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Unique and comprehensive, this volume integrates the most updated theory and research relating to adolescent coping and its determinants. This book is the result of the author's long interest in, and study of, stress, coping, and relationships in adolescence. It begins with an overview of research conducted during the past three decades and contrasts research trends in adolescent coping in the United States and Europe over time. Grounded on a developmental model for adolescent coping, the conceptual issues and major questions are outlined. Supporting research ties together the types of stressors, the ways of coping with normative and non-normative stressors, and the function that close relationships fulfill in this context. More than 3,000 adolescents from different countries participated in seven studies that are built programmatically on one another and focus on properties that make events stressful, on coping processes and coping styles, on internal and social resources, and on stress-buffering and adaptation. A variety of assessment procedures for measuring stress and coping are presented, including semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and content analysis. This multimethod-multivariate approach is characterized by assessing the same construct via different methods, replicating the measures in different studies including cross-cultural samples, using several informants, and combining standardized instruments with very open data gathering. The results offer a rich picture of the nature of stressors requiring adolescent coping and highlight the importance of relationship stressors. Age and gender differences in stress appraisal and coping style are also presented. Mid-adolescence emerges as a turning point in the use of certain coping strategies and social resources. Strong gender differences in stress appraisal and coping style suggest that females are more at risk for developing psychopathology. The book demonstrates how adolescents make use of assistance provided by social support systems and points to the changing influence of parents and peers. It addresses controversial issues such as benefits and costs of close relationships or the beneficial or maladaptive effects of avoidant coping. Its clear style, innovative ideas, and instruments make it an excellent textbook for both introductory and advanced courses. Without question, it may serve as a guide for future research in this field. This book will be of value to researchers, practitioners, and students in various fields such as child clinical and developmental psychology and psychopathology.
This empirically based book focuses on typical stressors, individual and family coping strategies, and psychosocial consequences associated with diabetes. Numerous case studies illustrate the difficulty of balancing normative development and adherence to the therapeutic regimen. The combination of theory, research, and practice guarantee the appeal of this book to an international audience of advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students and professionals in developmental and clinical psychology, pediatric medicine and other healthcare professionals concerned with the care of chronically ill adolescents.
Unique and comprehensive, this volume integrates the most updated
theory and research relating to adolescent coping and its
determinants. This book is the result of the author's long interest
in, and study of, stress, coping, and relationships in adolescence.
It begins with an overview of research conducted during the past
three decades and contrasts research trends in adolescent coping in
the United States and Europe over time. Grounded on a developmental
model for adolescent coping, the conceptual issues and major
questions are outlined. Supporting research ties together the types
of stressors, the ways of coping with normative and non-normative
stressors, and the function that close relationships fulfill in
this context.
Diabetic Adolescents and their Families presents an innovative approach to the study of coping with chronic illness by focusing on the developmental context in its description of a longitudinal study of families with a diabetic or a healthy adolescent. Inge Seiffge-Krenke considers perspectives of the ill adolescents, their parents, and the physicians treating them. Highlighted topics include typical stressors, individual and family coping strategies, and psychosocial consequences associated with diabetes. The author also examines the changes that occur in adolescents' self-concept and body image and analyses their relationships with parents, physicians, friends, and romantic partners as sources of support and of stress. Numerous case studies illustrate the difficulty of balancing normative development and adherence to the therapeutic regimen. Integrating clinical concerns with fundamental findings of developmental psychology, this book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the study of adolescent health psychology.
The understanding and study of fathers has traditionally assumed that fathers, compared to mothers, are less involved with their children. Originally published in 1997 Fathers and Adolescents presents a different approach that focuses on the distinctive role of fathers in the lives of their adolescents, especially in their role in adolescents' attainment of developmental tasks. Drawing on a variety of disciplines, the authors' examine the relationships of fathers to their adolescents in the context of a changing society. They find that fathers interact in ways that are different from those of mothers, but that are important for both normal and disturbed adolescent development. Psychopathological, aggressive and incestuous behaviour is considered as well as the role of the father in more ideal circumstances. Drawing on the authors' wealth of clinical experience, this title will still be an important resource for all professionals working with adolescents, as well as those in research.
Perspektiven aus Entwicklungspsychologie und Psychotherapie integrieren Trotz der offenkundigen Beruhrungspunkte zwischen Entwicklungspsychologie und Psychotherapie fuhrten beide Disziplinen lange Zeit ein Dasein als "feindliche Schwestern." Dabei sind bestimmte pathologische Veranderungen erst mit entwicklungspsychologischen Kenntnissen verstandlich. Auch die Entwicklungspsychologie profitiert von den Erkenntnissen psychotherapeutischer Behandlung und gelangt so zu einem besseren Verstandnis von Entwicklungsprozessen. Aus dem Inhalt:
Dieses Buch tragt zur Integration der Entwicklungspsychologie und Psychotherapie speziell der analytischen bzw. tiefenpsychologischen Psychotherapie bei. Komplett uberarbeitet und aktualisiert."
Die Operationalisierte Psychodynamische Diagnostik liegt seit 2013 in einer uberarbeiteten Auflage vor. Das Buch zeigt anhand der Konfliktachse der OPD-KJ-2, welche typischen intrapsychischen entwicklungshemmenden Konflikte bei Kindern und Jugendlichen diagnostiziert und wie sie behandelt werden konnen. Unterschiedliche therapeutische Vorgehensweisen, die Elternarbeit und die Anwendung der OPD-KJ-2 bei der Erstellung des Berichts an den Gutachter werden anschaulich beschrieben. Zahlreiche Beispiele aus der kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Praxis sowie der Intervision und Supervision illustrieren den Gewinn, den ein Einbezug der Konfliktachse in den Therapiealltag bringt.
Das Buch behandelt die Auseindandersetzung mit chronischen Erkrankungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Sowohl aus der Sicht der Eltern als auch der Kinderwerden Belastungen und Bew{ltigungsprozesse bei schweren Krankheiten, medizinischen Eingriffen und Tod beleuchtet. Die Beitr{ge internationler Autoren zu diesem in der Forschung bisher vernachl{ssigten Gebiet werden neue Perspektiven f}r Forschung u. Praxis er- \ffnen.
Neurowissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Verstandnis von Traumen, wie etwa der Nachweis, dass Traume als intensivierte Tagtraume verstanden werden koennen, regen an, sich mit ahnlichen Ideen in alteren Traumtheorien neu auseinanderzusetzen, so zum Beispiel mit denen von C. G. Jung. Dabei gilt es, Verbindungen herzustellen und herauszuarbeiten, wie dieser imaginative Blickwinkel den Umgang mit Traumen beeinflusst und umgekehrt. Verschiedene Aspekte des Traumens, auch die, die geheimnisvoll bleiben, werden an Beispielen aus der Psychotherapie veranschaulicht.
Die Operationalisierte Psychodynamische Diagnostik im Kindes- und Jugendalter (OPD-KJ) strebt eine komplexe Erfassung psychodynamischer Prozesse an, die die Symptome verursacht haben, und bettet sie in den Entwicklungskontext ein. Langjahrige Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen der Arbeitsgruppe OPD-KJ und Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten, die die OPD-KJ-2 in ihrer alltaglichen Praxis einsetzen, liefern in ihren abwechslungsreichen Falldarstellungen Beispiele fur die vielfaltigen Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten. Neben dem Einsatz in der Diagnostik geht es in den Fallbeispielen vor allem auch um Fragen der Indikation, Behandlungsplanung und an der OPD-KJ-2 orientierten Durchfuhrung von Behandlungen.
The understanding and study of fathers has traditionally assumed that fathers, compared to mothers, are less involved with their children. Originally published in 1997 Fathers and Adolescents presents a different approach that focuses on the distinctive role of fathers in the lives of their adolescents, especially in their role in adolescents' attainment of developmental tasks. Drawing on a variety of disciplines, the authors' examine the relationships of fathers to their adolescents in the context of a changing society. They find that fathers interact in ways that are different from those of mothers, but that are important for both normal and disturbed adolescent development. Psychopathological, aggressive and incestuous behaviour is considered as well as the role of the father in more ideal circumstances. Drawing on the authors' wealth of clinical experience, this title will still be an important resource for all professionals working with adolescents, as well as those in research.
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