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“There will be a black Springbok over my dead body.” — Dr Danie Craven, President of the South African Rugby Board, 1969 Just a year after the controversial D’Oliveira affair, the organised disruption of the all-white 1969/70 South African rugby and cricket tours to Britain represented a significant challenge to apartheid politics. Led by future cabinet minister Peter Hain, the ‘Stop the Seventy Tour’ campaign brought about the cancellation of both tours, presaging white South Africa’s expulsion from the Olympics and the end of apartheid sport altogether. With his brand of attention-grabbing, direct action sports protest, the 19-year-old Hain emerged as a hero to some and enemy to others. Now, reflecting on these experiences with fifty years of hindsight, Lord Hain, together with South Africa’s foremost sports historian and fellow anti-apartheid activist André Odendaal, shows how decades of relentless international and domestic campaigning for equality led to a Springbok team captained by black athlete Siya Kolisi winning the 2019 Rugby World Cup. Interspersing a wide range of examples with personal testimony, Pitch Battles explores the themes of sport, globalisation and resistance from the deep past to the present day. Published in the same year as the Stop The Tour documentary from acclaimed director Louis Myles, this compelling story of sacrifice, struggle and triumph reveals how sport should never be divorced from politics or society’s values.
From South Africa to Zanzibar, from Kenya to Britain, activists are
battling to save lion prides, today more threatened by extinction than
rhinos and elephants, as a result of illegal wildlife trading. Having
thwarted murderous poachers in The Elephant Conspiracy, the Veteran,
Thandi and Mkhize are back battling to save lion prides from being
killed for their claws, teeth and bones. As the demand for lion parts
soars, impoverished local communities are being incentivised to poach,
and the fight against this illegal plunder becomes ever more vicious.
A highly readable, dramatic story of a colourful South African journey in politics lasting over 50 years, from anti-apartheid protester to Right Honourable Lord, from Pretoria childhood to senior British Cabinet Minister. A Pretoria Boy begins with the story of how Peter Hain’s journey came full circle when he used parliamentary privilege in 2017–18 to expose looting and money laundering, supplied with the ammunition by his ‘deep throat’ inside the Zuma State. In so doing, he put South Africa’s state capture and corruption on the front pages of the New York Times and Financial Times, which some suggest played a part in Zuma’s toppling. Going back to an anti-apartheid childhood in Pretoria in the late 1950s and early 1960s, there are vivid descriptions of his parents’ arrest, banning, harassment, helping an escaped political prisoner, the hanging of a close white family friend, and enforced exile to London in 1966 after the government prohibited his architect father from working. It tells of how, at aged 19, Hain organised and led militant anti-Springbok demonstrations in exile in London in 1969–1970, for which he was denounced by the South African media as ‘Public Enemy Number One’. It is about how he narrowly escaped jail after a South African government-financed prosecution landed him in the Old Bailey in 1972 for conspiracy to disrupt those all-white South African sports tours and, then in 1975, how he was framed for a bank theft committed by an apartheid security agent. His return to South Africa came first on a secret mission in December 1989, then as a parliamentary observer during the 1994 elections. The book ends with his perspective on the country’s future.
What's gone wrong with capitalism and how should governments respond? What does the future hold for the Left in the UK in the face of the austerity straitjacket around our politics and media? Anthony Crosland's The Future of Socialism (1956) provided a creed for governments of the centre left until the global banking crisis. Now Peter Hain presents an evidence-based case for a radical alternative to the neo-liberal economic agenda. A substantial new Afterword outlines what the Labour Party needs to do following the 2015 UK General Election to win again by returning to its core values of decency, social justice, equality and prosperity for all. A rousing alternative to the neoliberal, right-wing orthodoxy of our era, Hain's book is now even more essential reading for everyone interested in the future of the left.
Leading politician and anti-apartheid campaigner turns the spotlight on to elephant poaching in South Africa. Gripping and pacey this is an epic tale of corruption, collusion and courage. Having thwarted murderous poachers in The Rhino Conspiracy, the Veteran, Thandi and Mkhize are back in a new fight – battling to save elephant herds from being callously killed for their ivory, whilst trying to block wholesale political corruption and money laundering in contemporary South Africa. Will diminishing elephant numbers be reversed? Will the forces of good triumph over the vicious looters? Can the annual trillion-dollar money laundering trade by brought to heel by a brave whistle blower? Peter Hain’s gripping second thriller builds to a dramatic climax, the action switching from wildlife to politics, from bushveld to city, from high finance to poaching. A vivid and gripping journey into the competing worlds of activism and corruption.
'Guillemin and HaineaEURO (TM)s goal is to construct a well-documented road map that extends undergraduate understanding of multivariable calculus into the theory of differential forms. Throughout, the authors emphasize connections between differential forms and topology while making connections to single and multivariable calculus via the change of variables formula, vector space duals, physics; classical mechanisms, div, curl, grad, BrouweraEURO (TM)s fixed-point theorem, divergence theorem, and StokesaEURO (TM)s theorem ... The exercises support, apply and justify the developing road map.'CHOICEThere already exist a number of excellent graduate textbooks on the theory of differential forms as well as a handful of very good undergraduate textbooks on multivariable calculus in which this subject is briefly touched upon but not elaborated on enough.The goal of this textbook is to be readable and usable for undergraduates. It is entirely devoted to the subject of differential forms and explores a lot of its important ramifications.In particular, our book provides a detailed and lucid account of a fundamental result in the theory of differential forms which is, as a rule, not touched upon in undergraduate texts: the isomorphism between the Cech cohomology groups of a differential manifold and its de Rham cohomology groups.
As many social inequalities widen, this is a crucial survey of local authorities' evolving role in health, social care and wellbeing. Health and social and public policy experts review structural changes in provision and procurement, and explore social determinants of health including intergenerational needs and housing. With detailed assessments of regional disparities and case studies of effective strategies and interventions from local authorities, this collaborative study addresses complex issues (Wicked Issues), considers where responsibility for wellbeing lies and points the way to future policy-making. The Centre for Partnering (CfP) is a key outcome of this innovative review along with Bonner's previous work Social Determinants of Health (2017).
The use of thermal and calorimetric methods has shown rapid growth over the last two decades, in an increasingly wide range of applications. In addition, a number of powerful new techniques have been developed. This book supplies a concise and readable account of the principles, experimental apparatus and practical procedures used in thermal analysis and calorimetric methods of analysis. Brief accounts of the basic theory are reinforced with detailed applications of the methods and contemporary developments. Also included is information on standard test methods and manufacturers. Written by acknowledged experts, Principles of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry is up-to-date, wide-ranging and practical. It will be an important source of information for many levels of readership in a variety of areas, from students and lecturers through to industrial and laboratory staff and consultants.
What's gone wrong with capitalism and how should governments respond? What does the future hold for the Left in the UK in the face of the austerity straitjacket around our politics and media? Anthony Crosland's The Future of Socialism (1956) provided a creed for governments of the centre left until the global banking crisis. Now Peter Hain presents an evidence-based case for a radical alternative to the neo-liberal economic agenda. A substantial new Afterword outlines what the Labour Party needs to do following the 2015 UK General Election to win again by returning to its core values of decency, social justice, equality and prosperity for all. A rousing alternative to the neoliberal, right-wing orthodoxy of our era, Hain's book is now even more essential reading for everyone interested in the future of the left.
Peter Hain has lived an extraordinary life. Formerly an 'outsider' he became an 'insider', one of the last Labour government's most effective ministers. He held an array of glittering posts in the British political establishment, from key roles in the Foreign Office and the Department of Trade and Industry, to the leadership of the Commons and the brokering of the 2007 devolution settlement in Northern Ireland. But his journey to become a British Cabinet Minister started on a different continent. Growing up in Pretoria, South Africa, life changed irrevocably when a close family friend was hanged by the apartheid government. Before that, the security police had taken his activist parents away in the middle of the night. The political values he holds today spring from the injustices he witnessed growing up and which drew him into politics in the first place. As the eldest child, Hain was left to look after his younger brother and two small sisters. Thus began his career as a militant antiapartheid protester. Far from the bloated memoirs of a former government insider, this is the story of a courageous, campaigning life that is intrinsically bound up with the destiny of South Africa.
As many social inequalities widen, this is a crucial survey of local authorities' evolving role in health, social care and wellbeing. Health and social and public policy experts review structural changes in provision and procurement, and explore social determinants of health including intergenerational needs and housing. With detailed assessments of regional disparities and case studies of effective strategies and interventions from local authorities, this collaborative study addresses complex issues (Wicked Issues), considers where responsibility for wellbeing lies and points the way to future policy-making. The Centre for Partnering (CfP) is a key outcome of this innovative review along with Bonner's previous work Social Determinants of Health (2017).
In the last decade over 6,000 rhinos have been killed in South Africa. Relentless poaching for their horns has led to a catastrophic fall in black rhino numbers. Meanwhile, a corrupt South African government turns a blind eye to the international trade in rhino horn. This is the background to Peter Hain's brilliantly pacey and timely thriller. Battling to defend the dwindling rhino population, a veteran freedom fighter is forced to break his lifetime loyalty to the ANC as he confronts corruption at the very highest level. Hell-bent on catching the poachers and exposing their trade, the veteran and his young 'born free' colleague hatch a plan to install a GPS tracking device inside a replica horn in an attempt to locate its destination. The stakes are high. Can the country's ancient rhino herd be saved from extinction by state-sponsored poaching? Has Mandela's 'rainbow nation' been irretrievably betrayed by political corruption and cronyism?
"There will be a black Springbok over my dead body." - Dr Danie Craven, President of the South African Rugby Board, 1969 Just a year after the controversial D'Oliveira affair, the organised disruption of the all-white 1969/70 South African rugby and cricket tours to Britain represented a significant challenge to apartheid politics. Led by future cabinet minister Peter Hain, the 'Stop the Seventy Tour' campaign brought about the cancellation of both tours, presaging white South Africa's expulsion from the Olympics and the end of apartheid sport altogether. With his brand of attention-grabbing, direct action sports protest, the 19-year-old Hain emerged as a hero to some and enemy to others. Now, reflecting on these experiences with fifty years of hindsight, Lord Hain, together with South Africa's foremost sports historian and fellow anti-apartheid activist Andre Odendaal, shows how decades of relentless international and domestic campaigning for equality led to a Springbok team captained by black athlete Siya Kolisi winning the 2019 Rugby World Cup. Interspersing a wide range of examples with personal testimony, Pitch Battles explores the themes of sport, globalisation and resistance from the deep past to the present day. Published in the same year as the Stop The Tour documentary from acclaimed director Louis Myles, this compelling story of sacrifice, struggle and triumph reveals how sport should never be divorced from politics or society's values.
Fergus Hume was renowned as the bestselling mystery writer of Victorian times after his first book, The Mystery of a Hansom Cab, broke all records. In 1901 he returned to form with this ingenious tale, selected to represent Hume's prolific output by Collins' Detective Club panel in 1930. Cicero Gramp was, according to himself, a 'professor of elocution and eloquence' - to anyone else he was no more than an engaging and extremely craft vagabond. Hence it was that he found himself awakened from his sleep in the corner of the churchyard, the cheapest available lodging, by men's voices at an hour past midnight. Two dark figures silhouetted for an instant against the white mausoleum where lay the body of the millionaire Richard Marlow. Then the turning of a key in the iron door of the vault. Silence. Two figures moving back into the night carrying a sinister burden - what Gramp guessed was the body of Marlow. But when a search was made in the vault, Marlow's coffin was found shut, and not empty: only the body in it was not Marlow's but that of another man - murdered! And that is only the first puzzle in The Millionaire Mystery . . .
'Guillemin and HaineaEURO (TM)s goal is to construct a well-documented road map that extends undergraduate understanding of multivariable calculus into the theory of differential forms. Throughout, the authors emphasize connections between differential forms and topology while making connections to single and multivariable calculus via the change of variables formula, vector space duals, physics; classical mechanisms, div, curl, grad, BrouweraEURO (TM)s fixed-point theorem, divergence theorem, and StokesaEURO (TM)s theorem ... The exercises support, apply and justify the developing road map.'CHOICEThere already exist a number of excellent graduate textbooks on the theory of differential forms as well as a handful of very good undergraduate textbooks on multivariable calculus in which this subject is briefly touched upon but not elaborated on enough.The goal of this textbook is to be readable and usable for undergraduates. It is entirely devoted to the subject of differential forms and explores a lot of its important ramifications.In particular, our book provides a detailed and lucid account of a fundamental result in the theory of differential forms which is, as a rule, not touched upon in undergraduate texts: the isomorphism between the Cech cohomology groups of a differential manifold and its de Rham cohomology groups.
What would you do if you lived under the ugliest of regimes, a byword for repression and injustice? What would you do if you knew that you could stay safe only if you stayed quiet? Most of us like to think we'd stand up to fight against evil, and yet the vast majority of white South Africans either stood by and said nothing or actively participated in the oppression and carnage during apartheid. Ad & Wal is the story of two modest people who became notorious, two survivors who did what they thought was right, two parents who rebelled against the apartheid regime knowing they were putting themselves and their family in grave danger. Ad & Wal is the story of an ordinary couple who did extraordinary things despite the odds. How did they come to their decision? What exactly did they do? What can we learn from them? Peter Hain, MP and former Cabinet minister, tells the story of his parents - campaigners, fighters, exiles - in this searing and inspiring account.
Mandela: His Essential Life chronicles the life and legacy of one of the twentieth century's most influential and admired statesmen. Charting his development from remote rural roots to city lawyer, freedom fighter, and then political leader, Peter Hain takes an in-depth look at Mandela's rise through the ranks of the African National Congress (ANC) and subsequent 27 years imprisonment on Robben Island, as increasingly vocal protests against the injustices of Apartheid brought his struggle against overwhelming prejudice and oppression to the eyes of the world. This book encompasses Mandela's inauguration as South Africa's first democratically elected president, his "retirement" campaigns for human rights, a solution to AIDS and poverty. It goes on to chronicle his later years and death. Throughout, the humanity and compassion of this extraordinary world leader shine through. The author concludes with a critical analysis of his and the ANC's achievements, its leadership's subsequent slide into corruption, and whether under new direction South Africa can reclaim the values and legacy of Mandela, and the 'rainbow nation' he created and led to such global acclaim.
'A stalwart anti-racist and anti-apartheid campaigner.' Doreen (Baroness) Lawrence 'From fighting for Nelson Mandela's freedom to exposing his betrayal under Jacob Zuma, a 50 year story of constant campaigning.' Sir Trevor McDonald, broadcaster The powerful and timely story of Peter Hain's political life fighting South African apartheid and modern-day corruption. Peter Hain has had a dramatic 50-year political career, in Britain and his native South Africa. This is the story of that extraordinary journey, from Pretoria to the House of Lords. Hain vividly describes his anti-apartheid parents' arrest and harassment in the early 1960s, the hanging of a close white family friend, and enforced London exile in 1966. After organising militant anti-Springbok demonstrations he became 'Public Enemy Number One' in the South African media. Narrowly escaping jail for disrupting all-white South African sports tours, he was framed for bank robbery and nearly assassinated by a bomb. He used British parliamentary privilege to expose looting and money laundering in President Jacob Zuma's administration, informed by his government 'deep throat', and likely influenced Zuma's resignation. Hain ends by exhorting South Africa to reincarnate Nelson Mandela's vision and integrity for the future. Praise for A Pretoria Boy: 'Peter's gripping story and his passionate activism resonates with me over our common (African) childhood and exile in Britain.' Natasha Kaplinsky, broadcaster 'A tour de force over an extraordinary half century of campaigning for justice.' Helen Clark, former New Zealand Prime Minister and United Nations Development Chief 'Talk about courage and chutzpah - this young 'un helped topple apartheid!' Ronnie Kasrils, former ANC underground chief and Minister
'A stalwart anti-racist and anti-apartheid campaigner.' Doreen (Baroness) Lawrence 'From fighting for Nelson Mandela's freedom to exposing his betrayal under Jacob Zuma, a 50 year story of constant campaigning.' Sir Trevor McDonald, broadcaster The powerful and timely story of Peter Hain's political life fighting South African apartheid and modern-day corruption. Peter Hain has had a dramatic 50-year political career, in Britain and his native South Africa. This is the story of that extraordinary journey, from Pretoria to the House of Lords. Hain vividly describes his anti-apartheid parents' arrest and harassment in the early 1960s, the hanging of a close white family friend, and enforced London exile in 1966. After organising militant anti-Springbok demonstrations he became 'Public Enemy Number One' in the South African media. Narrowly escaping jail for disrupting all-white South African sports tours, he was framed for bank robbery and nearly assassinated by a bomb. He used British parliamentary privilege to expose looting and money laundering in President Jacob Zuma's administration, informed by his government 'deep throat', and likely influenced Zuma's resignation. Hain ends by exhorting South Africa to reincarnate Nelson Mandela's vision and integrity for the future. Praise for A Pretoria Boy: 'Peter's gripping story and his passionate activism resonates with me over our common (African) childhood and exile in Britain.' Natasha Kaplinsky, broadcaster 'A tour de force over an extraordinary half century of campaigning for justice.' Helen Clark, former New Zealand Prime Minister and United Nations Development Chief 'Talk about courage and chutzpah - this young 'un helped topple apartheid!' Ronnie Kasrils, former ANC underground chief and Minister
The use of thermal and calorimetric methods has shown rapid growth over the past few decades, in an increasingly wide range of applications. The original text was published in 2001; since then there have been significant advances in various analytical techniques and their applications. This second edition supplies an up to date, concise and readable account of the principles, experimental apparatus and practical procedures used in thermal analysis and calorimetric methods of analysis. Written by experts in their field, brief accounts of the basic theory are reinforced with detailed technical advances and contemporary developments. Where appropriate, applications are used to highlight particular operating principles or methods of interpretation. As an important source of information for many levels of readership in a variety of areas, this book will be an aid for students and lecturers through to industrial and laboratory staff and consultants.
The phenomenon that is Sherlock Holmes is based on the series of novels and short stories written almost a century ago that have generated a world-wide network of enthusiasts who have spent the intervening years endlessly debating and investigating the life and cases of the most famous of all detectives. The Sherlock Holmes Compendium was originally published to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who created this remarkable saga and has now been revised by Peter Haining to include a wealth of unique articles, thought-provoking essays and rare illustrations that will delight old Sherlockians and fascinate new Holmesians. As well as covering the Great Detective's career in the cinema and on TV, the book also includes a number of puzzles and quizzes to test the reader's knowledge of the world of 221b Baker Street. |
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