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Community psychology is an applied branch of psychology that places emphasis on understanding people in their own context, and promoting their health and wellbeing within this context. It is particularly relevant in the quest to empower people to address psychosocial problems through community development. Community psychology focuses on how theories and research are used to inform practice in South Africa. Community psychology applies theories relevant to the study of people in South Africa’s diverse multicultural environment, delving deeper into the psychosocial problems of violence and crime, poverty and unemployment, racism and xenophobia, gender-based violence/gender equity, masculinities, community trauma, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, child and adolescent mental health and the elderly in the community. It develops a new perspective on interpretation of communities, resulting in meaningful engagement which can lead to real social change.
Psychology: An introduction is a comprehensive first-year psychology textbook written for South African students. Interest is engaged through narrative introductions, research findings and relevant case studies, giving students the tools to develop their own ideas and to engage critically with the content. The fifth edition engages more reflectively on the discipline with a greater focus on developing a decolonial and African-centred psychology, thus supporting universities with the transformation of curricula.
The nineteenth edition of Accounting Standards is intended for Financial Accounting second or third-year students or students requiring an introduction to accounting standards. It introduces students to the principles of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The accounting principles are illustrated through questions which gradually increase in difficulty. This approach facilitates students’ understanding of these principles and enables them to get to grips with financial statements practically. An indication is given whether a question contains topics that are not in the revised SAICA syllabus but may be relevant for other syllabi or for the further enrichment of students’ understanding. Accounting Standards is designed to meet students’ requirements while at the same time reducing the lecturers’ workload. Solutions to all the questions are provided to lecturers at prescribing institutions.
This book introduces the fundamentals of financial mathematics. It begins with a discussion of simple and compound interest and then establishes the important concepts of effective and equivalent effective interest rates. Subsequent chapters discuss the applications of annuities to practical problems regarding the saving of money and repayment of loans. The notion of using net present value and internal rate of return to distinguish between two different investment opportunities is presented. The concluding chapters of the book take a brief look at the use of differential and integral calculus in financial mathematics. Each chapter includes numerous worked examples that are solved with the aid of a financial calculator where applicable.
For those people who: have a keen imagination; are labelled too shy or too sensitive; who perform poorly when being observed even though they are usually competent; have vivid dreams; for whom time alone each day is essential; and find they are quickly overwhelmed by noise and confusion, crowded parties, hectic office life... this is the book to help them understand themselves and how best to cope in various situations. Highly sensitive people are often very bright and creative but many suffer from low self esteem. They are not ‘neurotics’ as they have been labelled for so long. However, high sensitivity can lead them to cease to engage with the outside world. The book offers solutions for a happy and fulfilling life. Particularly in the way an HSP perceives his or herself: the book helps to ‘reframe’ past events, such as a difficult childhood, or how they see themselves – ie. shy. Particularly strong material for those raising a sensitive child.
The first two chapters cover history taking and the interview, data collection and recording. The last two chapters deal with the physical examination, equipment and techniques, and the head-to-toe examination procedure. Each chapter opens with a synopsis of key learning outcomes and concepts. The book contains extensive photographs that illustrate the content clearly and comprehensively. Professor Marlene Viljoen is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the North West University. She held the position of Deputy Vice President of the South African Nursing Council (SANC) and was Chair of the Educational Committee of the same for several years. Nokuthula Sibiya teaches at Prince Mshiyeni Nursing College and Durban University of Technology and is involved in developing modules on health assessment and physical examination. History taking and physical examination is the second edition of the popular and practical Nursing Assessment: History-taking and the physical examination. This edition was written after extensive consultation with a wide range of health care practitioners to meet the needs of, amongst others, undergraduate and post-graduate nursing and pharmacology students and those training in these fields.
This book was written with the first year/first time income tax student in mind. It uses simple language and the unique aspects of the book are the flow charts used to visually explain some of the more complicated aspects of taxation, the inclusion of a glossary, and the reproductions of the actual forms that SARS requires. This makes for a very practical application of the theory being taught. It covers all the topics needed by a taxpayer who is required to fill in an IT12 tax return, which means that it will not only be valuable to the students, but also to the 'man on the street' who wishes to understand and learn more about his taxable income calculation. The benefit of working through the book is that taxpayers will know what is expected of them during the income tax assessment process and will be able to verify their income tax calculations. All examples and practical application questions in the book relate to the year of assessment from 1 March to 28 February (the year of assessment). Unless indicated otherwise, all dates fall into the aforementioned tax year.
This detailed Handbook to the Iron Age covers the last 2,000 years in Southern Africa. The first part of the book outlines essential topics such as settlement organization, stonewalled patterns, ritual residues, long-distance trade, and ancient mining. Part two presents a comprehensive culture-history sequence through ceramic analyses, showing distributions, stylistic types, and characteristic pieces. The final section reviews and updates the main debates about black prehistory, including migration vs. diffusion, the role of cattle, the origins of Mapungubwe, the rise and fall of Great Zimbabwe, as well as the archaeology of the Venda, the Sotho-Tswana, and the Nguni speakers. Handbook to the Iron Age is an abundantly illustrated study that is accessible to a wide range of people interested in African prehistory.
The unit manager must be able to deal with a wide range of tasks in the course of the day. These could range from compiling a duty roster, writing a unit procedure, compiling an emergency plan, preparing an annual budget or answering a legal question. The unit manager must also be able to manage a team of healthcare professionals, be able to lead and motivate the team, and organise the unit so that it functions effectively and in line with the institution's vision and mission. In addition, the unit manager must be able to keep control of supplies and equipment in the unit, which must be kept in good working order and replaced when necessary. All of these aspects are covered in Introduction to health services management for the unit manager, fourth edition.
Spot On is spot on! The most popular course in South Africa, Spot On has everything a learner needs in one book. Spot On improves results, makes learning enjoyable, makes teaching a pleasure and is easy to use. The Spot On Teacher’s Guide comes with printable planning material, Formal Assessment Tasks, revision tests and exams.
Spinal Cord Injury Pain presents the basis for preclinical and clinical investigations, along with strategies for new approaches in the treatment of central neuropathic pain. Contributors from the private sector and academia provide a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art research in this challenging space. Topics include Epidemiology of Chronic Pain Following SCI, experimental models and mechanisms of chronic pain in SCI, and new targets and technologies. This book serves as a resource for continued translational research that will result in novel approaches and treatments that improve function and quality of life for individuals with CNP/SCI. Despite a better understanding of the complexity of mechanisms of CNP/SCI, improved medical and surgical management of SCI, and the subsequent acceleration of the identification of new targets and the development of novel analgesics, there is still a great unmet clinical need in the area of CNP following SCI. Hence, this book is a welcomed addition to current research and developments.
The understanding and retention of Mathematics lessons is a challenge faced by teachers, parents and the Department of Basic Education. This could be caused by the fact that most learners learn Mathematics in English, which is not their home language. This results in them taking time to translate into isiXhosa each concept taught by the teacher. This dictionary comes as a response to that problem, for learners and teachers. The way it is written makes it easy for even parents to navigate through it when explaining difficult Mathematical concepts to their children when assisting them in their studies. Explaining the English Mathematical concepts is difficult for parents, more especially those who never studied Mathematics. This dictionary is good because each concept is defined in both English and isiXhosa. The terms selected here were chosen by Mathematics experts and teachers. These are the people who work with learners, and who also understand their Mathematical challenges. The Mathematics Dictionary is a Mathematics support material that can be used by the learner, teacher and the parent at home. Each defined term is supported by a picture that is based on the life and society of the isiXhosa speaking people. This is one of the aspects that will make the learners enjoy using this dictionary, because it talks about things that they know and are accustomed to, even though they do not take them as Mathematical concepts.
Hybrid-Renewable Energy Systems in Microgrids: Integration, Developments and Control presents the most up-to-date research and developments on hybrid-renewable energy systems (HRES) in a single, comprehensive resource. With an enriched collection of topics pertaining to the control and management of hybrid renewable systems, this book presents recent innovations that are molding the future of power systems and their developing infrastructure. Topics of note include distinct integration solutions and control techniques being implemented into HRES that are illustrated through the analysis of various global case studies. With a focus on devices and methods to integrate different renewables, this book provides those researching and working in renewable energy solutions and power electronics with a firm understanding of the technologies available, converter and multi-level inverter considerations, and control and operation strategies.
The sequel to the prize-winning, bestselling novel Brooklyn. A novel of enormous wit and profound emotional resonance from one of the world's finest writers. In Colm TĂłibĂn's masterful new novel, we are reunited with Eilis Lacey, the heroine of Brooklyn, twenty years on, in the 1970s, living with her husband, Tony Fiorello, and her children in a house in Long Island, rather too close to her Fiorello in-laws. A shocking piece of news propels Eilis back to Ireland, to a world she thought she had long left behind and to ways of living, and loving, she thought she had lost. PRAISE FOR BROOKLYN 'With this elating and humane novel, Colm TĂłibĂn has produced a masterwork' - The Sunday Times 'The most compelling and moving portrait of a young woman I have read in a long time' - ZoĂ« Heller, The Guardian, Books of the Year 'A work of such skill, understatement and sly jewelled merriment could haunt your life' - Ali Smith, TLS, Books of the Year 'Suffused with humane depth, funny, affecting, deftly plotted . . . a novel of magnificent accomplishment' - Peter Kemp, The Sunday Times, Novel of the Year
Linguistic Rivalries weaves together anthropological accounts of diaspora, nation, and empire to explore and analyze the multi-faceted processes of globalization characterizing the migration and social integration experiences of Tamil-speaking immigrants and refugees from India and Sri Lanka to Montreal, Quebec in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. In Montreal, a city with more trilingual speakers than in any other North American city, Tamil migrants draw on their multilingual repertoires to navigate longstanding linguistic rivalries between anglophone and francophone, and Indian and Sri Lankan nationalist leaders by arguing that Indians speak "Spoken Tamil " and Sri Lankans speak "Written Tamil " as their respective heritage languages. Drawing on ethnographic, archival, and linguistic methods to compare and contrast the communicative practices and language ideologies of Tamil heritage language learning in Hindu temples, Catholic churches, public schools, and community centers, this book demonstrates how processes of sociolinguistic differentiation are mediated by ethnonational, religious, class, racial, and caste hierarchies. Indian Tamils showcase their use of the "cosmopolitan " sounds and scripts of colloquial varieties of Tamil to enhance their geographic and social mobilities, whereas Sri Lankan Tamils, dispossessed of their homes by civil war, instead emphasize the "primordialist " sounds and scripts of a pure "literary " Tamil to rebuild their homeland and launch a "global " critique of racism and environmental destruction from the diaspora. This book uses the ethnographic and archival study of Tamil mobility and immobility to expose the mutual constitution of elite and non-elite global modernities, defined as language ideological projects in which migrants objectify dimensions of time and space through scalar metaphors.
In 2011, the international community watched as a shockingly unlikely community of citizens toppled three of the world's most entrenched dictators: Ben Ali in Tunisia, Mubarak in Egypt, and Qaddafi in Libya. This movement of cascading democratization, commonly known as the Arab Spring, was planned and executed not by political parties, but by students, young entrepreneurs, and the rising urban middle class. International experts and the popular press have pointed to the near-identical reliance on digital media in all three movements, arguing that these authoritarian regimes were in essence defeated by the Internet. Is that true? Should Mubarak blame Twitter for his sudden fall from power? Did digital media "cause" the Arab Spring? In Democracy's Fourth Wave?, Philip N. Howard and Muzammil M. Hussain examine the complex role of the Internet, mobile phones, and social networking applications in the Arab Spring. Examining digital media access, level of grievance, and levels of protest for popular democratization in 16 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Howard and Hussain conclude that digital media was neither the most nor the least important cause of the Arab Spring. Instead, they illustrate a complex web of conjoined causal factors for social mobilization. The Arab revolts cascaded across countries largely because digital media allowed communities to realize shared grievances and nurtured transportable strategies for mobilizing against dictators. Individuals were inspired to protest for personal reasons, but through social media they acted collectively. Democracy's Fourth Wave examines not only the unexpected evolution of events during the Arab Spring, but the longer history of desperate-and creative-digital activism through the Arab world.
Probabilistic safety assessment methods are used to calculate
nuclear power plant durability and resource lifetime. Successful
calculation of the reliability and ageing of components is critical
for forecasting safety and directing preventative maintenance, and
Probabilistic safety assessment for optimum nuclear power plant
life management provides a comprehensive review of the theory and
application of these methods.
This book gives a complete picture of the canola crop including its history, botany, genetics, distribution, breeding and biotechnology, production, processing, composition, nutritional properties and utilization of the seed, oil and meal, as well as an economic profile. While the main focus in this book is on canola of Canadian origin, its cousin crop oilseed rape will also be discussed to a lesser extent. The work provides up-to-date information on the crop and highlights areas where research and development is either needed or is in process.
Virtual Research Environments examines making Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) usable by researchers working to
solve grand challenge problems in many disciplines from social
science to particle physics. It is driven by research the authors
have carried out to evaluate researchers requirements in using
information services via web portals and in adapting collaborative
learning tools to meet their more diverse needs, particularly in a
multidisciplinary study.
New Publication! Based on years of experience and prior publications, the NEW two-volume book, STEM RESEARCH for STUDENTS, is a vital resource for K-12 teachers, higher education faculty, and their students. In Volume Two, students build upon a strong foundation to create original STEM projects: Brainstorm ideas for projects; Analyze and address the safety risks involved in a project; Use the library and Web to expand understanding and develop a valid idea; Conduct a group mini-project which involves readily-available materials in the classroom, on a field site, or at a community location. Use algebra to represent patterns and develop mathematical models; Use statistics to detect the significance of relationships; and Communicate project findings through formal papers, visual presentations, and interactions with peers or judges. STEM Research for Students, Volume 2 is: Student friendly! Each chapter is carefully sequenced and contains a variety of formative assessment tools. Key definitions are included in an appendix. Essential foundational knowledge from Volume 1 is clearly referenced. STEM encompassing! Students have multiple opportunities to make connections by applying information from the various chapters to original projects. Teacher enhanced! Each chapter contains learning objectives and assessment tools checklists or rubrics. Answers to the practice sets are available on a secure Kendall Hunt web site. Standards aligned! All chapters are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core Standards for Mathematics and Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects, and the International Standards for Technology in Education Standards for Students. Available in print and e-Book formats, STEM Research for Students, Volume 2, may be used: As a supplemental text in middle school, high school, and introductory college courses; As core text for research classes and STEM clubs where students are ready to engage in group or individual projects: For pre-service and in-service teachers of science, mathematics, career and technical courses, and gifted students; As a resource for all teachers involved with experiments, engineering designs, mathematical investigations, and competitive STEM projects. The companion volume, STEM Research for Students, Volume 1, is a resource for students to acquire or strengthen the foundational knowledge necessary to engage in an original project.
In this book from the highly acclaimed Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the incredible life of Leo Messi, one of the world's most skilled and celebrated footballers. As a child, Leo developed his passion for football playing games with his brothers and cousins in the streets of Rosario, Argentina. He later honed his skills on the pitch as part of the local youth team, Newell's Old Boys – who famously won every tournament whilst Leo was with them. But life wasn't without its challenges. Aged 9, he was diagnosed with Growth Hormone Deficiency, which meant he had to inject himself with hormones from the doctor every day to help him grow. But nothing was going to stop Leo from following his dreams. He debuted with FC Barcelona in 2004 and across the next 17 years scored 672 goals for the club and helped them to win 35 trophies. Leo has also received seven Golden Ball awards, more than any other football player in history, and won 4 trophies with Argentina's national football team, including the 2022 World Cup, where he captained the team to victory. Messi's next chapter will be spent training under the Florida sunshine, having joined the US team Inter Miami CF. Today, he is considered by many to be 'The Greatest of All Time' – and is a hero off the pitch, too, as a committed ambassador for UNICEF and founder of his own children's charity. This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of Messi's incredible story. This powerful book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the footballer’s life. Little People, BIG DREAMS is a bestselling biography series for kids that explores the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things, yet each began life as a child with a dream. This empowering series of books offers inspiring messages to children of all ages, in a range of formats. The board books are told in simple sentences, perfect for reading aloud to babies and toddlers. The hardback and paperback versions present expanded stories for beginning readers. With rewritten text for older children, the treasuries each bring together a multitude of dreamers in a single volume. You can also collect a selection of the books by theme in boxed gift sets. Activity books and a journal provide even more ways to make the lives of these role models accessible to children. Inspire the next generation of outstanding people who will change the world with Little People, BIG DREAMS! |
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