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Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency - Contributions to the First International Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency, MOSCOSSEE'2021, February 25-26, 2021 (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022)
Ahmed Hammami, Philippus Stephanus Heyns, Stephan Schmidt, Fakher Chaari, Mohamed Slim Abbes, …
Discovery Miles 52 220
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This book provides readers with an overview of recent theories and
methods for studying complex mechanical systems used in energy
production, such as wind turbines, but not limited to them. The
emphasis is put on strategies for increasing energy efficiency, and
on recent industrial applications. Topics cover dynamics and
vibration, vibroacoustics, engineering design, modelling and
simulation, fault diagnostics, signal processing and prognostics.
The book is based on peer-review contributions and invited talks
presented at the first International Workshop on MOdelling and
Simulation of COmplex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency,
MOSCOSSEE 2021, held online on February 25-26, 2021, and organized
by the LAboratory of Mechanics, Modelling and Production (LA2MP)
from University of Sfax, Tunisia and the Department of Mechanical
and Aeronautical engineering, Centre of Asset Integrity Management
(C-AIM) from University of Pretoria, South Africa. By offering
authoritative information on innovative methods and tools for
application in renewable energy production, it provides a valuable
resource to both academics and professionals, and a bridge to
facilitate communication between the two groups.
This comprehensive volume provides an update on the current state
of pharmacometrics in drug development. It consists of nineteen
chapters all written by leading scientists from the pharmaceutical
industry, regulatory agencies and academia. After an introduction
of the basic pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic concepts of
pharmacometrics in drug development, the book presents numerous
examples of specific applications that utilize pharmacometrics with
modeling and simulations over a variety of therapeutic areas,
including pediatrics, diabetes, obesity, infections, psychiatrics,
Alzheimer's disease, and dermatology, among others. The examples
illustrate how results from all phases of drug development can be
integrated in a more timely and cost-effective process. Applying
pharmacometric decision tools during drug development can allow
objective, data-based decision making. At the same time, the
process can identify redundant or unnecessary experiments as well
as some costly clinical trials that can be avoided. In addition to
cost saving by expedited development of successful drug candidates,
pharmacometrics has an important economic impact in drug product
selection. Unsuccessful drug candidates can be identified early and
discontinued without expending efforts required for additional
studies and allocating limited resources. Hence, pharmacometric
modeling and simulation has become a powerful tool to bring new and
better medications to the patient at a faster pace and with greater
probability of success.
This comprehensive volume provides an update on the current state
of pharmacometrics in drug development. It consists of nineteen
chapters all written by leading scientists from the pharmaceutical
industry, regulatory agencies and academia. After an introduction
of the basic pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic concepts of
pharmacometrics in drug development, the book presents numerous
examples of specific applications that utilize pharmacometrics with
modeling and simulations over a variety of therapeutic areas,
including pediatrics, diabetes, obesity, infections, psychiatrics,
Alzheimer's disease, and dermatology, among others. The examples
illustrate how results from all phases of drug development can be
integrated in a more timely and cost-effective process. Applying
pharmacometric decision tools during drug development can allow
objective, data-based decision making. At the same time, the
process can identify redundant or unnecessary experiments as well
as some costly clinical trials that can be avoided. In addition to
cost saving by expedited development of successful drug candidates,
pharmacometrics has an important economic impact in drug product
selection. Unsuccessful drug candidates can be identified early and
discontinued without expending efforts required for additional
studies and allocating limited resources. Hence, pharmacometric
modeling and simulation has become a powerful tool to bring new and
better medications to the patient at a faster pace and with greater
probability of success.
How does artistic practice lead to the production of knowledge? How
does, in turn, artistic knowledge relate to its material base? How
does contingent materiality guide the artist towards finding form
and developing a statement? This volume is dedicated to the object
as a process in order to offer new insights into the ways the
object - broadly construed, comprising digital and other
non-classical objects - becomes an active element in artistic
Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency - Contributions to the First International Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency, MOSCOSSEE'2021, February 25-26, 2021 (Paperback, 1st ed. 2022)
Ahmed Hammami, Philippus Stephanus Heyns, Stephan Schmidt, Fakher Chaari, Mohamed Slim Abbes, …
Discovery Miles 51 910
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This book provides readers with an overview of recent theories and
methods for studying complex mechanical systems used in energy
production, such as wind turbines, but not limited to them. The
emphasis is put on strategies for increasing energy efficiency, and
on recent industrial applications. Topics cover dynamics and
vibration, vibroacoustics, engineering design, modelling and
simulation, fault diagnostics, signal processing and prognostics.
The book is based on peer-review contributions and invited talks
presented at the first International Workshop on MOdelling and
Simulation of COmplex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency,
MOSCOSSEE 2021, held online on February 25-26, 2021, and organized
by the LAboratory of Mechanics, Modelling and Production (LA2MP)
from University of Sfax, Tunisia and the Department of Mechanical
and Aeronautical engineering, Centre of Asset Integrity Management
(C-AIM) from University of Pretoria, South Africa. By offering
authoritative information on innovative methods and tools for
application in renewable energy production, it provides a valuable
resource to both academics and professionals, and a bridge to
facilitate communication between the two groups.
Updated with the latest clinical advances, Rowland and Tozer’s
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, Fifth Edition,
explains the relationship between drug administration and drug
response, taking a conceptual approach that emphasizes clinical
application rather than science and mathematics. Bringing a
real-life perspective to the topic, the book simplifies concepts
and gives readers the knowledge they need to better evaluate drug
applications. Key updates reflect advances in PK/PD as related to
clinical decision-making and drug research and development. An
emphasis on the clinical relevance of drugs makes the book
especially applicable to pharmacy students preparing for a career
in clinical practice. Hundreds of graphs and tables provide visual
representations of key pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic principles
and effects. More than 200 carefully written study questions, with
answers and in-depth explanations, help readers enhance their
conceptual understanding and learn and retain key information. New
and updated examples connect chapter content to real-world
settings. Interactive online simulations give students practice
using different pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models and
parameters. eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and
convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These
interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on
multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes,
and more
Stephan Schmidt-Tank zeigt, dass sich die Mitgliedschaft in einem
supranationalen Index langfristig nicht wertsteigernd auswirkt; er
fuhrt dies unter anderem auf die Transparenz Aufnahmeverfahrens fur
STOXX-Indizes zuruck. Kulturelle Unterschiede hingegen sind
offenbar auf europaischen Kapitalmarkten durchaus von Bedeutung,
und es gibt keine Hinweise auf eine homogene, landerubergreifende
In welchem Restaurant ist das Essen am leckersten, welche
Le-bensmittel schmecken gut, oder welches Automobil hat die beste
Qualit t? Die Beantwortung dieser Fragen durch Familienmitglieder
oder Bekannte hat einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Entscheidung
des Fragestellenden. 70% der Konsumenten vertrauen den Ratschl gen
aus dem pers nlichen Umfeld, der Werbung hingegen schenken nur 59
Prozent ihr Vertrauen. Unternehmen und Marke-tern ist die Bedeutung
von Mundpropaganda f r den Umsatz und das Image eines Unternehmens
bewusst geworden, deshalb ist Word-of-Mouth sprichw rtlich in aller
Munde." Mittlerweile hat sich eine eigene Industrie auf
WOM-Marketing spezialisiert, deren Mitglieder sich in der
Word-of-Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) organisiert haben.
Diese Untersuchung analysiert grundlegende Faktoren f r die
Erzeugung und Diffusion von WOM, stellt Auswirkungen von
Mundpropaganda auf Unternehmen und deren Produkte dar und pr
sentiert aktuelle Entwicklungen im WOM-Marketing.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2001 im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften /
Geographie - Wirtschaftsgeographie, Note: 1,5,
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitat Greifswald (unbekannt, Geographie
und Geologie), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe:
Einleitung: Mit der CO2-Minderungs-Selbstverpflichtung nach der
Rio-Folgekonferenz in Kyoto, steigenden Olpreisen und dem
Atomausstieg im Hintergrund, ruckt die Nutzung erneuerbarer
Energien immer mehr ins Blickfeld. Der Einwand, sie seien zu teuer,
soll in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht werden. Anhand der Insel
Rugen werden regionalwirtschaftliche Folgen von
Solarenergie-Nutzung beleuchtet. Schwerpunkt sind Kapitalflusse im
Solarinstallations- sowie Image- und Wirtschaftseffekte im
Tourismusbereich. Gegenwartig werden auf Rugen jahrlich 2.300
DM/Einwohner fur Energie aufgewendet und fliessen uberwiegend ab.
Es wird gezeigt, dass die aktive Sonnenenergienutzung durch
Kollektoren (Warme) und Photovoltaikanlagen (Strom) unter heutigen
Randbedingungen in Deutschland positive Effekte auf die
Regionalentwicklung hat. Dabei sind die zugrunde gelegten Annahmen
ausgesprochen vorsichtig und nahezu pessimistisch. Regionale
Arbeitsplatze entstehen vor allem im Solarwarmebereich, weil fur
die Photovoltaik nur sehr niedrige Ausbauziele zugrundegelegt sind.
Die regionale Kapitalbilanz aus abfliessenden Investitionsbetragen
und zufliessenden Fordermitteln/vermiedenen Energiekosten ist fur
den Kollektoren-Zubau ausgeglichen, fur die Photovoltaiknutzung
dagegen klar positiv. Dort verbleibt rund noch einmal soviel wie
der investierte Betrag als Kaufkraftsteigerung in der Region. Von
besonderem regionalwirtschaftlichem Interesse sind dabei die
Stromeinspeisevergutungen des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes (EEG).
Wirtschaftsschwache Regionen konnen davon uberproportional
profitieren. Das EEG ist, obgleich thematisch ausgelegt, raumlich
wirksam als eine Forderung strukturschwacher/peripherer Raume.
Hinzu kommen nicht-monetare Vorteile fur beispielsweis
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