Books > Sport & Leisure > Travel & holiday > Travel writing > Classic travel writing
British politician, poet, and novelist Lewis (1775-1818) inherited
his family estate in Jamaica in 1812, and visited it in 1815 and
1817. On his second visit, he contracted yellow fever and died on
the way back to England. The slave trade had been outlawed in
Britain in 1807, but the existing slaves in the British West Indies
would not be emancipat
Turkey, Egypt, and Syria: A Travelogue vividly captures the
experiences of prominent Indian intellectual and scholar Shibli-
Nu'ma-ni- (1857-1914) as he journeyed across the Ottoman Empire and
Egypt in 1892. A professor of Arabic and Persian at the Mohammedan
Anglo-Oriental (MAO) College at Aligarh, Nu'ma-ni- took a six-month
leave from teaching to travel to the Ottoman Empire in search of
rare printed works and manuscripts to use as sources for a series
of biographies on major figures in Islamic history. Along the way,
he collected information on schools, curricula, publishers, and
newspapers, presenting a unique portrait of imperial culture at a
transformative moment in the history of the Middle East. Nu'ma-ni-
records sketches and anecdotes that offer rare glimpses of
intellectual networks, religious festivals, visual and literary
culture, and everyday life in the Ottoman Empire and Egypt. First
published in 1894, the travelogue has since become a classic of
Urdu travel writing and has been immensely influential in the
intellectual and politicalhistory of South Asia. This translation,
the first into English, includes contemporary reviews of the
travelogue, letters written by the author during his travels, and
serialized newspaper reports about the journey, and is deeply
enriched for readers and students by the translator's copious
multilingual glosses and annotations. Nu'ma-ni- 's chronicle offers
unique insight into broader processes of historical change in this
part of the world while also providing a rare glimpse of
intellectual engagement and exchange across the porous borders of
INTRODUCED BY MONISHA RAJESH, award-winning author of Around the
World in 80 Trains 'If I were asked to enumerate the pleasures of
travel, this would be one of the greatest among them - that so
often and so unexpectedly you meet the best in human nature.'
Growing up in near-poverty and denied a formal education, Freya
Stark had nurtured a fascination for the Middle East since reading
Arabian Nights as a child. But it wasn't until she was in her
thirties that she was able to leave Europe. Boarding a cargo ship
to Beirut in 1927, she went on to became one of her generation's
most intrepid explorers - her adventures would take her to remote
areas in Turkey, the Middle East and Asia. The Valleys of the
Assassins chronicles Stark's treks into the wilderness of western
Iran on the hunt for treasure and in an attempt to locate the
long-fabled Assassins in Alumut, an ancient Persian sect. Entering
Luristan on a mule, draped in native clothing, Freya bluffs her way
past border guards and sets off into uncharted territory; places
where few Europeans, and no European women, had ventured. Stark was
a woman of indefatigable energy, who often travelled with only a
single guide and on a shoestring budget, and who was undeterred by
discomfort and danger. Hailed as a classic upon its first
publication in 1934, The Valleys of the Assassins is an absorbing
account of people and place. Full of wit and rich in detail - and
also in humanity - her writing brings to vivid life the stories of
the ancient kingdoms of the Middle East.
In 1909, while dreaming of the Himalaya, Norwegian mountaineer Alf
Bonnevie Bryn and a fellow young climber, the Australian George
Ingle Finch, set their sights on Corsica to build their experience.
The events of this memorable trip form the basis of Bryn's
acclaimed book Tinder og banditter - 'Peaks and Bandits', with
their boisterous exploits delighting Norwegian readers for
generations. Newly translated by Bibbi Lee, this classic of
Norwegian literature is available for the first time in English.
Although Bryn would go on to become a respected mountaineer and
author, and Finch would become regarded as one of the greatest
mountaineers of all time - a legend of the 1922 Everest expedition
- Peaks and Bandits captures them on the cusp of these
achievements: simply two students taking advantage of their Easter
holidays, their escapades driven by their passion for climbing. As
they find themselves in unexpected and often strange places, Bryn's
sharp and jubilant narrative epitomises travel writing at its best.
Balancing its wit with fascinating insight into life in early
twentieth-century Corsica, the infectious enthusiasm of Bryn's
narrative has cemented it as one of Norway's most treasured
adventure books. Peaks and Bandits embodies the timeless joy of
Popular English travel guides from the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries asserted that women who wandered too far afield were
invariably suspicious, dishonest, and unchaste. As the essays in
Travel and Travail reveal, however, early modern women did travel,
often quite extensively, with no diminution of their moral fiber.
Female travelers were also frequently represented on the English
stage and in other creative works, both as a reproach to the ban on
female travel and as a reflection of historical women's travel,
whether intentional or not. Travel and Travail conclusively refutes
the notion of female travel in the early modern era as "an absent
presence." The first part of the volume offers analyses of female
travelers (often recently widowed or accompanied by their
husbands), the practicalities of female travel, and how women were
thought to experience foreign places. The second part turns to
literature, including discussions of roving women in Shakespeare,
Margaret Cavendish, and Thomas Heywood. Whether historical actors
or fictional characters, women figured in the wider world of the
global Renaissance, not simply in the hearth and home.
'We shall therefore confine our walk to Central London where people
meet on business during the day, and to West London where they meet
for pleasure at night. If you will walk about the first City in the
British Empire arm in arm with Merriman-Labor, you are sure to see
Britons in merriment and at labour, by night and by day, in West
and Central London.' In Britons Through Negro Spectacles
Merriman-Labor takes us on a joyous, intoxicating tour of London at
the turn of the 20th century. Slyly subverting the colonial gaze
usually placed on Africa, he introduces us to the citizens, culture
and customs of Britain with a mischievous glint in his eye. This
incredible work of social commentary feels a century ahead of its
time, and provides unique insights into the intersection between
empire, race and community at this important moment in history.
Selected by Booker Prize-winning author Bernardine Evaristo, this
series rediscovers and celebrates pioneering books depicting black
Britain that remap the nation.