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Books > Business & Economics > Industry & industrial studies > Service industries > Financial services industry
If you're seriously considering a career in private equity, you have to become familiar with how firms hire. With "Getting a Job in Private Equity," you'll gain invaluable insights that will allow you to stay one step ahead of other individuals looking to secure a position in this field. Here, you'll discover what it takes to make it in PE from different entry points, what experience is needed to set yourself up for a position, and what can be done to improve your chances of landing one of these limited opportunities.
In 2004, Spain's Banco Santander purchased Britain's Abbey National Bank in a deal valued at fifteen billion dollars--an acquisition that made Santander one of the ten largest financial institutions in the world. Here, Mauro Guillen and Adrian Tschoegl tackle the question of how this once-sleepy, family-run provincial bank in a developing economy transformed itself into a financial-services group with more than sixty-six million customers on three continents. Founded 150 years ago in the Spanish port city of the same name, Santander is the only large bank in the world where three successive generations of one family have led top management and the board of directors. But Santander is fully modern. Drawing on rich data and in-depth interviews with family members and managers, Guillen and Tschoegl reveal how strategic decisions by the family and complex political, social, technological, and economic forces drove Santander's unprecedented rise to global prominence. The authors place the bank in this competitive milieu, comparing it with its rivals in Europe and America, and showing how Santander, faced with growing competition in Spain and Europe, sought growth opportunities in Latin America and elsewhere. They also address the complexities of managerial succession and family leadership, and weigh the implications of Santander's stellar rise for the consolidation of European banking. "Building a Global Bank" tells the fascinating story behind this powerful corporation's remarkable transformation--and of the family behind it."
Dieses Buch gibt einen umfassenden UEberblick uber die komplexen und spezifischen finanziellen Fragestellungen, mit denen sich AErzte und Zahnarzte wahrend Ihrer Karriere konfrontiert sehen. Zudem unterstutzt es Berater diese Zielgruppe kompetent, nachhaltig und erfolgreich zu beraten. Es ist rund um die einzelnen Karriere- und Entwicklungsstufen eines Arztes aufgebaut. Durch erganzende Checklisten und Infoboxen kann das Buch immer wieder zur Hand genommen werden.
Dieses Buch hilft Versicherungsvermittlern beim nachhaltigen Aufbau von Vertrauen zu potenziellen und bereits gewonnenen Kunden. Dazu vermittelt Volker Eickenberg praxisnah die Methoden des Purpose Marketing. Beim Verkauf von Dienstleistungen (in einer Dienstleistungsgesell schaft) kommt es entscheidend darauf an, das mit dem Purpose Marketing gewonnene Vertrauen der Kunden auf rechtzu erhalten und fur das interpersonale Vertrauen zu starken. Es gilt, mit Dienstleis tun gen das Lebensgefuhl der Privatkunden vertrauensvoll zu bedienen. Das gewonnene Kunden vertrauen fuhrt (im Sinne der Corporate Social Responsibility) zur Verantwortung des Manage ments und Manager (vierte Saule zur Triple Bottom Line): vertrauen basierte Verantwortung.
Never have financial markets been subjected to a period of change as rapid and extensive as took place from the 1970s onwards. In the 1970s global financial markets were controlled by governments, compartmentalized along national boundaries, and segregated according to the particular activities they engaged in. This all disintegrated in the decades that followed under the pressure of market forces, global integration, and a revolution in the technology of trading. One product of this transformation was the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, which exposed the fragility of the new structures created and cast a long shadow that we still live in today. The response to that crisis has shaped the global financial system, which has been tested once again by the coronavirus pandemic. However, none of the outcomes of this transformation were inevitable, despite the forces at work. They were the product of decisions taken at the time for a multitude of reasons. Banks, exchanges, and regulators were faced with unprecedented challenges and opportunities as a revolution swept away traditional ways of conducting banking, the methods used to trade in financial markets, and the rules and regulations employed to enforce discipline. In this book Ranald C. Michie provides an authoritative and unrivalled account of this upheaval based on a careful and exhaustive reading of the Financial Times over the last four decades, using it to provide a source of material unmatched by any other in terms of depth and coverage. By studying what happened and why in real time, it is possible to explain the decisions taken that shaped the course of the transformation and its repercussions.
Dieses Buch gibt Banken und anderen Finanzdienstleistern praxisnahe Hilfestellung bei der Digitalisierung von Arbeitsablaufen und Geschaftsstrukturen. Es spricht also insbesondere Praktiker an. Egal ob Geschaftsfuhrer, Vorstand oder Abteilungsleiter, ob "alter Hase" oder Quereinsteiger. Mithilfe der zahlreichen praxisnahen Profi-Tipps und konkreten Umsetzungsbeispiele wird der Praxistransfer erleichtert. Denn die Digitalisierung muss individuell auf die jeweiligen Unternehmensbedurfnisse zugeschnitten sein. Es gibt keine Loesung von der Stange. Vielmehr ist es das Zusammenspiel von Technologie, Unternehmenskultur und strategischer Zielrichtung, das erfolgsentscheidend ist. Wenn nur einer der zahlreichen Praxistipps umgesetzt werden kann, hat sich die Lekture des Buchs bereits gelohnt. Das Buch ist brandaktuell und kann sowohl insgesamt als auch selektiv, abschnittsweise gelesen werden. Es ist eine Mischung aus Fachbuch und praxisnahem Umsetzungsnachschlagewerk mit vielen To-do- und Check-Listen.
Wenn Unternehmen ihre Rentabilitat sichern und dazu Kosten analysieren und steuern wollen, bedienen sie sich der Methodik des Kostenmanagements. Dazu stehen verschiedene Techniken zur Verfugung. Gerade fur gemeinkostenverursachende industrielle Prozesse stellt sich das Prozesskostenmanagement als besonders geeignet heraus. Lernen Sie in diesem Buch die Industrie als treibende Kraft der Wirtschaftsleistung kennen. Erfahren Sie, warum Wettbewerb und Kostendruck in der Industrie stark ausgepragt sind. Und informieren Sie sich uber die Moeglichkeiten, wie Sie das Prozesskostenmanagement auf industrielle Prozesse anwenden koennen.
In diesem essential werden die Faktoren untersucht, die die Nutzungsabsicht eines Robo Advisors beeinflussen. Hierbei werden zunachst die Digitalisierung in der Finanzindustrie sowie die Entstehung und Funktionsweise von Robo Advisorn thematisiert. Anschliessend werden mithilfe einer auf dem Technologieakzeptanzmodell beruhenden empirischen Untersuchung die Akzeptanz von Robo Advisory gemessen und auf dieser Basis Handlungsempfehlungen formuliert.
In diesem Buch erhalten Sie einen Einblick in die Welt virtueller Wahrungen und erfahren einiges uber ihren Einfluss auf das etablierte Finanzsystem. Dazu gehoert ein grundlegender UEberblick zu den Funktionsweisen der zugrunde liegenden Blockchaintechnologie sowie die im Mittelprunkt stehende Analyse der Leistungsfahigkeit von digitalem Geld. Zur Veranschaulichung der Rolle von virtuellem Geld werden diese den Anforderungen des Finanzsystems gegenubergestellt. Aus dieser Gegenuberstellung koennen Prognosen fur das Marktpotenzial des digitalen Geldes abgeleitet werden.
An inside look at a Wall Street trading room and what this reveals about today's financial system Debates about financial reform have led to the recognition that a healthy financial system doesn't depend solely on how it is structured-organizational culture matters as well. Based on extensive research in a Wall Street derivatives-trading room, Taking the Floor considers how the culture of financial organizations might change in order for them to remain healthy, even in times of crises. In particular, Daniel Beunza explores how the extensive use of financial models and trading technologies over the recent decades has exerted a far-ranging and troubling influence on Wall Street. How have models reshaped financial markets? How have models altered moral behavior in organizations? Beunza takes readers behind the scenes in a bank unit that, within its firm, is widely perceived to be "a class act," and he considers how this trading room unit might serve as a blueprint solution for the ills of Wall Street's unsustainable culture. Beunza demonstrates that the integration of traders across desks reduces the danger of blind spots created by models. Warning against the risk of moral disengagement posed by the use of models, he also contends that such disengagement could be avoided by instituting moral norms and social relations. Providing a unique perspective on a complex subject, Taking the Floor profiles what an effective, responsible trading room can and should look like.
Der digitale Wandel erfasst alle Wirtschaftsbereiche. Jedoch blieb das lukrative internationale Auslandszahlungsverkehrsgeschaft der Banken hiervon unberuhrt. Disruptive Innovationen wie Kryptowahrungen, Blockchain-Technologien und neue Geschaftsmodelle wie FinTechs verandern auch dieses Geschaftsfeld. Welche Herausforderungen gibt es hierbei? Wie findet diese Transformation statt? Auf welche Pain Points mussen Banker, IT-Entwickler sowie Behoerden vorbereitet sein? Cordelia Friesendorf und Julian Stern rusten die praxis-orientierten Leser mit dem aktuellsten Knowhow und den notwendigen Tools aus, um die Digitalisierungsprozesse voranzubringen.
The 1964 termination of the Studebaker Corporation's pension plan wiped out or significantly reduced the pensions of thousands of the automaker's employees and retirees. In response, the US Congress passed the 1974 Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), a monumental and revolutionary piece of legislation crafted to address corporate pension underfunding. The bill also set new rules regarding defined benefit (DB) and other retirement plans, and it established the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation as a government-run insurer to serve as a backdrop to U.S. corporate pensions. Despite the bill's far-ranging scope, in the decades since its passage, it has become evident that ERISA failed to achieve many of its intended objectives. The corporate pension scene today is in turmoil, and most private employers have terminated or frozen their traditional DB plans. In their place, employers are increasingly substituting defined contribution (DC) retirement saving plans, which pose a new set of responsibilities on employees and their firms. This volume investigates how and why traditional approaches to pension risk management have failed, and we also explore the new mechanisms required to strengthen retirement security for the future. Lessons from international experience are also included, ranging from Singapore to Switzerland, and the Netherlands to Australia.
Anhand ausgewahlter Praxisbeispiele untersucht Victor Rutz zwei Ansatze zur Nutzung der aktuell kontrovers diskutierten Distributed Ledger Technology, den Public- und den Private-Blockchain-Ansatz. Neben einer umfangreichen Beschreibung der zugrundeliegenden Technologie liefert der Autor eine detaillierte Betrachtung kritischer Erfolgsfaktoren und zeigt so die individuellen Starken und Schwachen beider Ansatze auf.
Throughout history, innovators have disrupted existing financial services norms to change the landscape of the marketplace. Disruptive Fintech briefly traces fractional reserves, the creation of bank currency that traded at a premium to bullion value, central bank regulation, securitization of assets and loans, the current state of digital currency and electronic payments. The author then looks toward the future of fintech and the forces of disruption that will change the landscape of financial life as we know it. Using over 100 interviews with thought leading CEOs, this book develops a methodology to identify financial services that are ripe for innovation and discusses how innovative thinking can be used as a disruptive weapon to attack incumbents and create effective new fintech models. The book discusses How to relate historical innovations and disruptions in financial services to the current landscape How to follow a process to identify the threats facing incumbent processes and businesses, and how innovative thinking can be used as a disruptive weapon to attack incumbents and create effective new fintech models How many fintech innovations will be constructed by re-arranging or re-purposing existing core processes In this insightful book, author James Deitch, CPA CMB, argues that some of today's high-flying fintech innovators will flourish, but many may perish as the fire of innovation consumes those fintechs that are slow to monetize their promises.
This book argues that three powerful symbiotic forces (globalization, competitiveness, and governability) are disrupting business in the 21st century, resulting in an impact on the economic and business environment far greater than the effects of any of these three individually. Both globalization and competitiveness are governed essentially by market forces that force the introduction of significant changes aimed at increasing efficiency so that a better use may be made of the advantages of globalization (i.e., the traditional "invisible" hand). Responsibility for bringing about these changes lies not only with the private sector but also with the government (i.e., the "visible" hand). Readers will find in this book an explanation of how globalization, competitiveness, and governability define the context of global business.
Markus Bramberger untersucht die europaweite Umsetzung der Payment Services Directive II (PSD II) im Bankensektor, die sich in allen EU-Landern durch eine regional divergierende Auslegung der Gesetzestexte unterscheidet. Der Autor gibt Antworten auf die Frage, ob Banken - wie wir sie noch heute kennen - pauschal durch innovative und digital exzellent positionierte Dienstleister, wie z. B. durch FinTech-Unternehmen, im Zuge von Open Banking substituiert werden koennen. Es ist offensichtlich, dass nur operativ klar ausgerichtete Unternehmensleitbilder der Digitalisierungsoffensive standhalten. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser herausfordernden, aber auch chancengenerierenden Zeit im Bankensektor leistet dieses Buch einen wesentlichen Beitrag uber die Zukunft des bargeldlosen Geldtransfers im gesamten EU-Raum.
This comprehensive book begins with a consideration of the nature of the general banker-customer relationship, the obligations it poses and the issues relating to the commencement of the banking relationship. It provides individuals and companies with valuable guidance when assessing the risks in their relationship with banks, and vice versa. The following chapters allow all parties to consider carefully the central issues and underlying general principles that might arise by addressing the various activities undertaken by a lender. The duty of confidentiality, lenders as fiduciaries, the lender's duty to advise borrowers on the imprudence of transactions as well as fraud, and banks as constructive trustees and damages for breach of contract by a lender are all considered. The final chapters explore the duties of security holders and mortgagees of land, the liability of lenders for receivers they appoint, environmental liability and lender liability as shadow directors concerning wrongful trading. The book outlines liability in negligence and contract, with specific reference to existing case law concerning banks in this field from an English law perspective, and also Scottish and Commonwealth law, thus providing valuable applicability to the banking context for practitioners in other fields.
In dem vorliegenden Buch analysiert Rene Berg die informationsoekonomische Bedeutung von Informationsintermediaren bei der Kanalisierung legitimer nachhaltiger Unternehmensaktivitaten. Auf Basis einer institutionentheoretisch entwickelten Soll-Nachhaltigkeitskonzeption wird ein asymmetrischer Bewertungseffekt in Form des informationsbedingten Legitimitatseffekts modelltheoretisch prognostiziert und empirisch am Kapitalmarkt nachgewiesen. Aus den gewonnen Erkenntnissen werden konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen fur eine nachhaltige Regulierung abgeleitet.
Abgeleitet aus der Diskrepanz zwischen den Einschatzungen von Expertinnen und Experten und der aktuellen Situation am Mobile Payment Markt zielt dieses Buch auf die Identifikation der zentralen Faktoren der Mobile Payment Akzeptanz aus der Sicht potentieller Nutzerinnen und Nutzer ab. Die Untersuchung fokussiert auf die Erforschung der Akzeptanz von MP mittels Smartphone im stationaren Handel. Das Smartphone wird u. a. von der European Banking Federation als das zentrale Medium im Bereich Digital Banking eingeordnet. Geringe Nutzungsraten bei Mobile Payment im Allgemeinen und vor allem bei Mobile Payment im stationaren Handel zeichnen allerdings ein anderes Bild.
International trade and investment in services are an increasingly
important part of global commerce. Advances in information and
telecommunication technologies have expanded the scope of services
that can be traded cross-border. Many countries now allow foreign
investment in newly privatized and competitive markets for key
infrastructure services, such as energy, telecommunications, and
transport. More and more people are travelling abroad to consume
tourism, education, and medical services, and to supply services
ranging from construction to software development. In fact,
services are the fastest growing components of the global economy,
and trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) in services have
grown faster than in goods over the past decade and a half. |
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