Books > Christianity > Christian life & practice > Christian religious instruction
Der Autor konzipiert "Interreligioese Religionspadagogik" auf
interdisziplinaren Grundlagen. Sein Konzept bezieht sich auf das
Verhaltnis zur deutschen Minderheit der Muslime. Es bietet zugleich
Raum fur den allgemeinen interreligioesen Dialog. Die Grundlagen
stammen aus der Sozialisationsforschung sowie der Anthropologie von
Martin Buber. Erkenntnistheoretisch folgt die Studie wichtigen
Positionen der Kognitionspsychologie und Naturwissenschaften. Damit
schafft sie ein religioeses Bewusstsein fur individuelle
Selbstfindung im Glauben und befahigt, religioese Differenzen
konstruktiv zu verarbeiten. Dieses Konzept mundet in einer
Theologie des Weges, die im religioesen Leben (Mystik, Meditation,
Tao) seit jeher eine grosse Rolle spielte und fur den zukunftigen
interreligioesen Dialog entscheidend sein wird.
Der Autor erforscht die Anwendungsdynamiken des islamischen Rechts
(fiqh) in wandelnden Kontexten anhand der Werke von Hayreddin
Karaman, einem beruhmten islamischen Rechtsgelehrten in der Turkei.
Dabei analysiert er die Entwicklungen chronologisch seit dem Beginn
in der Prophetenperiode und die wissenschaftlichen Entfaltungen der
Nachfolgezeit bis in die sakulare Postmoderne. Anhand der
diachronischen Forschungsmethode untersucht der Autor die
innovative fiqh-Anwendung bei Karaman und zeigt seine Methode auf.
Es geht hierbei um die Anknupfung an die Tradition und die daraus
gewonnene Innovation in ihrem wissenschaftlich-argumentativen
Diskurs. Auf kritischer Grundlage begegnet Karaman den
Herausforderungen eines innovativen Aufschwungs in der sakularen
Many children today are growing up in the midst of adversity,
whether brought on by family difficulties or larger societal
crises. All children need to be able to deal with stress, cope with
challenges, and persevere through disappointments. While we cannot
protect children from all hardships, we can promote healthy
development that fosters resilience. In this interdisciplinary
work, Holly Catterton Allen builds a bridge between resilience
studies and children's spiritual formation. Because children are
spiritual beings, those who work with them can cultivate spiritual
practices that are essential to their thriving in challenging
times. This book equips educators, counselors, children's
ministers, and parents with ways of developing children's
spirituality to foster the resilience needed to face the ordinary
hardships of childhood and to persevere when facing trauma. It
offers particular insight into the spiritual experiences of
children who have been hurt by life through chronic illness,
disability, abuse, or disasters, with resources for healing and
Explore a new way of pastoral care that enables caregivers to
develop relationships and provide meaningful pastoral care to the
children and youth they encounter! The Pastoral Care of Children
focuses on the need for pastoral caregivers, clergy and chaplains
to develop relationships with youths and gives you suggestions to
overcome the anxiety associated with caring for an acutely ill
child through unique, playful, and child-centered approaches. Many
pastoral caregivers have high anxiety when children are ill or
hurt, are unsure how to have a substantive conversation with a
nine-year old, or their fears of what could be said keep them from
hearing what children have to say. The effective approaches in The
Pastoral Care of Children are illustrated to assist you with
serving the spiritual needs of children. You will explore actual
pastoral care experiences that will help you gain confidence in
handling situations such as a teenager's desire to be baptized out
of fear of death when neither he nor his parents believe in Christ.
Intelligent and heartfelt, this valuable book gives you a complete
theological exploration of ministering to children who may ask you
"Why me?", "Why do people have to die?" and "What happens to
children if they die before they are baptized?" The Pastoral Care
of Children helps you answer these questions with meaningful
responses that are genuine and grounded with yourself, and reflect
the parents'beliefs. Some of the help you will discover in The
Pastoral Care of Children includes: understanding the similarities
and differences of caring for children in comparison to adults,
such as different vocabularies but similar emotions, and realizing
that children are very perceptive using play as a tool, for example
referring to a puppet's experience in reference to the child to
eliminate the child's self-consciousness and help him or her open
up confronting pastoral issues in acute care settings, such as
fear, guilty feelings, and anger, from parents, family and the
child helping children recover from mental health issues such as
depression, eating disorders, and identity and self-esteem issues
by using cognitive therapy conducting prayer and rituals with
children such as baptism, naming ceremonies, anointings, and
funerals to assist the child and family through this spiritual rite
of passage Complete with child and family focused approaches for
dealing with the questions surrounding death, The Pastoral Care of
Children also provides you with several cited scriptures, and a
list of questions you may be asked by a child who is facing death.
You will learn from actual circumstances pastoral caregivers have
encountered and discover how to approach topics, and answer
questions on God and death. The Pastoral Care of Children, an
extremely resourceful book that will assist you in overcoming
anxiety and help you deliver thoughtful and uplifting pastoral care
to children and youth.
Many people understand that, at the end of all things, Christ
returns, God will create a new heaven and a new earth where those
who have trusted in Christ will live with him for ever. But what
about those who have "passed on" well before this? Where are they
now? What does heaven look like? What will occupy us there? When
David Oliver faced the death of his son Joel, at the age of 38,
following a short and brutal fight with cancer, he set about
researching and writing this powerful short book on heaven and
committed to write whatever he discovered. Through a thorough
examination of the relevant Bible texts, David provides us with a
thrilling view of the future and a destiny well worth preparing
for, which will enrich our vision and faith.
Lots of people think Christianity is all about doing what Jesus
says. But what if doing what Jesus says isn t what Jesus says to do
at all? Jesus invitation is an invitation to relationship, and it
begins with a simple request: follow me.
Religion says Change and you can join us. Jesus says, Join us
and you will change. There s a huge difference. Jesus doesn t
expect people to be perfect. He just wants them to follow him.
Being a sinner doesn t disqualify anyone. Being an unbeliever doesn
t disqualify anyone. In fact, following almost always begins with a
sinner and unbeliever taking one small step.
In this eight-session video-based Bible study, Andy Stanley
takes small groups on a journey through the Gospels as he traces
Jesus teaching on what it means to follow.
Sessions include:
- Jesus Says
- Next Steps
- Fearless
- Follow Wear
- The Fine Print
- What I Want to Want
- Leading Great
- Unfollowers
Designed for use with Follow: A DVD Study (sold
Religionswissenschaft. Einfuhrung und Grundlagen untersucht, welche
analytischen Fahigkeiten fur das Studium der als Religion
bezeichneten Verhaltensweisen und Institutionen notwendig sind. Der
wissenschaftlich grundlegende Akt des Klassifizierens und seine
zentrale Bedeutung fur die Forschung werden dabei in den Blick
genommen. Damit nimmt diese Einfuhrung im Vergleich zu vielen
anderen Lehrwerken einen Perspektivwechsel vor. Ihr geht es darum,
dem Religionswissenschaftler bei der Arbeit uber die Schulter zu
schauen und nicht um einen klassischen UEberblick uber die
Fachgeschichte oder das Beschreiben religioeser Details.
and other questions about who He is and what He does.
"Erwerbt euch Weisheit, ..." (Sir 51,25). Diese Aufforderung aus
dem Buch Jesus Sirach provoziert die Frage, was unter dem Begriff
Weisheit zu verstehen ist und wie man Weisheit erwerben kann. Die
Beitrage dieser Festschrift zu Ehren Bernd Feiningers widmen sich
dieser Thematik aus unterschiedlichen theologischen und
padagogischen Blickwinkeln. Sie analysieren Weisheit aus der
Perspektive der Bibel und des Koran, untersuchen weisheitliche
Aspekte aus historisch-theologischer und systematisch-theologischer
Sicht und entfalten weisheitliche Dimensionen in
religionspadagogischer und religionsdidaktischer Perspektive.
Samuel Wilberforce (1805-1873) was a Church of England bishop and
renowned orator. Originally published in 1908, this edition
presents a series of stories and religious allegories for children
written by Wilberforce. It will be of value to anyone with an
interest in the writings of Wilberforce, Christianity and books for
Esta serie nueva de cinco volumenes invita a los ninos en
preescolar hasta 6to. grado, a ingresar en nuestras historias
sagradas. Basado en el metodo Montesori, "Jugar Junto a Dios"
utiliza una cuidadosa forma de contar las historias de las
escrituras, agradables figuras de las historias y una variedad de
actividades creativas para animar a los ninos a buscar y encontrar
sus propias respuestas a sus dudas de fe. Esta aproximacion unica a
la educacion religiosa invita a los ninos a preguntarse acerca de
ellos mismos, Dios y el mundo en una manera que es juguetona y
significativa para ellos. Jugar Junto a Dios respeta la innata
espiritualidad de los ninos y los anima a utilizar su curiosidad e
imaginacion para experimentar el misterio y la gracia de Dios. Las
sesiones de Jugar Junto a Dios pueden ser adaptadas para ajustarse
a reuniones de 45 minutos hasta de 2 horas. Cada plan de leccion
incluye la historia y una completa lista de materiales. Volumen 1:
Como Dirigir las Lecciones de Jugar Junto a Dios Volumen 2: 14
Presentaciones para el Otono. Volumen 3: 20 Presentaciones para el
Invierno Volumen 4: 20 Presentaciones para la Primavera. "
Esta serie nueva de cinco volumenes invita a los ninos en
preescolar hasta 6to. grado, a ingresar en nuestras historias
sagradas. Basado en el metodo Montesori, "Jugar Junto a Dios"
utiliza una cuidadosa forma de contar las historias de las
escrituras, agradables figuras de las historias y una variedad de
actividades creativas para animar a los ninos a buscar y encontrar
sus propias respuestas a sus dudas de fe. Esta aproximacion unica a
la educacion religiosa invita a los ninos a preguntarse acerca de
ellos mismos, Dios y el mundo en una manera que es juguetona y
significativa para ellos. Jugar Junto a Dios respeta la innata
espiritualidad de los ninos y los anima a utilizar su curiosidad e
imaginacion para experimentar el misterio y la gracia de Dios. Las
sesiones de Jugar Junto a Dios pueden ser adaptadas para ajustarse
a reuniones de 45 minutos hasta de 2 horas. Cada plan de leccion
incluye la historia y una completa lista de materiales. Volumen 1:
Como Dirigir las Lecciones de Jugar Junto a Dios Volumen 2: 14
Presentaciones para el Otono. Volumen 3: 20 Presentaciones para el
Invierno Volumen 4: 20 Presentaciones para la Primavera. "
Listening and speaking to God. Prayer is communication. It is not a
formula that we have memorized, or an empty repetition of words and
phrases, but our conversation with God-with us first speaking and
then listening to what God has to say to us in return. However, as
Dr. Charles Stanley reveals in Deepening Your Prayer Life, our
prayers go beyond mere human interaction in that it gives us access
into the very throne room of God. Our heavenly Father grants us the
privilege to come before him with authority because of our position
in Christ. When we do, we can be bold in believing that God will
accomplish what He promised He would do in our lives. The Charles
F. Stanley Bible Study Series is a unique approach to Bible study,
incorporating biblical truth, personal insights, emotional
responses, and a call to action. Each study draws on Dr. Stanley's
many years of teaching the guiding principles found in God's Word,
showing how we can apply them in practical ways to every situation
we face. This edition of the series has been completely revised and
updated, and includes two brand-new lessons from Dr. Stanley. Each
lesson includes: Overview: A brief look at what is covered in the
lesson Life's Questions: A teaching from Dr. Stanley that unpacks
the topic of the lesson Living the Principle: Application and Bible
study questions based on the key points Reflection: Key takeaways
to put into practice today and tomorrow
52 Bible-based sessions of activities, exploring who God is and
what he is like, designed for your Splash! group of children aged 5
to 8. * A wide range of Bible passages covered, including Genesis,
Exodus, Isaiah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and more... * All
resource pages photocopiable, with extra resource downloads * Fun,
creative, time-saving, tried and tested, quality material *
Seasonal sessions included * Session planning tools to help you
prepare * In an easy to photocopy `lie-flat' format