Books > Sport & Leisure > Hobbies, quizzes & games > Indoor games > Board games > Chess
The Queen's Gambit is one of the great classical openings. All the
world champions and elite players have played this opening - most
of them for both sides. In this book the highly experienced coach
international master Andrew Martin explains the basic ideas behind
all the different variations you can encounter after 1 d4 d5 2 c4.
This includes the classical defences (such as the Orthodox, the
Lasker and the Slav) as well as the weird and wonderful (such as
the Albin Counter-Gambit, the Hennig-Schara Gambit and Marshall's
Defence). First Steps is a new opening series and is ideal for
improving players who want simple and straightforward explanations.
First Steps emphasizes: *the basic principles*the basic
strategies*the key tricks and traps First Steps books are based
around carefully selected instructive games which demonstrate
exactly what both sides are trying to achieve. There is enough
theory to enable the improving player to get to grips with the
opening without feeling overwhelmed. If you want to take up a new
opening, First Steps is the ideal place to start.
The 19th century in America saw the evolution of a leisure society.
Enjoying numerous technological advances, people had free time to
indulge in a variety of pursuits. An assortment of board games
flooded American homes. By the middle of the century, chess had
surpassed all other games with its popularity. The author of three
important chess texts, Thomas Frere was instrumental in the growth
of chess as a significant American pastime. This work provides an
historical and chronological look at the 19th century development
of chess through the writings of Thomas Frere. His books, letters,
chess columns and scrapbooks chronicles the ways chess evolved over
the greater part of the 1800s, and illuminates important players of
the time and their games. The main text is divided into four
sections covering 1827-1900. The first section looks at the early
years as chess moved from private to public venues, discussing the
establishment of formal chess clubs such as Frere's 1856 Brooklyn
Chess Club. The second section deals with the First American Chess
Congress and the advent of Paul Morphy to the world of chess. The
third section focuses on Frere's part in the first formal world
chess championship, a role thoroughly documented in Frere's
letters. The fourth section examines the last decade of the 1800s
and the steps that led chess into the 20th century.
"Lasker's Manual of Chess" is one of the greatest chess books ever
written. The fact that it was first published over 80 years ago has
diminished neither its relevance nor significance in today's modern
chess world.Lasker was both a wonderful fighter and a deep thinker;
his book is the quintessence of the exceptionally successful
experiences he had over many long years, and his thoughts about
them. He teaches what he himself considers most important: general
principles and methods applicable to any situation. Once you have
read the "Manual," you will become smarter - afterwards, this is
bound to help you, both in chess and in life.Emanuel Lasker, the
Second World Champion, begins at the most basic level, explaining
the board, the pieces, how they move and then goes on to describe
the fundamentals of chess strategy, chess tactics and even chess
philosophy.The result is one of best chess books ever written. This
21st Century Edition has been supplemented with dozens of archival
photographs of Lasker and his contemporaries. In addition, an
entertaining and instructive feature, "Lasker Lore," highlights the
chess history and trivia of the Lasker era.Finally, if the
significance of "Lasker's Chess Manual," needed to offer more, the
greatest chess instructor of the modern era, Mark Dvoretsky, has
penned a special foreword to this new edition of the legendary
Chess, the ancient strategy game, meets the latest, cutting-edge
philosophy in this unique book. When 12 philosophers weigh in on
one of the world's oldest and most beloved pastimes, the results
are often surprising. Philosophical concepts as varied as
phenomenology and determinism share the page with a treatise on
hip-hop chess tactics and the question of whether Garry Kasparov
is, in fact, a cyborg. Putting forth a remarkable array of
different views on chess from philosophers with varied
chess-proficiency, "Philosophy Looks at Chess" is an engaging read
for chess adherents and the philosophically inclined alike.
This is a continuation of a series of comprehensive chronological
reference works listing the results of men's chess competitions all
over the world - individual and team matches. The present volume
covers 1964 through 1967. Entries record location and, when
available, the group that sponsored the event. First and last names
of players are included whenever possible and are standardised for
easy reference. Compiled from contemporary sources such as
newspapers, periodicals, tournament records and match books, this
work contains 1,204 tournament crosstables and 158 match scores. It
is indexed by events and by players.
This exceptional book continues the unique project where one of the
greatest chess players of our time transforms her personal journey
to the top into a roadmap for everyone who ever wanted to better
themselves in the game of chess. In this volume, Judit tells the
story of her rise from teenage grandmaster to Top Ten superstar.
Boost your Chess 2 continues Yusupovs Beyond the Basics series. The
Fundamentals series shows players the basic ideas they should know,
then the Beyond the Basics series sets off on the road to mastery.
Yusupov guides the reader towards a higher level of chess
understanding using carefully selected positions and advice. This
new understanding is then tested by a series of puzzles.
When should we exchange a piece in the endgame and when should we
keep it? Why is it so important? How to make a right choice?
Different types of endings and guidance on how to make the correct
decision were the subject of my book The Correct Exchange in the
Endgame. Two editions were very well accepted by chess players of
different levels. I am especially happy that many chess coaches and
teachers found it useful for their training programs. The book was
announced as a silver winner of the Boleslavsky Award 2016 by the
FIDE Trainer's Commission. Many readers and coaches expressed a
wish to see more instructive exercises, so together with Thinkers
Publishing we decided to make an exercise book. It can be widely
used by chess teachers in schools, coaches in chess clubs and all
chess players. Trying to solve 120 instructive exercises and then
going through the correct solutions, you will certainly improve
your decision-making ability and analyzing skills, as well as
enrich your knowledge and understanding of the final stage of the
chess game.
When chess masters Louis Charles Mahe de la Bourdonnais and
Alexander McDonnell met at London's Westminster Chess Club in 1834,
the occasion was notable for a number of reasons. Hard-earned
reputations were zealously protected, and masters of equal standing
seldom faced each other on even terms. The chess world was watching
closely, but it was the actions of bystander William Greenwood
Walker, who carefully recorded each move of the 85 games, that
would have the greatest impact on the future of chess. The
recording and publication of game scores from a series of matches
between masters was a first in chess history. The event irrevocably
altered the game, giving birth to modern chess theory. Once based
upon composed, abstract exercises, studied in isolation, theory now
became concrete and measurable. Practice replaced contrivance, and
tactics could be studied and honed in light of the avalanche of
match records that followed. Louis Charles Mahe de la Bourdonnais
and Alexander McDonnell played six chess matches in 1834.
Biographies of the combatants illuminate their place in the game's
history, and their historic venue is examined. The 85 games are
analyzed using modern theory; there are numerous diagrams and
previously published commentary. The merits of the openings,
middle- and endgame maneuvers of the two are weighed. Nine
appendices present selected games against other opponents; excerpt
a contemporary account of the games' ambience; provide other
interesting documents; present statistics; and provide a schematic
of mistakes made by both contestants. Bibliography, notes, indexes.
Benjamin Katz is a renowned chess coach with over 20 years
experience coaching students of all ability levels throughout the
United States. He has helped numerous students improve and achieve
chess success. This book details the training program he has
developed based on this extensive experience. It cultivates the
core skill set required to advance beyond the basics in chess.
Included are key strategies, basic endgame positions and
techniques, information on what to do when you're stuck, how to
convert an advantage, and a high-level opening repertoire for both
black and white. There are also numerous practical exercises that
utilize a combination of recent examples from the games of
Benjamin's students, as well as games played by the top players in
the world, both contemporary and from the game's history. Benjamin
Katz is a National Chess Master and the co-founder of Growing Minds
Chess Academy, a progressive chess instruction company in New York
City that incorporates the latest in modern educational theory with
tried and trusted approaches to chess learning.
For many chess players, opening study is sheer hard work. In this
highly acclaimed series, Watson helps players achieve a more
holistic and insightful view of the openings by explaining not only
the ideas and strategies, but also the interconnections of chess
openings in general.
How do chess players react in the line of fire? Are they able to
remain calm in a storm? Defending against a threatening attack on
your own king is one of the most difficult aspects to master in
chess. Yet given the frequency of such offensives, it's certainly
worthwhile investing a good amount of time on honing the ability to
defend properly.
In this valuable and entertaining book, Angus Dunnington arms the
reader with all the necessary skills to be able to cope with
vicious assaults on his or her king. Using illustrative games,
Dunnington investigates in depth defensive ideas such as
blockading, giving up material, and the timely launch of
counterattacks. Read this book and defend with confidence!
AS is commonplace with the renowned Starting Out series, there are
an abundance of notes, tips and warnings throughout the book to
help the improving player. Starting Out: Defensive Play is perfect
for those who have previously honed their chess skills with the
earlier books Starting Out in Chess and Tips for Young Players.
"Includes all aspects of defensive play
"Sharpens tactical and combinative awareness
"Ideal for the improving player
This instructive book for competitive players, based on Edmar
Mednis' classic Practical Endgame Lessons, provides the reader with
a wealth of useful instruction in endgame play, reinforced by a a
series of tests presented as simulations of tournament play.
Explains the fundamental principles of endgame play . Deals with
all standard types of endgame: pawn endings, bishop endings, rook
endings, etc . Contains more that twenty test endings to help
develop your skills . Uses many examples by the world's leading
endgame exponents: Smyslov, Karpov, Korchnoi, etc. Grandmaster
Edmar Mednis is one of the world's leading endgame exerts.He is a
regular contributor to Chess Life magazine and is author of How to
be a complete Tournament Player, From Opening to the Endgame and
From the Middlegame into the Endgame. International Master Colin
Crouch is one of England's most highly regarded analysts and
Viktor Moskalenko is one of the leading chess instructors of our
time. Not only has he coached Masters and Grandmasters, including
Ukrainian star Vassily Ivanchuk, he has also taught hundreds of
classes for amateurs and his best-selling books have inspired
thousands of ambitious club players all over the world. Moskalenkos
previous and highly popular chess opening books were mainly written
for the Black pieces. Now he presents an extremely powerful set of
lines for White. The guiding principle of his 1.d4 repertoire is:
be bold and put pressure on your opponent as early as possible.
Moskalenko does not shower you with long computer-generated
variations but has a keen eye for the essence of positions. His
talent to find new resources in well-known lines results in a host
of novelties, daring recommendations and cunning tricks. When you
play his lines and follow his recommendations you will frequently
surprise your opponent and build up positions full of swing.
Studying An Attacking Repertoire for White with 1.d4 is a delight
because this is a typical Moskalenko book: practical, accessible,
original, entertaining and inspiring. Viktor Moskalenko (1960) is
an International Grandmaster and a FIDE Senior Trainer. The former
Ukrainian champions recent books include The Even More Flexible
French, The Wonderful Winawer, Training with Moska and The Fabulous
Budapest Gambit.
This book portrays British chess life in the nineteenth century
through biographical studies of ten players who shaped the modern
game. From Captain Evans, inventor of the famous gambit, to Isidor
Gunsberg, England's first challenger for the world championship,
personal narratives are blended with game annotations to reassess
players' achievements and character. The author has combined deep
reading in primary sources with genealogical research to reveal new
facts and correct previous misunderstandings. Major chapters on
Howard Staunton and William Steinitz, in particular, highlight the
tensions between Englishmen and immigrants, amateurs and
professionals. The contrasting long careers of Henry Bird and
Joseph Blackburne provide a thread of continuity. The lives of
several other important figures in Victorian chess are also
presented. More than 160 chess games (with position diagrams),
several annotated in detail, 50 photographs and line drawings,
appendices include career records for all ten, notes, bibliography
and indexes.
The Ruy Lopez is arguably the most classic of chess openings. White
immediately starts the battle for the centre, fighting for the
initiative. This strategic clarity has made the Ruy Lopez, or
Spanish Opening, an eternal favourite with chess players at all
levels. Inevitably, this popularity has also led to a wealth of
opening theory. In this book, Fabiano Caruana takes you by the hand
and lays out a complete and practical White repertoire for club
players. He avoids complicated chaotic lines, but doesnt shy away
from sharp battles. Caruana loves to find and use the tactics to
punish Black for risky choices. This one-volume and crystal-clear
repertoire covers fifteen main variations, from the classical lines
to the anti-Marshall (8.a4), and from the Schliemann (3f5) to the
Modern Steinitz. In an easy-to-grasp manner Caruana explains
general characteristics, such as permanent weaknesses long-term
goals, and is always looking for an advantage for White. The
insights of the World #2 in this classic opening, will not only
greatly improve your results in the Ruy Lopez, but also sharpen
your general chess knowledge. Inspired by Caruanas ChessBase Series
Navigating the Ruy Lopez.
The French Defence is one of the most solid and strategically rich
responses to 1.e4. Many chess opening lines have been analysed to
death by computer, but the French is relatively resistant to this
growing trend, as the characteristic blocked pawn centre leads to
situations where a player with superior understanding can overcome
an opponent whose expertise lies in computer-assisted preparation.
Acclaimed authors Ntirlis and Aagaard present a complete repertoire
for Black based on 3.Nc3 Nf6 and 3.Nd2 c5. With many new
discoveries and detailed explanations of positional and strategic
motifs, this book is essential reading for those playing this
complex opening with either colour.