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Books > Medicine > Complementary medicine > General
A medicine with huge potential for treating Alzheimers, stroke, cancer and even Aids, the Christmas Rose (Black Hellebore) is in the process of being rediscovered by doctors and medical practitioners. Once admired by Hippocrates, Paracelsus and Hahnemann but long forgotten, the Christmas Rose is proving effective once again - both in trials and in clinical practice - for healing the serious illnesses of the new millennium. It is also being used to address many other conditions such as Attention Deficit Disorder in children, delayed brain maturation, in gynaecology and for joint disorders. Written by a practising medical doctor, this book offers comprehensive treatment regimes and numerous case studies demonstrating the successful use of this important plant-based medicine. In placing the remedy in historical context, Johannes Wilkens reviews its use by significant figures over the centuries, from Adamus Lonicerus and the founders of herbalism in the Middle Ages and Samuel Hahnemann and the more recent development of homeopathy, through to Rudolf Steiner and the emergence of anthroposophic medicine in the twentieth century. Vividly illustrated with colour photographs, this pioneering work outlines the critical role that the Christmas Rose can play in treating the illnesses of our time.
Despite dramatic advances in recent decades, medicine - like many other scientific disciplines - is prone to materialistic tendencies, viewing the human being as little more than a biological machine that can be manipulated with 'interventions' and drugs. In this collection of challenging lectures, Dr Glockler asks if a new science of healing can be developed today - a discipline that allows for realities of soul and spirit. With humanity standing at the threshold of a new spiritual consciousness, this question becomes increasingly relevant. Michaela Glockler speaks on themes relating to the esoteric path of spiritual development and its therapeutic task for the individual and community. Giving an account of the evolution of the ancient mysteries in relation to medicine, she discusses the application of inner work in outer action, reflecting on modern social and ethical issues such as organ transplantation and the termination of pregnancy. Whilst the author primarily addresses those involved in the healing professions, this book will be of interest to anybody concerned with a new science of the spirit.
Dr Harbakhash Singh Sandhar offers the textbook of physiology for students looking for a book providing in short a review of all the topics of human physiology in simple, easy to understand language for effective grasp of the subject. Provides a much awaited relief for the undergraduate students amidst the bulky, voluminous textbook on the subject.
"If the Saint calls you, if you have an open road, then you don't feel the fire as if it were your enemy," says one of the participants in the Anastenaria. This compelling work evokes and contrasts two forms of firewalking and religious healing: first, the Anastenaria, a northern Greek ritual in which people who are possessed by Saint Constantine dance dramatically over red-hot coals, and, second, American firewalking, one of the more spectacular activities of New Age psychology. Loring Danforth not only analyzes these rituals in light of the most recent work in medical and symbolic anthropology but also describes in detail the lives of individual firewalkers, involving the reader personally in their experiences: he views ritual therapy as a process of transformation and empowerment through which people are metaphorically moved from a state of illness to a state of health. Danforth shows that the Anastenaria and the songs accompanying it allow people to express and resolve conflict-laden family relationships that may lead to certain kinds of illnesses. He also demonstrates how women use the ritual to gain a sense of power and control over their lives without actually challenging the ideology of male dominance that pervades Greek culture. Comparing the Anastenaria with American firewalking, Danforth includes a gripping account of his own participation in a firewalk in rural Maine. Finally he examines the place of anthropology in a postmodern world in which the boundaries between cultures are becoming increasingly blurred.
Written by internationally renowned scientist and author Thomas S.C. Li, Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants presents information critical to assessing the medicinal potential of Taiwanese herbs. A comprehensive review of chemical constituents, toxicity, and therapeutic values, the book focuses on documentation of the chemical components present and their therapeutic properties. The author begins with a general introduction regarding the geographic advantages for growing varieties of medicinal plants, followed by tables presenting information on the major constituents and therapeutic values of more than 1000 species. He includes an index, three appendices cross-referencing major chemical components and their sources, and the common and scientific names of the medicinal plants cited in the table. Arranged alphabetically by Latin name into tables, the information is easy to find and the book easy to use.
Das Praxisbuch "Funktionelles Training mit Hand- und Kleingeraten" bietet Therapeuten, Trainern, Sportlehrern und UEbungsleitern ein grosses Spektrum von UEbungen und Variationen zu den gebrauchlichsten Handgeraten wie Thera-Band, Tube und Gymstick, Gewichte wie Kurz- und Langhantel, Gewichts- und Medizinballe, Fitness-Ball, Stabilisatonstrainer, Flowin, Propriomed und Stab. Auch die wesentlichen Hintergrundinfos uber Krafttraining, Sensomotorisches Training, Sportmotorische Tests fur Erwachsene, Besonderheiten im Training mit alteren Menschen und Jugendlichen usw. werden in Kurzform dargestellt. Als Praxisbuch fur die Kurs- und Therapieplanung ist es unentbehrlich, z.B. wenn es um die Auswahl von UEbungen nach einem bestimmten Trainingsziel geht, um das Zusammenstellen von Stundenbildern fur Kursprogramme oder von individuellen Heimprogrammen fur Kunden bzw. Patienten oder um das Konzipieren spezieller Trainingsprogramme fur ein bestimmtes Handgerat.
This holistic approach to arthritis and the management of chronic pain is a sincere effort to help people in the field of complementary therapies. The book deals with disorders in simple terms.
"[This volume] will surely prove of lasting value to
anthropologists, medical sociologists, and students of folklife no
less than to members of other disciplines with a special interest .
. . in herbs and the how and why of their utilization."--David
Allen, "Medical History" "This book merits praise as one of the best investigations of an
herbalist and his context in the literature of folk medicine and as
a powerful synthesis of important historical, social, and
psychological factors in general folk medicine."--"Newsletter of
the North Carolina Folk Society " "An important contribution to the sociology of medical
thinking."--Vivian Nutton, T"imes Literary Supplement
This is a full-colour laminated poster. A map of the right and left irises indicates the zones corresponding to the different organs and body parts. Another illustration shows the five types of irises: biliary, heamatogenic, and the lymphatic - neurogenic, - hydrogenic, and - weak connective. The text at the back explains these illustrations and is an excellent introduction to iridology.
Despite years of research world-over, non-toxic and effective radiomodulators remain elusive. In recent years, there has been a shift towards the use of herbals, which are also apparently being viewed as sources of promising radiomodulatory drugs. This book discusses the potential of radiation countermeasure agents and radiosensitizers of herbal origin, their multifaceted mode of action, specifically the use of the former in a nuclear theatre of operations, rescue operations and deep space missions in addition to their application during radiotherapy.
Exploring the Buddhist/Taoist concept of non-doing and intention in relation to bodywork, this book focuses on how the therapist should approach their client without agenda and meet them where they are at. This requires the therapist to pay attention to their own surfacing intentions and leave assumptions behind so they may focus on simply 'being', which is a profoundly active, non-reactive expression of presence, rather than a passive state of resignation. The ramifications of sub-conscious doing and wilful intention can negatively impact expressions of health and so the author explains how therapists may skilfully navigate between intention, attention and embodied non-doing whilst treating clients, and how this creates the foundations for safe relational touch.
Deur elke dag te skryf, kan jy verhalend tot verhaal kom Probeer sin maak met sinne wat nie wil sin maak nie. Dis die wese van skryfterapie - of journalling. En dis waarmee hierdie boek jou wil help: om deur jou gebrokenheid jouself te vind. Skryfterapie is 'n bewese manier om deur verlies en trauma te werk, ongeag wat die aard of omvang van jou trauma is - om amper letterlik “tot verhaal te kom”, selfs al dink jy jy kan nie skryf nie. Of jy jou werk verloor het, of deur 'n egskeiding moes worstel, of die slagoffer van misdaad was, of met 'n ernstige siekte gediagnoseer is, of 'n geliefde verloor het. Hierdie is alles lewensveranderende, traumatiese ervarings. Die antwoord oor die pad vorentoe lê in jouself: skryfterapie. Dis boonop iets wat jy in jou eie tyd kan doen, en op verskillende maniere, van letterlik 'n dagboek hou op papier, net vir jou eie oë bedoel, tot 'n digitale dagboek soos 'n aanlyn blog. Of selfs dig, of krabbel op papier ... Of dalk selfs jou memoires skryf. Alles help jou “om tot verhaal te kom”. Hierdie boek is jou praktiese journalling-gids met van inspirasie uit die werk van vele skrywers tot praktiese “Maar hoe skryf ek?”-wenke. Dis die eerste boek in Afrikaans oor skryfterapie. Rabe, 'n bekende in die media, skryf vir die eerste keer hier in boekformaat oor die selfdood van haar seun, waaroor daar al wyd berig is.
Make informed decisions about the benefits of using cannabis Pot is hot--for good reason. To date, 30 states have legalized medical marijuana to the tune of nearly $11B in consumer spending. Whether it's to help alleviate symptoms of an illness or for adults to use recreationally, more people every day are turning to marijuana. Cannabis For Dummies presents the science behind the use of this amazingly therapeutic plant. Inside, you'll find the hands-on knowledge and education you need to make an informed decision about your cannabis purchase, as a patient and a consumer. Decide for yourself if marijuana is right for you Manage aches and pains Gain insight on the effects and possible symptom relief Enjoy both sweet and savory edibles Navigate the legal requirements If you're curious about cannabis, everything you need to discover its many benefits is a page away!
Alternative Medizin ist popular: etwa 70% der deutschen Bevoelkerung hat im vergangenen Jahr mindestens eine Art von alternativer Behandlung angewendet. Doch was bringen Antioxidantien, Aloe Vera, Kinesiologie und Reiki eigentlich? Kann man an der Zunge oder der Iris erkennen, ob es den inneren Organen gut geht? Welche Erfolge koennen Geistheilung, autogenes Training oder Hypnotherapie vorweisen? Es gibt vielschichtige Grunde fur die grosse Beliebtheit dieser Methoden - Fehlinformationen sollten dabei eigentlich keine Rolle spielen. Leider prasseln auf Anwender und Hilfesuchende eine Menge an Fehlinformationen ein. Diese sind ausschlaggebend dafur, dass falsche, unkluge oder sogar gefahrliche therapeutische Entscheidungen getroffen werden. Dieses Buch hilft dem Leser, sich im Labyrinth der alternativen Medizin zurechtzufinden. Neben wesentlichen Hintergrundinformationen zu alternativer Medizin wie dem Placebo-Effekt, wissenschaftliche Nachweismethoden und gesellschaftlichen Pro- und Contra Argumenten, fuhrt das Buch durch 150 alternative therapeutische und diagnostische Methoden und beurteilt sie unter anderem hinsichtlich Wirksamkeit, Kosten und Gefahrenpotential. Das Buch richtet sich an Leser, die ein Interesse an ihrer Gesundheit haben, daher auch mit der Alternativmedizin liebaugeln und eine evidenzbasierte Analyse suchen. Der Autor Edzard Ernst erforscht seit 25 Jahren alle Aspekte der alternativen Medizin. Er und sein Team haben weit uber 1000 von Fachkollegen begutachtete Arbeiten und viele Bucher zu diesem Thema veroeffentlicht, darunter More Harm than Good? The Moral Maze of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2018) und Homoeopathie - Die Fakten [unverdunnt](2016) bei Springer. Seine Arbeit wurde mit mehr als einem Dutzend Preisen ausgezeichnet, darunter dem John-Maddox-Preis 2016. Er ging 2012 in den Ruhestand und ist emeritierter Professor der Universitat Exeter und spielt dauerhaft eine aktive Rolle in der oeffentlichen Debatte uber alternative Medizin.
Yoga to go ist eine therapeutisch ausgerichtete Form von Yoga, die eine schnelle und zugleich wirkungsvolle Hilfe bei Stress, chronischer Erschoepfung, Arthrose, Ruckensschmerzen und Muskelverspannungen bietet. Das Konzept ist ein moderner Mix aus ausgewahlten Yoga-Koerperubungen (Asanas), Atemtechnik, Superfoods und Achtsamkeit. Die UEbungssequenzen trainieren Kraft, Flexibilitat, Gleichgewicht und Muskelausdauer und bieten eine rasche Hilfe bei ausgewahlten typischen Alltagsbeschwerden, z. B. Mudigkeit oder akute Stress-Situationen. Mit den hilfreichen Gedanken und einfachen Regeln fur ein achtsames Leben gelangen Sie zu einer positiven inneren Einstellung und einem stabilen mentalen Gleichgewicht. Und zu guter letzt unterstutzen Sie die ausgewahlten Superfoods mit Rezeptideen in der effektiven Pravention der grossen Zivilisationskrankheiten und starken nebenbei Ihr Immunsystem. Sie koennen mit den vorgestellten Methoden und UEbungssequenzen sofort und ohne Nebenwirkungen beginnen. Das Buch richtet sich an gestresste Menschen mit wenig Zeit, die schnelle Loesungen suchen sowie an alle, die nachhaltig etwas fur ihre koerperliche und mentale Gesundheit tun moechten.
This book considers death and loss within Chinese Medicine and related Taoist models, and offers practical advice and techniques, effective recommendations and appropriate exercises for those working in palliative care, with grieving, frail or dying clients. Grainger examines the different ways that practitioners might encounter death and loss - including working in end-of-life care, with those facing terminal illness, affected by bereavement, suicide or miscarriage - in the context of different ages, religious and cultural backgrounds, and offers a model for teaching. Working with Death and Loss in Shiatsu Practice is the go-to text for practitioners wishing to improve their expertise and confidence when working with people at a vulnerable time in a respectful, open-hearted and compassionate manner.
Are you a wellness professional experiencing burnout, frustration, and disillusionment with the current healthcare systems? Are you a patient or client who's curious about seeking answers to your health issues from your own body and energy systems? This comprehensive and accessible guide, grounded in the most up-to-date scientific research and case studies, explains everything you need to know about medical intuition - a revolutionary new perspective in healthcare. The illuminating skill of medical intuition is designed to provide fast, pertinent intuitive health assessments that can be used as both a standalone practice and as a powerful support to health and wellness care of every kind. Intended to uncover the hidden sources of energetic resistance that may be blocking optimal wellbeing, medical intuition is now being increasingly discussed in integrative healthcare, its efficacy supported by innovative, growing research and case studies. In this thought-provoking new guide, discover exactly what medical intuition is - and how it can transform the lives of practitioners, patients, and clients.
Faith in the Great Physician tells the story of how participants in the evangelical divine healing movement of the late nineteenth century transformed the ways Americans coped with physical affliction and pursued bodily health. Examining the politics of sickness, health, and healing during this period, Heather D. Curtis encourages critical reflection on the theological, cultural, and social forces that come into play when one questions the purpose of suffering and the possibility of healing. Curtis finds that advocates of divine healing worked to revise a deep-seated Christian ethic that linked physical suffering with spiritual holiness. By engaging in devotional disciplines and participating in social reform efforts, proponents of faith cure embraced a model of spiritual experience that endorsed active service, rather than passive endurance, as the proper Christian response to illness and pain. Emphasizing the centrality of religious practices to the enterprise of divine healing, Curtis sheds light on the relationship among Christian faith, medical science, and the changing meanings of suffering and healing in American culture.
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