Books > Social sciences > Education > Careers guidance
Literacy is a skill for all time, for all people. It is an integral
part of our lives, whether we are students or adult professionals.
Giving all educators the breadth of knowledge and practical tools
that help students strengthen their literacy skills is the focus of
Read, Write, Lead. Drawing on her experience as a mentor teacher,
reading specialist, instructional coach, and staff developer,
author Regie Routman offers time-tested advice on how to develop a
schoolwide learning culture that leads to more effective reading
and writing across the curriculum. She explains how every
school-including yours-can: Implement instructional practices that
lead to better engagement and achievement in reading and writing
for all students, from kindergarten through high school, including
second-language and struggling learners. Build Professional
Literacy Communities of educators working together to create
sustainable school change through professional learning based on
shared beliefs. Reduce the need for intervention through daily
practices that ensure success, even for our most vulnerable
learners. Embed the language of productive feedback in responsive
instruction, conferences, and observations in order to accelerate
learning for students, teachers, and leaders. In their own voices,
teachers, principals, literacy specialists, and students offer
real-life examples of changes that led to dramatic improvement in
literacy skills and-perhaps just as important-increased joy in
teaching and learning. Scattered throughout the book are ""Quick
Wins""-ideas and actions that can yield positive, affirming results
while tackling the tough work of long-term change.
Quality management initiatives have benefited organizations in the
corporate world for several years. With this success, these
methodologies are now being implemented into other sectors, such as
educational institutions. Ideological Function of Deming Theory in
Higher Education: Emerging Research and Opportunities presents
coverage on the benefits and challenges of applying quality
improvement frameworks in university settings. Highlighting
pertinent topics such as resources management, training practices,
and strategic planning, this is an ideal publication for academics,
researchers, school administrators, policy makers, and
professionals interested in the latest perspectives on the
management of higher education institutions.
Effective Training & Development is essential if you are to
continuously get the best from your people and extend the knowledge
shelf--life of your company. This module explores the vast array of
options available to the HR function including on--the--job
learning, formal management education, coaching and mentoring.
Cost--effectiveness and measurable payback are also dealt with as
cornerstones of any training and development activity.
Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions is the essential
companion for all jobseekers. With over 5 million copies sold, this
bestseller takes you through the whole process: from composing your
CV and preparing for interviews, to interview techniques, answering
tough questions and even negotiating your new salary. Crammed full
of the difficult questions that interviewers might throw at you,
Martin John Yate gives you expert tips and suggested answers to
tackle the tricky ones including: Why should I give you the job?
What is your biggest weakness? What are your salary expectations?
How long would you stay with the company? What is your greatest
strength? Why do you want to work here? Now in its 11th edition,
Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions is your indispensable
guide to blowing away the competition and landing your dream job.
Interactive Multimedia in Education and Training emerges out of the
need to share information and knowledge on the research and
practices of using multimedia in various educational settings. This
book discusses issues related to planning, designing and
development of interactive multimedia in a persuasive tone and
style, offering rich research data. Roles and application of
multimedia in different education and training contexts are
highlighted, as are case studies of multimedia development and use,
including areas such as language learning, cartography, engineering
education, health sciences, and others. Authors of various chapters
report on their experiences of designing multimedia materials that
are pedagogically appropriate and suitable to the cognitive
abilities of the target groups.
Gender studies in the professional realm has long been a heavily
researched field, with many feminist texts studying topics
including the wage gap and family life. However, female
administration in higher education remains largely understudied,
particularly on the influence of personal, professional, and
societal factors on women. There is a need for studies that seek to
understand how gender intersects with the multiple dimensions of
women leaders' personhoods, such as family status, marital status,
age, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, to inform women's
career path experiences and leadership aspirations. Challenges and
Opportunities for Women in Higher Education Leadership is a pivotal
reference source that provides vital research on the specific
challenges, issues, strategies, and solutions that are associated
with diverse leadership in higher education. While highlighting
topics such as educational administration, leader mentorship, and
professional promotion, this publication explores evidence-based
professional practice for women in higher education who are
currently in or are seeking positions of leadership, as well as the
methods of nurturing women in administrative positions. This book
is ideally designed for educators, researchers, academicians,
scholars, policymakers, educational administrators, graduate-level
students, and pre-service teachers seeking current research on the
state of educational leadership in regard to gender.
The primary challenge of online education is bridging the distance,
both geographical and psychological, between student-and-teacher
and student-and-student dynamics. In today's increasingly
digitalized world, it is important to enhance the quality of
learning and the nature of interactions in distance education
formats. The Community of Inquiry Framework in Contemporary
Education: Emerging Research and Opportunities is a critical
scholarly resource that examines the benefits, challenges, and
intricacies of online learning with attention to key concepts,
literature, resources, tools, and scenarios. Featuring coverage on
a broad range of topics, such as big data research, network
communication theory, educational data mining, and digital
learning, this book is geared towards researchers, instructors, and
higher education administrators seeking current research on the
integration of new distance learning technologies.
Children of the post-industrial society must achieve financial
status by their own efforts sustained from early periods life and
are supposed to be equipped with various qualities, both in terms
of formal and informal education and extracurricular and leisure
activities. Contemporary children almost inherently know how to use
the devices of information technology, and through these devices,
they encounter ideas, languages, etc. that are different from the
ones immediately experienced within their social frame.
Consequently, students themselves demand new inclusive teaching
practices that expose them to global cultures. Sociological
Perspectives on Educating Children in Contemporary Society is a
collection of innovative research on the methods and applications
of how culture influences the way children are educated. While
highlighting topics including global economics, multicultural
teaching, and education differentiation, this book is ideally
designed for teachers, sociologists, school administrators,
curriculum designers, course developers, academics, researchers,
and students seeking current research on the interrelationship
between children, education, and society.
The rising cost of tuition, increasing competition, and mounting
student loan debt has caused educational leaders to rethink degree
programs and resources for learners. As such, open educational
resources, prior learning assessment, open degree plans, and
competency-based learning have gained popularity in the field of
higher education. Enhancing Education Through Open Degree Programs
and Prior Learning Assessment is a critical scholarly resource that
examines teaching and learning materials that learners may freely
use and reuse without charge. Featuring coverage on a broad range
of topics such as open educational resources, prior learning
assessment, and competency-based learning, this book is geared
towards educations, professionals, school administrators,
researchers, academicians, librarians, and students seeking current
research on equity and access to higher education for all learners
across the globe.
Information technology has had a profound effect on almost every
aspect of our lives including the way we purchase products,
communicate with others, receive health care services, and deliver
education and training. It has also had a major impact on
humanresource management (HR) processes, and it has transformed the
way that we recruit, select, motivate, and retain employees
(Gueutal & Stone, 2005; Kavanagh, Thite, & Johnson, 2015).
For example, some estimates indicated that 100 % of large
organizations now use web-based recruiting (Sierra-Cedar,
2016-2017), and over half of the training conducted in America is
delivered using technology-based methods (American Society for
Training and Development, 2015). Results of a survey by the Society
for Human Resource Management (SHRM) (2002) revealed that
technology is one of the major drivers of change in today's HR
departments. In spite of the increased use of technology in the
field of HR, relatively little research has examined the acceptance
andeffectiveness of electronic human resource management (eHRM)
methods. As a consequence, practitioners are implementing these new
systems without the benefit of research. Thus, the primary purpose
of this issue is to review the results of research on a number of
important eHRM practices including e-recruitment, e-selection,
gamification, esocialization, e-learning, and e-performance
management. It also considers how the problems associated with
cyberdeviance in organizations. The chapters in thisseries should
be extremely beneficial for HR researchers and practitioners who
are employing these new systems.
In the digital age, numerous technological tools are available to
enhance educational practices. When used effectively, student
engagement and mobile learning are significantly increased. Social
Media in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice contains
a compendium of the latest academic material on the usage,
strategies, and applications of social media in education today.
Including innovative studies on online networks, social
constructivism, and collaborative learning, this publication is an
ideal source for educators, professionals, school administrators,
researchers, and practitioners in the field of education.
Dozens of outstanding practitioners and scholars explain how
quickly the career opportunities for graduates with psychology
degrees are growing. Oster contacted dozens of working
psychologists and asked them what advice they would offer today's
aspiring psychologists. Their responses provide a glimpse into a
changing and ever-expanding field. The book includes advice on
making the right choice from among psychology careers in fields old
and new, the ins and outs of graduate school, and the lessons
seasoned professionals learned in their quests for meaningful
careers. Web sites for more information on specialties are listed,
as are suggested additional readings. This insightful work will
interest high school students and college undergraduates,
career-changers and psychologists seeking new directions, as well
as guidance counselors and parents. Psychology is one of the most
popular majors in college today, with the number of students
enrolled in the discipline having surged some 200% in the last 10
years. In this book, dozens of outstanding practitioners and
scholars explain how quickly the career opportunities for graduates
with psychology degrees are growing-in talk therapy and clinical
research, but also at agencies ranging from the CIA and Homeland
Security to the Library of Congress and the Securities and Exchange
Commission. In preparing his book, Oster contacted dozens of
working psychologists and asked them what advice they would offer
today's aspiring psychologists. Their responses provide a glimpse
into a changing and ever-expanding field. Dozens of contributors
recall their thoughts and actions as they plotted careers-or landed
jobs by surprise. From one psychologist who put her research aside
to become president of a university, to another who ended his work
with children to become an author of psychological mystery books,
the dozens of practitioners interviewed share the
sometimes-humorous, often-difficult experiences and decisions they
faced as they completed their college years and built successful
careers. The book includes advice on making the right choice from
among psychology careers in fields old and new, the ins and outs of
graduate school, and the lessons seasoned professionals learned in
their quests for meaningful careers. Web sites for more information
on specialties are listed, as are suggested additional readings.
The book also includes sections on making the most of undergraduate
years, and on balancing the demands of career and family.