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Probing the Sutras
Guy Gibbon; Foreword by Roger Jackson; Preface by Tim Burkett
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A History of the Desire for Christian Unity is a multi-volume
reference work on the history of ecumenism. The ecumenical movement
is understood as a twentieth-century movement of European origin
with a global reach. This reference work is a reconstruction of the
arc of time in which the Christian churches transitioned from a
position of hostility to one of dialogue, and from separation to
forms of communion. Scholars across the continents and disciplines
explore a history of individuals and groups, generations and
assemblies, documents and programs, theologies and practices, all
firmly placed within the framework of a desire for unity. This
first volume traces the long-term roots and reconstructs the
historical, theological, and political junctures that marked the
beginning of a distinctive movement that runs throughout the
nineteenth and into the heart of the twentieth century.
Preaching formed one of the primary, regular avenues of
communication between ecclesiastical elites and a wide range of
society. Clergy used homilies to spread knowledge of complex
theological debates prevalent in late antique Christian discourse.
Some sermons even offer glimpses into the locations in which
communities gathered to hear orators preach. Although homilies
survive in greater number than most other types of literature, most
do not specify the setting of their initial delivery, dating, and
authorship. Preaching Christology in the Roman Near East addresses
how we can best contextualize sermons devoid of such information.
The first chapter develops a methodology for approaching homilies
that draws on a broader understanding of audience as both the
physical audience and the readership of sermons. The remaining
chapters offer a case study on the renowned Syriac preacher Jacob
of Serugh (c. 451-521) whose metrical homilies form one of the
largest sermon collections in any language from late antiquity. His
letters connect him to a previously little-known Christological
debate over the language of the miracles and sufferings of Christ
through his correspondence with a monastery, a Roman military
officer, and a Christian community in South Arabia. He uses this
language in homilies on the Council of Chalcedon, on Christian
doctrine, and on biblical exegesis. An analysis of these sermons
demonstrates that he communicated miaphysite Christology to both
elite reading communities as well as ordinary audiences. Philip
Michael Forness provides a new methodology for working with late
antique sermons and discloses the range of society that received
complex theological teachings through preaching.
Das Buch legt theologische Deutungen der Thematik Flucht, Migration
und Integration, ausgehend von verschiedenen kulturellen und
sozialen Kontexten, vor. Viele der Beitragerinnen und Beitrager
sind an Orten tatig, in denen dieser Themenkomplex ahnlich
bedeutend ist, wie in Westeuropa. Sie besprechen Flucht, Migration
und Integration als Fragen an die christliche Theologie und
Diakonie. Ihre individuellen Antworten und Sichtweisen bereichern
die kritische Debatte uber diese aktuellen Herausforderungen. This
book presents theological approaches to the subject flight,
migration and integration from various cultural and social
contexts. Many of the contributors are active in places where the
issue of flight, migration and integration is similarly significant
as it is in Western Europe. They discuss flight, migration and
integration as questions for Christian theology and diaconia. Their
individual responses and views illuminate and inform the critical
discussion for the challenges facing today's world.
In an increasingly connected world, the question of how different
religious traditions relate to one another is more urgent than
ever. The study of interreligious encounters and relations, by no
means a new endeavor, has recently emerged as a formal multi- and
interdisciplinary academic field that seeks not only to understand
how worldviews and ways of life interact and intersect, but also to
suggest avenues of constructive dialogue. Interreligious Studies
represents a milestone achievement, bringing together thirty-six
scholars from four continents to produce "dispatches" on the
current state of this burgeoning field. This volume probes the
context, parameters, and contours of interreligious studies (IRS),
including its relation to other disciplines, its promise as a field
of research in secular and nonsecular contexts, its particular
terminology and methodology, its civic agenda, and the various
scholarly profiles of those who pursue it. Other topics taken up
include historical examples of interfaith dialogue, theological and
philosophical considerations of truth-seeking in interreligious
encounter, and contemporary agendas such as the decolonization of
the study of religion and the obligation to respond to
anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and xenoglossophobia. Whatever
possibilities IRS might hold, there first must be a working
definition of the field and its praxis. Interreligious Studies
points in this direction as it highlights the practical knowledge
generated by IRS: how to cultivate empathy, make peace and build
nations, promote scholarly activism, and foster meaningful
interreligious relations. Scholars and students who are serious
about engaging the many dynamic conversations blossoming within
this nascent field will be well served by the contributions of this
Joseph Ratzinger has shaped and guided the church's mission to
proclaim the good news, as well as to forge good relations with
non-Catholic Christian communities, other religious traditions, and
the secular world at large. Through a critique of Ratzinger's
theology, this book draws attention to the importance of
theological discourses originating from non-European contexts. Mong
highlights the gap between a dogmatic understanding of faith and
the pastoral realities of the Asian church, as well as the
difficulties faced by Asian theologians trying to make their voices
heard in a church still dominated by Western thinking. While Mong
concurs with much of Ratzinger's analysis of the problems in modern
society - such as the aggressive secularism and crisis of faith in
Europe - he brings attention to the realities of religious
pluralism in Asia, which require the church to adopt a different
approach in its theological formulations and pastoral practices.
Der Islamische Staat in Syrien und im Irak, die Massaker von Boko
Haram in Nigeria - immer neue religioes motivierte Terrorakte rufen
weltweite Betroffenheit hervor, auch unter glaubigen Menschen.
Weder Bibel noch Koran rechtfertigen einfach jegliche Gewalttat
oder Krieg im Namen Gottes, wenn man sich mit Sprache und Sinn
dieser Texte kritisch auseinandersetzt. Der Tagungsband der 16.
OEkumenischen Sommerakademie Kremsmunster 2014 dokumentiert
Vortrage mit unterschiedlichem konfessionellen, religioesen und
weltanschaulichen Hintergrund. Sie alle beschaftigen sich mit der
Thematik religioes motivierter Gewalt aus der Perspektive der
Philosophie, der Praktischen Theologie und Religionspadagogik, der
Religions-, Bibel- und Islamwissenschaft. Zu Wort kommen auch
Reprasentanten der Friedensarbeit im Militar, in christlichen
Vereinigungen und in der kirchlichen Pastoral.
The European Community has largely been considered a predominantly
secular project, bringing together the economic and political
realms, while failing to mobilise the public voice and imagination
of churchmen and the faithful. Drawing on a wide range of archival
sources, this is the first study to assess the political history of
religious dialogue in the European Community. It challenges the
widespread perception that churches started to engage with European
institutions only after the 1979 elections to the European
Parliament, by detailing close relations between churchmen and
high-ranking officials in European institutions, immediately after
the 1950 Schuman Declaration. Lucian N. Leustean demonstrates that
Cold War divisions between East and West, and the very nature of
the ecumenical movement, had a direct impact on the ways in which
churches approached the European Community. He brings to light
events and issues which have not previously been examined, such as
the response of churches to the Schuman Plan, and the political
mobilisation of church representations in Brussels, Strasbourg and
Luxembourg. Leustean argues that the concept of a 'united Europe'
has been impeded by competing national differences between
religious and political institutions, having a long-standing legacy
on the making of a fragmented European Community.
Aquinas and Calvin on Romans is a comparative study of John
Calvin's and Thomas Aquinas's commentaries on the first eight
chapters of Paul's letter to the Romans. Focusing on the role of
human participation in God's work of salvation, Charles Raith
argues that Calvin's critiques of the "schoolmen" arising from his
reading of Romans fail to find a target in Aquinas's theology while
Calvin's principal positive affirmations are embraced by Aquinas as
well. Aquinas upholds many fundamental insights that Calvin would
later also obtain in his reading of Romans, such as justification
sola fide non merito (by faith alone and not by merit), the
centrality of Christ for salvation, the ongoing imperfection of the
sanctified life, the work of the Spirit guiding the believer along
the path of sanctification, and the assurance of salvation that one
obtains through the indwelling of the Spirit, to name only a few.
Even more, numerous identical interpretations arising in their
commentaries makes it necessary to consider Calvin's reading of
Romans as appropriating a tradition of interpretation that includes
Aquinas. At the same time, the nonparticipatory dimensions of
Calvin's reading of Romans becomes clear when set beside Aquinas's
reading, and these nonparticipatory dimensions create difficulties
for Calvin's interpretation, especially on Romans 8, that are not
present in Aquinas's account. Raith therefore suggests how Calvin's
reading of Romans, especially as it pertains to justification and
merit, should be augmented by the participatory framework reflected
in Aquinas's interpretation. The book concludes by revisiting
Calvin's criticisms of the Council of Trent in light of these
Ressourcement: A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth-Century Catholic
Theology provides both a historical and a theological analysis of
the achievements of the renowned generation of theologians whose
influence pervaded French theology and society in the period 1930
to 1960, and beyond. It considers how the principal exponents of
ressourcement, leading Dominicans and Jesuits of the faculties of
Le Saulchoir (Paris) and Lyon-Fourviere, inspired a renaissance in
twentieth-century Catholic theology and initiated a movement for
renewal that contributed to the reforms of the Second Vatican
Council. The book assesses the origins and historical development
of the biblical, liturgical, and patristic ressourcement in France,
Germany, and Belgium, and offers fresh insights into the thought of
the movement's leading scholars. It analyses the fierce
controversies that erupted within the Jesuit and Dominican orders
and between leading ressourcement theologians and the Vatican. The
volume also contributes to the elucidation of the complex question
of terminology, the interpretation of which still engenders
controversy in discussions of ressourcement and nouvelle theologie.
It concludes with reflections on how the most important movement in
twentieth-century Roman Catholic theology continues to impact on
contemporary society and on Catholic and Protestant theological
enquiry in the new millennium.
Christianity Today Book of the Year award of Merit We generally
assume that those sitting around us in church share our beliefs.
But when our personal convictions are contested by fellow
Christians, everything changes. We feel attacked from behind. When
other Christians doubt or deny our convictions, we don't experience
it as a mere difference of opinion, but as a violation of an
unspoken agreement. Tim Muehlhoff and Rick Langer offer a guide to
help Christians navigate disagreements with one another. In today's
polarized context, Christians often have committed, biblical
rationales for very different positions. How do we discern between
core biblical convictions and secondary issues? How do we cultivate
better understanding and compassion for those we disagree with?
Muehlhoff and Langer provide lessons from conflict theory and
church history on how to avoid the dangers of groupthink and how to
negotiate differing biblical convictions to avoid church splits and
repair interpersonal ruptures. Christian unity is possible.
Discover how we can navigate differences by speaking in both truth
and love.
Der uberwiegende Teil der Evangelischen und Katholischen Kirche ist
in Formen der Tradition gefangen. Diese ruckwartsgewandte
kirchliche Verkundigung erreicht viele Menschen des 21.
Jahrhunderts mit ihren Erfahrungen nicht mehr. Auf Religionskritik
der Aufklarung hat die Kirche ebenso halbherzig reagiert wie auf
Initiativgruppen, die seit Jahrzehnten fur eine Veranderung
eintreten. Die Institution Kirche muss ihre Funktion als Teil der
Gesellschaft annehmen. Diese Themenstellungen greift das Buch auf.
Es drangt auf die Umsetzung aktueller Forderungen der Aufklarung
und tritt dafur ein, dass Aufklarung zu einem Bestandteil
kirchlicher Arbeit wird. Kirche muss prufen, inwieweit Entwurfe zur
gesellschaftlichen Erneuerung und Weiterentwicklung auch von ihr
umzusetzen sind.
Zunehmend wird Religion als ein stoerender Faktor fur das
gesellschaftliche Zusammenleben wahrgenommen. Dennoch enthalten
Religionen eigene Ressourcen, die Autonomie des Politischen zu
achten. Diese Ressourcen werden in dem Band prazise beschrieben.
Dabei spielt der Toleranzbegriff eine erhebliche Rolle. Toleranz
beschreibt nicht nur das Verhaltnis der Religionen zu
Andersdenkenden, sondern auch umgekehrt das Verhaltnis
nicht-religioeser Personen und Institutionen zu den Religionen.
Dabei enthalt der Toleranzbegriff mehrere ethische Paradoxien, die
eine theologische Interpretation erforderlich machen. Ohne eine
theologische Bestimmung bleibt Toleranz ein widerspruchliches
Konzept fur das friedliche Zusammenleben. Diese These wird auf
prinzipieller und praktischer Ebene begrundet.
Wie kam es zu der kirchlichen Gemeinschaft zwischen den
altkatholischen Kirchen der Utrechter Union in Europa und
Nordamerika und der Iglesia Filipina Independiente auf den
Philippinen? Die Aufsatze geben einen Einblick in die Entwicklung
der oekumenischen Beziehungen am Anfang und in der Mitte des 20.
Jahrhunderts. Aufgrund der Korrespondenz der beteiligten
kirchlichen und politischen Persoenlichkeiten zeigen die Autoren
auf, wie die beiden Kirchen sich von der Jahrhundertwende bis zum
Zweiten Weltkrieg zuerst auseinander entwickelten und sich nach
einer Kehrtwende auf der Seite der Iglesia Filipina Independiente
und dank Vermittlung der amerikanischen Episkopalkirche
wiederfanden. Wo heutzutage die OEkumene ins Stocken geraten zu
sein scheint, ruft dieser Band in Erinnerung, wie viel schon
erreicht wurde und auf welche Weise.
El Filioque es una de las cuestiones mas largas y complejas de la
historia del dogma cristiano. Se cuenta todavia entre las causas de
la division entre catolicos y ortodoxos. En 1995, a peticion de
Juan Pablo II, el Pontificio Consejo para la promocion de la Unidad
de los Cristianos publico un breve texto que expresa la comprension
catolica del problema. Entre sus diversas implicaciones, el
documento, conocido como Clarificacion romana, se centra en los
aspectos dogmaticos, que expone a partir de una amplia base de
referencias patristicas. El presente estudio analiza la
Clarificacion en dos partes. La primera presenta los precedentes
historicos y magisteriales del texto, su genesis y sus fuentes, y
ofrece una sintesis de las reacciones ecumenicas que siguieron a su
publicacion. Como via para un entendimiento, la segunda parte del
texto propone una consideracion detenida de las fuentes
patristicas, orientales y occidentales. En ella se presentan los
principales pasajes sobre el origen del Espiritu Santo y su
relacion con el Hijo, contextualizados en el pensamiento trinitario
de cada Padre. En funcion de el se valora el uso que ha realizado
la Clarificacion de sus fuentes.