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This latest volume in the Wavelets Analysis and Its Applications
Series provides significant and up-to-date insights into recent
developments in the field of wavelet constructions in connection
with partial differential equations. Specialists in numerical
applications and engineers in a variety of fields will find
Multiscale Wavelet for Partial Differential Equations to be a
valuable resource.
"Modeling Nanoscale Imaging in Electron Microscopy" presents the recent advances that have been made using mathematical methods to resolve problems in microscopy. With improvements in hardware-based aberration software significantly expanding the nanoscale imaging capabilities of scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEM), these mathematical models can replace some labor intensive procedures used to operate and maintain STEMs. This book, the first in its field since 1998, will also cover such relevant concepts as superresolution techniques, special denoising methods, application of mathematical/statistical learning theory, and compressed sensing.
In April 2007, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) approved the Priority Program 1324 "Mathematical Methods for Extracting Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems." This volume presents a comprehensive overview of the most important results obtained over the course of the program. Mathematical models of complex systems provide the foundation for further technological developments in science, engineering and computational finance. Motivated by the trend toward steadily increasing computer power, ever more realistic models have been developed in recent years. These models have also become increasingly complex, and their numerical treatment poses serious challenges. Recent developments in mathematics suggest that, in the long run, much more powerful numerical solution strategies could be derived if the interconnections between the different fields of research were systematically exploited at a conceptual level. Accordingly, a deeper understanding of the mathematical foundations as well as the development of new and efficient numerical algorithms were among the main goals of this Priority Program. The treatment of high-dimensional systems is clearly one of the most challenging tasks in applied mathematics today. Since the problem of high-dimensionality appears in many fields of application, the above-mentioned synergy and cross-fertilization effects were expected to make a great impact. To be truly successful, the following issues had to be kept in mind: theoretical research and practical applications had to be developed hand in hand; moreover, it has proven necessary to combine different fields of mathematics, such as numerical analysis and computational stochastics. To keep the whole program sufficiently focused, we concentrated on specific but related fields of application that share common characteristics and as such, they allowed us to use closely related approaches.
Assembled here is a collection of articles presented at a NATO ADVANCED STU DY INSTITUTE held at Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain during the period of July 10th to 21st, 1989. In addition to the editors of these proceedings Professor Larry L. Schumaker from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, served as a member of the international organizing committee. The contents of the contribu tions fall within the heading of COMPUTATION OF CURVES AND SURFACES and therefore address mathematical and computational issues pertaining to the dis play, modeling, interrogation and representation of complex geometrical objects in various scientific and technical environments. As is the intent of the NATO ASI program the meeting was two weeks in length and the body of the scientific activities was organized around prominent experts. Each of them presented lectures on his current research activity. We were fortunate to have sixteen distinguished invited speakers representing nine NATO countries: W. Bohm (Federal Republic of Germany), C. de Boor (USA), C.K. Chui (USA), W. Dahmen (Federal Republic of Germany), F. Fontanella (Italy), M. Gasca (Spain), R. Goldman (Canada), T.N.T. Goodman (UK), J.A. Gregory (UK), C. Hoffman (USA), J. Hoschek (Federal Republic of Germany), A. Le Mehaute (France), T. Lyche (Norway), C.A. Micchelli (USA), 1.1. Schumaker (USA), C. Traas (The Netherlands). The audience consisted of both young researchers as well as established scientists from twelve NATO countries and several non-NATO countries."
In April 2007, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) approved the Priority Program 1324 "Mathematical Methods for Extracting Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems." This volume presents a comprehensive overview of the most important results obtained over the course of the program. Mathematical models of complex systems provide the foundation for further technological developments in science, engineering and computational finance. Motivated by the trend toward steadily increasing computer power, ever more realistic models have been developed in recent years. These models have also become increasingly complex, and their numerical treatment poses serious challenges. Recent developments in mathematics suggest that, in the long run, much more powerful numerical solution strategies could be derived if the interconnections between the different fields of research were systematically exploited at a conceptual level. Accordingly, a deeper understanding of the mathematical foundations as well as the development of new and efficient numerical algorithms were among the main goals of this Priority Program. The treatment of high-dimensional systems is clearly one of the most challenging tasks in applied mathematics today. Since the problem of high-dimensionality appears in many fields of application, the above-mentioned synergy and cross-fertilization effects were expected to make a great impact. To be truly successful, the following issues had to be kept in mind: theoretical research and practical applications had to be developed hand in hand; moreover, it has proven necessary to combine different fields of mathematics, such as numerical analysis and computational stochastics. To keep the whole program sufficiently focused, we concentrated on specific but related fields of application that share common characteristics and as such, they allowed us to use closely related approaches.
"Modeling Nanoscale Imaging in Electron Microscopy" presents the recent advances that have been made using mathematical methods to resolve problems in microscopy. With improvements in hardware-based aberration software significantly expanding the nanoscale imaging capabilities of scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEM), these mathematical models can replace some labor intensive procedures used to operate and maintain STEMs. This book, the first in its field since 1998, will also cover such relevant concepts as superresolution techniques, special denoising methods, application of mathematical/statistical learning theory, and compressed sensing.
Assembled here is a collection of articles presented at a NATO ADVANCED STU DY INSTITUTE held at Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain during the period of July 10th to 21st, 1989. In addition to the editors of these proceedings Professor Larry L. Schumaker from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, served as a member of the international organizing committee. The contents of the contribu tions fall within the heading of COMPUTATION OF CURVES AND SURFACES and therefore address mathematical and computational issues pertaining to the dis play, modeling, interrogation and representation of complex geometrical objects in various scientific and technical environments. As is the intent of the NATO ASI program the meeting was two weeks in length and the body of the scientific activities was organized around prominent experts. Each of them presented lectures on his current research activity. We were fortunate to have sixteen distinguished invited speakers representing nine NATO countries: W. Bohm (Federal Republic of Germany), C. de Boor (USA), C.K. Chui (USA), W. Dahmen (Federal Republic of Germany), F. Fontanella (Italy), M. Gasca (Spain), R. Goldman (Canada), T.N.T. Goodman (UK), J.A. Gregory (UK), C. Hoffman (USA), J. Hoschek (Federal Republic of Germany), A. Le Mehaute (France), T. Lyche (Norway), C.A. Micchelli (USA), 1.1. Schumaker (USA), C. Traas (The Netherlands). The audience consisted of both young researchers as well as established scientists from twelve NATO countries and several non-NATO countries.
This volume aims to disseminate a number of new ideas that have emerged in the last few years in the field of numerical simulation, all bearing the common denominator of the "multiscale" or "multilevel" paradigm. This covers the presence of multiple relevant "scales" in a physical phenomenon; the detection and representation of "structures," localized in space or in frequency, in the solution of a mathematical model; the decomposition of a function into "details" that can be organized and accessed in decreasing order of importance; and the iterative solution of systems of linear algebraic equations using "multilevel" decompositions of finite dimensional spaces.
Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt die Wirkungsweise vieler unterschiedlicher Grundbausteine numerischer Algorithmen. UEbergeordnete Zielsetzung ist die Starkung der Fahigkeit, numerische Ergebnisse einschatzen und bewerten zu koennen, sowie die numerischen Werkzeuge auch in komplexeren Anwendungsszenarien flexibel und sachgemass kombinieren und anpassen zu koennen. Besonderer Wert wird dabei von Anfang an auf ein solides Verstandnis der Konzepte Kondition (eines Problems) und Stabilitat (eines Loesungsverfahrens) gelegt. Aufgrund der Vielzahl der in der Praxis benoetigten numerischen Bausteine wird eine methodenorientierte Einfuhrung zu den relevanten Themenschwerpunkten angeboten: Direkte und iterative Verfahren zur Loesung von Gleichungssystemen, Ausgleichsrechnung, Singularwertzerlegung, Eigenwertberechnung, Interpolation, schnelle Fouriertransformation, numerische Integration sowie numerische Verfahren fur gewoehnliche Differentialgleichungen. Zahlreiche illustrierende Beispiele vermitteln den konkreten Ablauf von Verfahren und verdeutlichen neue Konzepte, abschliessende UEbungsaufgaben runden die Kapitel ab. Die Inhalte selbst sind - soweit moeglich - so gestaffelt, dass den "Pflichtinhalten" optionale Vertiefungen folgen, in denen konzeptionelle Gesichtspunkte, ubergreifende Zusammenhange sowie rigorose Begrundungen starker betont werden. Das Buch eignet sich daher sowohl als Grundlage einer einsemestrigen einfuhrenden als auch einer weiterfuhrenden Numerik-Vorlesung im Ingenieurstudium, bietet aber auch die konzeptionellen Grundlagen fur die Numerikausbildung im Mathematikstudium.Die Autoren stellen auf Ihrer Webseite zusatzlich Vorlesungsfolien fur Dozenten, Multiple-Choice-Aufgaben sowie Matlabdemos bereit.Fur die 3. Auflage wurde das Buch vollstandig uberarbeitet und noch besser strukturiert.
ABS (Anti-Blockier-System), eine wichtige, lebenserhaltende technische Neuerung beiAutos, oder FAX -ausgeschrieben Facsimile -der N achfolger des Telex - Begriffe, die mittlerweile jeder kennt. Compact Disk, CD-ROM, WORM, Erasables, CD-I, DV -I sind Begriffe, die noch nicht jedem geUiufig sind, unser Leben in naher Zukunft jedoch mit pragen werden. N ach der Industriegesellschaft erleben wir gerade den Wandel zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft. Eines un serer wichtigsten GUter: Information. BUcher, Zeitungen, Telefon, Fernsehen, Datenbanken: der InformationsfluB wird immer groBer, die Abhangigkeit von einer einzigen Informationsquelle immer geringer. Wir wissen innerhalb von Sekunden, was auf der anderen Seite des Globus passiert; aus drei, vier unabhangigen Quellen konnen wir uns ein eigenes Bild machen. Was treibt die Menschen dazu, jeden Tag Zeitungen und BUcher zu lesen, Nachrichten zu sehen und Uber Dinge zu diskutieren? Es ist der Wunsch, verstehen zu wollen, was warum auf der Welt oder auch nur nebenan passiert. Diese N eugier, oder anders ausgedrtickt, dieser Forschungsdrang, ist der Grund flir Fortschri tt und geistige Freiheit. Neue Medien werden die Moglichkeiten, diesen Drang zu befriedigen, we iter verbessern, ja, dem Einzelnen Moglichkeiten in die Hand geben, die vor zehn J ahren nur, wenn Uberhaupt, Konzernen und Behorden zur VerfUgung standen. Die Technologie, die das verspricht, sind die optischen Speichermedien.
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