Books > Health, Home & Family > Family & health > Advice on parenting > Child care & upbringing
The softer side of the abortion debate ... In contrast to the front
line war of words that emanate with most protest views, Doris takes
us behind the scenes into real life drama. The stories contained in
this book will make you smile, cry, and find a place in your heart
for hurting people that are usually blurred out of the media
headlines. As a Pastor, I appreciate the caring way she approaches
the issues and the caring hands that she reaches out with to touch
hurting hearts. Pastor Rudy Bond New Life Worship Center, Tyler,
Texas Doris has gathered a treasury of hope and joy surrounding the
adoption process, including Scriptural encouragement and honesty
about the fears and challenges involved. This book is a testament
to the hand of God with even the least of these. Sara Maynard is a
Texas attorney, specializing in representing children. She is Board
explains God's plan for unplanned pregnancies through moving
testimonies of families who have experienced the joy of adoption.
As the mother of two adopted children and one adopted grandson, I
found myself rejoicing with the families through their stories.
This book will be an effective tool to encourage couples to
consider adopting children to complete their family. Birth parents
will also understand the joy their baby will bring to the adoptive
couple; and, perhaps, cause them to consider releasing their baby
for adoption. God patterned adoption by adopting us into His family
through His Son Jesus hrist. May this book challenge birth and
adoptive parents to allow children to experience God's
unconditional love through the gift of adoption. Judith E.
Shalllcross, Retired Christian School principal.
The loss of a child is never going to be easy for any parent and
questioning yourself will always be a part of the processing you
have to get through. Your faith can be what holds you together with
the help of your family, or you can isolate yourself and try to
make it on your own. Awareness of parenting skills can assist in
making right choices as you raise your children and faith can
strengthen those choices.
Seres que aunque con su alma limpia y su coraz n puro, pero a pesar
de sus grandes discapacidades han tenido que vivir dependiendo de
Dios y de sus padres. Para estos que no escogieron su manera de
vivir y que no hicieron decisiones por ellos mismos, sino que han
tenido que depender de los que le dieron la vida. Frustraci n por
no poder ayudarles es el sentimiento que los padres sienten al
respecto. Hijos que crecen sin disfrutar la vida en su plenitud.
Desde que nacen se toma la decisi n de amarlos y cuidarlos.
Finalmente el dolor de despedir a este ngel que regresa a su hogar
al cielo donde estar en un cuerpo perfecto. Vivir con un ngel aqu
en la tierra es una experiencia que nadie puede explicar ni tampoco
Moving Day
Dionna L Hayden; Dionna L Hayden; Foreword by Marcus L. Arrington
Discovery Miles 6 610
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Parenting and Theory of Mind represents the conjunction of two
major research literatures in child psychology. One is
longstanding. The question of how best to rear children has been a
central topic for psychology ever since psychology began to develop
as a science. The other research literature is a good deal younger,
though quickly expanding. Theory of mind (ToM) has to do with
understanding of the mental world-what people (children in
particular) know or think about mental phenomena such as beliefs,
desires, and emotions. An important question that research on TOM
addresses is where do children's ToM abilities come from? In
particular, how do children's experiences shape their development?
If we know the formative experiences that underlie ToM, then we may
be able to optimize this important aspect of development for all
children. The last 15 or so years have seen a rapid expansion of
the literature on the social contributors to ToM, including
hundreds of studies directed to various aspects of parenting. These
studies have made clear that parents can be important contributors
to what their children understand about the mental world. This is
the first book to comprehensively bring together the literature on
ToM and parenting, summarizing what we know about how parenting
contributes to one of the most important outcomes in cognitive
development and outlining future directions for research in this
growing area.
Your behaviour is the only behaviour over which you have absolute
control. To change your children's behaviour, you first need to
change your own. The culture of any home is determined by the
parents. If you can remain unflappably calm in the face of every
supermarket tantrum and sarcastic eye-roll, order will soon follow.
Here, Paul Dix - Britain's leading children's behaviour expert -
reveals how to build a culture of calm consistency into your home,
starting today. He explains how you really can maintain a sense of
Zen-like serenity in the face of even the most chaotic behaviour,
from school-gate screaming matches to mealtime childmageddon. And
he offers a set of simple strategies for coolly getting the
behaviour you want - without a barked instruction, deranged
punishment or cold, hard cash-bribe in sight. His tried-and-tested
method will change what your child does by first changing what you
do. You will never need to raise your voice again.
This book exposes the skyrocketing rate of antipsychotic drug
prescriptions for children, identifies grave dangers when
children's mental health care is driven by market forces, describes
effective therapeutic care for children typically prescribed
antipsychotics, and explains how to navigate a drug-fueled mental
health system. Since 2001, there has been a dramatic increase in
the use of antipsychotics to treat children for an ever-expanding
list of symptoms. The prescription rate for toddlers, preschoolers,
and middle-class children has doubled, while the prescribing rate
for low-income children covered by Medicaid has quadrupled. In a
majority of cases, these drugs are neither FDA-approved nor
justified by research for the children's conditions. This book
examines the reasons behind the explosion of antipsychotic drug
prescriptions for children, spotlighting the historical and
cultural factors as well as the role of the pharmaceutical industry
in this trend; and discusses the ethical and legal responsibilities
and ramifications for non-MDs-psychologists in particular-who work
with children treated with antipsychotics. Contributors explain how
the pharmaceutical industry has inserted itself into every step of
medical education, rendering objectivity in the scientific
understanding, use, and approvals of such drugs impossible. The
text describes the relentless marketing behind the drug sales, even
going as far as to provide coloring and picture books for children
related to the drug at issue. Valuable information about legal
recourse that families and therapists can take when their children
or patients have been harmed by antipsychotic drugs and alternative
approaches to working with children with emotional and behavioral
challenges is also provided. A chapter on effective parenting
coauthored by a leading parenting expert, Laura Berk Contributions
by noted medical journalist Robert Whitaker, author of Anatomy of
an Epidemic Information on legal issues by Harvard-educated lawyer
Jim Gottstein Insights from former pharmaceutical industry insider,
Gwen Olsen An examination of community approaches to children's
mental health care by internationally known psychologist Stuart
There may not be a cure for adolescence, but there are ways for parents of teens to survive these challenging years! Parenting expert Tom McMahon has gone straight to the source -- veteran moms and dads -- to try and solve the mysteries of raising a happy, healthy teenager. Gathered here are hundreds of practical, creative, and proven tips that cover all aspects of parenting a teen: - Rules and Discipline -- Keep order while encouraging your child's independence, and pick your "battles" for what matters the most
- Talking and Listening -- Get to know when to sympathize, when to back off, and how to deal with your teen's inevitable moodiness
- School and Learning -- Free yourself from being the "homework cop," while nurturing both curiosity and enthusiasm
- Friendships and Relationships -- Use role-playing to handle peer pressure, and help nurture healthy relationships
- Drugs and Alcohol -- Pinpoint telltale signs of problems before they become serious, and stay involved by providing alternatives to parties with alcohol
- Responsibilities and Money -- Strike a balance between chores and allowance, and make part-time jobs an introduction to money management
- Self-Esteem and Values -- Enhance your teen's exposure to role models who will strengthen character and boost self-confidence.
Whatever the situation, Teen Tips is full of down-to-earth, inventive advice. It's an indispensable guide to navigating the teen years -- and making the journey as rewarding for the parent as it is for the aspiring young adult.
Nala The Bulldog
Matt Pisani, Melissa Pisani; Illustrated by Rachael Kuddle
Discovery Miles 4 520
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Our kids are experiencing an unprecedented sense of isolation,
interacting virtually in a world that seems ever more fearful with
each news cycle. They absorb and internalize the stress and anxiety
they see on their parents' faces and on the phone, laptop, tablet,
and TV screens that are ever before their eyes. Not surprisingly,
their mental and physical health are suffering. As parents, we want
to know how we can help. Practical and encouraging, Raising Healthy
Teenagers helps you understand the mental, physical, and social
toll the past couple years have taken on your kids. Then it offers
proven strategies to help your teen get back onto a healthy path by
* reducing screen time and increasing green time * learning how to
be a social being again * developing strategies to deal with
disruptions in schooling * reclaiming a structured day * breaking
the cycle of anxiety and depression * and much more
Every teenager rebels against authority at some point--talks back, breaks curfew, or disobeys. But literally millions of teens take their rebellion to a point where it disrupts their families and endangers their own futures or even their lives. If one of these teens is yours, you've probably lived through years of conflicting advice and pat solutions that don't last. Finally, this breakthrough guide from a master therapist will show you the seven steps to positive, permanent change for you and your teenager:
1. Learn the real reasons for teen misbehavior. 2. Make an ironclad contract to stop that behavior. 3. Troubleshoot future problems. 4. End button-pushing. 5. Stop the "seven aces" -- from disrespect to threats of violence. 6. Mobilize outside help. 7. Reclaim lost love within the family.
Clear, compassionate, and packed with real-life solutions to real-life problems, this book gives parents the tools they need to turn their families' lives around for good.
is a history-breaking book. This important book contains
autobiographies of seven Korean youth in the United States, with
differing immigration experiences. This book provides important
primary source documentation for Korean history, Immigration
history, US history, Ethnic history, and Asian-American studies. No
serious college library can go without this important book.
Furthermore, this book will be a valuable addition to local and
regional libraries with patrons interested in the American
immigration experience and Asian-American studies. The editor of
the book is Francis Won, who is currently at Hackensack Christian
School in Bergen County, New Jersey. His father is the only Korean
Episcopalian priest in the whole state of New Jersey. Contributors
to this book have been identified as future leaders of the Korean
people. Many of the contributing authors are intricately connected
to Korean leadership in politics, business, banking, academics, and
foreign policy. Praise for the book: "I highly recommend this book
and hope that this story along with other stories in this
monumentally important book of Korean youth voices would inspire
many to find hope and courage in their struggles in life." Rev.
Joseph S. Pae, Canon Pastor, Cathedral of the Incarnation, New York
"I am pleased to celebrate the publication of this important book,
which is monumentally important for Korean Studies at the
university level as well as for understanding Koreans at the
popular level." President Bae-Yong Lee of Ehwa Women's University
in South Korea "I highly recommend." Jung-Ho Chang, President,
Korea Daily Sports Newspaper, South Korea "Congratulations "
President Soo-Sung Lee of Seoul National University, South Korea