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In this book, the future of one of the world's most important
industries is examined from the perspective of work structures and
labour relations policies. The authors examine the restructuring of
the world automobile industry in the 1980s, and draw data from an
in-depth empirical study of three leading car companies in three
different countries: the United States, the United Kingdom and
Germany. They demonstrate that the different strategies employed by
firms and trades unions in industrial relations, and different
national characteristics, have had a major impact on the
dismantling of Taylorism and Fordism and the introduction of new
structures of work. This book is an important contribution to the
study of change in mass production industries throughout the world.
It will be of interest to students of industrial relations and
industrial sociology, as well as specialists in government and
Prof. Jurgens is renowned for his scientific work in such fields as
human resources, work organization and organization of production
and development, especially for automotive industries. In this
publication, authors from different countries discuss models of
integration in development and production as realized in practice.
Of interest to those practitioners who need to develop benchmarks
for their own development and production.
In this book, the future of one of the world's most important
industries is examined from the perspective of work structures and
labour relations policies. The authors examine the restructuring of
the world automobile industry in the 1980s, and draw data from an
in-depth empirical study of three leading car companies in three
different countries: the United States, the United Kingdom and
Germany. They demonstrate that the different strategies employed by
firms and trades unions in industrial relations, and different
national characteristics, have had a major impact on the
dismantling of Taylorism and Fordism and the introduction of new
structures of work. This book is an important contribution to the
study of change in mass production industries throughout the world.
It will be of interest to students of industrial relations and
industrial sociology, as well as specialists in government and
Five years after the publication of MITs lean production book
practitioners and academics from Japan, USA and Europe present new
concepts, findings and conclusions in regard to one of the most
critical areas of automobile production. The focus of the book is
to explore automation and work organization for the final assembly
operations in the world automobile industry. The authors are
company practitioners in charge of planning assembly operations and
academic researchers drawing from recent empirical work. Thus, the
book presents a multi-facetted view on a development of critical
importance for future development of the industry. The book is rich
with figures, fotos, tables, thus making the text vivid, easy to
understand and illustrative.
Prof. Jurgens is renowned for his scientific work in such fields as
human resources, work organization and organization of production
and development, especially for automotive industries. In this
publication, authors from different countries discuss models of
integration in development and production as realized in practice.
Of interest to those practitioners who need to develop benchmarks
for their own development and production.
New industrial centres are emerging in the so-called BRIC countries
(Brazil, Russia, India, and China), where large numbers of plants
have been constructed in recent years, creating many manufacturing
jobs. But what does industrial work look like in these locations?
Up until now, much of the interest in developing country
industrialization has concentrated on the poor working conditions
that characterize some export-oriented sectors in emerging
economies, most notoriously in the garment industry. In contrast,
the concern of this book is with the modern facilities of
multinational or local manufacturers that reflect aspirations for a
process of industrial upgrading that might foreshadow the future
for these countries. The book provides an analysis of work, its
context, and the situation of employees in plants in the BRICs
focussing on three main questions: What differences and common
features can be ascertained in a comparison both of countries and
firms in terms of workplace HR management and production systems?
What evidence is there for either a 'high road' or 'low road'
developmental path in the BRICs? How are corporate standards
implemented in these local contexts? The book addresses an academic
audience as well as managers and trade unionists. For the former,
it offers a systematic comparison of the four countries and the
companies under study. For the latter, it offers a vivid account of
challenges the companies face in the BRIC countries as well as the
solutions adopted by the companies.
Recent years have seen intense debates among management and academics on the rise of `lean production' and `Japanization'. This book examines in detail the actual practice of transfer and adaptation of productive models into the auto industry. Case studies cover in detail the Japanese transplant experience in North America, and the global experience of hybrid production systems in Europe, Latin America, and Asia.
Auf der Basis der Theorien des strategischen Managements fur
Unternehmen entwickelt Ulrich David einen konzeptionellen Rahmen
fur eine erfolgreiche Positionierung von Controllerbereichen im
internen Wettbewerb. Anhand von drei ausfuhrlichen Fallstudien in
deutschen Grossunternehmen untersucht er die praktische Anwendung
dieses Ansatzes und zeigt seine Konsequenzen fur die strategische
Positionierung von Controllerbereichen auf.
Das Buch behandelt die Entwicklungsperspektiven und
Gestaltungsoptionen von Arbeit in der Automobilproduktion vor dem
Hintergrund der umfassenden Restrukturierung der
Weltautomobilindustrie. Dargestellt wird die Rolle der
Konzernstrategien und der nationalen Besonderheiten in den Systemen
industrieller Beziehung, insbesondere der Gewerkschaftspolitik fur
die Durchsetzung "neuer Produktionskonzepte". Grundlage bilden
empirische Erhebungen der Autoren in drei fuhrenden
Automobilunternehmen an Produktionsstandorten in den USA,
Grossbritannien und der Bundesrepublik sowie in japanischen
Automobilbetrieben. Wir erleben heute einen tiefgreifenden Wandel
in der Automobilindustrie, der in seiner historischen Tragweite
vergleichbar ist mit der Durchsetzung des
fordistischen-tayloristischen Regulationsmodells in der ersten
Halfte dieses Jahrhunderts. Tayloristische Prinzipien der
Arbeitsteilung und fordistische Prinzipien der Massenfertigung
stehen heute ihrerseits zur Disposition. Aber was tritt an ihre
Stelle? An Strategien und "neuen Produktionskonzepten" fehlt es
nicht. Wie steht es aber mit ihrer Umsetzung in der betrieblichen
Praxis? Gibt es konzern- und landerspezifische Profile in den
Zielen und Schwerpunkten der Restrukturierung? Gibt es Leitbilder
fur die Zukunft der Arbeit in der Automobilindustrie und wie setzen
sie sich durch? Die Antworten in diesem Buch basieren auf einem
umfassenden empirischen Forschungsprojekt des Wissenschaftszentrums
Berlin fur Sozialforschung, das in drei fuhrenden
Weltautomobilunternehmen in Produktionsstandorten in den USA,
Grossbritannien und der Bundesrepublik und in der japanischen
Automobilindustrie durchgefuhrt wurde. Die lander- und
konzernubergeifende Vergleichsperspektive bildet die besondere
Starke dieses Buches. Der Leser erhalt eine ausserordentlich
materialreiche, anschauliche Darstellung aktueller
Wandlungsprozesse im Charakter der Arbeit und der
Gestaltungsoptionen im Hinblick auf die Zukunft der
Umstrukturierungen in der internationalen Arbeitsteilung sowie
produktionstech nische und arbeitsorganisatorische Umwalzungen auf
Basis der Mikroelektronik als neuer Schlusseltechnologie fuhren
gegenwartig zu weitreichenden Veranderungen des betrieblichen
Arbeits- und Produktionsprozesses. Diese Entwicklungen sind nicht
nur durch endogene technische und okonomische Tendenzen bedingt,
sondern sind in ihrem Entstehungs-und Wirkungszusammenhang
wesentlich auch - so die leitende Hypothese in diesem Sammelband -
durch politische Prozesse bestimmt. Bei der theoretischen und
handlungspraktischen Erfassung dieses Zusammenhangs wird jedoch
noch immer in der politischen Praxis wie im Wissenschaftssystem
eine deutliche Bruchstelle sichtbar: Betriebliche Arbeits-und
Produktionsprozesse wer den ohne Politik und Politik ohne Bezug auf
betriebliche Produktionsprozesse ana lysiert. Der Versuch, diese
beiden gesellschaftlichen Funktionsbereiche starker auf einander zu
beziehen und eine Konzeption von "Arbeitspolitik" zu entwickeln,
bil det auch in der internationalen Diskussion verstarkt zum Fokus
theoretischer und empirischer Studien. Auf dem Kongress der
Deutschen Vereinigung fur Politische Wissenschaft im Ok tober 1982
in Berlin wurde erstmals zu dem Thema "Arbeitspolitik" eine Arbeits
gruppe gebildet, an der sich Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher
disziplinarer Ausrich tungen beteiligten."
Corporate Governance, Employee Voice, and Work Organization
explores the dynamic relations between corporate governance,
employee voice, and the organization of work in the automotive
supply industry. It reports on research undertaken in three
countries-Germany, Sweden, and the United States-that has sought to
explore and compare historical patterns of the relationships
between changing governance regimes, voice, and work at plant level
in an era of financialization. It also explores the prospects for
high-road, sustainable jobs in the sector. Three detailed case
histories from each of the countries are presented which contrast
companies facing three different levels of exposure to capital
markets: companies relatively sheltered from stock markets;
companies that are highly exposed to them; and thirdly companies
owned by private equity firms. This design allows for analysis not
just across different national contexts but also within them, and
questions the usefulness of the 'varieties of capitalism' appraoch
in understanding these differences. The cases show that governance
compromises matter, that is, that recognising the role of employee
voice in corporate governance regimes is essential in any
comparative analysis and understanding of corporate governance.