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Showing 1 - 25 of 46 matches in All Departments
The overuse of sand is ‘one of the major sustainability challenges of the 21st-century.’ - United Nations Environment Program, 2019 Sand is the hidden foundation of our society. In Sand Stories, Kiran Pereira maps out the big picture of why it is the most consumed commodity on the planet after water. The book also examines the impacts of our seemingly insatiable demand for sand on our global Sustainable Development Goals. The concern is that sand is a non-renewable resource and not every kind of sand is useful. While the number of sand’s uses beyond glass and concrete is growing, its sources are not. The good news is that there are solutions to this alarming global problem including those that foster a circular economy. We now need the political will to enact them.
This publication contains every Gaelic word and meaning given in previously published dictionaries, and a great number never in print before. A concise Gaelic grammar is included along with many hundreds of illustrations.
Since September 11, 2001, the pressure on Al Qaeda has increased. Training sanctuaries and havens have been eliminated, and numerous fighters of the organization have been killed, captured or are in hiding. Today, Al Qaeda can be understood - according to many analysts - much more as an ideological platform than an operative terror organization: Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri cannot provide tactical leadership. But they pose a new, more virtual threat insofar as recruitment, training and indoctrination, as well as propaganda, have moved to small cell operations in virtually every country, under the Al Qaeda ideological banner. ... The stark fact is that the execution of the global war on terrorism has not decreased international terrorism directed against the West. In view of this apparent failure of present strategies, the editors have sought the opinions of eight distinguished scholars and experts in the field to reflect on the following questions: What additional actions are required in counterterrorism policy to reverse the increase in terror-directed activities? What are the main shortcomings of current policy initiatives? And, what policy recommendations can they make as a result of recent developments in counterterrorism theory and new data on terror perpetrators and incidents? Their answers set out in this volume provide important contributions - academic, scientific, and practical - to the debate on how to effectively counter terrorism, which methods to pursue, and which means to apply. ... The volume is structured in three parts: Possible anticipatory actions in the context of counterterrorism and prevention; the question of reasonable reaction to a perceived or real threat; and discussion on the effects of an attack and how to deal with them.
As the demand and necessity for greater international and transnational cooperation increase, the bureaucratic bodies of international organizations are receiving ever more scholarly attention. However, the relevance of International Public Administrations (IPAs) for global policy-making remains neither empirically nor theoretically well understood, and yet little systematic knowledge is available about the influence international bureaucracies may have on policy-making. What makes international bureaucracies influential? Are the sources of their influence on policy-making comparable to that of national public administrations? Is there a need to reflect on other factors than known from the analysis of national bureaucracies or for re-assessing the impact of traditional factors of influence in multilevel constellations? Is there a systematic link between intra-organizational structures and the behavior of the personnel of international bureaucracies and the policy output of their organizations? What are the effects of international bureaucracies' role for particular policies or policy constellations? The different contributions in this volume address these questions from different conceptual perspectives and focus on different tools of administrative governance. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy.
The definitive textbook on the use of lithium in the treatment of mental disorders, this comprehensive work provides an up-to-date analysis of lithium, including: History Clinical applications, including its use for mania, bipolar and schizophrenic disorders Use in special populations, for example in children, the elderly and people with medical conditions The effect on the body and behavior, including neurological, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and dermatological effects, as well as those relating to the kidneys and thyroid Basic findings in pharmacology, chemistry, transport in the body, pharmacokinetics, signal transduction pathways, immune function, gene regulation. Practical issues, such as guidelines for safe use, discontinuation issues, compliance, intoxication, and economics. Edited by top experts from the International Group for the Study of Lithium Treated Patients (IGSLi), Lithium in Neuropsychiatry: A Comprehensive Guide is a unique and vital resource for psychiatrists, psychopharmacologists, psychotherapists and neuroscientists.
As the demand and necessity for greater international and transnational cooperation increase, the bureaucratic bodies of international organizations are receiving ever more scholarly attention. However, the relevance of International Public Administrations (IPAs) for global policy-making remains neither empirically nor theoretically well understood, and yet little systematic knowledge is available about the influence international bureaucracies may have on policy-making. What makes international bureaucracies influential? Are the sources of their influence on policy-making comparable to that of national public administrations? Is there a need to reflect on other factors than known from the analysis of national bureaucracies or for re-assessing the impact of traditional factors of influence in multilevel constellations? Is there a systematic link between intra-organizational structures and the behavior of the personnel of international bureaucracies and the policy output of their organizations? What are the effects of international bureaucracies' role for particular policies or policy constellations? The different contributions in this volume address these questions from different conceptual perspectives and focus on different tools of administrative governance. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy.
1. 1 The Cytokeratins as a Member of the Intermediate Filament Protein Family Intermediate filaments together with microtubules and actin microfilaments make up the filamentous cytoskeleton found in the cytoplasm of vertebrate cells. Recently, intermediate filament proteins have also been described in invertebrates, but their chemistry is not yet known (for review see Biessmann and Walter 1989). These filaments (about 10 nm in diameter) used to be categorized into five classes - cytokeratin, vimentin, desmin, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and neurofilaments (NFs). The expression of these proteins follows differentiation-dependent rules: cytokeratins occur in epi- thelial cells, NF proteins are expressed in neurons, GFAP in astrocytes and some nonglial cells, desmin in smooth muscle cells and in striated myocytes, and vimentin in mesenchymal cells (for review see Lazarides 1980; Osborn and Weber 1983). Recent investigations including deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and protein sequencing and peptide mapping have redefined the intermediate filaments into five types or subfamilies (type I, acidic cytokeratins; type II, basic cytokeratins; type III, vimentin, desmin, peripherin, and GFAP; type IV, the three NF proteins; and type V, the nuclear lamins (for review see Nagle 1988). A new type VI intermediate filament protein, nestin, has been described in the developing nervous system (Lendahl et al. 1990), and is initially co- expressed with vimentin in neuroepithelial stem cells (Steinert and Liem 1990). The cytokeratins are the most complex subgroup of intermediate filament proteins.
An important consideration for energy-efficient buildings is
their primary energy requirements over the entire life cycle. How
to determine this? What integrative factors influence the
performance of a healthy and sustainable building? This, while it
may be important for clients and architects to know, is frequently
not very transparent. - A Guideline for Planning, Construction and Operation of
sustainable Buildings
Linux consistently appears high up in the list of popular Internet servers, whether it's for the Web, anonymous FTP, or general services such as DNS and delivering mail. But security is the foremost concern of anyone providing such a service. Any server experiences casual probe attempts dozens of time a day, and serious break-in attempts with some frequency as well. This highly regarded book, originally titled "Building Secure Servers with Linux," combines practical advice with a firm knowledge of the technical tools needed to ensure security. The book focuses on the most common use of Linux--as a hub offering services to an organization or the Internet--and shows readers how to harden their hosts against attacks. An all-inclusive resource for Linux users who wish to harden their systems, "Linux Server Security" covers general security such as intrusion detection and firewalling a hub, as well as key services such as DNS, the Apache Web server, mail, and secure shell. Author Michael D. Bauer, a security consultant, network architect, and lead author of the popular Paranoid Penguin column in the "Linux Journal," carefully outlines the security risks, defines precautions that can minimize those risks, and offers recipes for robust security. He is joined on several chapters by administrator and developer Bill Lubanovic. A number of new security topics have been added for this edition, including: Database security, with a focus on MySQL Using OpenLDAP for authentication An introduction to email encryption The Cyrus IMAP service, a popular mail delivery agent The vsftpd FTP server Geared toward Linux users with little security expertise, the author explainssecurity concepts and techniques in clear language, beginning with the fundamentals. "Linux Server Security" with Linux provides a unique balance of "big picture" principles that transcend specific software packages and version numbers, and very clear procedures on securing some of those software packages on several popular distributions. With this book in hand, you'll have both the expertise and the tools to comprehensively secure your Linux system.
Dolpo is a culturally Tibetan enclave in one of Nepal's most remote regions. The Dolpo-pa, or people of Dolpo, share language, religious and cultural practices, history, and a way of life. Agro-pastoralists who live in some of the highest villages in the world, the Dolpo-pa wrest survival from this inhospitable landscape through a creative combination of farming, animal husbandry, and trade. "High Frontiers" is an ethnography and ecological history of Dolpo tracing the dramatic transformations in the region's socioeconomic patterns. Once these traders passed freely between Tibet and Nepal with their caravans of yak to exchange salt and grains; they relied on winter pastures in Tibet to maintain their herds. After 1959, China assumed full control over Tibet and the border was closed, restricting livestock migrations and sharply curtailing trade. At the same time, increasing supplies of Indian salt reduced the value of Tibetan salt, undermining Dolpo's economic niche. Dolpo's agro-pastoralists were forced to reinvent their lives by changing their migration patterns, adopting new economic partnerships, and adapting to external agents of change. The region has been transformed as a result of the creation of Nepal's largest national park, the making of "Himalaya, " a major motion picture filmed on location, the increasing presence of nongovernmental organizations, and a booming trade in medicinal products. "High Frontiers" examines these transformations at the local level and speculates on the future of pastoralism in this region and across the Himalayas.
Dolpo is a culturally Tibetan enclave in one of Nepal's most remote regions. The Dolpo-pa, or people of Dolpo, share language, religious and cultural practices, history, and a way of life. Agro-pastoralists who live in some of the highest villages in the world, the Dolpo-pa wrest survival from this inhospitable landscape through a creative combination of farming, animal husbandry, and trade. "High Frontiers" is an ethnography and ecological history of Dolpo tracing the dramatic transformations in the region's socioeconomic patterns. Once these traders passed freely between Tibet and Nepal with their caravans of yak to exchange salt and grains; they relied on winter pastures in Tibet to maintain their herds. After 1959, China assumed full control over Tibet and the border was closed, restricting livestock migrations and sharply curtailing trade. At the same time, increasing supplies of Indian salt reduced the value of Tibetan salt, undermining Dolpo's economic niche. Dolpo's agro-pastoralists were forced to reinvent their lives by changing their migration patterns, adopting new economic partnerships, and adapting to external agents of change. The region has been transformed as a result of the creation of Nepal's largest national park, the making of "Himalaya, " a major motion picture filmed on location, the increasing presence of nongovernmental organizations, and a booming trade in medicinal products. "High Frontiers" examines these transformations at the local level and speculates on the future of pastoralism in this region and across the Himalayas.
Auf der Basis einer Befragung von 374 in Deutschland tatigen Unternehmen analysiert Michael Bauer, wie erfolgreich Controller und Manager zusammenarbeiten, und fuhrt eine - an Methoden des Marketing angelehnte - Messung der Dienstleistungsqualitat der Controllerleistungen durch. Diese setzt er in Bezug zum Unternehmenserfolg."
Dieses Buch wendet sich an alle, die in ihrer taglichen Arbeit mit
Menschen zu tun haben, die unter psychischen Storungen und
Beschwerden aufgrund politischer Inhaftierung in der DDR leiden.
Leitmotiv der Autoren und Autorinnen ist, uber bisherige
Untersuchungsergebnisse, die Behandlung und Begutachtung dieser
Betroffenen zu informieren. Die Schwerpunkte sind
Bei der umformenden Bearbeitung von Blechen ist neben den klassischen Festigkeits- und Zahigkeitskennwerten naturgemass das plastische Werkstoffverhalten von besonderem Interesse. Zur Kennzeichnung dieses Verhaltens wird im allgemeinen die Fliess kurve kf( ) angegeben. Diese legt den Wert der Fliessspannung k f fest, die unter einachsiger Beanspruchung zur Einleitung oder Aufrechterhaltung plastischen Fliessens bei einem bestimmten Umformgrad (bzw. Vergleichsumformgrad v) notwendig ist. Die Kenntnis der Fliesskurve gestattet in der praxis, Bleche fur bestimmte Verfahren auszuwahlen, bzw. unterschiedliche Chargen zu vergleichen; dies wird erganzt durch die Anwendung als Rechengrundlage fur die Ermittlung von Umformarbeiten un- kraften zur Auslegung von Verfahren und Anlagen /1, 2/. Mit zunehmender Bedeutung numerischer Simulationsverfahren in der Umformtechnik, bei denen das Werkstoffverhalten im wesent lichen durch die Fliesskurve reprasentiert wird, wachst der Bedarf an verlasslichen Werkstoffdaten. Die grundsatzlich experimentelle Ermittlung der Fliesskurven von Blechwerkstoffen bereitet keine Schwierigkeiten, solange eine ausreichende Dicke zur Entnahme von massiven (Zug- oder Stauch-) Proben vorhanden ist /3, 4, 5/. Feinbleche mit einer Dicke unter 3 mm hingegen sind nur mit erheblichen Einschran kungen durch konventionelle Prufmethoden erfassbar."
This book is a practical, up-to-date guide to the correct use of lithium for the short- and long-term treatment of mood disorders. Among the subjects addressed are the pharmacology and mechanisms of action of lithium, its use for maintenance treatment, the role of lithium in the treatment of mania and depression and in suicide prevention, further clinical indications, the administration of lithium during pregnancy and the postpartum period, and adverse effects and their management. Relevant background information is provided on the diagnosis, classification, and natural course of mood disorders, and an overview of other treatments for bipolar disorder and major depression is included. Lithium is the essential medication for patients with mood disorders. The evidence of its efficacy in maintenance treatment is acknowledged in all major international treatment guidelines for bipolar disorders and, when used correctly, lithium unquestionably produces the most dramatic benefits of any medication in psychopharmacology. This essential guide is written by two international experts in the treatment of mood disorders who have more than 25 years of experience in the use of lithium and have authored numerous scientific articles on lithium.
The overuse of sand is 'one of the major sustainability challenges of the 21st-century.' - United Nations Environment Program, 2019 Sand is the hidden foundation of our society. In Sand Stories, Kiran Pereira maps out the big picture of why it is the most consumed commodity on the planet after water. The book also examines the impacts of our seemingly insatiable demand for sand on our global Sustainable Development Goals. The concern is that sand is a non-renewable resource and not every kind of sand is useful. While the number of sand's uses beyond glass and concrete is growing, its sources are not. The good news is that there are solutions to this alarming global problem including those that foster a circular economy. We now need the political will to enact them.
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