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Recent Progress in Mesostructured Materials is a selection of oral
and poster communications presented during the 5th International
Mesostructured Materials Symposium (5th IMMS2006). Authorized by
International Mesostructured Material Association (IMMA) and hosted
by the Fudan University, China. The scope of this involved field
covers both traditional inorganic mesostructured molecular sieves
and mesostructured materials like organic polymers, metals,
organic-inorganic nanocomposites, and ordered mesoporous carbons,
the hot topics in chemistry, crystallization, structure, liquid
crystalline, catalysis and materials science. This symposium
provided a forum for the presentation of the most novel development
and knowledge in the science and technology of mesostructured
materials. Papers presented cover a wide range of topics that
include synthesis, structure determination, characterisation,
modelling, and application in catalysis, adsorption, biochemistry
and advanced material sciences.
* This highly visual book is a must for readers looking to stay
up-to-date on mesostructure science
* A selection of more than 200 oral and poster papers, covering
research aspects/developing trends of mesostructured materials
* An important reference for those working in the material science,
catalysis and biotechnology fields
This book addresses selected practical applications and recent
developments in the areas of quantitative financial modeling in
derivatives instruments, some of which are from the authors' own
research and practice. It is written from the viewpoint of
financial engineers or practitioners, and, as such, it puts more
emphasis on the practical applications of financial mathematics in
the real market than the mathematics itself with precise (and
tedious) technical conditions. It attempts to combine economic
insights with mathematics and modeling so as to help the reader to
develop intuitions.Among the modeling and the numerical techniques
presented are the practical applications of the martingale
theories, such as martingale model factory and martingale
resampling and interpolation. In addition, the book addresses the
counterparty credit risk modeling, pricing, and arbitraging
strategies from the perspective of a front office functionality and
a revenue center (rather than merely a risk management
functionality), which are relatively recent developments and are of
increasing importance. It also discusses various trading
structuring strategies and touches upon some popular credit/IR/FX
hybrid products, such as PRDC, TARN, Snowballs, Snowbears, CCDS,
and credit extinguishers.While the primary scope of this book is
the fixed-income market (with further focus on the interest rate
market), many of the methodologies presented also apply to other
financial markets, such as the credit, equity, foreign exchange,
and commodity markets.
Authored by leading experts in the enzymology of natural product
biosynthesis, this textbook provides a thorough description of the
types of natural products, the biosynthetic pathways that enable
the production of these molecules, and an update on the discovery
of novel products in the post-genomic era. Although some
500-600,000 natural products have been isolated and characterized
over the past two centuries, there may be a 10-fold greater
inventory awaiting immediate exploration based on biosynthetic gene
cluster predictions. The approach of this book is to codify the
chemical logic that underlies each natural product structural class
as they are assembled from building blocks of primary metabolism.
This text will serve as a reference point for chemists of every
subdiscipline, including synthetic organic chemists and medicinal
chemists. It will also be valuable to bioinformatic and
computational biologists, to pharmacognocists and chemical
ecologists, to bioengineers and synthetic biologists.
Yi-Tang Lin presents the historical process by which statistics
became the language of global health for local and international
health organizations. Drawing on archival material from three
continents, this study investigates efforts by public health
schools, philanthropic foundations, and international organizations
to turn numbers into an international language for public health.
Lin shows how these initiatives produced an international network
of public health experts who, across various socioeconomic and
political contexts, opted for different strategies when it came to
setting global standards and translating local realities into
numbers. Focusing on China and Taiwan between 1917 and 1960, Lin
examines the reception, adaptation, and appropriation of
international health statistics. She presents the dynamic interplay
between numbers, experts, and policy-making in international health
organizations and administrations in China and Taiwan. This title
is also available as Open Access.
Authored by leading experts in the enzymology of natural product
biosynthesis, this completely revised and updated edition provides
a description of the types of natural products, the biosynthetic
pathways that enable the production of these molecules, and an
update on the discovery of novel products in the post-genomic era.
Although some 500 000 - 600 000 natural products have been isolated
and characterized over the past two centuries, there may be a
10-fold greater inventory awaiting immediate exploration based on
biosynthetic gene cluster predictions. The approach of this book is
to codify the chemical logic that underlies each natural product
structural class as they are assembled from building blocks of
primary metabolism. This second edition integrates many new
findings into the sets of principles of the first edition that
parsed categories of natural product chemistries into the
underlying enzymatic mechanisms and the catalytic machinery for
building the varied and complex end product metabolites. New
chapters include evaluation of a core set of thermodynamically
activated but kinetically stable metabolites that power both
primary and secondary metabolic pathways. Also, after decades of
uncertainty about the existence of various pericyclase classes, a
series of genome mining, heterologous expression, and enzymatic
activity characterization have validated a plethora of pericyclases
over the past decade. The several types of pericyclases are
involved in biosynthetic complexity generation of almost every
major category of natural products. This text will serve as a
reference point for chemists of every subdiscipline, including
synthetic organic chemists and medicinal chemists. It will also be
valuable to bioinformatic and computational biologists,
pharmacognocists and chemical ecologists, and bioengineers and
synthetic biologists.
As humans evolved from primordial organisms they lost the capacity
to make certain essential molecules. By their very absence in
specific pathologies and diseases, the thirteen human vitamins were
discovered and their crucial role in metabolism revealed. This
textbook provides a thorough chemocentric view on the key small
molecules of life, the human vitamins and their active coenzyme
forms. Detailing how their unique chemistries control the
interconversion and the flux of hundreds of central human
metabolites, The Chemical Biology of Human Vitamins examines the
parallel and convergent tracks of the vitamins and their coenzyme
forms. Analysing the mode of action of each of the vitamins, the
book will illuminate the challenges that face each cell; metabolism
could not proceed without the chemical functional groups vitamins
provide. Authored by leading educators, this text will serve as an
ideal guide and reference point for chemists in both academia and
industry, graduates and advanced undergraduate students in
biochemistry, chemical biology, metabolism and metabolomics.