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Books > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Protestantism & Protestant Churches > Anglican & Episcopalian Churches
Originally published in 1902, this book contains the edited text of two biographies of William Bedell, Bishop of Kilmore, who was martyred for his Anglican faith during the Irish Rebellion of 1641. One biography in the collection was written by Bedell's son, and the other by the Rev. Alexander Clogie, a Scottish clergyman who was imprisoned with Bedell. Also included in the volume is a meditation by Bedell on the efficiency of grace, as well as several of his letters and extracts from State Papers that contain mentions of him. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in seventeenth-century religion and the life of Bedell.
Texts expressing concerns and priorities of the church during the reign of Charles I. `Sets a standard of excellence which will gain the society a high reputation... Documents which have for much too long been inaccessible to ecclesiastical and social historians, and which they cannot afford to ignore.' JOURNAL OFECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY `An important sourcebook for research about early seventeenth-century religious and social history.' TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT [Following on from the highly-praised first volume of visitation articles, covering the years 1603-25] This selection of articles and injunctions issued by archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, and other ecclesiastical ordinaries in the early Stuart church concentrates on the church of Charles I, from his accession in 1625 to the outbreak of the Civil War in 1642. The volume traces the impact of Laudian reforms as well as the defensive reaction of the Church hierarchy in 1641-2. The range of churchmanship included is broad, stretchingfrom the articles and injunctions of Laudian enthusiasts such as bishops Wren and Montagu to those issued by Calvinist episcopalians such as Hall and Thornborough. The introduction places these texts in their historical and historiographical contexts, and an appendix lists all surviving sets of visitation articles for the years 1603-1642. The volume will be a valuable work of reference for anyone interested in the government and ideals of the early Stuartchurch. Dr KENNETH FINCHAMis Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Kent at Canterbury.
The first in a six-volume series, Reformation Anglicanism seeks to be the go-to resource outlining the rich Reformation heritage undergirding Anglicanism, casting a clear vision for what it means to be an Anglican today.
ECPA Christian Book of the Year Christianity Today Book of the Year Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award Finalist IVP Readers' Choice Award How can we trust God in the dark? Framed around a nighttime prayer of Compline, Tish Harrison Warren, author of Liturgy of the Ordinary, explores themes of human vulnerability, suffering, and God's seeming absence. When she navigated a time of doubt and loss, the prayer was grounding for her. She writes that practices of prayer "gave words to my anxiety and grief and allowed me to reencounter the doctrines of the church not as tidy little antidotes for pain, but as a light in darkness, as good news." Where do we find comfort when we lie awake worrying or weeping in the night? This book offers a prayerful and frank approach to the difficulties in our ordinary lives at work, at home, and in a world filled with uncertainty.
Celebrating the Eucharist, now available in Spanish with a new preface from the custodian of the Book of Common Prayer. A clear, illustrated guide for the presider and other leaders of the liturgy, contemporary in approach but based on ancient and classic principles of celebration. Contents include: theological and liturgical principles; liturgical ministry and liturgical ministers; liturgical space; vesture, vessels, and other liturgical objects; the liturgical year; the shape of the liturgy; the sung liturgy and singing during the liturgy; the order of the Eucharist (the "heart" of the book); and the celebration of baptism during the Eucharist.
First published in 1992, this book examines the intellectual confrontation between priest and Freethinker from 1660 to 1730, and the origins of the early phase of the Enlightenment in England. Through an analysis of the practice of historical writing in the period, Champion maintains that historical argument was a central component for displaying defences of true religion. Taking religion, and specifically defences of the Church of England after 1660, as central to the politics of the period, the first two chapters of the book explore the varieties of clericalist histories, arguing that there were rival emphases upon regnum or sacerdos as the font of true religion. The remainder of the book examines how radical Freethinkers like John Toland or the third Earl of Shaftesbury set about attacking the corrupt priestcraft of established religion, but also importantly promoted a reforming civil theology.
Originally published in 1906, this book presents an attempt 'to ascertain the office and position of certain Bishops in the Provincial Chapter of Canterbury, and likewise to trace the history of the Precedence of certain English Prelates'. Extensive notes and an appendices section are incorporated within the text. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the Anglican Church and the history of Christianity.
Originally published in 1932, this book contains Alexander Nairne's essay on the role of the Old Testament in the Church of England, with a suggested structure for a course of instruction for the faithful in the Testament's historical and theological context. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the use of the Hebrew Bible in Christianity.
" . . . a lively story of the Episcopal tradition."-E. Brooks Holifield A carefully researched history that sets church events against the background of social changes, now available in Spanish. The author has interwoven new content recognizing the diversity of the church and the significance of events and individuals previously less acknowledged. For church historians, seminarians, and those who have interest in the past, present, and future developments within the Episcopal and broader religious landscape.
The everything-you-need-to-know adult guide to the Episcopal Church-now in Spanish. This updated and revised translated edition incorporates new initiatives and changes in the Episcopal Church, including marriage, inclusion of LBGTQ+ persons, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's call to join the Jesus Movement, and taking our faith out into the world. A Leader Guide is included in this revised edition in addition to the questions that follow each chapter. Easy to read but with substance for newcomers, adult formation groups, and lifelong Episcopalians, this book is for all who desire to know more about the Episcopal Church.
Originally published in 1943, the aim of this concise book was 'to consider generally the theological principles involved in the relation of the Anglican Communion to non-episcopal churches, making clear the relevance of these principles to the issues raised in South India'. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the Anglican Communion and India.
This essay by C. H. Smyth won the Thirlwall and Gladstone Prize, awarded by the History Faculty in the University of Cambridge, in 1925 and was first published in the following year. The text looks in depth at the English Reformation under Edward VI, which was almost unique in the fact that it was primarily concerned with social and domestic considerations, rather than foreign policy, and emphasises the role of foreign figures such as Martin Bucer in working with Archbishop Cranmer to create an intellectually rigorous form of Anglicanism. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the English Reformation and Protestantism in England.
The Church of England Yearbook is a vital resource for anyone interested in finding out information on the local and national structures of the Church of England, Anglican Provinces around the world, and Christian organisations in the UK. Filled with essential facts, figures and contact details, the 2019 edition contains: * names and addresses of staff in the 44 dioceses of the Church of England; * an outline of the national structures of the Church of England, including the Archbishops' Council; * addresses, objectives and activities of organizations linked to the Church; * essential information about the Churches and Provinces in the worldwide Anglican Communion; * details of ecumenical organizations linked with the Anglican Church; * a Who's Who directory of General Synod members and other senior clergy, lay people and senior staff.
Originally published in 1922, this book provides a detailed discussion of the revision, adaptation and enrichment of the Book of Common Prayer for the use of the Anglican Communion in Canada. The first part of the book tells the story of the movement for revision in Canada, portrays the revisers at their work and records the progress of the revision through all of its many stages. The second part takes the revised Prayer Book service by service and shows what alterations were made, and the source or origin of the new matter introduced. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Canadian Anglicanism and the Book of Common Prayer.
Originally published in 1921 as part of the Cambridge Plain Texts series, this volume contains two sermons by John Donne, delivered in 1621 and 1625, on the theme of death and resurrection. A short editorial introduction is also included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Donne and his religious writings.
Originally published in 1932 as part of the Cambridge Plain Texts series, this volume contains the substance of two Easter sermons by Anglican bishop and scholar Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626). The texts display the characteristic intelligence and clarity of Andrewes's sermons, qualities which have made them an abiding influence in both non-secular and secular contexts. An editorial introduction is also included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Andrewes and his works.
Originally published in 1922 as part of the Cambridge Plain Texts series, this volume contains the full preface for Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, the seminal work by Anglican theologian Richard Hooker (1554-1600). An editorial introduction is also included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Hooker and the development of Anglicanism.
Este libro sera bien recibido por personas recien llegadas a la Iglesia asi como personas episcopales de por vida quienes a lo mejor han olvidado por que aman a su Iglesia. El Reverendisimo Andy Doyle ha estudiado muy de cerca el Pacto Bautismal y ha incorporado sus vivencias como Obispo de la Diocesis de Tejas para presentarnos esta guia. Este es un recurso practico que nos invita a reconocer la historia de nuestra iglesia y los dones de la feligresia episcopal que a su vez prepara al lector para compartir su tesoro y dar testimonio en sus comunidades y en el mundo. Episcopalians newly discovering their church home or long-time members who may have forgotten why they love the church will appreciate Unabashedly Episcopalian. Bishop Andy Doyle has mined the Baptismal Covenant and his own experiences leading the Diocese of Texas. The result is a heartfelt, smart and practical book that calls Episcopalians to wake up to the church's unique gifts and story, and equips them to share that witness in their neighborhoods and out in the world.
The role of bishops in the process of Reformation in the 16th century, studied from their surviving writings and contemporary discussion. The English bishops played a crucial role in the process of Reformation in the sixteenth century, from the first arrival of continental Reformed thought to the virtual extinction of the office in 1559. This work has at its core the bishops' own understanding of the episcopate, drawn from their surviving writings and other contemporary discussions; such a study is key to understanding what became of the English Church of the middle ages and what it was to become under Elizabeth. Carleton examines the interplay between bishop and king, the episcopate in the context of other orders, and the social context of the office; he studies episcopal activity in key areas such as preaching, ordaining, and opposing heresy; and he notes the influence of the models which the bishops themselves set up as ideals, most notably Christ himself as the ideal bishop. The backgrounds of the bishops are set out in the appendix.
The Revolution of 1688-90 was accompanied in Scotland by a Church Settlement which dismantled the Episcopalian governance of the church. Clergy were ousted and liturgical traditions were replaced by the new Presbyterian order. As Episcopalians, non-jurors and Catholics were side-lined under the new regime, they drew on their different confessional and liturgical inheritances, pre- and post-Reformation, to respond to ecclesiastical change and inform their support of the movement to restore the Stuarts. In so doing, they had a profound effect on the ways in which worship was conducted and considered in Britain and beyond.
Herbert Hensley Henson (1863-1947) held the position of Bishop of Durham between 1920 and 1939. He was also well known for his forthright opinions on a variety of issues, including the Dreyfus affair. In this volume, which was originally published in 1939 as part of the English Institutions series, Henson provides a comprehensive guide to the Church of England. The first chapter gives a historical introduction, then subsequent chapters deal with the various institutions which make up the Church and its relationship with other branches of Christianity. A detailed index and numerous illustrative figures are also included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the Anglican tradition and ecclesiastical history.
Originally published in 1914, this book contains a discussion of the position of episcopacy within the Anglican tradition. It was created in response to the controversy surrounding the 1913 Kikuyu conference, which proposed a federation of the various missionary bodies working in East Africa. At the close of the conference the majority of the delegates, who came from a range of different denominations, participated in a united communion service presided over by Bishop Peel of Mombasa and the Rev. J. E. Hamshere, of the Church of Scotland Mission. This was seen by many, notably Bishop Weston of Zanzibar, as unacceptable breach of Anglican practice. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of episcopacy, revealing its importance within the Church of England as well as the historical tradition of interaction with other forms of Christianity.
This two-volume biography of George Augustus Selwyn (1809-78), the first Anglican bishop of New Zealand, after whom Selwyn College, Cambridge, was later named, was published in 1879. Selwyn was ordained in 1834 and served as curate at Windsor while tutoring at Eton; in 1840, when New Zealand was declared an independent British colony, he was chosen as first bishop of the newly established diocese. The declared aim was to develop an Anglican organisation for the growing European settlement, while resisting too much state control, and by 1857 Selwyn had drafted a constitution for the Church of New Zealand which led eventually to disestablishment. A staunch defender of indigenous rights, he travelled widely throughout New Zealand and the Pacific islands, and subsequently played a leading role in the first Lambeth Conference. In Volume 1, his former chaplain, H. W. Tucker, describes Selwyn's early life, ordination and first decade in New Zealand.
This two-volume biography of George Augustus Selwyn (1809-78), the first Anglican bishop of New Zealand, after whom Selwyn College, Cambridge, was later named, was published in 1879. Selwyn was ordained in 1834 and served as curate at Windsor; in 1840, when New Zealand was declared an independent British colony, he was chosen as first bishop of the newly established diocese. The declared aim was to develop an Anglican organisation for the growing European settlement, while resisting too much state control, and by 1857 Selwyn had drafted a constitution for the Church of New Zealand which led eventually to disestablishment. A staunch defender of indigenous rights, he travelled widely throughout New Zealand and the Pacific islands, and subsequently played a leading role in the first Lambeth Conference. In Volume 2, H. W. Tucker describes Selwyn's later ministry, the effect of the Maori Wars, and his final years as bishop of Lichfield. |
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