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Since its foundation in 1987, Bennetts Associates has won numerous
awards for its work and has established itself in the UK as one of
the leading architecture practices of its generation. This is the
first book to examine the firm's ethos and the themes behind its
buildings. Four aspects of Bennetts Associates' work are considered
in depth-Perception, Form, Construction and Process-drawing on over
30 built projects in detail, as well as many others in various
stages of design and construction. These projects, include
Hampstead Theatre, the Wessex Water Headquarters, Brighton Central
Library and the New Street Square development in the City of
Each of the underlying themes is examined in turn by four
well-known writers or commentators - academics Richard Weston and
Peter Carolin, design process theorist Frank Duffy and art
consultant Vivien Lovell.
Mathematische Modellierung erhalt als Gegenstand des Unterrichts an
Schulen und Hochschulen ein immer starkeres Gewicht. Hierfur gibt
es gute Grunde: Fragestellungen der Natur-, Technik- und
Gesellschaftswissenschaften ebenso wie Aufgaben in Industrie,
Wirtschaft und Verwaltung werden zunehmend - und in vielen
Bereichen bereits uberwiegend - unter Verwendung mathematischer
Modelle unterschiedlichster Komplexitatsstufen bearbeitet.
Modellierung, also die Herstellung eines formalen Abbilds eines
Teilaspekts der Wirklichkeit, und die anschliessende Simulation des
realen Prozesses zumeist auf dem Computer gehoeren heute zu den
Standardwerkzeugen einer hochtechnisierten Gesellschaft. Das Buch
bietet eine Einfuhrung in dieses komplexe Gebiet. In zwoelf
Fallstudien werden mathematische Modelle unterschiedlichen
Schwierigkeitsgrades entwickelt, mathematisch analysiert und
hinsichtlich der Relevanz fur den jeweiligen realen
Gegenstandsbereich untersucht.
This quarterly publication acts as an international forum for
practitioners and academics by publishing cutting-edge research
covering all aspects of architectural endeavour. Fully illustrated
throughout, Architectural Research Quarterly includes sections on
design, history, theory, environmental design, construction,
information technology, and practice. Other features include
occasional reports, letters pages and an end feature, Insight.
There is also the Architectural Research Quarterly Directory - a
listing of specialist research and consultancy with an online,
cumulative version which aims to provide a lasting and invaluable
resource for all. The text aims to present information in a way
that is accessible to all and should be interesting reading for
practitioners in industry and consultancy as well as for academic
researchers. It provides an outlet for all those who wish to
disseminate their work to an international audience.
This ground-breaking quarterly publication acts as an international forum for practitioners and academics by publishing cutting-edge research covering all aspects of architectural endeavour. Fully illustrated throughout, it includes sections on design, history, theory, environmental design, construction, information technology, and practice. Other features include occasional reports, letters pages and an "end feature", Insight. There is also the Architectural Research Quarterly Directory--a listing of specialist research and consultancy with an online, cumulative version.
This ground-breaking quarterly aims to act as an international
forum for practitioners and academics by publishing cutting-edge
work covering all aspects of architectural endeavour. Generously
illustrated throughout, Architectural Research Quarterly is edited
with busy practitioners and academics in mind. Contents include
building design, urbanism, history, theory, environmental design,
construction, materials, information technology, and practice.
Reviews of significant buildings are published at a length and in a
detail matched today by few other architectural journals. Articles
in arq 6:3 include: Letters: Research and the RIBA; Lea's Pottery;
The 2001 RAE dissected: some facts and figures; No hope, no fear;
Clearwater Garden: a study in design research and collaboration;
Digital canopy: high-end computation/low-tech construction;
Archigram's invisible university; Richard Neutra's Venetian
lecture; (Re)examining the Citicorp case: ethical paragon or
chimera?; Sligo Air; Book reviews.