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This new series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings.
By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions
throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the
learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the
traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected
questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved
and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an
excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time
improve your general chess skills and knowledge. The Torre Attack
is a popular opening, especially at club level. White's development
plan is straightforward and there are clear tactical and strategic
goals. Sometimes White plays quietly; on other occasions he
suddenly launches a direct attack against Black's king, and many
quick victories arise because this unexpected aggression catches
Black off guard. In this book, renowned opening expert Richard
Palliser answers all the key questions and reveals everything you
need to know about the opening. *Essential guidance and training in
the Torre Attack *Utilizes an ideal approach to chess study
*Important ideas absorbed by continued practice
What is the best way to improve your opening knowledge? Memorizing
variations? Not really. In the first volume of Dariusz' trilogy,
the author helps you to understand the instructive patterns that
arise from the immensely popular Nimzo-Indian Defense. Packed with
plenty new ideas, his methods consider the different ways White has
at his disposal. His unique approach shows Black has nothing to
fear, on the contrary! Thinkers is convinced you will enjoy the
Two compelling titles now brought together in one volume! -----
Beating Unusual Chess Defences: 1 e4: Dealing with the
Scandinavian, Pirc, Modern, Alekhine and other tricky lines by
Andrew Greet. ----- Anyone who plays 1 e4 as White must be prepared
not only for Black's main defences but also an assortment of less
popular lines. These, when taken together, represent a significant
percentage of the replies you can expect to meet when opening 1 e4.
Dealing with these slightly offbeat variations is often a daunting
task, especially since your opponents are likely to be specialists
in these lines and therefore know them inside out. ----- Beating
Unusual Chess Defences provides the perfect solution. International
Master Andrew Greet gets to grips with each of these tricky
openings. He identifies how to exploit their weaknesses whilst
avoiding their strengths, thus constructing a practical and
dependable repertoire for White. This book covers everything a 1 e4
player needs to know about facing these defences. ----- Beating
Unusual Chess Openings: Dealing with the English, Reti, King's
Indian Attack and other annoying systems by Richard Palliser -----
Beating Unusual Chess Openings is a godsend to those chess players
fed up with struggling against all opening moves other than White's
main two: 1 e4 and 1 d4. From the respectable (English Opening,
Reti and King's Indian Attack) through to theoffbeat (Nimzo-Larsen
Attack, Bird's Opening) and the totally bizarre (Orang-utan, Grob);
everything Black needs to know about facing unusual openings is
covered within these pages. Richard Palliser gets to grips with all
of White's possibilities, examining their strengths and weaknesses
and in turn organizing a reliable and practical repertoire for
Imagine you are a club player who has been given the opportunity to
talk at length with a famous Grandmaster. How would you make the
most of this opportunity?This book is the much anticipated
follow-up to the highly acclaimed and award-nominated L
Attacking your opponents king is not just a shortcut to victory,
its also one of the most enjoyable and gratifying experiences in
chess. If you want to win more games you should become a better
attacker. Studying typical attacking motifs and ideas easily brings
dividends while you are having a good time. Michael Prusikin
presents the prerequisites and the rules for a King attack in a
lucid and attractive manner. In 15 thematic chapters he teaches you
how to assess the nature of the position, identify the appropriate
offensive patterns, find the preliminary moves and conduct your
attack in a clear and effective way. Battering rams, obstructive
sacrifices, pawn storms, striking at the castled position,
sacrificing a knight on f5, Prusikin demonstrates the most
important patterns of attack with lots of clear and well-chosen
examples. Next, Prusikin tests your newly acquired insights and
your attacking intuition with exercises covering all the themes and
motifs. You will find that studying ATTACKING STRATEGIES FOR CLUB
PLAYERS is both entertaining and rewarding.
Every chess player wants to improve, but many, if not most, lack
the tools or the discipline to study in a structured and effective
way. With so much material on offer, the eternal question is: How
can I study chess without wasting my time and energy? Davorin
Kuljasevic provides the full and ultimate answer, as he presents a
structured study approach that has long-term improvement value. He
explains how to study and what to study, offers specific advice for
the various stages of the game and points out how to integrate all
elements in an actionable study plan. How do you optimize your
learning process? How do you develop good study habits and get rid
of useless ones? What study resources are appropriate for players
of different levels? Many self-improvement guides are essentially
little more than a collection of exercises. Davorin Kuljasevic
reflects on learning techniques and priorities in a fundamental
way. And although this is not an exercise book, it is full of
instructive examples looked at from unusual angles. To provide a
solid self-study framework, Kuljasevic categorizes lots of
important aspects of chess study in a guide that is rich in
illustrative tables, figures and bullet points. Anyone, from casual
player to chess professional, will take away a multitude of
original learning methods and valuable practical improvement ideas.
If you want to improve your middlegame play, you will have to
develop a FEEL for positions. Thats what Boris Zlotnik has been
stressing during his long and rich trainers career. Clicking
through concrete variations (a popular pastime in the computer era)
is not enough. To guide your thinking during a game you should be
able to fall back on a reservoir of typical ideas and methods. That
is exactly what this book offers you: Zlotniks legendary study
material about the middlegame, modernized, greatly extended and
published in the English language for the first time. As you
familiarize yourself with the most important strategic ideas and
manoeuvres in important basic opening structures, you will need
less time to discover the clues in middlegame positions. You will
find it so much easier to steer your game in the right direction
after the opening has ended. Zlotniks Middlegame Manual is
accessible to a wide range of post-beginners and club players. It
is your passport to a body of instructive material of unparalleled
quality, collected during a lifetime of training and coaching
chess. A large collection of exercises, carefully chosen and
didactically tuned, will help you drill what you have learned. With
a foreword by Fabiano Caruana.
Do you instinctively know what to do in every type of chess
position or are you often uncertain about how to proceed? Wouldn't
it be really useful to know the best chess strategies and to
recognise when they should be used? In this book Sam Collins
examines key games from both the classical and modern eras. He
analyses the major strategic ideas that have stood the test of time
and notes their considerable influence on his own games. Studying
classic examples from great players allows us to create a personal
library of standard ideas. This helps us recognize key positions,
making it easier to determine the most effective ways to attack and
defend. Crucially, it helps us find the right path much more
quickly than we would by relying on calculation alone. * An
essential guide to chess strategy * Covers opening, middlegame and
endgame play * Ideal for players of all levels
The Nimzo-Indian Defence (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Bb4) and the
Queen's Indian Defence (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 b6) are two classic
systems for Black to meet 1 d4. They are popular at all levels and
have been played by virtually every world champion. They enable
Black to gain a firm foothold in the centre at an early stage and
White is not permitted the easy space advantage that occurs with
many other defences to 1 d4. Black does not seek to engage White in
immediate battle but postpones conflict for the middlegame when an
understanding of themes and plans will be paramount. In Opening
Repertoire: The Nimzo-Indian and Queen's Indian Defences, highly
experienced chess author and coach Nigel Davies guides the reader
through the complexities of these two lines and carves out a
repertoire for Black. He examines all aspects of these complex
systems and provides the reader with well-researched, fresh, and
innovative analysis. Each annotated game has valuable lessons on
how to play the opening and contains instructive commentary on
typical middlegame plans. * A complete repertoire for Black against
1 d4. * A question and answer approach provides an excellent study
If you are aware of endgame patterns, you spot key moves quicker,
analyse and calculate better, avoid making errors and memorise what
you have studied more fully. The Queen's Gambit is easily the most
talked-about chess opening since the immensely popular Netflix TV
series of the same name became a hit. The screen adventures of Beth
Harmon have inspired thousands to start playing the Royal Game but
didn't offer any information on this highly popular chess opening.
This book fills that gap. German Grandmaster Michael Prusikin
presents a solid but dynamic opening repertoire for Black against
the Queen's Gambit. He wants you to understand rather than memorize
what is important. His primary focus is on explaining the relevant
pawn structures and the middlegame ideas behind the lines he
recommends. Prusikin deals with every single variation of the
Queen's Gambit in a way that is highly accessible for club players
but at the same time surprisingly effective and concise: the
Catalan, Tartakower, Carlsbad, London, Colle, Veresov, and all the
others. As a bonus, the FIDE Senior Trainer also provides responses
to openings such as the Bird, Reti, and Nimzo-Larsen. It may seem
unlikely, and yet it is true: in less than 200 pages, Countering
the Queen's Gambit has Black covered for really every first move
except 1.e4! To test your newly acquired insights in the tactical
motifs and strategic ideas of the Queen's Gambit, you are invited
to solve 36 exercises in carefully selected key positions from
actual games.
A book for chess players who want to build their skills on solid
foundations. Yusupov guides the reader towards a higher level of
chess understanding using carefully selected positions and advice.
This new understanding is then tested by a series of puzzles.
This book describes the intense rivalry-and collaboration-of the
four players who created the golden era when USSR chess players
dominated the world. More than 200 annotated games are included,
along with personal details-many for the first time in English.
Mikhail Tal, the roguish, doomed Latvian who changed the way chess
players think about attack and sacrifice; Tigran Petrosian, the
brilliant, henpecked Armenian whose wife drove him to become the
world's best player; Boris Spassky, the prodigy who survived
near-starvation and later bouts of melancholia to succeed
Petrosian-but is best remembered for losing to Bobby Fischer; and
"Evil" Viktor Korchnoi, whose mixture of genius and jealousy helped
him eventually surpass his three rivals (but fate denied him the
title they achieved: world champion).
The Budapest Gambit (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e5) is an aggressive, dynamic
approach for meeting 1 d4 and is a great line for throwing
opponents onto their own resources. It is certainly double-edged as
Black moves the same piece twice early on and also sacrifices a
pawn. This pawn is often quickly regained but one of the great
advantages of the Budapest is that if White tries to hang on to the
pawn (and many players do) Black can quickly whip up a ferocious
attack. A great number of materialistic but unprepared White
players have found themselves swiftly demolished by Black's
tremendously active pieces. When White is more circumspect and
allows Black to regain the pawn, play proceeds along more sedate
strategic lines where Black enjoys free and easy development.
Experienced chess author and coach Andrew Martin examines all key
variations of the Budapest. There is an emphasis on typical
middlegame structures and the important plans and manoeuvres are
demonstrated in numerous instructive games. * Includes complete
repertoires for Black with both 3...Ng4 and 3...Ne4 * Comprehensive
coverage featuring several new ideas * Take your opponents out of
their comfort zone!
The a...6 Slav is a relatively new phenomenon in a very popular
opening, and over the last few years it has attracted the attention
of some top class players: Alexei Shirov, Sergei Movsesian,
England's Julian Hodgson, and more recently, world number one Garry
Kasparov. In this first ever book solely devoted to the a...6 Slav,
Grandmaster and openings expert Glenn Flear delves into the secrets
of this complex line. He explains the tactics and positional ideas
for both White and Black and presents a comprehensive coverage of
the theory, concentrating on all the new wrinkles and discoveries.
* Written by a prominent openings theoretician
* All major lines are covered
* Ideal for club and tournament players
The Closed Sicilian has always been a great favorite with club and
tournament players. Here, Grandmaster Daniel King explains the
strategy and tactics of this dynamic opening variation, using model
games for both sides to illustrate the important ideas. Armed with
this book, readers will have everything they need to know to play
the opening with either White or Black.
The Benoni and Benko
Richard Palliser, John Emms, Chris Ward, Gawain Jones
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Are you tired of playing the same old openings time and time again?
Perhaps it's time for a change, but you cannot decide between the
numerous options available? Here's the answer: choose "Dangerous
Weapons" and amaze your opponents with new and exciting opening
ideas!In this book," "four renowned opening experts get together to
take a revolutionary look at the Benoni, the Benko and all their
associated variations. Instead of travelling down well-trodden and
analysed paths, they concentrate on fresh or little-explored
variations, selecting a wealth of 'dangerous' options for both
colours. Whether playing White or Black, a study of this book will
leave you confident and fully-armed, and your opponents running for
cover!"Dangerous Weapons" is a series of opening books which supply
the reader with an abundance of hard-hitting ideas to revitalize
his or her opening repertoire. Many of the carefully chosen weapons
are innovative, visually shocking, incredibly tricky, or have been
unfairly discarded; they are guaranteed to throw even your most
experienced opponent off balance. *The Benoni and Benko in a whole
new light*Packed with original ideas and analysis*Ideal lines to
shock your opponents
It's hard to believe that it's been over a decade since One Jump
Ahead: Challenging Human Supremacy at Checkers was published. I'm
delighted to have the oppor- nity to update and expand the book.
The ?rst edition ended on a sad note and that was re?ected in the
writing. It is now eleven years later and the project has come to a
satisfying conclusion. Since its inception, the checkers project
has consumed eighteen years of my life- twenty if you count the
pre-CHINOOK and post-solving work. It's hard for me to believe that
I actually stuck with it for that long. My wife, Steph, would
probably have something witty to say about my obsessive behavior.
Rereading the book after a decade was dif?cult for me. When I
originally wrote One Jump Ahead, I vowed to be candid in my telling
of the story. That meant being honest about what went right and
what went wrong. I have been criticized for being hard on some of
the characters. That may be so, but I hope everyone will agree that
the person receiving the most criticism was, justi?ably, me. I
tried to be balanced in the storytelling, re?ecting things as they
really happened and not as some sanitized
everyone-lived-happily-ever-after tale.
The English is a sophisticated opening which is very popular at all
levels of chess: from up-and-coming players to World Champions such
as Garry Kasparov and Vladimir Kramnik. It has many attractions,
including flexibility and diversity: White can play either
aggressively or quietly, and positions are rich in both strategy
and tactics.In Play the English, Craig Pritchett provides an active
repertoire for White, offering answers to Black's key defences both
in the main lines and sidelines. Drawing upon his wealth of
experience in this opening from both sides of the board, Pritchett
highlights the positional and tactical ideas for White and Black,
and the subtle move-order nuances so important in the modern game.
This book contains all you need to know to play the English with
confidence in your own games.
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By
continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions
throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the
learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the
traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected
questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved
and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an
excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time
improve your general chess skills and knowledge. In this book,
International Master Cyrus Lakdawala invites you to join him in
studying the Alekhine Defence. Black's idea in the Alekhine Defence
is a bold one. By inviting White's central pawns to advance, Black
hopes later on to undermine and demolish White's centre. This
ambitious strategy appeals to players who enjoy sharp lines and
positional imbalances. Using illustrative games, Lakdawala outlines
a reliable repertoire for Black, examines the main positional and
tactical ideas for both sides, provides answers to all the key
questions and tells you everything you need to know about
successfully playing the Alekhine Defence. *Essential guidance and
training in the Alekhine Defence *Presents a repertoire for Black
with 1 e4 Nf6 *Utilizes an ideal approach to chess study
This book is partly designed as an autobiographical experience
focusing on the processes that arise in the life of a chess player
that have be translated into everyday life. In part, the book
incorporates psychological theories that generally explain these
processes, but overall it can be seen as a guide on how to use any
activity to learn skills that will enrich your life. There are
several activities in life which can be seen in the same way if we
know where and how to exploit the opportunities. The truth is that
all aspirations are interconnected when we keep an eye on the
thematic links. I believe that this book will give you a new
insight into how any ability can be transferred from a particular
activity to the universal wisdom of life. It will awaken your
networking skills and teach you how to turn life activities into
lifelong skills that will improve your well-being. The course of
the book follows the typical process of playing chess, starting
with training, followed by the tournament situation, the course of
the game, the time after the game and the tournament. Since I am
not a poet, I have often borrowed some quotations from famous,
imaginative and clever people from all over the world. I believe
that these valuable thoughts have enriched the book. One thing I
ask you to do while reading this book is to open your mind and
enjoy the inner journey. So let us go and try to become aware of
the processes behind our life activities. Let us find out what and
why we do what we do in our daily lives.