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MASSAC in M, rrs ivsrrii LI OF ri, c iiNOLO FOHMKHLl IMH1 TOR OK
IMVMiSlI FOKMI HI 1 1. IM l i D1UKCTOK orhii noNs IA IA rioN CHOI I
MTK1 hTAri-Ji NAN FIRST EDITION REVISED Publinhod jointly by THE
and VIII copyrighted 1951 by The Technology Press Chapters II
through VII appear herein through the courtesy of the Office of
Scientific Research and De velopment and the United States Navy
SECOND PRINTING JULY, 1 95 1 PREFACE IN A sfcNSE, this book should
have no authors names or else several pages of names Parts of the
book were written by various persons during and at the end of World
War II. What the undersigned have done is to collect the material,
rewrite some in the light of later kno ledge, expand some to make
it more generally intelligible, add chapters on organization and
general procedures, and cement the mosaic into hat is hoped to be a
fairly logical structure Since the undersigned were members of the
Operations Research Gtuup, U. S, Navy, it is perhaps not surprising
that the examples given are draun chiefly from the work of this
group, though an effort has been made to include examples from the
work of other groups Many persons have helped by discussions and
editorial criticism, including members of other operations jf ear I
roujis in this country and in Kngland To mention a few ould slight
many others, so none l l c named. During the war the scope,
methods, and triumphs of operations research ere not appreciated by
most scientists or by most military men because no information was
freely available If e are not to lose this valuable experience and
background, some of it must be made available to the scientists and
engineer as well ax to the artried services This is particularly
important if the methods of operations research have important
peacetime applications as it is believed they do. The first
publication of this woik as in classified form, just after World
War II. To further the purposes mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, hem ever, the 1 volume has now been declassified, after
suitable modification of a feu examples. The first and last
chapters have been entirely rewritten, to bring the discussion up
to date, in particular with respect to nonmihtury applications
There has been growing interest in the application of the
techniques of operations research in industry and other nonmihtary
operations. This is evidenced by the formation of a committee on
operations research of the U. S. National Research Council and of
an Operations Research dub in London, and by the institution of
classes in operations research in several American Universities. It
is hoped that the present, unclassified edition of MKTHODB OF
OPERATIONS HUBKARCH vill be equally of interest and of use to
industrial, merchandising, and nonmihtary govern mental executives
as the earlier, classified edition seems to have been in military
circles. PHILIP M. MOIIHK GEORGK K KIM BALL Wa hington, D. C.,
April 1950 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 1 Introduction . .... 1 2
Probability . . . . . . . .... 11 3 The Use of Measures of
Effectiveness . . 38 4 Strategical Kinematics . . .. ... .61 5
Tactical Analysis . . . . 81 6 Gunnery and Bombardment Problems . .
. 110 7 Operational Experiments Auth Equipment and Tactics . . .
129 8 Organizational and Procedural Problems . . 137 Tables . . .
.146 Bibliography . . . 154 Index . . . . ...
This book challenges the separation between CSR and law. It also
demonstrates that BRHR may be gradually separating from CSR through
emphasis on state obligations. Authors from around the world
discuss how businesses engage in CSR and human rights, and how
governments and intergovernmental organisations may support
business in taking responsibility
The use of mixed methods designs for conducting research has become
a major trend in social science research. Renowned methodological
experts Janice Morse and Linda Niehaus present a guide to
intermediate and experienced researchers on the possibilities
inherent in mixed method research. They offer the basic principles
of conducting this kind of study, then examine a wide variety of
design options available to the researcher, including their
strengths and weaknesses and when to use them. Providing examples
from a variety of disciplines, examining potential threats to
validity, and showing the relationship between method and theory,
the book will be a valuable addition to the methodologist's library
and a useful text in courses in research design.
The mass media, press and television have always been central in
the formation of corporate identity and the promotion of business
image and reputation. This volume provides a new perspective into
the interrelationships between media and organisations across three
dimensions: Media as Business, Media in business and Business in
the media.
Developing Grounded Theory: The Second Generation Revisited is a
highly accessible description of the rapid development of grounded
theories and the latest developments in grounded theory methods. A
succinct overview of the development of grounded theory is
provided, including the similarities and differences between
Glaserian and Straussian grounded theory. The method introduced by
Schatzman, and the development of Charmaz's constructivist grounded
theory and Clarke's situational analysis, are clearly presented.
The book is divided into seven sections: each type of grounded
theory is discussed by the developer (or their student), followed
by a chapter describing a project that used that particular type of
grounded theory. Bookending these chapters is the first chapter,
which describes the development and landscape of grounded theory,
and a final chapter describing the challenges to the future of
grounded theory. This book is ideally suited for beginning students
trying to come to grips with the field as well as more advanced
researchers attempting to delineate the major types of grounded
Delivers all information required for mandatory Theoretical
Foundations of Nursing course in one book By embracing the major
conceptual and theoretical contributions to nursing research that
are outside of ""traditional"" nursing theory, this is an vital
resource for nurse researchers, and one that is indispensible for
doctoral nursing students embarking on their dissertations.
Containing the full complement of information required for the
mandatory Theoretical Foundations of Nursing course for PhD
programs, this text disseminates the foundational skills needed for
excellence in research and scholarship. The book examines in-depth
the components of nursing theory and the types and uses of theory
in nursing research and practice, and teaches students about the
nature and use of concepts, how to think critically, and ""ways of
thinking"" that are essential for nursing research. This text
contains information for developing concepts and mid-range theory,
using a variety of qualitative research methods, developing
theoretical scope by linking mid-range theories, and moving
knowledge towards certainty and evidence. It also illustrates the
construction of frameworks for quantitative inquiry, exploring
theory in mixed-method design, and how theory develops knowledge.
Each method includes a description of the methodological approach
and examples of subsequent concept or theory development. The text
includes several methods for the development of concepts, micro-
and mid-range theories using qualitative research, and the new
trend towards moving these qualitative theories to practice-based
evidence. Each section of the book contains pragmatic examples and
supplementary activities that encourage inquiry. An Instructors
Manual facilitates the teaching of content to enhance student
learning. Key Features: Teaches the significance of and foundations
of Perspective, Concepts, Qualitatively-Derived Theory,
Quantitative Frameworks, Quantitative Theoretical Development,
Knowledge Development from Research, Application, and Evidence
Focuses on current nursing research and how it is used in practice
today Demonstrates the significant relationship between theory,
research, knowledge development, evidence and practice Promotes
excellence in scholarship and research Includes extensive
Instructor's Manual to facilitate teaching of content.
Developing Grounded Theory: The Second Generation Revisited is a
highly accessible description of the rapid development of grounded
theories and the latest developments in grounded theory methods. A
succinct overview of the development of grounded theory is
provided, including the similarities and differences between
Glaserian and Straussian grounded theory. The method introduced by
Schatzman, and the development of Charmaz's constructivist grounded
theory and Clarke's situational analysis, are clearly presented.
The book is divided into seven sections: each type of grounded
theory is discussed by the developer (or their student), followed
by a chapter describing a project that used that particular type of
grounded theory. Bookending these chapters is the first chapter,
which describes the development and landscape of grounded theory,
and a final chapter describing the challenges to the future of
grounded theory. This book is ideally suited for beginning students
trying to come to grips with the field as well as more advanced
researchers attempting to delineate the major types of grounded
The leading figure in qualitative health research (QHR), Janice M.
Morse, asserts that QHR is its own separate discipline--distinct
from both traditional health research and other kinds of
qualitative research--and examines the implications of this
position for theory, research, and practice. She contends that the
health care environments transform many of the traditional norms of
qualitative research and shape a new and different kind of research
tradition. Similarly, the humanizing ethos of qualitative health
research has much to teach traditional researchers and
practitioners in health disciplines. She explores how the
discipline of QHR can play out in practice, both in the clinic and
in the classroom, in North America and around the world. A
challenging, thought-provoking call to rethink how to conduct
qualitative research in health settings.
An American Journal of Nursing 1994 Book of the Year Theoretically
rich and stimulating, Critical Issues in Qualitative Research
Methods targets matters inherent in qualitative research. It
addresses some of the lesser-known or explicated qualitative
research methods (such as ethology), the essential concepts of
rigor and evaluation, dilemmas in data collection, and issues of
scientific misconduct. The various schools of phenomenology and
their major characteristics of excellence are described. In
addition, ethical issues and concerns of scientific integrity are
raised: Which set of ethics should a researcher use? Should one
divulge their research purposes? Are there potential risks to
informants? Each chapter in this volume deals with a matter that
has not yet been resolved or addressed in existing literature. The
chapters begin with a joint dialogue in which the contributors
raise questions and comment upon the concept presented, thus giving
a sense of the ongoing controversy these opinions engender.
Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods is important
reading for advanced students and researchers in all disciplines,
especially nursing and allied health. "Are you looking for ideas
and techniques that will enhance the integrity, excellence, and
spirit of your qualitative research? If so, this is the book for
you. [Here], writers clarify not only theoretical, epistemological,
and methodological issues but tackle the sensitivity area of issues
of the spirit in qualitative research. Discussions are generally
written in a crisp, clear, sometimes serious/sometimes whimsical
way. Altogether, this makes for a delightful, rich, readable
scholarly work. There were few, if any, chapters that did not
provide mw with a fresh way of looking at something or a possible
answer to a question that I had been harboring. The whimsical
nature of some of the chapters was most refreshing. This is an
important book for moving the profession along in its capability
for conducting qualitative research." --Lynne Maxwell, Nursing
Research Quarterly "The direct approach taken by the authors in
exploring the soundness of qualitative research makes the book
valuable for researchers of any inquiry paradigm. . . . The
contribution of this book--and where it succeeds brilliantly--is in
raising as many questions as it answers. The authors are not afraid
to give voice to what qualitative researchers know but often are
reluctant to discuss: That exemplary qualitative research is not
merely one set of steps that can be learned from a book and applied
by all researchers." --Theory and Methods "I believe the book is
interesting, varied in content, and of high quality. . . . It is
simply a fact that many more nurses are undertaking qualitative
research, and while the number and quality of qualitative research
publications are increasing, there is still a dearth of high-level
discussion in the literature about issues in the process and
outcome of the research." --Kit Chesla, R.N., D.N.Sc., University
of California, San Francisco
The leading figure in qualitative health research (QHR), Janice M.
Morse, asserts that QHR is its own separate discipline--distinct
from both traditional health research and other kinds of
qualitative research--and examines the implications of this
position for theory, research, and practice. She contends that the
health care environments transform many of the traditional norms of
qualitative research and shape a new and different kind of research
tradition. Similarly, the humanizing ethos of qualitative health
research has much to teach traditional researchers and
practitioners in health disciplines. She explores how the
discipline of QHR can play out in practice, both in the clinic and
in the classroom, in North America and around the world. A
challenging, thought-provoking call to rethink how to conduct
qualitative research in health settings.
The use of mixed methods designs for conducting research has become
a major trend in social science research. Renowned methodological
experts Janice Morse and Linda Niehaus present a guide to
intermediate and experienced researchers on the possibilities
inherent in mixed method research. They offer the basic principles
of conducting this kind of study, then examine a wide variety of
design options available to the researcher, including their
strengths and weaknesses and when to use them. Providing examples
from a variety of disciplines, examining potential threats to
validity, and showing the relationship between method and theory,
the book will be a valuable addition to the methodologist's library
and a useful text in courses in research design.
This book challenges the separation between CSR and law. It also
demonstrates that BRHR may be gradually separating from CSR through
emphasis on state obligations. Authors from around the world
discuss how businesses engage in CSR and human rights, and how
governments and intergovernmental organisations may support
business in taking responsibility
The mass media, press and television have always been central in
the formation of corporate identity and the promotion of business
image and reputation. This volume provides a new perspective into
the interrelationships between media and organizations across three
dimensions: Media as Business, Media in business and Business in
the media.
Originally published in 1989. In New World Soundings, cultural
historian Richard Morse takes a series of sharply focused looks at
the Americas. He inquires into the ways in which speech and poetry
evoke the common historical experience of North and South America
and examines the transatlantic "sea changes" of European languages.
He uses political ideology to contrast the traditions of Anglo and
Latin America, while surveying contemporary pressures for
ideological change. In the book's final sections, he addresses the
North-South transaction from yet three more angles, ruminating on
the problems involved in conveying the Latin American experience to
U.S. students, considering the impediments to U.S.-Puerto Rican
understanding, and recounting the mythic adventures of McLuhanaima,
"the world's first Brazilianist," as he travels through the exotic
land he has chosen for definitive research.
This volume, available for the first time in paperback, is a
standard work on the physical aspects of acoustics. Starting from
first principles, the authors have successfully produced a unified
and thorough treatment of the subjects of generation, propagation,
absorption, reflection, and scattering of compressional waves in
fluids, progressing to such topics as moving sound sources,
turbulence, and wave-induced vibration of structures. Material is
included on viscous and thermal effects, on the acoustics of moving
media, on plasma acoustics, on nonlinear effects, and on the
interaction between light and sound. Problems, with answers in many
cases, are given at the end of each chapter. They contain
extensions to further applications, thus enhancing the reference
value of the book. Many of the examples worked out in the text and
in the problem solutions were not previously published. Anyone
familiar with calculus and vector analysis should be able to
understand the mathematical techniques used here.
Die Entwicklung der Ozeanographie ist dank der Fortschritte meeres
kundlicher Messungen und der Bearbeitungsmethoden ozeanographi
schen Beobachtungsmaterials bei jenem wichtigen Wendepunkt
angelangt, bei dem von der mehr beschreibenden Betrachtungsweise zu
einer stren geren Behandlung gesetzlicher Erscheinungen
ubergegangen werden kann. Die Ozeanographie folgt in dieser
fortschreitenden Entwicklung immer mehr ihrer Schwesterdisziplin,
der Meteorologie, die diesen Ubergang bei der Behandlung einzelner
Probleme schon in vielen Fallen erfolg reich durchgefUhrt hat. 1m
vorliegenden Buche habe ich versucht, eine Zusammenstellung unserer
Kenntnisse der Bewegungserscheinungen im Meere auf
theoretisch-physikalischer Grundlage zu geben. Einige Lucken, die
sich hierbei ergeben haben, habe ich versucht, auszufUllen. Die
Anfiinge zu dieser Arbeit reichen schon in die Zeit zuruck, als ich
an der Universitat Innsbruck im Verbande mit anderen
geophysikalischen Themen auch tiber Physik des Meeres Vorlesungen
hielt. Meine Berufung an das Institut und Museum fUr Meereskunde an
der Universitat Berlin, und meine Teilnahme an den letzten Profilen
der Deutschen Atlantischen Expedition auf dem Forschungsschiff
"Meteor" gaben mir Gelegenheit, mich noch eingehender mit diesen
Problem en der Ozeanographie zu be fassen. Letzten Endes waren es
die Vortrage, die ich fUr die wissen schaftlichen Teilnehmer und
fUr die Offiziere an Bord des "Meteor" hielt, die dazu fUhrten, die
hydrodynamischen Grundlagen der ozeanischen Bewegungen
durchzuarbeiten und ubersichtlich zusammenzustellen. Diese Vortrage
gaben so den Grundstock zu dieser "Dynamischen Ozeanographie.""
Contributing Authors Include George P. Wadsworth, Bernard O.
Koopman, Herbert P. Galliher And Others.
Full Title: "George De B. Keim Et Al., Receivers, Claimants,
Appellants, v. William B. Parker, Libellant, Appellee"Description:
"The Making of the Modern Law: Trials, 1600-1926" collection
provides descriptions of the major trials from over 300 years, with
official trial documents, unofficially published accounts of the
trials, briefs and arguments and more. Readers can delve into
sensational trials as well as those precedent-setting trials
associated with key constitutional and historical issues and
discover, including the Amistad Slavery case, the Dred Scott case
and Scopes "monkey" trial."Trials" provides unfiltered narrative
into the lives of the trial participants as well as everyday
people, providing an unparalleled source for the historical study
of sex, gender, class, marriage and divorce.++++The below data was
compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic
record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool
in helping to insure edition identification:
++++332406/16/1938Court RecordHarvard Law School LibraryBoston:
Printed Under Direction of the Clerk. 1890