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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Applied physics & special topics > Astrophysics
This new, fourth, edition of Allen's classic Astrophysical Quantities belongs on every astronomer's bookshelf. It has been thoroughly revised and brought up to date by a team of more than ninety internationally renowned astronomers and astrophysicists. While it follows the basic format of the original, this indispensable reference has grown to more than twice the size of the earlier editions to accommodate the great strides made in astronomy and astrophysics. It includes detailed tables of the most recent data on: - General constants and units - Atoms, molecules, and spectra - Observational astronomy at all wavelengths from radio to gamma-rays, and neutrinos - Planetary astronomy: Earth, planets and satellites, and solar system small bodies - The Sun, normal stars, and stars with special characteristics - Stellar populations - Cataclysmic and symbiotic variables, supernovae - Theoretical stellar evolution - Circumstellar and interstellar material - Star clusters, galaxies, quasars, and active galactic nuclei - Clusters and groups of galaxies - Cosmology. As well as much explanatory material and extensive and up-to-date bibliographies.
Der bekannte Astronom Karl Schwarzschild (1873-1916) gilt als der Begrunder der Astrophysik und als hervorragender Forscher mit einer erstaunlichen Bandbreite seiner Interessen. Arbeiten zur Himmelsmechanik, Elektrodynamik und Relativitatstheorie weisen ihn als vorzuglichen Mathematiker und Physiker auf der Hohe seiner Zeit aus. Untersuchungen zur Photographischen Photometrie, Optik und Spektroskopie zeigen den versierten Beobachter, der sein Messinstrument beherrscht, und schliesslich arbeitete Schwarzschild als Astrophysiker und an Sternatmospharen, Kometen, Struktur und Dynamik von Sternsystemen. Die in seinem kurzen Leben entstandene Fulle an wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten ist in drei Banden der Gesamtausgabe gesammelt, erganzt durch biographisches Material und ein Essay des Nobelpreistragers S. Chandrasekhar im ersten Band, und Annotationen von Fachleuten in jedem der drei Bande."
This book will bring together experts in the field of astronomical photometry to discuss how their subfields provide the precision and accuracy in astronomical energy flux measurements that are needed to permit tests of astrophysical theories. Differential photometers and photometry, improvements in infrared precision, theimprovements in precision and accuracy of CCD photometry, the absolute calibration of flux, the development of the Johnson UBVRI photometric system and other passband systems to measure and precisely classify specific types of stars and astrophysical quantities, and the current capabilities of spectrophotometry, and polarimetry to provide precise and accurate data, will all be discussed in this volume. The discussion of differential or two-star photometers will include those developed for planetary as well as stellar photometry and will range from the Princeton polarizing photometer through the pioneering work of Walraven to the differential photometers designed to measure the ashen light of Venus and to counter the effects of aurorae at high latitude sites; the last to be discussed will be the Rapid Alternate Detection System (RADS) developed at the University of Calgary in the 1980s."
Dark matter in the Universe has become one of the most exciting and central fields of astrophysics, particle physics and cosmology. The lectures and talks in this book emphasize the experimental and theoretical status and perspectives of the ongoing search for dark matter, and the future potential of the field into the next millennium, stressing in particular the interplay between astro- and particle physics.
The International Conference on Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems was held on the campus of Boston College in Newton, Massachusetts, August 3-10, 1997. Although this conference was the first under a new name, it was the continuation of a series of international meetings on strongly coupled plasmas and other Coulomb systems that started with the NATO Summer Institute on Strongly Coupled Plasmas, almost exactly twenty years prior to this conference, in July of 1977 in Orleans la Source, France. Over the intervening period the field of strongly coupled plasmas has developed vigorously. In the 1977 meeting the emphasis was on computer (Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics) simulations which provided, for the first time, insight into the rich and new physics of strongly coupled fully ionizedplasmas. While theorists scrambled to provide a theoretical underpinning for these results, there was also a dearth of real experimental input to reinforce the computer simulations. Over the past few years this situation has changed drastically and a variety of direct experiments on classical, pure, strongly correlated plasma systems (charged particle traps, dusty plasmas, electrons on the surface of liquid helium, etc. ) have become available. Even more importantly, entire new area of experimental interest in condensed matter physics have opened up through developments in nano-technology and the fabrication of low-dimensional systems, where the physical behavior, in many ways, is similar to that in classical plasmas. Strongly coupled plasma physics has always been an interdisciplinaryactivity.
The present volume contains the expanded lectures of a meeting on relativistic astrophysics, the goal of which was to provide a modern introduction to specific aspects of the field for young researchers, as well as for nonspecialists from related areas. Particular emphasis is placed on the theory of black holes and evolution, relativistic stars and jet hydrodynamics, as well as the production and detection of gravitational waves. The book is complemented by further contributions and animation supplied on the accompanying CD-ROM.
The aim of the inaugural meeting of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics was to address, in a global context, the current understanding of and challenges in high-energy emissions from isolated and non-isolated neutron stars, and to confront the theoretical picture with observations of both the Fermi satellite and the currently operating ground-based Cherenkov telescopes. Participants have also discussed the prospects for possible observations with planned instruments across the multi-wavelength spectrum (e.g. SKA, LOFAR, E-VLT, IXO, CTA) and how they will impact our theoretical understanding of these systems. In keeping with the goals of the Forum, this book not only represents the proceedings of the meeting, but also a reflection on the state-of-the-art in the topic.
Because of the correspondences existing among all levels of reality, truths pertaining to a lower level can be considered as symbols of truths at a higher level and can therefore be the "foundation" or support leading by analogy to a knowledge of the latter. This confers to every science a superior or "elevating" meaning, far deeper than its own original one. - R. GUENON, The Crisis of Modern World Having been interested in the Kepler Problem for a long time, I have al ways found it astonishing that no book has been written yet that would address all aspects of the problem. Besides hundreds of articles, at least three books (to my knowledge) have indeed been published al ready on the subject, namely Englefield (1972), Stiefel & Scheifele (1971) and Guillemin & Sternberg (1990). Each of these three books deals only with one or another aspect of the problem, though. For example, En glefield (1972) treats only the quantum aspects, and that in a local way. Similarly, Stiefel & Scheifele (1971) only considers the linearization of the equations of motion with application to the perturbations of celes tial mechanics. Finally, Guillemin & Sternberg (1990) is devoted to the group theoretical and geometrical structure."
At this time when astronomers are being surprised by the discovery of objects which emit a fabulously large amount of energy, that is the quasi-stellar radio sources and the quasi-stellar galaxies, and when by the means of space vehicles X rays, gamma rays and cosmic rays are being observed to come from the depths of interstellar space, one may ask why write a book about stars. Stars seem to be almost incidental when one looks at the universe in terms of exceedingly great energies. Nevertheless, stars exist. They are accessible to study and they have not yet revealed all their secrets. This is enough to arouse interest and to cause one to try to find answers to the questions which arise. The early type stars are particularly interesting because they are spendthrift stars pouring out their energy at a great rate. But their brilliance is also their undoing. They must evolve rather quickly, on an astrophysical scale. Thus by studying these stars we are studying a population in change. The implications from the local and from the cosmological viewpoint are important if one wishes to understand the details of stellar evolution and of galactic structure. Perhaps one of the simplest reasons for writing a book about the early type stars is to see if some of the conundrums pre sented by the spectra of these stars can be unravelled when all the available infor mation is brought together."
In their approach to Earth dynamics the authors consider the
fundamentals of "Jacobi Dynamics" (1987, Reidel) for two reasons.
First, because satellite observations have proved that the Earth
does not stay in hydrostatic equilibrium, which is the physical
basis of today's treatment of geodynamics. And secondly, because
satellite data have revealed a relationship between gravitational
moments and the potential of the Earth's outer force field
(potential energy), which is the basis of "Jacobi Dynamics." This
has also enabled the authors to come back to the derivation of the
classical virial theorem and, after introducing the volumetric
forces and moments, to obtain a generalized virial theorem in the
form of Jacobi's equation. Thus a physical explanation and rigorous
solution was found for the famous Jacobi's equation, where the
measure of the matter interaction is the energy.
What is unorthodox in this book? Much has happened in the last few years, especially in terms of the somewhat surpris ing rate at which the theories presented herein have been gaining increasing acceptance and support even by the most skeptical professionals. Nevertheless, the purpose of this up-dated Preface is not to tell the biographical and acceptance story behind this book, but to bring together some non-physical and non technical conclusions for those readers who find the physico-mathematical sections of this book too difficult to follow. A secondary purpose is to present here some newer conclu sions, especially in general philosophy and in aesthetics. Yet, the main physico philosophical conclusions presented in this book are not to be summarized here. For that purpose one must tum to the text itself. * * * The theories presented here have been developed in total isolation. They were never presented in "professional conferences," as most current writers do. Whether or not that was important remains to be seen. Hence, all I can state to critics and enthusiastic follow ers alike is the fact that I do not belong to any 'formal discipline', 'pressure group', or 'pro fessional organization'."
I was introduced to Tiisi: and his Tadhkira some 19 years ago. That first meeting was neither happy nor auspicious. My graduate student notes from the time indicate a certain level of confusion and frustration; I seem to have had trouble with such words as tadwlr (epicycle), which was not to be found in my standard dictionary, and with the concept of solid-sphere astronomy, which, when found, was pooh-poohed in the standard sources. I had another, even more decisive reaction: boredom. Only the end of the term brought relief, and I was grateful to be on to other, more exciting aspects of the history of science. A few years later, I found myself, thanks to fellowships from Fulbright-Hays and the American Research Center in Egypt, happily immersed in the manu script collections of Damascus, Aleppo, and Cairo. Though I had intended to work on a topic in the history of mathematics, I was drawn, perhaps inevitably, to a certain type of astronomical writing falling under the rubric of hay' a. At first this fascination was based on sheer numbers; that so many medieval scientists could have written on such a subject must mean something, I told myself. (I was in a sociological mode at the time.
An exploration of the intersection of particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology known as astroparticle physics. Extreme electromagnetic conditions present in puslars and other stars allow for investigations of the role of quantum processes in the dynamics of astrophysical objects and in the early Universe. Based in part on the authors' own work, this book systematically describes several methods of calculation of the effects of strong electromagnetic fields in quantum processes using analytical solutions of the Dirac equation and Feynmann diagrams at both the loop and tree levels. The consideration is emphasized at the two limiting cases: the case of a very strong magnetic field, and the case of a crossed field. The presentation will appeal to graduate students of theoretical physics with prior understanding of Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and the Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions, as well as specialists in QFT wishing to know more about the problems of quantum phenomena in external electomagnetic fields.
The"4thCologne-Bonn-ZermattSymposium: TheDenseInterstellarMedium in Galaxies" took place in Zermatt, Switzerland, from September 22nd to 26th, 2003. This symposium continued the series of conferences on the dense interstellar medium which has been organized every 5 years since 1988 by the I. Physikalisches Institut der Unversit] at ] zuKoln. ] Re?ecting the by now well established and fruitful collaboration between the MPI ffur ] ] Radioastronomie, the Radioastronomisches Institut der Universit] at ] Bonn and the I. Physikal- ches Institut der Universit] at ] zu Koln ] in the context of the Sonderforschun- bereich 494 "The Evolution of Interstellar Matter: THz-Spectroscopy in the Laboratory and in Space," the symposium is now organized jointly by these three institutes. The conference covered a wide range of topics: starting at the largest scales and earliest times in the history of the Universe, it focussed next on galaxy evolution and their structure and dynamics. New and very exciting results on the black hole in the center of the Milky Way and the violent ISM in its immediate vicinity were presented. It continued on the cosmic cycle of star formation and evolution, and reached down to the microphysical p- cesses determining the physical and chemical conditions of the interstellar matter as the important agent for this cosmic cycle."
Professor Philip G. Burke, CBE, FRS formally retired on 30 September 1998. To recognise this occasion some of his colleagues, friends, and former students decided to hold a conference in his honour and to present this volume as a dedication to his enormous contribution to the theoretical atomic physics community. The conference and this volume of the invited talks reflect very closely those areas with which he has mostly been asso- ated and his influence internationally on the development of atomic physics coupled with a parallel growth in supercomputing. Phil's wide range of interests include electron-atom/molecule collisions, scattering of photons and electrons by molecules adsorbed on surfaces, collisions involving oriented and chiral molecules, and the development of non-perturbative methods for studying multiphoton processes. His devel- ment of the theory associated with such processes has enabled important advances to be made in our understanding of the associated physics, the interpretation of experimental data, has been invaluable in application to fusion processes, and the study of astrophysical plasmas (observed by both ground- and space-based telescopes). We therefore offer this volume as our token of affection and respect to Philip G. Burke, with the hope that it may also fill a gap in the literature in these important fields.
The?rsteditionofthistextappearedin1994.Shortlyafterthethirdprinting, our editor suggested that we attempt a second edition because new devel- mentsinstellarstructureandevolutionhadmadeouroriginalworkoutdated. We (the original authors, CJH and SDK) reluctantly agreed but with res- vations due to the e?ort involved. Our initial reluctance disappeared when we were able to convince (cajole, twist the arm of, etc.) our new coauth- colleague Virginia Trimble to join us. (Welcome Virginia!) We (i.e., all three of us) hope that you agree that the present edition is a great improvement compared to the 1994 e?ort. Our objectives in this edition are the same ones we set forth in 1994: Whatyouwill?ndisatextdesignedforourtargetaudience:thety- cal senior undergraduate or beginning graduate student in astronomy or astrophysics who wishes an overview of stellar structure and e- lution with just enough detail to understand the general picture. She or he can go on from there to more specialized texts or directly to the research literature depending on talent and interests. To this end, this text presents the basic physical principles without chasing all the (interesting!) details. For those of you familiar with the ?rst edition, you will ?nd that some things have not been changed substantially (F = ma is still F = ma), while othersde?nitelyhave.Forexample,Chapter2hasbeencompletelyrewritten.
Hogan compresses the fifteen-billion-year history of the Universe
into a pleasurable evening. In a very direct way, he answers the
The Little Book of Stars answers, in the clearest language, the questions anyone might have about our heavenly canopy. How are stars born? How do they die? Why do they shine? How long do they shine? Is our star, the Sun, dying? How can you tell time from the stars? Or navigate? What are the measures of stars? Can we ever travel to other stars? In this engagingly written and concise book, the second in the Little Book series, noted astronomer James B. Kaler shows us "the significance that the stars have had in human life, how we have used them to tell our stories, and how we use them to find who and where we are."
Our current perspective has arisen over millennia, through falling apples, elevator thought experiments and stars spiralling into black holes; Free fall and self-force in general relativity. In fact, we do not have in mind to make a 1:1 reflection of the school. The ordering has been rearranged to tie articles together more coherently. We also propose to ask authors to focus their contributions according to the title we have suggested and to give a more complete description of current and future directions. We expect this will add to the volume s value for all anticipated readers. This volume has the unique feature of presenting a multifaceted approach to mass, which is intended mainly for graduate students and young doctoral researchers in the field of gravitation, who might be hoping to find a concise and introductory presentation of advanced topics outside their research field. It is true that research from the infinitesimal scale of particle physics to the cosmic scale of the universe is concerned with the mass. While there have been spectacular advances in physics during the past century, mass still remains as a mysterious entity at the forefront of current research. Particle accelerators in the quest for the Higgs boson, laser interferometers sensitive enough to respond to gravitational waves, equivalence principle tests and detectors for dark matter are among the most ambitious and expensive experiments that fundamental physics has ever envisaged, and strongly attest to this fact. Both the self-force and radiation reaction are, in fact, lively topics of research. Related to the nature of motion, they have been hotly debated within general relativity from the inception of the theory. Recent developments have shown that radiation reaction is unavoidable in determining the gravitational waveforms emitted from a source such as the capture of a solar mass star by super-massive black hole (EMRI). The main theme of this volume is mass and its motion within general relativity (and other theories of gravity), particularly for compact bodies, to which many articles directly refer. Within this framework, there are chapters on post-Newtonian and related methods (Blanchet, Gourgoulhon and Jaramillo, Nagar, Schafer), as well as on the self-force approach to the analysis of motion (Barack, Detweiler, Gal tsov, Poisson, Wald, Whiting), summarised along with an historic development of the field (Spallicci) and a snapshot on the state of the art (Burko). Note that self-acceleration depends directly on the mass of the body experiencing it. Mass itself is essential for this effect on motion. Auxiliary chapters set the context for these theoretical contributions within the wider context of experimental physics. The space mission LISA (Jennrich) has been designed to detect the gravitational waves from EMRI captures, while other LISA sources may have electromagnetic counterparts (van Putten). Motion in modern gravitation must confront alternative theories (Esposito-Farese) and it must to be comprehensible within a quantum context (Noui), and demands an account of the relation between vacuum fluctuations and inertia (Jaekel and Reynaud). A volume centred on the fundamental role of mass in physics should face issues related to the basic laws of mechanics proposed by Newton (Lammerzahl) and precision measurements (Davis). The role of the Higgs boson within physics is to give a mass to elementary particles (Djouadi), by interacting with all particles required to have a mass and thereby inducing inertia. Moreover, most mass in the universe is dark, and only indirectly detected. A proposed alternative to dark matter theories is due to a modified theory of gravity (Esposito-Farese) such as MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics). Even if general relativity does not explain gravity, there still remains the fundamental problem of reconciling any theory of gravity with the physics of quantum fields (Noui), itself so well verified experimentally. "
"Stellar Physics" is a an outstanding book in the growing body
of literature on star formation and evolution. Not only does the
author, a leading expert in the field, very thoroughly present the
current state of knowledge on stellar physics, but he handles with
equal care the many problems that this field of research still
faces. A bibliography with well over 1000 entries makes this book
an unparalleled reference source. This second edition is carefully updated in the areas of pre-supernova models, magnetorotational supernovae, and the theory of accretion disks around black holes. Additional sections have been added on strange quark stars, jet formation and collimation, radiation-driven winds in strong gravitational fields and gamma-ray bursts.
Dramatic progress is a trademark of the recent study of globular cluster systems. Considerations about the formation and evolution compose the first chapter, followed by a chapter on young star clusters. Then come four chapters reviewing the globular cluster system of early-type, late-type and dwarf galaxies, as well as of groups of galaxies. One chapter is dedicated to stellar population models and their applications to the field. Finally a chapter reviews the kinematics of galaxies derived from globular cluster systems and another their role in the context of galaxy formation and evolution studies. As a whole, the book gives an up-to-date view of the field at the beginning of the new decade, which will without doubt again bring significant progress in our understanding of globular cluster systems and galaxy formation and evolution.
This monograph attempts to provide a systematic and consistent survey of the fundamentals of the theory of free, linear, isentropic oscillations in spherically symmetric, gaseous equilibrium stars, whose structure is affected neither by axial rotation, nor by the tidal action of a companion, nor by a magnetic eld. Three parts can be distinguished. The rst part, consisting of Chaps.1-8, covers the basic concepts and equations, the distinction between spheroidal and toroidal normal modes, the solution of Poisson's differential equation for the perturbation of the gravitational potential, and Hamilton's variational principle. The second part, consisting of Chaps.9-13, is devotedto the possible existenceof waves propagating in the radial direction, the origin and classi cation of normal modes, the comple- ness of the normal modes, and the relation between the local stability with respect to convection and the global stability of a star. In the third part, Chaps.14-18 c- tain asymptoticrepresentationsof normalmodes. Chapter 19 deals with slow period changes in rapidly evolving pulsating stars. The theory is developed within the framework of the Newtonian theory of gr- itation and the hydrodynamics of compressible uids. It is described in its present status, with inclusion of open questions. We give preference to the use of the adjective "isentropic" above that of the adjective "adiabatic," since, from a thermodynamic point of view, these stellar - cillations are described as reversible adiabatic processes and thus as processes that take place at constant entropy.
This volume synthesizes the results of work carried out by several international teams of the SIROCO (Seismology for Rotation and Convection) collaboration. It provides the theoretical background required to interpret the huge quantity of high-quality observational data recently provided by space experiments such as CoRoT and Kepler. Asteroseismology allows astrophysicists to test, to model and to understand stellar structure and evolution as never before. The chapters in this book address the two groups of topics summarized as "Stellar Rotation and Associated Seismology" as well as "Stellar Convection and Associated Seismology". The book offers the reader solid theoretical background knowledge and adapted seismic diagnostic techniques.
In Losing the Nobel Prize, cosmologist and inventor of the BICEP (Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization) experiment Brian Keating tells the inside story of BICEP2's mesmerising discovery and the scientific drama that ensued. In an adventure story that spans the globe, Keating takes us on a personal journey of revelation and discovery, bringing to vivid life the highly competitive, take-no-prisoners, publish-or-perish world of modern science. Along the way, he provocatively argues that the Nobel Prize, instead of advancing scientific progress, may actually hamper it, encouraging speed and greed while punishing collaboration and bold innovation.
"A fitting biography of one of the most brilliant, acerbic, and under-appreciated astrophysicists of the twentieth century. John Johnson has delved deeply into a rich and eventful life, and produced a rollicking account of how Fritz Zwicky split his time between picking fights with his colleagues and discovering amazing things about our universe."-Sean Carroll, author of The Big Picture Fritz Zwicky was one of the most inventive and iconoclastic scientists of his time. He predicted the existence of neutron stars, and his research pointed the way toward the discovery of pulsars and black holes. He was the first to conceive of the existence of dark matter, the first to make a detailed catalog of thousands of galaxies, and the first to correctly suggest that cosmic rays originate from supernovas. Not content to confine his discoveries to the heavens, Zwicky contributed to the United States war against Japan with inventions in jet propulsion that enabled aircraft to launch from carriers in the Pacific. After the war, he was the first Western scientist to interview Wernher von Braun, the Nazi engineer who developed the V-2 rocket. Later he became an outspoken advocate for space exploration, but also tangled with almost every leading scientist of the time, from Edwin Hubble and Richard Feynman to J. Robert Oppenheimer and Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar. In Zwicky, John Johnson, Jr., brings this tempestuous maverick to life. Zwicky not only made groundbreaking contributions to science and engineering; he rose to fame as one of the most imaginative science popularizers of his day. Yet he became a pariah in the scientific community, denouncing his enemies, real and imagined, as "spherical bastards" and "horses' asses." Largely forgotten today, Zwicky deserves rediscovery for introducing some of the most destructive forces in the universe, and as a reminder that genius obeys no rules and has no friends. |
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