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This book provides a unified treatment of the characteristics of
telescopes of all types, both those whose performance is set by
geometrical aberrations and the effect of the atmosphere, and those
diffraction-limited telescopes designed for observations from above
the atmosphere. The emphasis throughout is on basic principles,
such as Fermat's principle, and their application to optical
systems specifically designed to image distant celestial
The book also contains thorough discussions of the principles
underlying all spectroscopic instrumentation, with special emphasis
on grating instruments used with telescopes. An introduction to
adaptive optics provides the needed background for further inquiry
into this rapidly developing area.
* Geometrical aberration theory based on Fermat's
* Diffraction theory and transfer function approach to near-perfect
* Thorough discussion of 2-mirror telescopes, including
* Basic principles of spectrometry; grating and echelle
* Schmidt and other catadioptric telescopes
* Principles of adaptive optics
* Over 220 figures and nearly 90 summary tables
"Vietnam, We've All Been There" is a unique collection of
interviews with noted American writers who made the Vietnam war a
subject of their work. The writers represented here were chosen by
Dr. Schroeder because their books, plays, poems and reportage are
among the best of the particular genre in which each one
works--Norman Mailer, David Rabe, and Michael Herr among them.
Provocative not only for the opinions and memories of the
interviewees, this book is also interesting for its focus on the
variety of literary forms and styles that emerged from the Vietnam
The author makes the point that the more successful literature
to come out of the war was from writers who stretched the limits of
particular forms, giving birth to narratives that broke all the
rules. For example, where journalism usually demands facts, Michael
Herr, the author of "DispatcheS," insisted on much more. He
described psychological states, assessed personal losses and
personified the war in ways that were radically different from
accepted reporting. As Dr. Schroeder reminds us, Vietnam deeply
affected everyone who lived through it--thus there were many
cultural effects that still beg for examination and thought. He
spent nine years gathering these interviews and during that time
the war was a constant presence in his life. For many Americans
even a lifetime may not make it possible to come to terms with the
war. And while it is important not to forget where we've been, it
is also important to move forward. In this book, the writers we
hear from, like the works they created, help us to remember the
past with a reflective wisdom that is essential to informing our
An insightful exploration of the global growth of Chinese brands
that presents a unique Chinese perspective on history and culture
in branding.
China's growing economic power is an established fact, but why have
Chinese brands so far been unable to translate success at home to
international recognition? Including case studies such as: the 2008
Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, arguably the most expensive
branding effort in recent memory; and Shanghai Tang, a global
fashion brand with aesthetic roots in Chinese historical culture,
"From Chinese Brand Culture to Global Brands" is an expert and
insightful look at Chinese brand culture and its capacity to serve
as a complement to existing models of brand globalization. Rather
than explore Western branding in Chinese contexts, this book shows
how some successful Chinese brands that are reaching a global
audience build upon significant aspects of Chinese culture and
history. "From Chinese Brand Culture to Global Brands" examines how
Chinese brands are perceived both internationally and in China, and
argues that branding strategy that draws upon a more
self-consciously Chinese aesthetic would leave Chinese brand
culture poised for global success.
Combining meticulous research with a unique perspective, Seven Days
Before Richmond examines the 1862 Peninsula Campaign of Union
General George McClellan and the profound effects it had on the
lives of McClellan and Confederate General Robert E. Lee, as well
as its lasting impact on the war itself.
Rudolph Schroeder's twenty-five year military career and combat
experience bring added depth to his analysis of the Peninsula
Campaign, offering new insight and revelation to the subject of
Civil War battle history. Schroeder analyzes this crucial campaign
from its genesis to its lasting consequences on both sides.
Featuring a detailed bibliography and a glossary of terms, this
work contains the most complete Order of Battle of the Peninsula
Campaign ever compiled, and it also includes the identification of
commanders down to the regiment level. In addition, this
groundbreaking volume includes several highly-detailed maps that
trace the Peninsula Campaign and recreate this pivotal moment in
the Civil War.
Impeccably detailed and masterfully told, Seven Days Before
Richmond is an essential addition to Civil War scholarship.
Schroeder artfully enables us to glimpse the innermost thoughts and
motivations of the combatants and makes history truly come
This essay collection examines the emerging trends in foreign
policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation in post Cold War
Africa. Editors, Adar and Schraeder, have gathered thirteen essays
that analyze existing foreign policy, propose changes to the
African foreign policy approach, and explore the implications of
African foreign policy on the world stage. Organized into two
sections, individual country case studies and regional and global
case studies, this important text is a timely addition to
International Relations, Foreign Policy, and African International
Studies courses; as well as a useful tool for policy makers,
diplomats, and the NGO community.
From Chinese Brand Culture to Global Brands examines branding from
the Chinese perspective, and predicts that China's greatest brands
are poised for global dominance.
This book presents model-based analysis and design methods for
fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control. Architectural and
structural models are used to analyse the propagation of the fault
through the process, test fault detectability and reveal
redundancies that can be used to ensure fault tolerance. Case
studies demonstrate the methods presented.
The second edition includes new material on reconfigurable
control, diagnosis of nonlinear systems, and remote diagnosis, plus
new examples and updated bibliography.
Quality of Software Architectures and Software Quality - First International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures, QoSA 2005 and Second International Workshop on Software Quality, SOQUA 2005, Erfurt, Germany, September, 20-22, 2005, Proceedings (Paperback, 2005 ed.)
Ralf H. Reussner, Johannes Mayer, Judith A. Stafford, Sven Overhage, Steffen Becker, …
Discovery Miles 16 440
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
The goal of software engineering is to achieve high-quality
software in a cost-effective, timely, and reproducible manner.
Advances in technology offer reductions in cost and schedule, but
their effect on software quality often remains unknown. The
International Conferenceon the Quality of Software
Architectures(QoSA 2005)focusedon software architectures and their
relation to software quality, while the International Workshop on
Software Quality (SOQUA 2005) mainly focused on quality assurance
and more precisely on software testing. These events complement
each other in their view on software quality. One of the main
motivations for explicitly modelling software architectures is to
enable reasoning on software quality. From a software engineering
perspective, a so- ware architecture not only depicts the
coarse-grained structure of a program, but also includes additional
information such as the program's dynamics (i. e., the ?ows of c-
trol through the system) and the mapping of its components and
connections to e- cution environments (such as hardware processors,
virtual machines, network conn- tions, and the like). In this area,
QoSA 2005is concernedwith researchand experiences that investigate
the in?uence a speci?c software architecturehas on software quality
- pects. Additionally, the developmentof methodsto evaluate
software architectureswith respect to these quality attributes is
considered to be an important topic. The quality - tributes of
interest include external properties, such as reliability and
ef?ciency, as well as internal properties, such as maintainability.
In this book Peter Schraeder offers the first comprehensive
theoretical analysis of US foreign policy toward Africa in the
postwar era. He argues that though we often assume that US
policymakers 'speak with one voice', Washington's foreign policy
is, however, derived from numerous centres of power which each have
the ability to pull policy in different directions. The book
describes the evolution of policy at three levels: Presidents and
their close advisors; the bureaucracies of the executive branch;
and Congress and African affairs interest groups. Most importantly,
the evidence presented demonstrates that the nature of events in
Africa has itself affected the operation of the US policymaking
process, and the substance of US policy. Drawing on over 100
interviews, and detailed case studies in Zaire, Ethiopia-Somalia
and South Africa, this book provides a unique analysis of the
historical evolution of US foreign policy towards Africa from the
1940s to the 1990s.
Combining meticulous research with a unique perspective, Seven Days
Before Richmond examines the 1862 Peninsula Campaign of Union
General George McClellan and the profound effects it had on the
lives of McClellan and Confederate General Robert E. Lee, as well
as its lasting impact on the war itself.
Rudolph Schroeder's twenty-five year military career and combat
experience bring added depth to his analysis of the Peninsula
Campaign, offering new insight and revelation to the subject of
Civil War battle history. Schroeder analyzes this crucial campaign
from its genesis to its lasting consequences on both sides.
Featuring a detailed bibliography and a glossary of terms, this
work contains the most complete Order of Battle of the Peninsula
Campaign ever compiled, and it also includes the identification of
commanders down to the regiment level. In addition, this
groundbreaking volume includes several highly-detailed maps that
trace the Peninsula Campaign and recreate this pivotal moment in
the Civil War.
Impeccably detailed and masterfully told, Seven Days Before
Richmond is an essential addition to Civil War scholarship.
Schroeder artfully enables us to glimpse the innermost thoughts and
motivations of the combatants and makes history truly come
This book offers the first comprehensive theoretical analysis of US foreign policy toward Africa in the postwar era. Peter Schraeder argues that though we often assume that US policymakers "speak with one voice," Washington's foreign policy is derived from numerous centers of power, each of which has the ability to pull policy in different directions. Drawing on over 100 interviews, and detailed case studies in Zaire, Ethiopia-Somalia, and South Africa, this book provides a unique analysis of the historical evolution of US foreign policy in the region.
Als der Versuch gemacht wurde, die zur Herstellung der
Arzneizubereitungen dienenden Methoden der pharmazeutischen
Industrie zum erstenmal systematisch zusammenzufassen, entstanden
durch das Verhaltnis der Apotheke zur phar mazeutischen Industrie
bedingte gedankliche Schwierigkeiten, welche zwar den auf diesem
Gebiete tatigen Praktikern mehr oder weniger bereits fruher zum
Bewusstsein gelangten, aber sich hier mit einer besonderen Scharfe
in den Vorder grund drangten. Wahrend in fruheren Zeiten die
Apotheke die Alleinherstellerin der Arznei mittel und
Arzneizubereitungen war, veranderte sich die Lage mit der Entwick
lung der pharmazeutischen Industrie und der Arzneizubereitungen
grundlich, indem die Apotheke mehr und mehr eine
Verkaufsorganisation der Industrie wurde. Dies sagt zur Zeit nur so
viel, dass ein bedeutender Teil des Apotheken umsatzes heute aus
der Tatigkeit als Wiederverkauferin hervorgeht. Wenn es auch
verstandlich ist, dass der Apotheker aus Standesinteresse den
Vorstoss der Industrie abzuwehren und die Herstellung der
Arzneizubereitungen auf die Apotheke zu beschranken sucht, bleibt
es Tatsache, dass derselbe Apotheker aus individuellen
wirtschaftlichen Grunden seinen Bedarf an Arzneimitteln und
Arzneizubereitungen aus der Industrie zu decken gezwungen ist und
dadurch ihrem Vorwartsdringen Vorschub leistet. Dies hat nunmehr
seine tieferen Grunde und schwerwiegende Folgen, welche heute oder
morgen weitgehendst beruck sichtigt werden mussen. Die in den
letzten Jahrzehnten erfolgte machtige Entwicklung der synthe
tischen Chemie bereicherte unseren Arzneischatz mit einer ganzen
Reihe von wertvollen Produkten, welche das gesamte Bild der
Arzneibehandlung voll kommen umgestaltete."
Colors of Minnesota (Hardcover)
Ryan J Schroeder; Illustrated by Ryan J Schroeder
Discovery Miles 5 320
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Ships in 10 - 15 working days
My life is so much more fun with the edition of each and every
grandchild. Time spent with them is priceless. It doenst matter
what we are doing, I enjoy our time together. Each grandchild has a
different personality, I will try to capture each and every one of
them. This is Hayden's story
Everyone has a story to tell and mine is no different then yours.
Through my columns that I generously contribute at no cost other
then the time that it takes to write; I share my love of writing
about my life so that others can read and relate. My therapy is
through my thoughts and writings, which is cheaper then seeking a
professional therapist, and besides it may just keep me out of the
loony bin I write about my loves, my husband and our clan and those
that have touched my life in many ways. I share events which are
good and bad and even non-life altering life happenings. My life is
a simple one and that is how I like it. I claim to be pretty much a
"Plain Jane" of sorts and have no real outstanding talents. I was
raised by my parents to be respectful and courteous, and to fear
the twig that Mom would shake in front of me...it's amazing the
power that insignificant piece of nature would hold. Even to this
day I won't sass her. I had pretty much raised four girls not
knowing much of anything about raising girls other then I was their
age once and I didn't want them to experience some of what I had,
be it simple pranks or things that to this day remain locked away
inside my aging mind. In certain instances it's alright not to have
the best memory. And believe you me I use that excuse quite often I
love sharing stories of child rearing and of course the many
additions of grandchildren that at the rate that they are coming I
will not run out of topics to discuss for quite some time Just as
each of my children and my husband's children are unique and
individual, so are their children. And what Grandparent doesn't
like to share stories of their grandchildren? Sit back and enjoy,
let me bring back memories and entertain...this is "Life According
to Me"
Information security is an issue that has increased greatly in
importance to bothindustry executives as well as military
leadership over the past decade. In this time bothpractitioner and
academic circles have researched and developed practices and
process tomore effectively handle information security. Even with
growth in these areas there hasbeen almost no research conducted
into how decision makers actually behave. This isproblematic
because information security decision makers in the Department of
Defensehave been observed exhibiting risk seeking behavior when
making information securitydecisions that seemingly violate
accepted norms. There are presently no models in theliterature that
provide sufficient insight into this phenomenon.This study used
Prospect Theory, developed by Kahneman and Tversky, as aframework
to develop a survey in an effort to obtain insight into how
decision makersactually behave while making information security
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