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Books > Medicine > Complementary medicine > General
The book has absolute high-end treatment of the topic, unparalleled in comprehensiveness and lucidity.
The book is a must-have for everyday use in clinical practice and includes a collection of over 20000 terms of medical background together with illustrations on anatomy and physiology, an appendix on unit conversions, composition of body fluids, blood pressure variation in different vessels, nutrient composition of food substances, dietary chart in diabetes, and dietary requirements according to age. With its easy derivations in English and pure Hindi translations, it is certain to find favour with students and practitioners in a broader sense. The need for a comprehensive medical dictionary comprising an up-to-date vocabulary with practical definitions and conclusively illustrative data is a universal one. Whether it is the sophisticated layperson or the experienced practitioner it becomes absolutely indispensable to be able to do without such an authority. This edition serves the very practical purposes it is sought for and is thoroughly revised with fully coloured illustrative charts and over 20,000 medical terms of everyday use.
I'm 4 years off 40 yet but after reading this I'm already looking forward to it! A simple, no nonsense approach to a healthier body and happier mind. Gemma Atkinson, author of The Ultimate Body Plan The perfect book for fans of Joe Wicks and Michael Mosley. Make your midlife your best life, with the only guide aimed at fitness in your 40s. Peak 40 is for anyone wanting to rediscover the best version of themselves coming into their middle years. Author and elite performance nutritionist Dr Marc Bubbs has a portfolio of professional and Olympic athletes - but he is also the dad of three girls, all under 7! Dr.. Bubbs is here with you, in the eye of the mid-life storm and he has created the ultimate book to help you through it. Create a bespoke program that works for YOU from diet, to sleep, type of training and mindset, this book has all the tools you need. Guiding us through the myriad of confusion lifestyle messages, you will learn: Increase flexibility and learn how to train with achy joints, knees, back or shoulders Whether a plant-based diet is right for your body type How to maintain bone health Whether to lift weights Who should do HIIT (and who shouldn't) The importance of glucose control in your diet Advice on dealing with anxiety and low mood Setting realistic expectations and goals For fans of Joe Wicks and Michael Mosley, Dr. Bubbs offers simple, evidence-based and time-efficient strategies to reignite your energy and passion. His realistic, grown-up and non-judgemental approach is to explain the effect some food groups and lack of exercise and sleep have on our body. The advice is easy to digest and can be tailored to your body and personality type. In his expert opinion, small changes such as not eating after 8pm for five out of seven days can have a big impact on weight loss and positive mood. Rather than eliminating certain food groups like fats and carbohydrates, he looks at turning the dial on them depending on individual needs. If life has become too sedentary, he provides ways to increase suppleness so that you can start to reintroduce movement into your life without causing pain. Start living your Peak 40 life today!
This practical and comprehensive title provides illuminating, evidence-based approaches in headache medicine for using traditional medical therapies in conjunction with alternative approaches to care. In all, the book details how multidisciplinary management and the combination of conventional and complementary medical services - integrative medicine - leads to superior patient outcomes: improved patient satisfaction, reduced stress, and more readily treatable, less serious illness. State-of-the-art and developed by experts in their fields, these 12 chapters present research and analysis of a wide range of non-pharmacologic interventions in headache care, seeking to inspire clinicians to formulate personalized headache treatment plans, and to work together by integrating their expertise in a multidisciplinary context to address patients' unique conditions, needs, circumstances, and treatment. Chapter one provides an overview of integrative medicine and proposes a step-wise approach for incorporating integrative modalities into a headache practice. Chapter two focuses on the attention to be paid to relevant aspects of a patient's medical history. The next four chapters discuss lifestyle factors that play a role in headache, including trigger identification, exercise, nutrition, and sleep. The scope of mind-body therapies such as acupuncture, yoga, and mindfulness is explored in chapter seven, and the psychology of pain is the subject of chapter eight. Chapter nine investigates the safety and efficacy of nutraceuticals, or pharmaceutical alternatives. The final three chapters review neuromodulation and interventional approaches to headache management. An invaluable and timely contribution to the clinical literature, Integrative Headache Medicine - An Evidence-Based Guide for Clinicians will be of great interest to neurologists, pain physicians, primary care clinicians, behavioral psychologists, psychiatrists, physical therapists, social workers, nutritionists and any other health professionals interested in delivering the highest quality care for headache patients.
Advance Praise for Medical Botany . . . "The Second Edition fully reflects the explosion of interest in and research on botanicals in the twenty-five years since the first edition was published . . . the most comprehensive and authoritative textbook on medicinal plants available anywhere . . . can inspire almost any student to pursue a career in ethnobotany, natural medicine, or related disciplines." "The first edition of Medical Botany is one of the most used references on my bookshelf and helped to shape my view of world medicine. This new edition has been completely updated, but retains the extensive research and the well-written background of the original. It will be a valued resource through the rest of my professional career." "Medical Botany is a labor of love by two of the world’s foremost ethnobotanists. As was the first edition, this will be a classic reference and text, as well as extremely enjoyable reading for a variety of audiences." Medical Botany, Second Edition provides, through examples, an understanding of the world’s traditional pharmacopeias and how research is affording ways to authenticate their value for use in complementary and alternative medicines and as the basis for the development of new therapies and pharmaceutical agents. This fascinating approach illustrates how plants through the ages have affected human health. It combines scientific information in human physiology, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, and ethnobotany, and intertwines these data with a variety of colorful stories and anecdotes–from Socrates’ fatal use of hemlock to the evolution of such pharmaceuticals as digitalis, taxol, and lovastatin and botanicals, including Echinacea, Ginkgo, St. John’s wort, and ginseng. Richly illustrated and expanded, this revised edition addresses the injurious, remedial, and psychoactive properties of thousands of plants, fungi, and microorganisms. Each chapter focuses on a body system and thoroughly discusses how pharmaceuticals, botanicals, and dietary supplements affect its function in both normal and disease states. Mindful that the ultimate goal of integrative medicine is to optimize the worth of all types of treatment approaches, this edition provides the practitioner, patient, and public at large with information regarding the current state of research and treatment practices in this expanding field. Medical Botany, Second Edition is a valuable text for students of pharmacology, botany, medicine, and biology, and an indispensable tool for professionals in medicine, pharmacology, and botany, as well as an informative resource for patients and everyone interested in plants and their potential for human health.
Naturheilverfahren spielen in der Behandlung urologischer Erkrankungen seit jeher eine grosse Rolle. Zunehmend wird ihre Anwendung von Patienten erwartet; neue Verfahren kommen hinzu oder werden diskutiert. Komplementare Verfahren, Homoeopathie und Akupunktur erganzen die klassischen Naturheilverfahren. Eine Einfuhrung in die Vielfalt der Verfahren und ihre Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten, nach Krankheitsgruppen geordnet gibt dieses Buch: Welche Verfahren koennen die medikamentoese und operative Behandlung sinnvoll erganzen? Welche Erfahrungen gibt es bereits mit der Anwendung der einzelnen Therapien? Gibt es wissenschaftliche Belege? Wie lassen sich die Therapien sinnvoll kombinieren? Welche Empfehlungen gibt die Kommission E zu den Phytotherapeutika? Welche Hausmittel, die die Behandlung unterstutzen, koennen dem Patienten empfohlen werden? Bei gezielter und bewusster Anwendung sind die Naturheilverfahren eine Bereicherung fur die Behandlung fast jeder urologischen Erkrankung.
'The intention is to take a practical subject and show how our spiritual science with anthroposophical orientation truly can play an effective role in everyday life.' - Rudolf Steiner Following his first major lecture course for medical practitioners, Rudolf Steiner sought to elaborate and deepen his 'extension' of the art of healing from a spiritual-scientific perspective. In this collection of addresses, discussions, question-and-answer sessions and lectures - running parallel to his major medical cycles - Steiner comments on contemporary medicine's emphasis on experimental, materially-based research and its subsequent lack of attention to therapy. Steiner's intention is not to detract from developments in medical science but to build on them with spiritual science - not quackery but a true art of medicine. The medical practitioner has an important task: diseases must be cured, and it is wrong not to intervene and simply to allow 'karma to take its course'. Speaking to audiences ranging from members of the general public to small groups of medical professionals, Steiner offers new insights into our understanding of human organs such as the brain, kidneys and liver, as well as the efficacy of healing substances including arsenic, sulphur, arnica and essential plant oils. He studies a broad range of specific medical conditions, giving advice on cancer, hysteria, rheumatism, gout, skin eruptions, typhoid, diabetes, haemophilia, syphilis, gonorrhoea, asthma, glaucoma, leukaemia, smallpox, insomnia, and childhood diseases such as measles. His commentaries on a raft of contrasting subjects - such as psychiatry, sexual maturity, memory, poisoning and detoxification - present challenging perspectives for patients and medical practitioners. Steiner's surprisingly non-dogmatic advice on vaccination, for example, gives a refreshingly balanced, and perhaps unexpected, point of view. This volume also includes a lecture on eurythmy therapy, a comprehensive introduction, index and notes, and nine full colour plates of Rudolf Steiner's blackboard drawings.
Wissen, das hilft .erhalt man durch Erfahrung und durch das strukturierte Vorgehen des evidenzbasierten Arbeitens. Doch bei der Leistungsabrechnung durch Kostentrager zahlen vor allem die wissenschaftlichen Nachweise uber die Wirksamkeit therapeutischer Massnahmen. "Evidenzbasiertes Arbeiten in der Physio- und Ergotherapie" fuhrt Studierende und praktizierende Therapeuten Schritt fur Schritt durch den Forschungsdschungel von der reflektierten Praxis uber die systematische Beobachtung in die evidenzbasierte Praxis (EBP). Der Leser des Buches erfahrt, wie man geeignete Studien findet, die Wirksamkeit therapeutischer Interventionen bewertet, wissenschaftliche Studien beurteilt und evidenzbasiertes Arbeiten in die tagliche Arbeit integriert. Praxisnahe Fallbeispiele erleichtern den Transfer von der Theorie in die Praxis und ein Glossar hilft, Fachbegriffe und wichtige Studientypenschnell zu verstehen. So wird "Evidenzbasiertes Arbeiten in der Physio- und Ergotherapie" zum Wissen, das Ihnen hilft . "
Through advanced research, the medical community now has a wide array of techniques, state-of-the-art tools, and knowledge that greatly enhance their ability to diagnose and treat illness. Despite these advances, the root cause of illness continues to mystify and challenge individuals in one form or another. While stricken with a life-threatening illness, Dr. Frederick Bailes observed unhealthy emotional traits in himself and others that were deeply seeded not in the physical symptoms, but in the harmful emotions created by the human mind. "Whatever the basic fear-pattern, the fact remains that the real illness is not so much the outward physical manifestation as the underlying mental state," says Bailes. "It follows that any remedial action directed only at the physical form will leave the fundamental cause untouched . . . the health-seeker must now learn how to erase the destructive thought-pattern before they can hope to eradicate the physical illness." The logic is simple: If the mind can create certain thought-patterns that result in illness, the mind can therefore also create certain thought-patterns that can lead to and maintain wellness. The words of Dr. Frederick Bailes have been studied for generations by countless New Thought followers around the world, but the impact of his work is now being re-discovered as medical professionals, researchers, and mainstream media echo his sentiments and awaken to this healing philosophy.
In questi ultimi anni la popolarita dell aloe ha conosciuto un notevole incremento: a parte l uso tradizionale di questa pianta e dei suoi preparati come lassativo, e interessante chiedersi se questa droga vegetale possegga altre proprieta farmacologiche, la cui fama ha portato addiritura a definirla una miracle plant o wonder drug. Obiettivo di questo volume e valutare le possibili applicazioni terapeutiche di questa pianta. Dopo una presentazione delle caratteristiche botaniche del genere Aloe, si analizza la struttura della foglia, dalla quale si ottengono preparazioni di interesse farmaceutico e cosmetico, e si passano in rassegna i principali componenti chimici. Com e ben noto, l attivita dell aloe e dovuta soprattutto ad alcune sostanze specifiche, dette principi attivi, e ad altre di minore interesse farmacologico. Oggi e stato accertato che questei ultime possono essere definite adiuvanti perche potenziano l attivita terapeutica del pool di sostanze attive. Inoltre e possibile che l aloe, come droga vegetale nella sua integrita, possa a sua volta agire da adiuvante nei riguardi di terapie convenzionali in numerosi campi (gastrointestinale, dermatologico, diabetico e oncologico), come mostrano alcuni trial clinici. Ad oggi esiste un gran numero di studi (piu di 4000 per la sola Aloe vera o Aloe barbadensis) sugli effetti biologici dei preparati di aloe. Questo testo e rivolto non solo a medici, farmacisti, veterinari e a chi opera nel settore erboristico e fitoterapico, ma anche ai consumatori che vogliano saperne di piu su questa pianta dalle numerose proprieta.
Es mangelt nicht an Buchern, die sich mit Naturheilverfahren auseinandersetzen, aber es mangelt an solchen, die sich mit der Praxis der Naturheilweisen beschaftigen, die sich in jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung sowohl in der Klinik als auch in der ambulanten Betreuung der Patienten bewahrt haben. Jede Einseitigkeit der Methode ist ein Hindernis - auch die Monomanie, nur Naturheilverfahren anzuwenden. Vielmehr sind die Naturheilverfahren eine wesent liche Erweiterung der Therapiemoglichkeiten, wenn man verstehen lernt, diese zum richtigen Zeitpunkt einzusetzen. Die wissenschaftliche Medizin hat heute einen Standpunkt, der durch keine andere Methode verdrangt werden kann. Trotzdem streben zahlreiche Arzte, die oft schon lange in der Praxis tatig sind, eine Erweiterung ihres Behandlungsplanes an. Diesen sollte mit dem Kursbegleiter geholfen werden, wenn die Grenzen abgesteckt sind und eine neue Sicht der Befindensstorungen der Patienten geschaffen wird. Die Ausbildungsmoglichkeiten 'fur die Zusatzbezeichnung "Naturheilverfahren" werden in einem Ausmass in Anspruch genommen, dass es eine Pflicht ist, das Spektrum in dieser Richtung zu erweitern. Grundlage fur alle Verfahren sind die sogenannten klassischen Methoden, die sowohl in der antiken Medizin bereits angesprochen wur den, als sich auch in der Geschichte der Medizin bis heute bestatigt haben. Thera piemethoden, die sich erst in den letzten Jahrzehnten manifestiert haben, sind meist weder wissenschaftlich bestatigt, noch historisch bewahrt, was man von einer empi rischen Heilmethode erwarten muss. Dies gilt vor allem fur die bisher erarbeiteten Richtlinien zur Weiterbildung von seiten der Bundesarztekammern."
Immer mehr Eltern fragen den Kinderarzt nach sanften Therapien. Der handliche Ratgeber bietet ausschliesslich medizinisch gesichertes Wissen uber die Anwendung von Hausmitteln bei kranken Kindern. Der erste Teil enthalt die wichtigsten Krankheiten und Behandlungsmoeglichkeiten, der zweite Teil die Rezepte und genaue Beschreibung der Anwendungen. Zahlreiche Verweise verknupfen beide Teile miteinander, so dass die Rezepte fur die jeweiligen Krankheiten schnell und gezielt zu finden sind.
Drawing on the knowledge and wisdom of countless generations of Crow Indian women, the well-known speaker and teacher Alma Hogan Snell presents an indispensable guide to the traditional lore, culinary uses, and healing properties of native foods."" "A Taste of Heritage" imparts the lore of ages along with the traditional Crow philosophy of healing and detailed practical advice for finding and harvesting plants: from the key to creating irresistible dishes of cattails and dandelions, salsify and Juneberries, antelope meat and buffalo hooves, to the secret of using plants to enhance beauty and incite love. Snell describes the age-old practice of turning wildflowers and garden plants into balms and remedies for such ailments and injuries as snakebite, headache, leg cramps, swollen joints, asthma, and sores. She brings to bear not only her lifetime of experience but also the invaluable lessons of her grandmother, the legendary medicine woman Pretty Shield. With life-enhancing recipes for everything from soups, teas, and breads to poultices, aphrodisiacs, and fertility aids, "A Taste of Heritage" is above all a fascinating cultural document certain to enrich the reader's relationship with the natural world. A partial list of recipes: Wild Bitterroot SauceWild Carrot PuddingCattail BiscuitsDandelion SoupSalsify Oyster StewBalapia (Berry Pudding)Juneberry PieChokecherry CakeWild Mint TeaBitterberry LemonadeWheel BreadBoiled HoovesBill's Mother's Antelope RoastStuffed TroutElk RoastStuffed EggsOld-Time Moose RoastWild Turnip PorridgeWild Turnip BreadFresh Wild SaladBuffalo Cattail StewGround Tomato SaladGooseberry PuddingBearberry ButterSpicy Dried Plum CakeBuffaloberry Jelly
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