power structures.
Essays on the role of agency in driving norm change conclude the
volume, with a particular focus on norm entrepreneurship and the
importance of acknowledging the competing justice claims
surrounding norm-change efforts.
Contributors: Una Becker-Jakob, Alexis Below, Marco Fey, Giorgio
Franceschini, Andrea Hellmann, Gregor Hofmann, Friederike Klinke,
Daniel Muller, Harald Muller, Franziska Plummer, Carsten Rauch,
Judith Reuter, Elvira Rosert, Annette Schaper, Hans-Joachim
Schmidt, Tabea Seidler-Diekmann, Simone Wisotzki, Carmen
Je schneller Moden und Methoden verschleissen, desto dringender
wird der wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Orientierungsbedarf. Die
Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Germanistik in Portrats legt eine
nuchterne und kritische, aktuelle und anschauliche Geschichte des
Fachs vor, samt seiner problematischen Vergangenkeit. Das Buch
enthalt siebenundzwanzig Portrats der bedeutendsten
Fachvertreter(innen) der Germanistik von den Anfangen bis 1945. Die
wichtigsten theoretischen, politischen, institutionellen und
interdisziplinaren Entwicklungen aus der Geschichte der
Geisteswissenschaften sind berucksichtigt. Die
Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Germanistik in Portrats dient der
zuverlassigen Information uber die Fachgeschichte - und sie kann
das allgemeine und fachliche Problembewusstsein von Student(inn)en
der Germanistik und anderer Philologien historisch und systematisch
vertiefen und so zur besseren Orientierung beitragen.
What do arms control and disarmament mean for the political order
of the world, and how does nuclear proliferation relate to them?
What are the prospects for global order in a world of unequal
states? These questions provide the general point of departure for
this book. Specifically. the book briefly recounts the development
of global nuclear non-proliferation policies, and the test ban
issue, followed by a detailed examination of the developments
between the Third and Fourth NPT Review Conferences. The
organization and work of the Fourth NPT Review Conference are
outlined, and the issues as they appeared in the general debate are
surveyed. The work of the various committees charged with producing
a consensus in the most contested areas is reviewed, and the final
outcome is discussed. The significance of the PTBT Amendment
Conference is assessed, beginning with the controversies which
existed at the outset. Both the Meeting in May-June 1990 and the
Conference itself in January 1991 are reviewed. The consequences of
the 1991 Persian Gulf War for the non-proliferation regime are
considered, as are the responses of the international community to
the proliferation-relevant aspects of this dramatic international
event. The final chapter of the book addresses several questions.
What are the prospects for extending the NPT in 1995? Are there
serious prospects for progress in further curtailment of nuclear
testing? If so, how does this affect the future of the NPT?
Finally, this book attempts to draw conclusions concerning the
prospects for establishing reliable, tenable and enforceable
world-wide rules for the control and reduction of weapons of mass
Until recently, scholars were hesitant to take the fantastic
seriously. But since the 1990s, the increasing presence of the
fantastic in mass media has spurred growing academic interest in
the subject. This book discusses that new interest and brings
together recent research in various disciplines. It provides an
overview of current approaches and debates in the research of the
fantastic. By taking stock of the present state of this young
discipline, it also helps to ensure its future.
This volume is the first comparative study of the political tools
employed by the Popes and the perception of the Papacy in different
regions, so combining the perspectives of the Roman center and that
of the churches on the periphery. The Roman view of the means by
which it exerted its influence over the Church is set against the
reaction of the various regions to them. In this way the
discrepancy between Roman prototypes and actual interpretations
from the mid-11th to the end of the 12th century is further
enhanced by the differences revealed by contrasting regional
From the middle of the 11th century to Pope Innocent III (1198
1216), the Latin Church developed into a European-wide Papal
Church, with a strong hierarchy focused on Rome. Retrospectively,
this historical development appears to have proceeded according to
a preconceived plan. In reality, however as illuminated in this
work it was driven by a complex process of give and take between
Rome and the regions."
KULTURGESCHICHTE" (Sources and Research in the History of
Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to
1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for
German Literary Studies. Edited by Mark-Georg Dehrmann and
Christiane Witthoeft, the series presents examples of high-quality
scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical
cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an
explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary
approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day
forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural
thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience
and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is
also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of
the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses.
Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to
display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and
Leo Perutz (1882-1957) war ein Schriftsteller, der zu Lebzeiten in
grossen Auflagen gedruckt und intensiv rezipiert wurde. In seinem
Nachlass befinden sich jedoch unbekannte, bis heute nie publizierte
literarische Schatze. Dazu zahlen die Novelle "Die Galerie des
Grafen Gollenhaidt", der nur Fragment gebliebene historische Roman
"Mayflower", Arbeitsnotizen zu Perutz' Romanfragment "Der Vogel
Solitar" und weitere kurzere Prosastucke. Das Buch setzt sich mit
der Produktion dieser Texte, mit den Texten selbst, mit dem Werk
Leo Perutz' sowie mit den historischen Kontexten auseinander.
Lesefreundlich und zitierfahig ediert bietet die vorliegende Arbeit
die Chance, Unbekanntes aus der Feder von Leo Perutz zu lesen.
Dieses Buch ist mit dem Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler-Preis
international 2022 der OEsterreichischen Gesellschaft fur
Germanistik ausgezeichnet worden.
Die Genesis des Herrn Puntila und sein Knecht Matti von Hella
Wuolijoki (1886-1954) und Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) belebt seit
fast 70 Jahren den finnisch-deutschen Literaturdialog und ruft
immer wieder Diskussionen uber die Entstehung des Werkes hervor.
Das Buch analysiert alle bisher bekannten Fassungen des Dramas auf
einer historisch-deskriptiven Grundlage. Das Ergebnis der Analyse
lasst nur marginale Divergenzen in der Struktur der Derivate
erkennen: Die oft nur sprachlich-stilistischen Abweichungen gehen
vielfach auf ein unterschiedliches Textverstandnis zwischen der
Ausgangs- und der Zielsprache zuruck. Damit widerspricht die
Autorin der gelegentlich in der Brecht-Forschung vertretenen
Auffassung, Wuolijokis finnischsprachige UEberarbeitung des
Brechtschen Puntila sei "die letzte Verzweigung des toten Asts
jener Mischfassung, die keinem der beiden Autoren gerecht wird"
(Hans Peter Neureuter).
Im Jahre 1912 veroffentlichte W. GERLACH 1] die Arbeit: "Eine
Methode zur Bestimmung der Strahlung in absolutem Mass und die
Konstante des STEFAN-BOLTZMANN'schen Gesetzes." Zum Zeitpunkt ihres
Erscheinens lag die besondere Bedeutung dieser Arbeit in der
experimentellen Bestimmung 4 der Konstanten im
STEFAN-BOLTZMANN'schen Gesetz s= . T . Gegenwartig dagegen hat das
Verfahren, eine Strahlung im absoluten Mass zu bestimmen, durch die
wachsende, praktische und gezielte Anwendung der Ultrarotstrah lung
besonders an Bedeutung gewonnen. Dem von PASCHEN angegebenen
Messverfahren liegt folgendes Prinzip zugrunde: Man denke sich eine
Metallfolie, deren ebene Flachenausdehnung F be 1 kannt ist. Diese
Folie ist auf ihrer Oberseite zur Erzielung eines hohen
Absorptionsvermogens geschwarzt. Auf der Unterseite sind in gut
warme leitender Verbindung mit der Folie die elektrisch gegen diese
und gegen einander isolierten Messstellen einer Thermobatterie
angebracht, die auf ein Galvanometer arbeitet. Trifft nun eine
Strahlung aus dem vor der Folie liegenden Halbraum auf die
geschwarzte Flache, so wird sich diese entsprechend der
Strahlungsintensitat erwarmen und an dem Galvanometer eine von der
Strahlungsintensitat abhangige Anzeige hervorrufen. Der
Strahlungseinfall auf die geschwarzte Flache werde jetzt weitgehend
un terbunden, so dass die Galvanometeranzeige verschwindet.
Schaltet man dann die Folie in einen elektrischen Stromkreis und
erwarmt sie durch . Stromfluss bis auf die gleiche
Galvanometeranzeige, so herrscht an den Messstellen der
Thermobatterie die gleiche mittlere Temperatur wie im Falle der
Bestrahlung der Flache."
Democratic peace theory - the argument that democracies very rarely
go to war with each other - has come under attack recently for
being too naive and for neglecting the vast amount of wars fought
by democracies, especially since the end of the Cold War. This
volume offers a fresh perspective by arguing that the same norms
that are responsible for the democratic peace can be argued to be
responsible for democratic war-proneness. The authors show that
democratic norms, which are usually understood to cause peaceful
behaviour, are heavily contested when dealing with a non-democratic
other. The book thus integrates democratic peace and democratic war
into one consistent theoretical perspective, emphasising the impact
of national identity. The book concludes by arguing that all
democracies have a 'weak spot' where they would be willing to
engage militarily.
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