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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Combinatorics & graph theory
Graph Theory and Its Applications, Third Edition is the latest edition of the international, bestselling textbook for undergraduate courses in graph theory, yet it is expansive enough to be used for graduate courses as well. The textbook takes a comprehensive, accessible approach to graph theory, integrating careful exposition of classical developments with emerging methods, models, and practical needs. The authors' unparalleled treatment is an ideal text for a two-semester course and a variety of one-semester classes, from an introductory one-semester course to courses slanted toward classical graph theory, operations research, data structures and algorithms, or algebra and topology. Features of the Third Edition Expanded coverage on several topics (e.g., applications of graph coloring and tree-decompositions) Provides better coverage of algorithms and algebraic and topological graph theory than any other text Incorporates several levels of carefully designed exercises that promote student retention and develop and sharpen problem-solving skills Includes supplementary exercises to develop problem-solving skills, solutions and hints, and a detailed appendix, which reviews the textbook's topics About the Authors Jonathan L. Gross is a professor of computer science at Columbia University. His research interests include topology and graph theory. Jay Yellen is a professor of mathematics at Rollins College. His current areas of research include graph theory, combinatorics, and algorithms. Mark Anderson is also a mathematics professor at Rollins College. His research interest in graph theory centers on the topological or algebraic side.
Pierri clearly links modern psychoanalytic practice with Freud's interests in the occult using primary sources, some of which have never before been published in English. Assesses the origins of key psychoanalytic ideas.
There has been considerable interest recently in the subject of patterns in permutations and words, a new branch of combinatorics with its roots in the works of Rotem, Rogers, and Knuth in the 1970s. Consideration of the patterns in question has been extremely interesting from the combinatorial point of view, and it has proved to be a useful language in a variety of seemingly unrelated problems, including the theory of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, singularities of Schubert varieties, interval orders, Chebyshev polynomials, models in statistical mechanics, and various sorting algorithms, including sorting stacks and sortable permutations. The author collects the main results in the field in this up-to-date, comprehensive reference volume. He highlights significant achievements in the area, and points to research directions and open problems. The book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in theoretical computer science and mathematics, in particular those working in algebraic combinatorics and combinatorics on words. It will also be of interest to specialists in other branches of mathematics, theoretical physics, and computational biology. The author collects the main results in the field in this up-to-date, comprehensive reference volume. He highlights significant achievements in the area, and points to research directions and open problems. The book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in theoretical computer science and mathematics, in particular those working in algebraic combinatorics and combinatorics on words. It will also be of interest to specialists in other branches of mathematics, theoretical physics, and computational biology.
This proceedings volume presents selected, peer-reviewed contributions from the 26th National School on Algebra, which was held in Constanta, Romania, on August 26-September 1, 2018. The works cover three fields of mathematics: algebra, geometry and discrete mathematics, discussing the latest developments in the theory of monomial ideals, algebras of graphs and local positivity of line bundles. Whereas interactions between algebra and geometry go back at least to Hilbert, the ties to combinatorics are much more recent and are subject of immense interest at the forefront of contemporary mathematics research. Transplanting methods between different branches of mathematics has proved very fruitful in the past - for example, the application of fixed point theorems in topology to solving nonlinear differential equations in analysis. Similarly, combinatorial structures, e.g., Newton-Okounkov bodies, have led to significant advances in our understanding of the asymptotic properties of line bundles in geometry and multiplier ideals in algebra. This book is intended for advanced graduate students, young scientists and established researchers with an interest in the overlaps between different fields of mathematics. A volume for the 24th edition of this conference was previously published with Springer under the title "Multigraded Algebra and Applications" (ISBN 978-3-319-90493-1).
The Guinness Book made records immensely popular. This book is devoted, at first glance, to present records concerning prime numbers. But it is much more. It explores the interface between computations and the theory of prime numbers. The book contains an up-to-date historical presentation of the main problems about prime numbers, as well as many fascinating topics, including primality testing. It is written in a language without secrets, and thoroughly accessible to everyone. The new edition has been significantly improved due to a smoother presentation, many new topics and updated records.
Combinatorics and Reasoning: Representing, Justifying and Building Isomorphisms is based on the accomplishments of a cohort group of learners from first grade through high school and beyond, concentrating on their work on a set of combinatorics tasks. By studying these students, the editors gain insight into the foundations of proof building, the tools and environments necessary to make connections, activities to extend and generalize combinatoric learning, and even explore implications of this learning on the undergraduate level. This volume underscores the power of attending to basic ideas in building arguments; it shows the importance of providing opportunities for the co-construction of knowledge by groups of learners; and it demonstrates the value of careful construction of appropriate tasks. Moreover, it documents how reasoning that takes the form of proof evolves with young children and discusses the conditions for supporting student reasoning.
This volume is a collection of research surveys on the Distance Geometry Problem (DGP) and its applications. It will be divided into three parts: Theory, Methods and Applications. Each part will contain at least one survey and several research papers. The first part, Theory, will deal with theoretical aspects of the DGP, including a new class of problems and the study of its complexities as well as the relation between DGP and other related topics, such as: distance matrix theory, Euclidean distance matrix completion problem, multispherical structure of distance matrices, distance geometry and geometric algebra, algebraic distance geometry theory, visualization of K-dimensional structures in the plane, graph rigidity, and theory of discretizable DGP: symmetry and complexity. The second part, Methods, will discuss mathematical and computational properties of methods developed to the problems considered in the first chapter including continuous methods (based on Gaussian and hyperbolic smoothing, difference of convex functions, semidefinite programming, branch-and-bound), discrete methods (based on branch-and-prune, geometric build-up, graph rigidity), and also heuristics methods (based on simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, tabu search, variable neighborhood search). Applications will comprise the third part and will consider applications of DGP to NMR structure calculation, rational drug design, molecular dynamics simulations, graph drawing and sensor network localization. This volume will be the first edited book on distance geometry and applications. The editors are in correspondence with the major contributors to the field of distance geometry, including important research centers in molecular biology such as Institut Pasteur in Paris.
This book contains the extended abstracts presented at the 12th International Conference on Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC '00) that took place at Moscow State University, June 26-30, 2000. These proceedings cover the most recent trends in algebraic and bijective combinatorics, including classical combinatorics, combinatorial computer algebra, combinatorial identities, combinatorics of classical groups, Lie algebra and quantum groups, enumeration, symmetric functions, young tableaux etc...
Combinatorial Engineering of Decomposable Systems presents a morphological approach to the combinatorial design/synthesis of decomposable systems. Applications involve the following: design (e.g., information systems; user's interfaces; educational courses); planning (e.g., problem-solving strategies; product life cycles; investment); metaheuristics for combinatorial optimization; information retrieval; etc.
Graph models are extremely useful for a large number of applications as they play an important role as structuring tools. They allow to model net structures - like roads, computers, telephones, social networks - instances of abstract data structures - like lists, stacks, trees - and functional or object oriented programming. The focus of this highly self-contained book is on homomorphisms and endomorphisms, matrices and eigenvalues.
Partitions, q-Series, and Modular Forms contains a collection of research and survey papers that grew out of a Conference on Partitions, q-Series and Modular Forms at the University of Florida, Gainesville in March 2008. It will be of interest to researchers and graduate students that would like to learn of recent developments in the theory of q-series and modular and how it relates to number theory, combinatorics and special functions.
Includes a rich variety of exercises to accompany the exposition of Coxeter groups Coxeter groups have already been exposited from algebraic and geometric perspectives, but this book will be presenting the combinatorial aspects of Coxeter groups
This book provides clear explanatory text, illustrative mathematics and algorithms, demonstrations of the iterative process, pseudocode, and well-developed examples for applications of the branch-and-bound paradigm to important problems in combinatorial data analysis. Supplementary material, such as computer programs, are provided on the world wide web. Dr. Brusco is an editorial board member for the Journal of Classification, and a member of the Board of Directors for the Classification Society of North America.
In the spectrum of mathematics, graph theory which studies a mathe matical structure on a set of elements with a binary relation, as a recognized discipline, is a relative newcomer. In recent three decades the exciting and rapidly growing area of the subject abounds with new mathematical devel opments and significant applications to real-world problems. More and more colleges and universities have made it a required course for the senior or the beginning postgraduate students who are majoring in mathematics, computer science, electronics, scientific management and others. This book provides an introduction to graph theory for these students. The richness of theory and the wideness of applications make it impossi ble to include all topics in graph theory in a textbook for one semester. All materials presented in this book, however, I believe, are the most classical, fundamental, interesting and important. The method we deal with the mate rials is to particularly lay stress on digraphs, regarding undirected graphs as their special cases. My own experience from teaching out of the subject more than ten years at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) shows that this treatment makes hardly the course di: fficult, but much more accords with the essence and the development trend of the subject."
This book is a revised edition of the monograph which appeared under the same title in the series Research Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Pit man, in 1986. In addition to a general effort to improve typography, English, and presentation, the main novelty of this second edition is the integration of some new material. Part of it is mine (mostly jointly with coauthors). Here is brief guide to these additions. I have augmented the account of categorical combinatory logic with a description of the confluence properties of rewriting systems of categor ical combinators (Hardin, Yokouchi), and of the newly developed cal culi of explicit substitutions (Abadi, Cardelli, Curien, Hardin, Levy, and Rios), which are similar in spirit to the categorical combinatory logic, but are closer to the syntax of A-calculus (Section 1.2). The study of the full abstraction problem for PCF and extensions of it has been enriched with a new full abstraction result: the model of sequential algorithms is fully abstract with respect to an extension of PCF with a control operator (Cartwright, Felleisen, Curien). An order extensional model of error-sensitive sequential algorithms is also fully abstract for a corresponding extension of PCF with a control operator and errors (Sections 2.6 and 4.1). I suggest that sequential algorithms lend themselves to a decomposition of the function spaces that leads to models of linear logic (Lamarche, Curien), and that connects sequentiality with games (Joyal, Blass, Abramsky) (Sections 2.1 and 2.6)."
Theory of Association Schemes is the first concept-oriented treatment of the structure theory of association schemes. It contains several recent results which appear for the first time in book form. The generalization of Sylow 's group theoretic theorems to scheme theory arises as a consequence of arithmetical considerations about quotient schemes. The theory of Coxeter schemes (equivalent to the theory of buildings) emerges naturally and yields a purely algebraic proof of Tits main theorem on buildings of spherical type. Also a scheme-theoretic characterization of Glauberman 's Z*-involutions is included. The text is self-contained and accessible for advanced undergraduate students.
This monograph provides a theoretical treatment of the problems related to the embeddability of graphs. Among these problems are the planarity and planar embeddings of a graph, the Gaussian crossing problem, the isomorphisms of polyhedra, surface embeddability, problems concerning graphic and cographic matroids and the knot problem from topology to combinatorics are discussed. Rectilinear embeddability, and the net-embeddability of a graph, which appears from the VSLI circuit design and has been much improved by the author recently, is also illustrated. Furthermore, some optimization problems related to planar and rectilinear embeddings of graphs, including those of finding the shortest convex embedding with a boundary condition and the shortest triangulation for given points on the plane, the bend and the area minimizations of rectilinear embeddings, and several kinds of graph decompositions are specially described for conditions efficiently solvable. At the end of each chapter, the Notes Section sets out the progress of related problems, the background in theory and practice, and some historical remarks. Some open problems with suggestions for their solutions are mentioned for further research.
This volume contains 17 surveys that cover many recent developments in Discrete Geometry and related fields. Besides presenting the state-of-the-art of classical research subjects like packing and covering, it also offers an introduction to new topological, algebraic and computational methods in this very active research field. The readers will find a variety of modern topics and many fascinating open problems that may serve as starting points for research.
The analysis of orthogonal polynomials associated with general weights has been a major theme in classical analysis this century. The use of potential theory since the early 1980¿s had a dramatic influence on the development of orthogonal polynomials associated with weights on the real line. For many applications of orthogonal polynomials, for example in approximation theory and numerical analysis, it is not asymptotics but certain bounds that are most important. In this monograph, the authors define and discuss their classes of weights, state several of their results on Christoffel functions, Bernstein inequalities, restricted range inequalities, and record their bounds on the orthogonal polynomials as well as their asymptotic results. This book will be of interest to researchers in approximation theory and potential theory, as well as in some branches of engineering.
The study of combinatorial block designs is a vibrant area of combinatorial mathematics with connections to finite geometries, graph theory, coding theory and statistics. The practice of ordering combinatorial objects can trace its roots to bell ringing which originated in 17th century England, but only emerged as a significant modern research area with the work of F. Gray and N. de Bruijn. These two fascinating areas of mathematics are brought together for the first time in this book. It presents new terminology and concepts which unify existing and recent results from a wide variety of sources. In order to provide a complete introduction and survey, the book begins with background material on combinatorial block designs and combinatorial orderings, including Gray codes -- the most common and well-studied combinatorial ordering concept -- and universal cycles. The central chapter discusses how ordering concepts can be applied to block designs, with definitions from existing (configuration orderings) and new (Gray codes and universal cycles for designs) research. Two chapters are devoted to a survey of results in the field, including illustrative proofs and examples. The book concludes with a discussion of connections to a broad range of applications in computer science, engineering and statistics. This book will appeal to both graduate students and researchers. Each chapter contains worked examples and proofs, complete reference lists, exercises and a list of conjectures and open problems. Practitioners will also find the book appealing for its accessible, self-contained introduction to the mathematics behind the applications.
The 2017 PIMS-CRM Summer School in Probability was held at the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, during June 5-30, 2017. It had 125 participants from 20 different countries, and featured two main courses, three mini-courses, and twenty-nine lectures. The lecture notes contained in this volume provide introductory accounts of three of the most active and fascinating areas of research in modern probability theory, especially designed for graduate students entering research: Scaling limits of random trees and random graphs (Christina Goldschmidt) Lectures on the Ising and Potts models on the hypercubic lattice (Hugo Duminil-Copin) Extrema of the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian free field (Marek Biskup) Each of these contributions provides a thorough introduction that will be of value to beginners and experts alike.
Combinatorial enumeration is a readily accessible subject full of easily stated, but sometimes tantalizingly difficult problems. This book leads the reader in a leisurely way from basic notions of combinatorial enumeration to a variety of topics, ranging from algebra to statistical physics. The book is organized in three parts: Basics, Methods, and Topics. The aim is to introduce readers to a fascinating field, and to offer a sophisticated source of information for professional mathematicians desiring to learn more. There are 666 exercises, and every chapter ends with a highlight section, discussing in detail a particularly beautiful or famous result.
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to Subdivision Surface Modeling Technology focusing not only on fundamental theories but also on practical applications. It furthers readers' understanding of the contacts between spline surfaces and subdivision surfaces, enabling them to master the Subdivision Surface Modeling Technology for analyzing subdivision surfaces. Subdivision surface modeling is a popular technology in the field of computer aided design (CAD) and computer graphics (CG) thanks to its ability to model meshes of any topology. The book also discusses some typical Subdivision Surface Modeling Technologies, such as interpolation, fitting, fairing, intersection, as well as trimming and interactive editing. It is a valuable tool, enabling readers to grasp the main technologies of subdivision surface modeling and use them in software development, which in turn leads to a better understanding of CAD/CG software operations.
Over the past decade, many major advances have been made in the field of graph colouring via the probabilistic method. This monograph provides an accessible and unified treatment of these results, using tools such as the Lovasz Local Lemma and Talagrand's concentration inequality.The topics covered include: Kahn's proofs that the Goldberg-Seymour and List Colouring Conjectures hold asymptotically; a proof that for some absolute constant C, every graph of maximum degree Delta has a Delta+C total colouring; Johansson's proof that a triangle free graph has a O(Delta over log Delta) colouring; algorithmic variants of the Local Lemma which permit the efficient construction of many optimal and near-optimal colourings.This begins with a gentle introduction to the probabilistic method and will be useful to researchers and graduate students in graph theory, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science and probability. |
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