Books > Humanities > Philosophy > Topics in philosophy > Ethics & moral philosophy
Torture has recently been the subject of some sensational
headlines. As a result, there has been a huge surge in interest in
the ethical implications of this contentious issue.
"The Ethics of Torture" offers the first complete introduction to
the philosophical debates surrounding torture. The book asks key
questions in light of recent events such as the abuse of detainees
at Abu Ghraib. What makes torture morally reprehensible? Are there
any conditions under which torture is acceptable? What is it like
to be tortured, and why do people engage in torture?
The authors argue that the force of the most common arguments for
torture (like the ticking-bomb argument) are significantly
overestimated, while the wrongness of torture has been
significantly underestimated--even by those who argue against it.
This is the ideal introduction to the ethics of torture for
students of moral philosophy or political theory. It also
constitutes a significant contribution to the torture debate in its
own right, presenting a unique approach to investigating this dark
This book provides a concise and coherent overview of Jeremy
Bentham, the widely read and studied political philosopher - ideal
for undergraduates who require more than just a simple introduction
to his work and thought. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), utilitarian
philosopher and reformer, is a key figure in our intellectual
heritage, and a far more subtle, sophisticated, and profound
thinker than his popular reputation suggests. "Bentham: A Guide for
the Perplexed" presents a clear account of his life and thought,
and highlights his relevance to contemporary debates in philosophy,
politics, and law. Key concepts and themes, including Bentham's
theory of logic and language, his utilitarianism, his legal theory,
his panopticon prison, and his democratic politics, together with
his views on religion, sex, and torture, are lucidly explored. The
book also contains an illuminating discussion of the nature of the
text from the perspective of an experienced textual editor.The book
will not only prove exceptionally valuable to students who need to
reach a sound understanding of Bentham's ideas, serving as a clear
and concise introduction to his philosophy, but also form an
original contribution to Bentham studies more generally. It is the
ideal companion for the study of this most influential and
challenging of thinkers. "Continuum's Guides for the Perplexed" are
clear, concise and accessible introductions to thinkers, writers
and subjects that students and readers can find especially
challenging - or indeed downright bewildering. Concentrating
specifically on what it is that makes the subject difficult to
grasp, these books explain and explore key themes and ideas,
guiding the reader towards a thorough understanding of demanding
This book proposes that technologies, similar to texts, novels and
movies, 'tell stories' and thereby configure our lifeworld in the
Digital Age. The impact of technologies on our lived experience is
ever increasing: innovations in robotics challenge the nature of
work, emerging biotechnologies impact our sense of self, and
blockchain-based smart contracts profoundly transform interpersonal
relations. In their exploration of the significance of these
technologies, Reijers and Coeckelbergh build on the philosophical
hermeneutics of Paul Ricouer to construct a new, narrative approach
to the philosophy and ethics of technology. The authors take the
reader on a journey: from a discussion of the philosophy of praxis,
via a hermeneutic notion of technical practice that draws on
MacIntyre, Heidegger and Ricoeur, through the virtue ethics of
Vallor, and Ricoeur's ethical aim, to the eventual construction of
a practice method which can guide ethics in research and
innovation. In its creation of a compelling hermeneutic ethics of
technology, the book offers a concrete framework for practitioners
to incorporate ethics in everyday technical practice.
A nameless character. A faceless figure. A disturbing,
thought-provoking journey through the facts of the world we live in
that we often refuse to acknowledge. By taking full advantage of
their author's lack of identity and extreme levels of
introspection, The Unwords unleash a full scale attack on all
fronts of cultural and social decay. Education, religion, politics,
language, relationships and common every day social activities are
stripped down to their bare foundations and deconstructed through
the eyes of a man who has rejected any notion of self in his quest
for the truth. The Unwords became a Goodreads Choice Awards
Finalist in 2012, the first ever book to be nominated in the
history of Goodreads that didn't have an identifiable author.
Written in fluent poetic verse which expands into full-page, full
color illustrations, the words blend seamlessly with the arts as
they form novel-like chapters which end with a single, dynamic
sentence; a new, refreshing form of writing known as
"Graphic-verse." Words are meant to be spoken. In a dishonest
world, what remains unspoken can only be the truth. In a dishonest
world... the pen is never mightier than the sword
Sren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) is simultaneously one of the most
obscure philosophers of the Western world and one of the most
influential. His writings have influenced atheists and faithful
alike. Yet despite his now pervasive influence, there is still
widespread disagreement on many of the most important aspects of
his thought. Kierkegaard was deliberately obscure in his
philosophical writings, forcing his reader to interpret and
reflect. But at the same time that Kierkegaard produced his
esoteric, pseudonymous philosophical writings, he was also
producing simpler, direct religious writings. Since his death the
connections between these two sets of writings have been debated,
ignored or denied by commentators. Here W. Glenn Kirkconnell
undertakes a thorough examination of the two halves of
Kierkegaard's authorship, demonstrating their ethical and religious
relationship and the unifying themes of the signed and pseudonymous
works. In particular the book examines Kierkegaard's understanding
of the fall of the self and its recovery and the implications of
his entire corpus for the life of the individual.
We need to know what sustainability is, before it can be achieved.
How must sustainability be defined? Fuzzy Ethics describes a new
moral criterion which locates ethics in the physical world and,
based on it, proposes a new definition of sustainability that
generalizes concepts from engineering, physics, and ethics. This
book has two main parts. The first conducts a dialogue in order to
establish the operative definitions (for example: order; and
effort) needed to increase the rigor of argumentation; ethical
framework; and moral criterion to follow. The second sees a final
reflection isolating one by one, the main sentences on which the
previous dialogue is based. Here the key points that the reader
must interrogate in order to find any flaws in the theory are
detailed. The final part links ethics and sustainability, and
reveals how the finitude of humankind leads to fuzziness. Efren M.
Benavides is a Professor at the School of Aeronautics, Universidad
Politecnica de Madrid, Spain. He specialises in theories of
sustainable design, mechanical design, reciprocating engines and
propulsion systems with research work in the field of aeronautics.
Efren has written books and numerous articles about these subjects
in a variety of scholarly journals and scientific literature. This
is his first book with TrueHeart Press.
This book starts with the classification of the main views of
different thinkers after the study of the original materials, which
covers all the thinkers' thoughts and conceptions. A major
objective of this book is to reveal the ideas of the philosophers.
Key ideological opinions are stated with the former discussion of
exact questions and further clarification of their philosophical
meaning, which enables the readers to better understand the meaning
and value of the philosophical thoughts. Since the logic and
history are in accordance with each other, a frame of conception is
formed then. Then, the author clearly explains the logical
relationship in the frame mentioned before, as well as the
formation of the key concepts and their relationship.
Questioning Ayn Rand: Subjectivity, Political Economy, and the Arts
offers a sustained academic critique of Ayn Rand's works and her
wider Objectivist philosophy. While Rand's texts are often
dismissed out of hand by those hostile to the ideology promoted
within them, these essays argue instead that they need to be taken
seriously and analysed in detail. Rand's influential worldview does
not tolerate uncertainty, relying as it does upon a notion of truth
untroubled by doubt. In contrast, the contributors to this volume
argue that any progressive response to Rand should resist the
dubious comforts of a position of ethical or aesthetic purity, even
as they challenge the reductive individualistic ideology promoted
within her writing. Drawing on a range of sources and approaches
from Psychoanalysis to The Gold Standard and from Hannah Arendt to
Spiderman, these essays consider Rand's works in the context of
wider political, economic, and philosophical debates.
By bringing together the insights of ecclesial ethics, an approach
that emphasizes the distinctive nature of the church as the
community that forms its mind and character after its reading of
Scripture, with the theory and practice of restorative justice, a
way of conceiving justice-making that emerged from the
Mennonite-Anabaptist tradition, this book shows why a theological
account of the theory and practice of restorative justice is
fruitful for articulating and clarifying the witness of the church,
especially when faced with conflict or wrongdoing. This can help
extend the church's imagination as to how it might better become
God's community of restoration as it reflects on the ways in which
the justice of God is taking shape in its own community. "How does
an ecclesial context shape the theological apprehension and praxis
of justice?" This question orientates the book. In particular, it
asks how, in view of its members having been admitted into God's
restoring justice in Christ, the church might embody in the world
this same justice of restoring right relationships. While Christian
reflection on the nature of justice has tended to favour a judicial
and retributive conception of justice, it will be argued that the
biblical understanding of the justice of God is best understood as
a saving, liberating, and restorative justice. It is this
restorative conception that ought to guide the community that reads
Scripture so that it might be embodied in life.
Peace and War: Historical, Philosophical, and Anthropological
Perspectives is an accessible, higher-level critical discussion of
philosophical commentaries on the nature of peace and war. It
introduces and analyses various philosophies of peace and war, and
their continuing theoretical and practical relevance for peace
studies and conflict resolution. Using a combination of both
historical and contemporary philosophical perspectives, the book is
at once eclectic in its approach and broad in its inquiry of these
enduring phenomena of human existence.
This important new book examines Spinoza's moral and political
philosophy. Specifically, it considers Spinoza's engagement with
the themes of Stoicism and his significant contribution to the
origins of the European Enlightenment. Firmin DeBrabander explores
the problematic view of the relationship between ethics and
politics that Spinoza apparently inherited from the Stoics and in
so doing asks some important questions that contribute to a crucial
contemporary debate. Does ethics provide any foundation for
political theory and if so in what way? Likewise, does politics
contribute anything essential to the life of virtue? And what is
the political place and public role of the philosopher as a
practitioner of ethics? In examining Spinoza's Ethics, his most
important and widely-read work, and exploring the ways in which
this work echoes Stoic themes regarding the public behaviour of the
philosopher, the author seeks to answer these key questions and
thus makes a fascinating contribution to the study of moral and
political philosophy.
Long before it became fashionable to talk of climate change,
drought and water shortages, the authors of this lucid and
trenchant dialogue were warning that planet earth was heading for
uninhabitability. They exchange viewpoints and insights that have
matured over many years of thought, study and reflection. One of
the authors is a Westerner--a man of many parts, both wartime
resistance fighter and leading industrialist, who founded one of
the first think tanks to address seriously the human prospects for
global survival. The other represents the philosophical and ethical
perspectives of the East--a Buddhist leader who has visited country
after country, campaigning tirelessly for the abolition of nuclear
weapons and war in all its forms. Engaging constructively and
imaginatively with such seemingly intractable problems as
population growth, the decline of natural resources,
desertification, pollution and deforestation, Ikeda and Peccei show
that many of these problems are interrelated. Only be addressing
them as part of a web of complex but combined issues, and by
working together for peace and justice, can human beings expect to
find lasting solutions. The best prospect for the future lies in an
ethical revolution whereby humanity can find a fresh understanding
of itself in holistic connection with, rather than separation and
alienation from, the planet itself.
Selfhood and Sacrifice is an original exploration of the ideas of
two major contemporary thinkers. O'Shea offers a novel
interpretation of Girard's work that opens up his discourse on
violence and the sacred into a fruitful engagement with both
Taylor's philosophical anthropology and his philosophical history.
In an age when religious violence and the role of practical reason
in the secular sphere are continually juxtaposed, O'Shea offers new
possibilities of responding to the problems of global crisis
through the critical lenses of two of the most original and
engaging thinkers writing on religion today.