Books > Christianity > Christian institutions & organizations > Ecumenism
The study analyses the current state of research on the synoptic
problem and proves that the Synoptic Gospels were written in the
Mark, Luke, Matthew order of direct literary dependence. Moreover,
the work demonstrates that the Synoptic Gospels are results of
systematic, sequential, hypertextual reworking of the contents of
the Pauline letters. Accordingly, the so-called 'Q source' turns
out to be an invention of nineteenth-century scholars with their
Romantic hermeneutic presuppositions. Demonstration of the fact
that the Gospels are not records of the activity of the historical
Jesus but that they narratively illustrate the identity of Christ
as it has been revealed in the person and life of Paul the Apostle
will certainly have major consequences for the whole Christian
"Sino-Christian theology" usually refers to an intellectual
movement emerged in Mainland China since the late 1980s. The
present volume aims to provide a self-explaining sketch of the
historical development of this theological as well as cultural
movement. In addition to the analyses on the theoretical issues
involved and the articulations of the prospect, concrete examples
are also offered to illustrate the characteristics of the movement.
"Contesting Ecumenical Theology" is a major contribution to the
study of the Church. It provides clear and authoritative
orientation for the student, while probing deep into a range of key
issues in ecclesiology and ecumenical dialogue from a critical
standpoint that will stimulate discussion among scholars and
ecumenists. It reclaims some old orthodoxies, while challenging
some new ones, and points to a deeper and more personal engagement
with the major traditions of the Christian Church as the way to
fuller unity and more effective mission. "Contesting Ecumenical
Theology" argues that the values of difference and diversity and
the priority of mission and evangelisation must shape our picture
of unity. It transcends old arguments about 'establishment', by
showing that all churches are compelled to develop a constructive
relationship to the modern state, wherever possible, if they are to
be effective in mission. The central ecumenical notion of
'reception' is re-interpreted, not as the faithful unquestioningly
receiving the teaching of church authorities, but as the process
whereby the whole Church discerns the truth of new developments.
The mantra 'baptism is complete sacramental initiation' is
challenged, and the place of confirmation is secured within a total
process of initiation. The ministry of the episcopate is affirmed,
but only by being related to the gospel on which the Church is
founded. The nature of communion is examined and the imperative of
maintaining it against divisive tendencies is affirmed. 'The
hermeneutics of unity' shows that we are shaped by each other
through the conflict or rivalry of traditions: 'We are what we are
because you are what you are'.
This book argues that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, locked as
they have been over the centuries in many kinds of mutual enmity
and violence, now need to join resources to resist the destructive
economic and political forces now on the loose across the globe,
some of which distrust among these faiths has tended to intensify.
Such a project requires relational practices among the faiths, all
of them based on mutual moral commitments that draw on the
respective communities' scriptural traditions of covenantal
promise-keeping. That is, each tradition has a gift of
responsibility, both to its God and to its people. Mudge wants to
plumb the resources of each of these religions and encourage them
to be responsible in taking these gifts seriously.Such relational
practices are hardly used as resources in interreligious dialogue.
Mudge contends that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are called to
practice moral hospitality and covenantal humanism in order to
foster justice and responsibility in societies around the globe.
Based on original research in the archive of the Council of
Churches in Wales, this volume provides a history of the modern
ecumenical movement in Wales--a movement that has attempted to
foster closer collaboration among the churches and denominations
and enabled working partnerships in response to national and
international social, cultural, and economic issues. Providing a
critical account of issues of both faith and order, as well as
questions of life and work in the contemporary ecumenical movement,
"A History of Ecumenism in Wales, 1956-1990" tells the story of a
movement whose enormous influence on the churches in Wales helped
them to meet the changes and challenges within Welsh society during
the latter half of the twentieth century.
At a time when Anglican and Evangelical seem to be increasingly
polarised rather than part of the same tradition, an Evangelical
Anglican takes a fresh look at the historical and contemporary
expressions of each to assess their distinctive standpoints, to
show how much common ground they share and to examine what this
means for the church today. Practitioners who consider themselves
on one or the other side of the debate, as well as those who would
ally themselves with both traditions, will welcome this new
appraisal with its insight into meeting points and mutual goals.
This is a vital contribution for all who are concerned to arrest
the perception, whatever the reality, of the Anglican church's
inexorable decline.
Maverick theologian Matthew Fox brings readers into the common
heart of the world's great religions, illuminating a "deep
ecumenism" for seekers everywhere.
We get to the core of religion by going to the heart experience,
Matthew Fox says, not by dwelling on doctrines that so easily
divide even within religious traditions. In "One River, Many
Wells," Fox exhorts readers to embrace the common faith of deep
Fox masterfully distills the common principles of the world's
religions, and shows exactly how the different fingers of world
faiths connect to a single hand. Drawing on seminal quotes,
lessons, and ideas from the great faiths, he demonstrates how each
expresses a common goal and approach to life, and concludes the
book with "18 New Myths and Visions" that will inspire readers to
embrace deep ecumenism.
"One River, Many Wells" is an indispensable resource, envisioning
a new and exciting way of faith that erases the lines of false
distinction between religions and calls upon each of us to worship
from our common heart.
This book presents the text of the Declaration, which had been
drafted after a thorough process of interreligious and
international consultation by Hans Kung, with a commentary
explaining how it came to take its present form and what it sets
out to do. Dr. Karl-Josef Kuschel, Hans Kung's Tubingen colleague,
describes the historical background to the Parliament and gives an
account of its proceedings.
Die Veroeffentlichung gehoert zu den wenigen Publikationen zum
Reformationsjubilaum 2017, die in oekumenischer Gemeinschaft
konzipiert worden sind. Der Altenberger Kreis steht fur Optionen in
der OEkumene, die offen in die Zukunft weisen und sich von
bestehenden kirchenamtlichen Vorgaben nicht schrecken lassen. UEber
lange Zeit hat Johannes Brosseder dem Kreis angehoert; ihm wird in
der Studie mit seinem oekumenischen Engagement ein lebendiges
Gedachtnis bewahrt. Das Jahr 2017 ladt zu einer Bestandsaufnahme in
der OEkumene ein. Was ist erreicht worden? Was ist in Zukunft noch
dringend erforderlich? UEber lange Zeit war der gemeinsame Blick
von Christinnen und Christen auf 2017 von der Frage bestimmt, ob es
anlasslich dieses Datums uberhaupt etwas zu feiern gibt, oder ob
einzig die Trauer uber die Folgen der Reformation gemeinsam zu
beklagen sind. Beides ist wahr. Trotz der vielen offenen Fragen
haben sich die Kirchen in Deutschland auf den Weg gemacht, eine
Zeit der Versoehnung miteinander zu gestalten. Der Sammelband
orientiert uber die geplanten Vorhaben und beleuchtet deren
Hintergrunde. Perspektiven der OEkumene werden mit biblischen und
liturgischen Bezugen eroeffnet. Im Blick ist dabei nicht nur die
lutherische Reformation, vielmehr kommen exemplarisch auch weitere
Orte der Reformation in Europa vor allem die reformierte Tradition
in den Niederlanden und in der Schweiz - zur Sprache. Das Buch ist
ein Votum fur mehr OEkumene gerade angesichts des
Reformationsjubilaums im Jahr 2017. Konkrete Handlungsformen
(beispielsweise Gemeindepartnerschaften) werden vorgestellt. Die
Gemeinschaft von Taize, deren Weg in die OEkumene erinnert wird,
ist eine Quelle der Inspiration fur die geistliche OEkumene der
Zukunft. Versoehnung ist ein Leitwort der OEkumene und die Zeit ist
nun gekommen, sie zu leben. Die Geschehnisse im Jahr 2017 koennen
dazu wichtige Impulse geben.
The study describes and analyses the history of mission studies and
mission activities at Utrecht University (UU), from the
establishment of UU in 1636 onwards. It also describes and examines
the overseas ministries of Dutch, German, Hungarian, South African,
and other alumni in the past 375 years. In each of the four periods
of UU's history (the years 1797, 1876, and 1968/69 functioning as
watersheds), attention is paid to professors and lecturers,
honorary doctors, doctors, and students and student bodies
connected with mission. In the period 1968/69 until today the
Inter-university Institute for Missiological and Ecumenical
Research (IIMO), as well as missiological journals, series, and
publications are dealt with. Special attention is paid to the
Anti-Apartheid Fund, to missiological projects such as the
Religious Education project (in cooperation with the University of
Zimbabwe), and to the non-Western students who since the 17th
century have studied theology in Utrecht.
Divided into 3 parts, this handbook provides a wide-ranging survey
and analysis of the Christian Church. The first section addresses
the scriptural foundations of ecclesiology; the second section
outlines the historical and confessional aspects of the topic; and
the final part discusses a variety of contemporary and topical
themes in ecclesiology. Compiled and written by leading scholars in
the field, the T&T Clark Handbook of Ecclesiology covers a
range of key topics in the context of their development and
importance in each stream of historic Christianity and the
confessional traditions. The contributors cover traditional matters
such as creedal notes, but also tackle questions of ordination,
orders of ministry, and sacraments. This handbook is extensive
enough to provide a true overview of the field, but the essays are
also concise enough to be read as reference selections.
Die Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland gehoert zu den Kirchen, die
als erste aufmerksam die OEffnungen des Zweiten Vatikanischen
Konzils verfolgt und darauf geantwortet haben. Dieser
Dokumentationsband belegt erstmals den eber 50-jahrigen
oekumenischen Weg, den die Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland seit
den frehen sechziger Jahren mit der roemisch-katholischen Kirche
genommen hat. Jeder seiner 6 Teile ist einem Jahrzehnt gewidmet.
Einige Akzente: Hoehepunkt in den sechziger Jahren war fraglos das
oeffentliche Podiumsgesprach, dass Prases Beckmann und Kardinal
Jaeger wahrend des 12. Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchentages in
Koeln am 30. Juli1965 zum Thema fehrten: -Katholiken und
Protestanten angesichts des Konzils."1973 verabschiedete die
Landessynode eine erste bahnbrechende Erklarung -eber die
Zusammenarbeit der evangelischen und katholischen Kirche". (In den
achtziger Jahren erarbeitete die Landessynode 1985 eine offizielle
Stellungnahme zu den Lima-Erklarungen von 1982 zu Taufe,
Eucharistie und Amt.) Anlasslich der Trierer Heilig-Rock-Wallfahrt
1996 kam am 26. Marz eine -Vereinbarung ... zur gegenseitigen
Anerkennung der Taufe" zustande. Auf die vatikanische Erklarung
Dominus Jesus im Jahr 2000 antwortete die Rheinische Landessynode
2001 mit der Stellungnahme: -Der Weg der Evangelischen Kirche im
Rheinland bleibt oekumenisch." Ausserdem empfahl sie den Abschluss
weiterer Gemeindepartnerschaften am Ort. (2013 wurde eine
theologische Grundlegung zum oekumenischen Charakter des
Reformationsfestes 2017 erarbeitet.)Dieser Dokumentationsband ist
eine Fundgrube fer das oekumenische Engagement der Evangelischen
Kirche im Rheinland und eine Inspiration fer ihren kenftigen
oekumenischen Weg.
The Malankara Mar Thoma Church's ecumenical outlook - marked by
twin facets of openness and autonomy - has been the underlying
ethos guiding its history, helping it to establish a unique
identity. The book retells the church's ecumenical history dating
back to its founding in 52 CE. This study throws ample light on the
period between the significant changes of 1889 and the present
times. It deals with questions such as: How did the church start
practising an ecumenical outlook even before the word ecumenism was
coined? Could this have resulted from the church's interaction with
Indian culture that upholds unity in diversity?
Cardinal Waler Kasper is a distinguished theologian who has been a
colleague of Cardinal Ratzinger, Karl Rahner and Hans Kung at the
Universtities of Munster and Tubingen. Kasper now heads the
Vatican's Ponitifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, with
the specific task of fostering relations between the Catholic
Church and the other Christian Churches and Eccesiastical
communities. By any reckoning, Kasper is a key leader in the
eccumenical movement today. In this new book, he outlines his
vision for the unity of Christian Churches. A man with an open
mind, Kasper covers one of the major responsibilities of the
contemporary Catholic Church. His perspective of the uniqueness of
the Catholic Church and its magisterium is presented here as a
modern inquiry into the nature of truth. His views are enlightened
and engaging, and reflect the important role of dialogue as
understood by the Catholic Church, which must also listen to other
traditions and learn from them. But Kasper also realises that the
cause of unity is exceptionally difficult at the present
time.Dialogue is often challenged by developments between and
within Christian communions and obstructed by historical tensions.
This book will command quite exceptional interest. Many will read
it in the hope that the thought of this renowned, open-minded
Church leader may give hope to people of all traditions that they
may learn to understand Jesus's injucntion - 'that they may be
In this book, Brother David Steindl-Rast, who has been a monk for
more than 50 years, argues that every sensual experience--whether
the joy of walking barefoot or the fragrance of the season--should
be recognized as a spiritual one.
How has Christianity engaged with democracy? In this authoritative
new treatment of a sometimes troubled relationship, Donald Norwood
reflects on the way that democracy has become, especially under the
auspices of the United Nations and the World Council of Churches,
not just an ideal but a universally applicable moral principle.
Yet, as the author demonstrates, faith and democracy have not
always sat comfortably together. For example, the Vatican has dealt
harshly with radical theologians such as Leonardo Boff and Hans
Kung; while churches with a dictatorial style have all too often
shown a willingness to accommodate authoritarian regimes and even
dictators. Norwood argues that if democracy is a universal norm, a
basic right, it is not possible for the Church to be indifferent to
its claims. Offering a sustained exposition - from Marsilius of
Padua to Christian Democracy and Christian Socialism - of the often
uneasy interaction between Christianity and democratic politics as
both idea and ideal, this is a major contribution to church history
and to wider topical debates in politics and religious studies.
Aggiornamento, Verheutigung des Glaubens im Sinn des Konzilpapstes
Johannes XXIII.: Das ist das Grundmotiv, das die Aufsatze und
Vortrage durchzieht. Ziel ist die schwierige Transferarbeit der
wissenschaftlichen Dogmatik, die traditionellen
Glaubensformulierungen in den heutigen soziokulturellen
Lebenskontext zu ubersetzen. Konkret wird in den einzelnen
Beitragen auf je spezifische Weise versucht, die Relevanz des
Glaubens fur das Leben der Menschen in der Welt von heute deutlich
zu machen.
Fur diese Arbeit ist der Autor mit dem Johann-Peter-Hebel-Preis
2002 der Evangelischen Landeskirche Baden ausgezeichnet worden. Das
Spannungsverhaltnis von Mission und interreligioesem Dialog ist
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit. Der Autor untersucht die wichtigsten
oekumenischen und evangelikalen (Welt-)Missionskonferenzen des 20.
Jahrhunderts und das II. Vatikanische Konzil nach dem Selbst- und
Missionsverstandnis, die Sicht auf die nichtchristlichen Religionen
sowie die missiologischen Neuansatze. Der systematische Teil
entfaltet das Missions- und Dialogverstandnis der gangigen
religionstheologischen Modelle Exklusivismus, Inklusivismus und
Pluralismus. Dabei werden Moeglichkeiten aufgezeigt, das
Dreierschema zu uberwinden. Zuletzt wird eine theologische
Begrundung fur Mission und den interreligioesen Dialog sowie die
konkrete Umsetzung eines interreligioesen Dialogs im Klassenzimmer
vorgestellt. Dabei werden die Bedeutung der Konvivenz, des Dialogs
und des Zeugnisses fur den Religionsunterricht aufgezeigt.
Die Idee der europaischen Einheit hat im protestantischen Denken
keine lange Tradition. UEber Jahrhunderte war der Protestantismus
aufs engste mit der Staats- und Nationenwerdung in Europa verbunden
gewesen, weshalb er lange Zeit fur europaische Vielfalt und
Disparatheit, nicht aber fur eine wie auch immer geartete Einheit
stand. Erst ab Ende der 1930er Jahre ist das Entstehen eines
protestantischen Europadiskurses zu beobachten und zwar innerhalb
der internationalen oekumenischen Bewegung. Dort, wo die Einheit
der Kirchen uber die nationalen Grenzen hinweg angestrebt wurde,
liess der drohende Krieg zwischen eben jenen Nationen ein
europaisches Bewusstsein entstehen, und fuhrende Vertreter der
OEkumene begannen, sich in die allgemeine Diskussion uber die
Zukunft Europas einzuschalten. Von zentraler Bedeutung war dabei
der niederlandische Theologe Willem Adolph Visser t Hooft, der den
oekumenischen Protestantismus im 20. Jahrhundert wie kein Zweiter
pragte. In der vorliegenden Studie untersucht Jan Schubert, wie
sich seine Wahrnehmung Europas als einer politischen, kulturellen
und gesellschaftlichen Einheit von den 1920er bis zu den 1960er
Jahren entwickelte. Dabei vollzieht die Studie nach, welche
Personen, Gruppierungen sowie welche geistigen, ideellen und
theologischen Stroemungen ihn bei seiner Meinungsbildung bezuglich
Europa beeinflusst haben. Auf diese Weise eroeffnet sie einen
exemplarischen Einblick in die Entstehungsphase des
protestantischen Europadiskurses, der in der historischen Forschung
bislang weitgehend vernachlassigt wurde.