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This book presents a rich compilation of real-world cases on
digitalization, the goal being to share first-hand insights from
respected organizations and to make digitalization more tangible.
As virtually every economic and societal sector is now being
challenged by emerging technologies, the digital economy is a
highly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous place - and one
that holds substantial challenges and opportunities for established
organizations. Against this backdrop, this book reports on best
practices and lessons learned from organizations that have
succeeded in overcoming the challenges and seizing the
opportunities of the digital economy. It illustrates how twenty-one
organizations have leveraged their capabilities to create
disruptive innovations, to develop digital business models, and to
digitally transform themselves. These cases stem from various
industries (e.g. automotive, insurance, consulting, and public
services) and countries, reflecting the many facets of
digitalization. As all case descriptions follow a uniform schema,
they are easily accessible, and provide insightful examples for
practitioners as well as interesting cases for researchers,
teachers and students. Digitalization is reshaping business on a
global scale, and it is evident that organizations must transform
to thrive in the digital economy. Digitalization Cases provides
first-hand insights into the efforts of renowned companies. The
presented actions, results, and lessons learned are a great
inspiration for managers, students, and academics. Anna Kopp, Head
of IT Germany, Microsoft Understanding digitalization in all its
facets requires knowledge about its opportunities and challenges in
different contexts. Providing 21 cases from different companies all
around the world, Digitalization Cases makes an important
contribution toward the comprehensibility of digitalization - from
a practical and a scientific point of view. Dorothy Leidner,
Ferguson Professor of Information Systems, Baylor University This
book is a great source of inspiration and insight on how to drive
digitalization. It shows easy to understand good practice examples
which illustrate opportunities, and at the same time helps to learn
what needs to be done to realize them. I consider this book a
must-read for every practitioner who cares about digitalization.
Martin Petry, Chief Information Officer and Head of Business
Excellence, Hilti
This book presents a rich compilation of real-world cases on
digitalization, aiming to share first-hand insights from renowned
organizations and to make digitalization tangible. With all
economic and societal sectors being challenged by emerging
technologies, the digital economy is highly volatile, uncertain,
complex, and ambiguous. It confronts established organizations with
substantial challenges and opportunities. Against this backdrop,
this book reports on best practices and lessons learned from
organizations that succeeded in tackling the challenges and seizing
the opportunities of the digital economy. It illustrates how twenty
organizations leveraged their capabilities to create disruptive
innovation, to develop digital business models, and to digitally
transform themselves. These cases stem from various industries
(e.g. automotive, insurance, consulting, and public services) and
countries, covering the many facets that digitalization may have.
As all case descriptions follow a unified template, they are easily
accessible for readers and provide insightful examples for
practitioners as well as interesting cases for researchers,
teachers, and students. Almost every organization is trying to
figure out how best to respond to the opportunities and threats
posed by digitalization. This book provides valuable lessons from
those organizations that have already begun their digital
transformation journey. Michael D. Myers, Professor of Information
Systems, University of Auckland Digitalization Cases provides
firsthand insights into the efforts of renowned companies. The
presented actions, results, and lessons learned are a great
inspiration for managers, students, and academics. This book gives
real pointers on the how and where to start. Anna Kopp, Head of IT
Germany, Microsoft The cases compiled in the second volume of
Digitalization Cases show how disruption can actively be managed.
Further, long-term insights from extended success stories of the
first edition highlight that courage to change pays off well. This
book represents a motivation for organizations to drive their
digital transformation journeys actively. Markus Richter, State
Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and
Community and Federal Government Commissioner for Information
Technology, Germany
Dieses Buch thematisiert den drastischen Wandel, den die
Geschaftswelt derzeit unter dem Stichwort Digitalisierung erlebt.
Technologische Innovationen uben einen signifikanten Einfluss auf
Prozesse, Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Geschaftsmodelle aus. Die
resultierende Digitale Transformation hat disruptive Konsequenzen
fur viele Unternehmen und Branchen. Bislang haben sich viele
IT-Organisationen darauf konzentriert, die Anforderungen der
Fachbereiche moeglichst effektiv und effizient in qualitativ
hochwertige IT-Services zu ubersetzen und diese zu betreiben. Nun
sind sie in zunehmenden Masse gefordert, das Gesamtunternehmen
aktiv mitzugestalten. Informationstechnologie realisiert
Innovationen fur das Business, und die IT-Organisation muss
proaktiv und fruhzeitig mit den Fachbereichen kooperieren, um
solche Innovationen auf den Weg zu bringen. Dieses Buch zeigt,
welche Implikationen die Digitalisierung fur heutige
IT-Organisationen mit ihren Strukturen, Prozessen und Menschen hat.
Damit wendet es sich an IT-Fuhrungskrafte, Manager, in deren
Verantwortungsbereich die IT liegt, sowie praktisch interessierte
Akademiker. Das Buch hilft, auf die Digitale Transformation nicht
nur zu reagieren, sondern eine proaktive Rolle einzunehmen.
This book presents a rich compilation of real-world cases on
digitalization, aiming to share first-hand insights from renowned
organizations and to make digitalization tangible. With all
economic and societal sectors being challenged by emerging
technologies, the digital economy is highly volatile, uncertain,
complex, and ambiguous. It confronts established organizations with
substantial challenges and opportunities. Against this backdrop,
this book reports on best practices and lessons learned from
organizations that succeeded in tackling the challenges and seizing
the opportunities of the digital economy. It illustrates how twenty
organizations leveraged their capabilities to create disruptive
innovation, to develop digital business models, and to digitally
transform themselves. These cases stem from various industries
(e.g. automotive, insurance, consulting, and public services) and
countries, covering the many facets that digitalization may have.
As all case descriptions follow a unified template, they are easily
accessible for readers and provide insightful examples for
practitioners as well as interesting cases for researchers,
teachers, and students. Almost every organization is trying to
figure out how best to respond to the opportunities and threats
posed by digitalization. This book provides valuable lessons from
those organizations that have already begun their digital
transformation journey. Michael D. Myers, Professor of Information
Systems, University of Auckland Digitalization Cases provides
firsthand insights into the efforts of renowned companies. The
presented actions, results, and lessons learned are a great
inspiration for managers, students, and academics. This book gives
real pointers on the how and where to start. Anna Kopp, Head of IT
Germany, Microsoft The cases compiled in the second volume of
Digitalization Cases show how disruption can actively be managed.
Further, long-term insights from extended success stories of the
first edition highlight that courage to change pays off well. This
book represents a motivation for organizations to drive their
digital transformation journeys actively. Markus Richter, State
Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and
Community and Federal Government Commissioner for Information
Technology, Germany
This book examines the massive changes currently taking place in
the business world and commonly known under the label
"digitalization." In addition, it describes the significant impacts
of technological innovations on processes, products, services and
business models. The digital transformation resulting from these
developments leads to disruption for many enterprises and
industries. While for many years, IT departments mainly
concentrated on fulfilling the requirements of business departments
effectively and efficiently by means of high-quality IT services
and operations, today's IT departments are increasingly expected to
actively co-design and co-create the enterprise. This book
describes how information technology enables innovation for
businesses, and how IT departments can proactively and in a timely
manner collaborate with the business departments of their
corporation to leverage these innovations. It also delineates the
implications of digitalization for the structures, processes and
people in today's IT departments. IT leaders and managers who are
responsible for corporate IT, as well as practice-oriented
researchers, will find valuable inspirations and guidance in this
book, the central mission of which is to encourage and enable a
more proactive role for IT in the digital transformation
processes."This book demonstrates the impact of digital
transformation on IT organizations and their management. It also
presents potential risks for technology availability, security and
data protection. The authors develop a vision of what IT management
should look like in ten years if it is to continue playing an
important role in the company. The book seeks to motivate IT
executives and managers with IT responsibility to actively adapt
their thinking and their IT organizations before they are forced to
react to external pressure. Definitely worth reading!" Sven
Kreimendahl, Director Business Technology Services, Campana &
This book presents a rich compilation of real-world cases on
digitalization, the goal being to share first-hand insights from
respected organizations and to make digitalization more tangible.
As virtually every economic and societal sector is now being
challenged by emerging technologies, the digital economy is a
highly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous place - and one
that holds substantial challenges and opportunities for established
organizations. Against this backdrop, this book reports on best
practices and lessons learned from organizations that have
succeeded in overcoming the challenges and seizing the
opportunities of the digital economy. It illustrates how twenty-one
organizations have leveraged their capabilities to create
disruptive innovations, to develop digital business models, and to
digitally transform themselves. These cases stem from various
industries (e.g. automotive, insurance, consulting, and public
services) and countries, reflecting the many facets of
digitalization. As all case descriptions follow a uniform schema,
they are easily accessible, and provide insightful examples for
practitioners as well as interesting cases for researchers,
teachers and students. Digitalization is reshaping business on a
global scale, and it is evident that organizations must transform
to thrive in the digital economy. Digitalization Cases provides
first-hand insights into the efforts of renowned companies. The
presented actions, results, and lessons learned are a great
inspiration for managers, students, and academics. Anna Kopp, Head
of IT Germany, Microsoft Understanding digitalization in all its
facets requires knowledge about its opportunities and challenges in
different contexts. Providing 21 cases from different companies all
around the world, Digitalization Cases makes an important
contribution toward the comprehensibility of digitalization - from
a practical and a scientific point of view. Dorothy Leidner,
Ferguson Professor of Information Systems, Baylor University This
book is a great source of inspiration and insight on how to drive
digitalization. It shows easy to understand good practice examples
which illustrate opportunities, and at the same time helps to learn
what needs to be done to realize them. I consider this book a
must-read for every practitioner who cares about digitalization.
Martin Petry, Chief Information Officer and Head of Business
Excellence, Hilti
This book examines the massive changes currently taking place in
the business world and commonly known under the label
"digitalization." In addition, it describes the significant impacts
of technological innovations on processes, products, services and
business models. The digital transformation resulting from these
developments leads to disruption for many enterprises and
industries. While for many years, IT departments mainly
concentrated on fulfilling the requirements of business departments
effectively and efficiently by means of high-quality IT services
and operations, today's IT departments are increasingly expected to
actively co-design and co-create the enterprise. This book
describes how information technology enables innovation for
businesses, and how IT departments can proactively and in a timely
manner collaborate with the business departments of their
corporation to leverage these innovations. It also delineates the
implications of digitalization for the structures, processes and
people in today's IT departments. IT leaders and managers who are
responsible for corporate IT, as well as practice-oriented
researchers, will find valuable inspirations and guidance in this
book, the central mission of which is to encourage and enable a
more proactive role for IT in the digital transformation
processes."This book demonstrates the impact of digital
transformation on IT organizations and their management. It also
presents potential risks for technology availability, security and
data protection. The authors develop a vision of what IT management
should look like in ten years if it is to continue playing an
important role in the company. The book seeks to motivate IT
executives and managers with IT responsibility to actively adapt
their thinking and their IT organizations before they are forced to
react to external pressure. Definitely worth reading!" Sven
Kreimendahl, Director Business Technology Services, Campana &
Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung fuhrt der Einsatz innovativer
Informationstechnologien zu deutlichen Veranderungen in der
Unternehmenswelt. Dabei sind nicht nur Unternehmen aller Branchen
betroffen, sondern auch alle Funktionsbereiche innerhalb eines
Unternehmens. Entsprechend entstehen damit verbundene
Herausforderungen auch im Marketing. Gleichzeitig bieten digitale
Innovationen aber auch viele neue Moeglichkeiten und Chancen. Das
vorliegende essential fokussiert sich auf die Digitalisierung des
Marketing sowie die damit verbundenen Chancen und
Herausforderungen. Dabei werden zunachst die zentralen Treiber des
digitalen Marketing herausgestellt, bevor anschliessend die
Implikationen und die Auswirkungen auf die Marketing-Funktion
diskutiert werden. Das essential hilft dabei, auf den digitalen
Wandel im Marketing nicht nur zu reagieren, sondern eine proaktive
Rolle einzunehmen. Der Autor: Prof. Dr. Nils Urbach ist Professor
fur Wirtschaftsinformatik und Strategisches IT-Management an der
Universitat Bayreuth. Zudem ist er stellvertretender
wissenschaftlicher Leiter am Kernkompetenzzentrum Finanz- &
Informationsmanagement (FIM) und der Projektgruppe
Wirtschaftsinformatik des Fraunhofer-Instituts fur Angewandte
Informationstechnik (FIT).
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