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This exciting collection of papers is an international, ecumenical,
and interdisciplinary study of Jesus' resurrection that emerged
from the "Resurrection Summit" meeting held in New York at Easter
of 1996. The contributions represent mainstream scholarship on
biblical studies, fundamental theology, systematic theology,
philosophy, moral theology, and homiletics. Contributors represent
a wide range of viewpoints and denominations and include Richard
Swinburne, Janet Martin Soskice, Peter F. Carnley, Sarah Coakley,
Willian Lane Craig, William P. Alston, M. Shawn Copeland, Paul
Rhodes Eddy, Francis Schussler Fiorenza, Brian V. Johnstone, Carey
C. Newman, Alan G. Padgett, Pheme Perkins, Alan F. Segal,
Marguerite Shuster, and John Wilkins. Combined, they offer a
timely, wide ranging, and well balanced work on the central truth
of Christianity."
Crowd Actions in Britain and France from the Middle Ages to the
Modern World explores the lively and often violent world of the
crowd, examining some of the key flashpoints in the history of
popular action. From the Peasants' Revolt of 1381 to the Paris
riots in 2005 and 2006, this volume reveals what happens when
people gather together in protest.
OPERATORS To Agnes, who endured so patiently the writing of it,
this boo is affectionately dedicated. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I
LINEAR OPERATORS 1. The Nature of Operators ------------1 2.
Definition of an Operator -----.--3 3. A Classification of
Operational Methods --------7 4. The Formal Theory of Operators
----------g 5. Generalized Integration and Differentiation - - 16
6. Differential and Integral Equations of Infinite Order -----23 7.
The Generatrix Calculus - - 28 8. The Heaviside Operational
Calculus ---------34 9. The Theory of Functionals ------------33
10. The Calculus of Forms in Infinitely Many Variables -----4
CHAPTER II PARTICULAR OPERATORS 1. Introduction ----------------51
2. Polynomial Operators --------53 3. The Fourier Definition of an
Operator ---------53 4. The Operational Symbol of von Neumann and
Stone -----57 5. The Operator as a Laplace Transform ---------59 6.
Polar Operators ...-60 7. Branch Point Operators ------------64 8.
Note on the Complementary Function ---------70 9. Riemanns Theory -
.--.--72 10. Functions Permutable with Unity ----------76 11.
Logarithmic Operators ------------78 12. Special Operators
--------------85 13. The General Analytic Operator ----------99 14.
The Differential Operator of Infinite Order -------100 15.
Differential Operators as a Cauchy Integral -------103 16. The
Generatrix of Differential Operators--------104 17. Five Operators
of Analysis ------------105 CHAPTER III THE THEORY OF LINEAR
SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS 1. Preliminary Remarks -------------108 2.
Types of Matrices --------------109 3. The Convergence of an
Infinite Determinant -------114 4. The Upper Bound of a
Determinant. Hadamards Theorem - - 116 5. Determinants which do not
Vanish - - - - - - - - - 123 6. The Method of the Liouville-Neumann
Series -------126 7. The Method of Segments ------------130 8.
Applications of the Method of Segments. --------132 9. The Hilbert
Theory of Linear Equations in an Infinite Number of Variables - - -
- 137 10. Extension of the Foregoing Theory to Holder Space 149 vii
MULTIPLICATION AND INVERSION 1. Algebra and Operators -------..
--153 2. The Generalized Formula of Leibnitz ---------154 3.
Bourlets Operational Product --. 155 4. The Algebra of Functions of
Composition --------159 5. Selected Problems in the Algebra of
Permutable Functions - - - - 164 G. The Calculation of a Function
Permutable with a Given Function - 166 7. The Transformation of
Peres -----------171 8. The Permutability of Functions Permutable
with a Given Function - 173 9. Permutable Functions of Second Kind
- --176 10. The Inversion of Operators Bourlets Theory ------177
It. The Method of Successive Substitutions --------181 12. Some
Further Properties of the Resolvent Generatrix - 185 13. The
Inversion of Operators by Infinite Differentiation - 188 14. The
Permutability of Linear PilYeiential Operators -----190 15. A Class
of Non-permutable Operators ---------194 16. Special Examples
Illustrating the Application of Operational Processes 200 CHAPTER V
----------------211 2. The Grade of an Unlimitedly Differentiable
Function - 212 3. Functions of Finite Grade ------------215 4.
Asymptotic Expansions --- 222 5. The Summability of Differential
Operators with Constant Coefficients 230 6. The Summability of
Operators of Laplace Type ------235 CHAPTER VI DIFFERENTIAL
Introduction ---------------238 2. Expansion of the Resolvent
Generatrix --------239 3. The Method of Cauchy-Bromwich
----------250 4...
In "Postmodern Humanism in Contemporary Literature and Culture,"
Todd F. Davis and Kenneth Womack investigate the emerging gaps
between literary scholarship and the reading experience itself. For
Davis and Womack, the idea of reconciling the void - the locus of
our sociocultural disillusionment and despair in an increasingly
uncertain world - concerns explicit artistic attempts to represent
the ways in which human beings seek out meaning, hope and community
in spite of the void's immutable shadow.
The protection which is installed on an industrial power system is
likely to be subjected to more difficult conditions than the
protection on any other kind of power system. Starting with the
many simple devices which are employed and covering the whole area
of industrial power system protection, this book aims to help
achieve a thorough understanding of the protection necessary.
Vital aspects such as the modern cartridge fuse, types of
relays, and the role of the current transformer are covered and the
widely used inverse definite-minimum time overcurrent relay, the
theory of the Merz-Price protection system and the development of
the high-impedance relay system are critically examined. This new
edition has come about in response to the dramatic change from the
use of electro-magnetic relays to electronic and micro-processor
relays which figure in practically all new installations.
Therefore, although the theory and usage are the same, the
application can be much improved owing to the increased range and
accuracy and the added facilities provided with the modern relays.
This book reflects the change and explains the technical
As a former athlete unable to express himself the way he wanted
to, Adriel found comfort in expressing his love, his pain and the
passion he has for basketball and for life through his poetry. "Pen
to Paper: A Transfer of Emotions" is the manifestation of Adriel's
passion for life, love and basketball. In college and throughout
his life, he was a shoulder to many of his family and friends'
deepest and darkest secrets. Unable to tell others of the problems
he faced and the struggles of people who had confided in him, he
learned to put his pen to paper and a book was born. A deep look
into a man's soul who so desperately wanted to heal himself and
those who would seek his advice, Adriel began to search deep into
his heart and soul to express those feelings for others. Pen to
Paper is a book that will show you tears of joy, laughter and pain
until the game is over.
In an innovative and wide-ranging collection of essays, The
Performing Century looks at modes of performance and forms of
theatre in Nineteenth-century Britain and Ireland. From the vogue
for fairy plays to the acting styles of melodrama, from the work of
a single impresario to the nature of a genre, from ship-launches in
Belfast to royal weddings in England, from the representation of
economics to the work of a parliamentary committee in regulating
theatres, the authors bring new perspectives on familiar material
and radically redefine what theatre and performance in the
Nineteenth century might be.
The book '... should be assured of the attention of the many on
both sides of the Atlantic who are fascinated by this subject.'
John Hick
This interdisciplinary study follows an international and
ecumenical meeting of twenty-one scholars held in New York at
Easter 2003: the Redemption Summit. After an opening chapter, which
explores seven central questions for writers on redemption, five
chapters are dedicated to the scriptural roots of the doctrine. A
section on the patristic and medieval periods then examines the
interpretation of redemption through the centuries. The volume
moves on to foundational and systematic issues: the problem of
horrendous evil, karma and grace, and differing views on
justification. Studies on the redemption in literature, art, music,
and preaching form the final part. There is a fruitful dialogue
between experts in a wide range of areas and the international
reputation of the participants reflects and guarantees the high
quality of this joint work. The result is a well researched,
skilfully argued, and, at times, provocative volume on the central
Christian belief: the redemption of human beings through Jesus
As Peanuts concludes its first decade, a new character makes her
appearance: Charlie Brown's little sister Sally. This volume covers
her earliest days, from her proud brother's announcement of her
birth to her first words (and crush on Linus)! Also: the initial
'Great Pumpkin' sequence; Lucy's first appearance as a nickel
psychiatrist; Linus's short-lived and one-sided romance with his
beloved teacher Miss Othmar; and Snoopy's battle with the
doghouse-destroying freeway bypass. All this, plus two of the most
famous Peanuts strips of all time: the 'clouds' Sunday that Schulz
cites as his personal favourite and 'Happiness is a warm puppy'.
This book represents conversations between philosophers and
theologians on several issues of current theological interest. God,
the church, theological authority, atonement, the Holy Spirit,
religious ethics, the problem of evil, and other topics are debated
by top-notch theologians and philosophers of various theological
and philosophical persuasions. Since contemporary philosophers and
theologians seldom communicate professionally, this book represents
a fascinating and highly unusual cross-disciplinary conversation.
When I Were a Lad... looks at the glorious-yet-risky childhoods of
yesteryear before the Health and Safety officers told us we
couldn't do everything because it was too dangerous. The sleeper
hit of Christmas 2009 - more than 4,000 copies sold through
Bookscan. A book to send shivers down the spine of any parent who
has spent years protecting their children from the slightest bump
and bash. A glorious romp though some of the most reckless photos
from the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s, tagged with side-splitting
captions. Ah, the past. A time when children could play in the snow
without a helmet, crampons and a risk assessment report. When
footballs were made from rhino hide and cricket was played with one
pad, if you were lucky. When I Were a Lad... looks at the
glorious-yet-risky childhoods of yesteryear before the Health and
Safety officers told us we couldn't do everything because it was
too dangerous. It reflects on a time when children were allowed in
with the animals at London Zoo; a time before the car seatbelt was
invented (let alone used); a time when you were allowed to dress up
endangered species in goalkeeping kit and take penalties against
them. The authors have trawled through the major historic archives
to find some glorious photo opportunities where the safety angle of
the participants was the last thing anyone thought of. Children
perch happily on lethal, limb-mangling machinery, stand all-smiles
on live crocodiles, feed brown bears with their hands and get
scooped from the street by passing tram conductors! These truly
were the days that Health and Safety forgot, back when I were a
Wizards Vs Aliens: Series 1 (DVD)
Scott Haran, Michael Higgs, Annette Badland, Brian Blessed, Percelle Ascott, …
Discovery Miles 230
Ships in 10 - 20 working days
Children's fantasy drama series in which a boy with secret powers
finds himself forced to confront an alien invasion of Earth. To the
outside world Tom Clarke (Scott Haran) appears to be an ordinary
boy. He loves football and lives with his father (Michael Higgs)
and grandmother (Annette Badland). However, Tom and his family are
actually wizards and are gravely threatened by the arrival on Earth
of the alien race Nekross, who, under the command of the Nekross
King (voice of Brian Blessed), seek to acquire the planet's magic
for themselves. Can Tom and his friends fight them off and protect
their magical abilities?
Exam Board: AQA Level: GCSE 9-1 Subject: Food preparation and
nutrition Suitable for the 2023 exams Complete revision and
practice to fully prepare for the GCSE grade 9-1 exams Revision
that Sticks! Collins AQA GCSE 9-1 Food Preparation and Nutrition
Complete All-in-One Revision and Practice uses a revision method
that really works: repeated practice throughout. A revision guide,
workbook and practice paper in one book! With clear and concise
revision for every topic, plus seven practice opportunities,
Collins offers the best revision at the best price. For even more
practice QR codes link directly from the topics in the revision
guide to online interactive quick recall quizzes and to worked
solution videos in the workbook. Includes: * quick tests as you go
* end-of-topic practice questions * topic review questions later in
the book * mixed practice questions at the end of the book * more
topic-by-topic practice in the workbook * a complete exam-style
paper * online quick recall quizzes for every topic * online video
solutions for every topic * free Q&A flashcards to download
online * free ebook version
This collection provides new insights into the 'Age of
Revolutions', focussing on state trials for treason and sedition,
and expands the sophisticated discussion that has marked the
historiography of that period by examining political trials in
Britain and the north Atlantic world from the 1790s and into the
nineteenth century. In the current turbulent period, when Western
governments are once again grappling with how to balance security
and civil liberty against the threat of inflammatory ideas and
actions during a period of international political and religious
tension, it is timely to re-examine the motives, dilemmas, thinking
and actions of governments facing similar problems during the 'Age
of Revolutions'. The volume begins with a number of essays
exploring the cases tried in England and Scotland in 1793-94 and
examining those political trials from fresh angles (including their
implications for legal developments, their representation in the
press, and the emotion and the performances they generated in
court). Subsequent sections widen the scope of the collection both
chronologically (through the period up to the Reform Act of 1832
and extending as far as the end of the nineteenth century) and
geographically (to Revolutionary France, republican Ireland, the
United States and Canada). These comparative and longue duree
approaches will stimulate new debate on the political trials of
Georgian Britain and of the north Atlantic world more generally as
well as a reassessment of their significance. This book
deliberately incorporates essays by scholars working within and
across a number of different disciplines including Law, Literary
Studies and Political Science.
Going beyond the usual how-to guide, Lean Six Sigma Secrets for the
CIO supplies proven tips and valuable case studies that illustrate
how to combine Six Sigma's rigorous quality principles with Lean
methods for uncovering and eliminating waste in IT processes. Using
these methods, the text explains how to take an approach that is
all about improving IT performance, productivity, and security-as
much as it is about cutting costs. Savvy IT veterans describe how
to use Lean Six Sigma with IT governance frameworks such as COBIT
and ITIL and warn why these frameworks should be considered
starting points rather than destinations. This complete resource
for CIOs and IT managers provides effective strategies to address
the human element that is so fundamental to success and explains
how to maximize the voice of your customers while keeping in touch
with the needs of your staff. And perhaps most importantly-it
provides the evidence needed to build your case to upper
management. Supplying you with the tools to create methods that
will bring out the best in your employees; Lean Six Sigma Secrets
for the CIO provides the understanding required to manage your IT
operations with unique effectiveness and efficiency in service of
the bottom line.
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