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A vibrant critical exchange between contemporary art and
Christianity is being increasingly prompted by an expanding
programme of art installations and commissions for ecclesiastical
spaces. Rather than 'religious art' reflecting Christian ideology,
current practices frequently initiate projects that question the
values and traditions of the host space, or present objects and
events that challenge its visual conventions. In the light of these
developments, this book asks what conditions are favourable to
enhancing and expanding the possibilities of church-based art, and
how can these conditions be addressed? What viable language or
strategies can be formulated to understand and analyse art's role
within the church? Focusing on concepts drawn from anthropology,
comparative religion, art theory, theology and philosophy, this
book formulates a lexicon of terms built around the notion of
encounter in order to review the effective uses and experience of
contemporary art in churches. The author concludes with the
prognosis that art for the church has reached a critical and
decisive phase in its history, testing the assumption that
contemporary art should be a taken-for-granted element of modern
church life. Art and the Church: A Fractious Embrace uniquely
combines conceptual analysis, critical case studies and practical
application in a rigorous and inventive manner, dealing
specifically with contemporary art of the past twenty-five years,
and the most recent developments in the church's policies for the
Explanations of theory, lists of rules, and discussions of
procedure are the basis of learning the lean Six Sigma, however
without a visceral understanding of the application of this
powerful system in various circumstances the knowledge remains, at
best, conjecture. Detailed examination of case studies that take
real-world variables into account is the only way to truly master
Lean Six Sigma. Providing a comprehensive Lean Six Sigma case study
from start to finish, Implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout the
Supply Chain: The Comprehensive and Transparent Case Study employs
the Define -- Measure -- Analyze -- Improve -- Control (DMAIC)
process used in today's retail industry. Going far beyond the brief
overview found in current texts, this interactive case study
presents all of the data used by a team as they implement Lean Six
Sigma in a distribution center. It details their decision-making
rational, thus allowing the reader to extrapolate and implement the
same analyses and conclusions in their own settings. An interactive
CD accompanies the book and contains all of the numerous graphs,
charts, tables, and data analyses provided in the text. It provides
PowerPoint training slides and easily accessible data sets that
correspond to the figures in the book, as well as a full Glossary
and reference guide to commonly used Lean and Six Sigma terms.
Providing a clear link between all of the Lean Six Sigma tools and
their application in a real-world setting, indispensible training
tool gives the all-important, rubber-meets-the-road understanding
needed to start you on your Lean Six Sigma journey.
This important contribution to scholarship in social science
history examines the development of public education in
nineteenth-century Massachusetts. Until the 1950s educational
historians emphasized the relationship of schooling to the
political system and the development of a common American culture.
In recent years a social history perspective has emerged that
stresses the socioeconomic influences that tie education to other
institutions and processes in society rather than to political
ideals. Carl Kaestle's and Maris Vinovskis's study is firmly
grounded in this newer perspective. However, their work questions
the adequacy of any single-factor explanation of the broad
educational changes that occurred during this period - whether it
be the emergence of factory production or the broader concept of
modernization. They argue that these educational changes were the
result of the complex interaction of cultural, demographic and
economic variables operating in varying ways in different
communities over time. Ethnicity, religion, urban status, the
occupational structure, income distribution and wealth of the
community all emerge as significant factors in this interaction.
Explanations of theory, lists of rules, and discussions of
procedure are the basis of learning the lean Six Sigma, however
without a visceral understanding of the application of this
powerful system in various circumstances the knowledge remains, at
best, conjecture. Detailed examination of case studies that take
real-world variables into account is the only way to truly master
Lean Six Sigma. Providing a comprehensive Lean Six Sigma case study
from start to finish, Implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout the
Supply Chain: The Comprehensive and Transparent Case Study employs
the Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) process used in
today's retail industry. Going far beyond the brief overview found
in current texts, this interactive case study presents all of the
data used by a team as they implement Lean Six Sigma in a
distribution center. It details their decision-making rational,
thus allowing the reader to extrapolate and implement the same
analyses and conclusions in their own settings. The downloadable
resources contain all of the numerous graphs, charts, tables, and
data analyses provided in the text. It provides PowerPoint training
slides and easily accessible data sets that correspond to the
figures in the book, as well as a full Glossary and reference guide
to commonly used Lean and Six Sigma terms. Providing a clear link
between all of the Lean Six Sigma tools and their application in a
real-world setting, indispensible training tool gives the
all-important, rubber-meets-the-road understanding needed to start
you on your Lean Six Sigma journey.
Die Verordnung des Reichsarbeitsministers vom 15. Februar 1929
bringt, soweit sie sich auf die Staublunge als
entschadigungspflichtige Berufskrankheit erstreckt, fur die
arztliche Begutachtung nach drei Richtungen erhebliche
Schwierigkeiten. Einmal ist die Art der Erkrankung festzustellen,
da die Ent schadigungspflicht auf Verstaubungen der Lunge
beschrankt wird, wie sie in ganz bestimmten Betrieben mit
besonderen Staubarten vorkommen. Sodann ist der G ra d der
Erkrankung zu ermitteln, da nur schwere Formen - man spricht vom
dritten Grad der Silikosis - zu ent schadigen sind. Schliesslich
ist das Zusammentreffen mit der Tub e r k u los e zu begutachten,
wobei zwar die Frage, welche der bei den Veranderungen die ersten
sind, nicht entschieden zu werden braucht, aber das Be stehen einer
wesentlichen Staublungenerkrankung bei der Tuber kulose
festgestellt werden muss. Die uber diese Fragen von dem
Ortsausschuss fur das arztliche Fortbildungswesen in Bochum
angeregte Aussprache fand vom 4. bis 7. Mai 1929 statt. Man
beabsichtigte, moglichst fruhzeitig eine Klarung der Fragen zum
Besten der Begutachtung anzustreben an einer Stelle, wo ihnen
naturgemass das grosste Interesse entgegen gebracht werden musste.
Neben versicherungs-, industrie- und berg bautechnischen das Gebiet
behandelnden Vortragen und Vorfuh rungen wurden neun arztliche
Vortrage gehalten, die wir im folgenden bringen. Sie sind in der
Reihenfolge, wie sie gehalten wurden, auf gefuhrt, und zwar, gemass
dem mundlichen Vortrag, jeder durchaus selbstandig. Es ist
absichtlich auch nicht der Versuch gemacht worden, die
verschiedenen - in manchen Punkten auseinander gehenden -
Anschauungen auf einen Nenner zu bringen."
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer
Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags
von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv
Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche
Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext
betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor
1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen
Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
In a period characterized by expanding markets, national
consolidation, and social upheaval, print culture picked up
momentum as the nineteenth century turned into the twentieth.
Books, magazines, and newspapers were produced more quickly and
more cheaply, reaching ever-increasing numbers of readers. Volume 4
of A History of the Book in America traces the complex, even
contradictory consequences of these changes in the production,
circulation, and use of print. Contributors to this volume explain
that although mass production encouraged consolidation and
standardization, readers increasingly adapted print to serve their
own purposes, allowing for increased diversity in the midst of
concentration and integration. Considering the book in larger
social and cultural networks, essays address the rise of consumer
culture, the extension of literacy and reading through schooling,
the expansion of secondary and postsecondary education and the
growth of the textbook industry, the growing influence of the
professions and their dependence on print culture, and the history
of relevant technology. As the essays here attest, the expansion of
print culture between 1880 and 1940 enabled it to become part of
Americans' everyday business, social, political, and religious
lives. Contributors: Megan Benton, Pacific Lutheran University Paul
S. Boyer, University of Wisconsin-Madison Una M. Cadegan,
University of Dayton Phyllis Dain, Columbia University James P.
Danky, University of Wisconsin-Madison Ellen Gruber Garvey, New
Jersey City University Peter Jaszi, American University Carl F.
Kaestle, Brown University Nicolas Kanellos, University of Houston
Richard L. Kaplan, ABC-Clio Publishing Marcel Chotkowski
LaFollette, Washington, D.C. Elizabeth Long, Rice University
Elizabeth McHenry, New York University Sally M. Miller, University
of the Pacific Richard Ohmann, Wesleyan University Janice A.
Radway, Duke University Joan Shelley Rubin, University of Rochester
Jonathan D. Sarna, Brandeis University Charles A. Seavey,
University of Missouri, Columbia Michael Schudson, University of
California, San Diego William Vance Trollinger Jr., University of
Dayton Richard L. Venezky (1938-2004) James L. W. West III,
Pennsylvania State University Wayne A. Wiegand, Florida State
University Michael Winship, University of Texas at Austin Martha
Woodmansee, Case Western Reserve University
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