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Books > Professional & Technical > Electronics & communications engineering > General
How did one of the great inventions of the nineteenth century -- Thomas Edison's phonograph -- eventually lead to one of the most culturally and economically significant technologies of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries? Sound Recording traces the history of the business boom and the cultural revolution that Edison's invention made possible. Recorded sound has pervaded nearly every facet of modern life -- not just popular music, but also mundane office dictation machines, radio and television programs, and even telephone answering machines. Just as styles of music have evolved, so too have the formats through which sound has been captured -- from 78s to LPs, LPs to cassette tapes, tapes to CDs, and on to electronic formats. The quest for better sound has certainly driven technological change, but according to David L. Morton, so have business strategies, patent battles, and a host of other factors.
This book gives a detailed overview of SIP specific security issues and how to solve them While the standards and products for VoIP and SIP services have reached market maturity, security and regulatory aspects of such services are still being discussed. SIP itself specifies only a basic set of security mechanisms that cover a subset of possible security issues. In this book, the authors survey important aspects of securing SIP-based services. This encompasses a description of the problems themselves and the standards-based solutions for such problems. Where a standards-based solution has not been defined, the alternatives are discussed and the benefits and constraints of the different solutions are highlighted. "Key Features" Will help the readers to understand the actual problems of using and developing VoIP services, and to distinguish between real problems and the general hype of VoIP securityDiscusses key aspects of SIP security including authentication, integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation and signallingAssesses the real security issues facing users of SIP, and details the latest theoretical and practical solutions to SIP Security issuesCovers secure SIP access, inter-provider secure communication, media security, security of the IMS infrastructures as well as VoIP services vulnerabilities and countermeasures against Denial-of-Service attacks and VoIP spam This book will be of interest to IT staff involved in deploying and developing VoIP, service users of SIP, network engineers, designers and managers. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying data/voice/multimedia communications as well as researchers in academia and industry will also find this book valuable.
Das Buch vermittelt die Grundlagen fA1/4r den Einsatz von Industrial Ethernet und Kommunikationsbussen in der Industrieautomatisierung. Es beginnt mit einer EinfA1/4hrung in verschiedene Feldbussysteme, in Ethernet mit seinen unterschiedlichen AusprAgungen sowie den Aufbau und die Protokollarchitektur von TCP/IP. Es folgen Abschnitte zu Wireless-Netzwerken und zu Protokollen zur Steigerung der NetzwerkverfA1/4gbarkeit sowie eine grundlegende EinfA1/4hrung in PROFINET. Praxisbeispiele zeigen die Konfiguration von PROFINET-IO-Netzwerken, MRP-Ringen, Shared Devices und I-Devices mit STEP 7 V5.6 und TIA Portal V15. Im Kapitel zu Industrial Security erlAutert das Buch Angriffstechniken und MaA nahmen, Konzepte und Architekturen zur Netzwerksicherheit. Firewall-Beispielkonfigurationen mit dem TIA Portal V15 und SCALANCE S geben eine Hilfestellung fA1/4r eigene Projekte. Das folgende Kapitel zeigt, wie ein industrielles Netzwerk in der Praxis strukturiert ist und welche Komponenten man dabei nutzen kann. Ein Ausblick zu Digital Connectivity und dem industriellen Internet der Dinge (IIoT) rundet das Buch ab. Inhalt EinfA1/4hrung in Kommunikationsnetze: PROFIBUS, AS-Interface, CAN-Bus, Ethernet, TCP/IP, WLAN, NetzwerkverfA1/4gbarkeit PROFINET: Funktionsprinzip, Real-Time-Konzept, Konfiguration, MRP, Shared Device, I-Device, Beispielkonfigurationen mit STEP 7 und TIA Portal Industrial Security: Angriffstechniken und TAterprofile, Anlagensicherheit, Netzwerksicherheit, SystemintegritAt, Security-Beispielkonfigurationen mit dem TIA Portal V15 und SCALANCE Komponenten und Netzwerke:SCALANCE, Aufbau und Struktur industrieller Netzwerke Ausblick: Auf dem Weg zur Digital Connectivity
A detailed account of various applications and uses of transparent ceramics and the future of the industry In Transparent Ceramics: Materials, Engineering, and Applications, readers will discover the necessary foundation for understanding transparent ceramics (TCs) and the technical and economic factors that determine the overall worth of TCs. This book provides readers with a thorough history of TCs, as well as a detailed account of the materials, engineering and applications of TC in its various forms; fabrication and characterization specifics are also described. With this book, researchers, engineers, and students find a definitive guide to past and present use cases, and a glimpse into the future of TC materials. The book covers a variety of TC topics, including: The methods employed for materials produced in a transparent state Detailed applications of TCs for use in lasers, IR domes, armor-windows, and various medical prosthetics A review of traditionally used transparent materials that highlights the benefits of TCs Theoretical science and engineering theories presented in correlation with learned data A look at past, present, and future use-cases of TCs This insightful guide to ceramics that can be fabricated into bulk transparent parts will serve as a must-read for professionals in the industry, as well as students looking to gain a more thorough understanding of the field.
Websites, die intuitiv bedienbar sind, haben zufriedenere Nutzer und zufriedene Nutzer kommen wieder. Das ist das eigentliche Ziel der Usability und Eric Reiss zeigt Ihnen in diesem Buch, mit welchen einfachen MaA nahmen Sie es erreichen. Er gibt Ihnen zehn Grundprinzipien oder Gebote an die Hand - so sollte Ihre Website beispielsweise bequem, funktional und idiotensicher sein. Was Sie dafA1/4r tun oder besser bleiben lassen sollten, zeigt er Ihnen an zahllosen Beispielen aus dem Web. Aber auch Bratpfannen, StraA enschilder oder Badematten mA1/4ssen schon einmal herhalten, um zu erklaren, wie wir Dinge verwenden und was uns fluchen lasst, wenn etwas nicht so funktioniert, wie wir es erwarten. Neben jeder Menge erstaunlicher Aha-Erlebnisse und amA1/4santer Anekdoten bietet Ihnen jedes Kapitel am Ende eine Liste mit zehn Fragen, mit denen Sie moegliche Fallstricke aufspA1/4ren und Ihre Website maximal benutzerfreundlich gestalten koennen. Und da Eric Reiss die zehn Usability-Gebote nicht nur aufgeschrieben, sondern beim Schreiben dieses Buchs auch selbst berA1/4cksichtigt hat, werden Sie sehen: Es funktioniert.
This book applies the four-dimensional formalism with an extended toolbox of operation rules, allowing readers to define more general classes of electromagnetic media and to analyze EM waves that can exist in them End-of-chapter exercises Formalism allows readers to find novel classes of media Covers various properties of electromagnetic media in terms of which they can be set in different classes
In diesem Buch werden die derzeit verfugbaren Produktionstechnologien von Bioenergie vorgestellt und bewertet, und zwar fur Bioethanol, Biobutanol, Biomethanol, Biooel, Biowasserstoff, Biogas und Biomethan. Die neuesten Technologieentwicklungen und ihre kommerzielle Umsetzbarkeit werden analysiert. Daruber hinaus beschreiben die Autoren die derzeitigen Ruckschritte, diesbezugliche Korrekturmoeglichkeiten, die Zeitspanne fur Verbesserungen und die maximal anzunehmenden Auswirkungen auf die Markteinfuhrung verschiedener Bioenergie-Optionen. In jedem Kapitel werden vergleichende Strategien fur verschiedene Biokraftstofftechnologien vorgestellt, aktuelle Herausforderungen und nachhaltige Loesungen diskutiert, und am Ende des Buches prasentieren die Herausgeber eine vergleichende Bewertung.
This book is an essential resource for researchers involved in designing antennas and RCS calculations. It is also useful for students studying high frequency diffraction techniques. It contains basic original ideas of the Physical Theory of Diffraction (PTD), examples of its practical application, and its validation by the mathematical theory of diffraction. The derived analytic expressions are convenient for numerical calculations and clearly illustrate the physical structure of the scattered field. The text's key topics include: Theory of diffraction at black bodies introduces the Shadow Radiation, a fundamental component of the scattered field; RCS of finite bodies of revolution-cones, paraboloids, etc.; models of construction elements for aircraft and missiles; scheme for measurement of that part of a scattered field which is radiated by the diffraction (so-called nonuniform) currents induced on scattering objects; development of the parabolic equation method for investigation of edge-diffraction; and a new exact and asymptotic solutions in the strip diffraction problems, including scattering at an open resonator.
Provides a comprehensive and updated account of WDM optical network systems Optical networking has advanced considerably since 2010. A host of new technologies and applications has brought a significant change in optical networks, migrating it towards an all-optical network. This book places great emphasis on the network concepts, technology, and methodologies that will stand the test of time and also help in understanding and developing advanced optical network systems. The first part of Optical WDM Networks: From Static to Elastic Networks provides a qualitative foundation for what follows--presenting an overview of optical networking, the different network architectures, basic concepts, and a high-level view of the different network structures considered in subsequent chapters. It offers a survey of enabling technologies and the hardware devices in the physical layer, followed by a more detailed picture of the network in the remaining chapters. The next sections give an in-depth study of the three basic network structures: the static broadcast networks, wavelength routed networks, and the electronic/optical logically routed networks, covering the characteristics of the optical networks in the access, metropolitan area, and long-haul reach. It discusses the networking picture; network control and management, impairment management and survivability. The last section of the book covers the upcoming technologies of flex-grid and software defined optical networking. Provides concise, updated, and comprehensive coverage of WDM optical networks Features numerous examples and exercise problems for the student to practice Covers, in detail, important topics, such as, access, local area, metropolitan, wide area all-optical and elastic networks Includes protocols, design, and analysis along with the control and management of the networks Offers exclusive chapters on advance topics to cover the present and future technological trends, such as, software defined optical networking and the flexible grid optical networks Optical WDM Networks: From Static to Elastic Networks is an excellent book for under and post graduate students in electrical/communication engineering. It will also be very useful to practicing professionals in communications, networking, and optical systems.
Interface Engineering in Organic Field-Effect Transistors Systematic summary of advances in developing effective methodologies of interface engineering in organic field-effect transistors, from models to experimental techniques Interface Engineering in Organic Field-Effect Transistors covers the state of the art in organic field-effect transistors and reviews charge transport at the interfaces, device design concepts, and device fabrication processes, and gives an outlook on the development of future optoelectronic devices. This book starts with an overview of the commonly adopted methods to obtain various semiconductor/semiconductor interfaces and charge transport mechanisms at these heterogeneous interfaces. Then, it covers the modification at the semiconductor/electrode interfaces, through which to tune the work function of electrodes as well as reveal charge injection mechanisms at the interfaces. Charge transport physics at the semiconductor/dielectric interface is discussed in detail. The book describes the remarkable effect of SAM modification on the semiconductor film morphology and thus the electrical performance. In particular, valuable analyses of charge trapping/detrapping engineering at the interface to realize new functions are summarized. Finally, the sensing mechanisms that occur at the semiconductor/environment interfaces of OFETs and the unique detection methods capable of interfacing organic electronics with biology are discussed. Specific sample topics covered in Interface Engineering in Organic Field-Effect Transistors include: Noncovalent modification methods, charge insertion layer at the electrode surface, dielectric surface passivation methods, and covalent modification methods Charge transport mechanism in bulk semiconductors, influence of additives on materials’ nucleation and morphology, solvent additives, and nucleation agents Nanoconfinement effect, enhancing the performance through semiconductor heterojunctions, planar bilayer heterostructure, ambipolar charge-transfer complex, and supramolecular arrangement of heterojunctions Dielectric effect in OFETs, dielectric modification to tune semiconductor morphology, surface energy control, microstructure design, solution shearing, eliminating interfacial traps, and SAM/SiO2 dielectrics A timely resource providing the latest developments in the field and emphasizing new insights for building reliable organic electronic devices, Interface Engineering in Organic Field-Effect Transistors is essential for researchers, scientists, and other interface-related professionals in the fields of organic electronics, nanoelectronics, surface science, solar cells, and sensors.
AUTONOMOUS AND CONNECTED VEHICLES Discover the latest developments in autonomous vehicles and what the future holds for this exciting technology In Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, networking experts Dominique Paret and Hassina Rebaine deliver a robust exploration of the major technological changes taking place in the field, and describe the different levels of autonomy possible with current technologies and the legal and regulatory contexts in which new autonomous vehicles will circulate. The book also includes discussions of the sensors, including infrared, ultrasound, cameras, lidar, and radar, used by modern autonomous vehicles. Readers will enjoy the intuitive descriptions of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), network architectures (CAN-FD, FlexRay, and Backbone Ethernet), and software that power current and future autonomous vehicles. The authors also discuss how ADAS can be fused with data flowing over newer and faster network architectures and artificial intelligence to create greater levels of autonomy. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the buzz and hype surrounding autonomous and connected vehicles, including a brief history of the autonomous vehicle Comprehensive explorations of common issues affecting autonomous and connected vehicles, including regulatory guidelines, legislation, relevant norms and standards, and insurance issues Practical discussions of autonomous vehicle sensors, from DAS to ADAS and HADAS, and VA L3 to L5 In-depth examinations of networks and architecture, including discussions of data fusion, artificial intelligence, and hardware architecture in vehicles Perfect for graduate and undergraduate students in programs dealing with the intersection of wireless communication technologies and vehicles, Autonomous and Connected Vehicles is also a must-read reference for industry professionals and researchers seeking a one-stop reference for the latest developments in vehicle communications technology.
Brings novel insights to a vibrant research area with high application potential?covering materials, physics, architecture, and integration aspects of future generation CMOS electronics technology Over the last four decades we have seen tremendous growth in semiconductor electronics. This growth has been fueled by the matured complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. This comprehensive book captures the novel device options in CMOS technology that can be realized using non-silicon semiconductors. It discusses germanium, III-V materials, carbon nanotubes and graphene as semiconducting materials for three-dimensional field-effect transistors. It also covers non-conventional materials such as nanowires and nanotubes. Additionally, nanoelectromechanical switches-based mechanical relays and wide bandgap semiconductor-based terahertz electronics are reviewed as essential add-on electronics for enhanced communication and computational capabilities. Advanced Nanoelectronics: Post-Silicon Materials and Devices begins with a discussion of the future of CMOS. It continues with comprehensive chapter coverage of: nanowire field effect transistors; two-dimensional materials for electronic applications; the challenges and breakthroughs of the integration of germanium into modern CMOS; carbon nanotube logic technology; tunnel field effect transistors; energy efficient computing with negative capacitance; spin-based devices for logic, memory and non-Boolean architectures; and terahertz properties and applications of GaN. -Puts forward novel approaches for future, state-of-the-art, nanoelectronic devices -Discusses emerging materials and architectures such as alternate channel material like germanium, gallium nitride, 1D nanowires/tubes, 2D graphene, and other dichalcogenide materials and ferroelectrics -Examines new physics such as spintronics, negative capacitance, quantum computing, and 3D-IC technology -Brings together the latest developments in the field for easy reference -Enables academic and R&D researchers in semiconductors to "think outside the box" and explore beyond silica An important resource for future generation CMOS electronics technology, Advanced Nanoelectronics: Post-Silicon Materials and Devices will appeal to materials scientists, semiconductor physicists, semiconductor industry, and electrical engineers.
Covers significant changes in GPS/INS technology, and includes new material on GPS, GNSSs including GPS, Glonass, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS, and IRNSS/NAViC, and MATLAB programs on square root information filtering (SRIF) This book provides readers with solutions to real-world problems associated with global navigation satellite systems, inertial navigation, and integration. It presents readers with numerous detailed examples and practice problems, including GNSS-aided INS, modeling of gyros and accelerometers, and SBAS and GBAS. This revised fourth edition adds new material on GPS III and RAIM. It also provides updated information on low cost sensors such as MEMS, as well as GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS, and IRNSS/NAViC, and QZSS. Revisions also include added material on the more numerically stable square-root information filter (SRIF) with MATLAB programs and examples from GNSS system state filters such as ensemble time filter with square-root covariance filter (SRCF) of Bierman and Thornton and SigmaRho filter. Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration, 4th Edition provides: Updates on the significant upgrades in existing GNSS systems, and on other systems currently under advanced development Expanded coverage of basic principles of antenna design, and practical antenna design solutions More information on basic principles of receiver design, and an update of the foundations for code and carrier acquisition and tracking within a GNSS receiver Examples demonstrating independence of Kalman filtering from probability density functions of error sources beyond their means and covariances New coverage of inertial navigation to cover recent technology developments and the mathematical models and methods used in its implementation Wider coverage of GNSS/INS integration, including derivation of a unified GNSS/INS integration model, its MATLAB implementations, and performance evaluation under simulated dynamic conditions Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration, Fourth Edition is intended for people who need a working knowledge of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), and the Kalman filtering models and methods used in their integration.
SIMATIC is the worldwide established automation system for implementing industrial control systems for machines, manufacturing plants and industrial processes. Relevant open-loop and closed-loop control tasks are formulated in various programming languages with the engineering software STEP 7. Ladder diagram (LAD) and function block diagram (FBD) use graphic symbols to display the monitoring and control functions similar those used in schematic circuit diagrams or electronic switching systems. Now in its fifth edition, this book describes these graphic-oriented programming languages combined with the engineering software STEP 7 V5.5 for use with both SIMATIC S7-300 and SIMATIC S7-400 automation systems. New functions of this STEP 7 version are especially related to CPU-Webserver and PROFINET IO like for example the application of I devices, shared devices and isochrone mode. It is aimed at all users of SIMATIC S7 controllers. First-time users are introduced to the field of programmable controllers, while advanced users learn about specific applications of the SIMATIC S7 automation system. All programming examples found in the book - and even a few extra examples - are available over the publisher's website under Downloads.
This book provides the most up-to-date research and development on wearable computing, wireless body sensor networks, wearable systems integrated with mobile computing, wireless networking and cloud computing This book has a specific focus on advanced methods for programming Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) based on the reference SPINE project. It features an on-line website (http://spine.deis.unical.it) to support readers in developing their own BSN application/systems and covers new emerging topics on BSNs such as collaborative BSNs, BSN design methods, autonomic BSNs, integration of BSNs and pervasive environments, and integration of BSNs with cloud computing. The book provides a description of real BSN prototypes with the possibility to see on-line demos and download the software to test them on specific sensor platforms and includes case studies for more practical applications. Provides a future roadmap by learning advanced technology and open research issues Gathers the background knowledge to tackle key problems, for which solutions will enhance the evolution of next-generation wearable systems References the SPINE web site (http://spine.deis.unical.it) that accompanies the text Includes SPINE case studies and span topics like human activity recognition, rehabilitation of elbow/knee, handshake detection, emotion recognition systems Wearable Systems and Body Sensor Networks: from modeling to implementation is a great reference for systems architects, practitioners, and product developers. Giancarlo Fortino is currently an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering (since 2006) at the Department of Electronics, Informatics and Systems (DEIS) of the University of Calabria (Unical), Rende (CS), Italy. He was recently nominated Guest Professor in Computer Engineering of Wuhan University of Technology on April, 18 2012 (the term of appointment is three years). His research interests include distributed computing and networks, wireless sensor networks, wireless body sensor networks, agent systems, agent oriented software engineering, streaming content distribution networks, distributed multimedia systems, GRID computing. Raffaele Gravina received the B.Sc. and M.S. degrees both in computer engineering from the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy, in 2004 and 2007, respectively. Here he also received the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering. He's now a Postdoctoral research fellow at University of Calabria. His research interests are focused on high-level programming methods for WSNs, specifically Wireless Body Sensor Networks. He wrote almost 30 scientific/technical articles in the area of the proposed Book. He is co-founder of SenSysCal S.r.l., a spin-off company of the University of Calabria, and CTO of the wearable computing area of the company. Stefano Galzarano received the B.S. and M.S. degrees both in computer engineering from the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy, in 2006 and 2009, respectively. He is currently pursuing a joint Ph.D. degree in computer engineering with University of Calabria and Technical University of Eindhoven (The Netherlands). His research interests are focused on high-level programming methods for wireless sensor networks and, specifically, novel methods and frameworks for autonomic wireless body sensor networks.
Spacecraft Lithium-Ion Battery Power Systems Provides Readers with a Better Understanding of the Requirements, Design, Test, and Safety Engineering of Spacecraft Lithium-ion Battery Power Systems Written by highly experienced spacecraft engineers and scientists working at the forefront of the aerospace industry, Spacecraft Lithium-Ion Battery Power Systems is one of the first books to provide a comprehensive treatment of the broad area of spacecraft lithium-ion battery (LIB) power systems technology. The work emphasizes the technical aspects across the entire lifecycle of spacecraft LIBs including the requirements, design, manufacturing, testing, and safety engineering principles needed to deploy a reliable spacecraft LIB-based electrical power system. A special focus on rechargeable LIB technologies as they apply to unmanned and crewed Earth-orbiting satellites, planetary mission spacecraft (such as orbiters, landers, rovers and probes), launch vehicle, and astronaut spacesuit applications is emphasized. Using a system's engineering approach, the book bridges knowledge gaps that typically exist between academic and industry practitioners. Key topics of discussion and learning resources include: Detailed systematic technical treatment of spacecraft LIB-based electrical power systems across the entire LIB lifecycle Principles of lithium-ion cell and battery design and test, LIB sizing, battery management systems, electrical power systems, safety engineering, ground and launch-site processing, and on-orbit mission operations Special topics such as requirements engineering, qualification testing, thermal runaway hazards, dead bus events, life cycle testing and prediction analyses, on-orbit LIB power system management, and spacecraft EPS passivation strategies Comprehensive discussion of on-orbit and emerging space applications of LIBs supporting various commercial, civil, and government spacecraft missions such as International Space Station, Galileo, James Webb Telescope, Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover, Europa Clipper, Cubesats, and more Overall, the work provides professionals supporting all aspects of the aerospace marketplace with key knowledge and highly actionable information pertaining to LIBs and their specific applications in modern spacecraft systems.
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering represents an effort to make the principles of electrical and computer engineering accessible to students in various engineering disciplines. The principal objective of the book is to present the fundamentals of electrical, electronic, and electromechanical engineering to an audience of engineering majors enrolled in introductory and more advanced or specialized electrical engineering courses. A second objective is to present these fundamentals with a focus on important results and common yet effective analytical and computational tools to solve practical problems. Finally, a third objective of the book is to illustrate, by way of concrete, fully worked examples, a number of relevant applications of electrical engineering. These examples are drawn from the authors' industrial research experience and from ideas contributed by practicing engineers and industrial partners.
Provides extensive coverage of standardized QoS technologies for fixed and mobile ultra-broadband networks and services--bringing together technical, regulation, and business aspects The Quality of Service (QoS) has been mandatory for traditional telecommunication services such as telephony (voice) and television (TV) since the first half of the past century, however, with the convergence of telecommunication networks and services onto Internet technologies, the QoS provision remains a big challenge for all ICT services, not only for traditional ones. This book covers the standardized QoS technologies for fixed and mobile ultra-broadband networks and services, including the business aspects and QoS regulation framework, which all will have high impact on the ICTs in the current and the following decade. QoS for Fixed and Mobile Ultra-Broadband starts by introducing readers to the telecommunications field and the technology, and the many aspects of both QoS and QoE (Quality of Experience). The next chapter devotes itself to Internet QoS, starting with an overview of numerous technology protocols and finishing with business and regulatory aspects. The next three chapters look at QoS in NGN and Future Networks, QoS for fixed ultra-broadband, and QoS for mobile ultra-broadband. The book also provides readers with in-depth accounts of services in fixed and mobile ultra-broadband; broadband QoS parameters, KPIs, and measurements; network neutrality; and the QoS regulatory framework. Comprehensively covers every aspect of QoS technology for fixed and mobile ultra-broadband networks and services, including the technology, the many regulations, and their applications in business Explains how the QoS is transiting from the traditional telecom world to an all-IP world Presents all the fundamentals of QoS regulation, as well as SLA regulation QoS for Fixed and Mobile Ultra-Broadband is an excellent resource for managers, engineers, and employees from regulators, ICT government organizations, telecommunication companies (operators, service providers), ICT companies, and industry. It is also a good book for students and professors from academia who are interested in understanding, implementation, and regulation of QoS for fixed and mobile ultra-broadband.
Queueing Systems Volume 1: Theory Leonard Kleinrock This book presents and develops methods from queueing theory in sufficient depth so that students and professionals may apply these methods to many modern engineering problems, as well as conduct creative research in the field. It provides a long-needed alternative both to highly mathematical texts and to those which are simplistic or limited in approach. Written in mathematical language, it avoids the "theorem-proof" technique: instead, it guides the reader through a step-by-step, intuitively motivated yet precise development leading to a natural discovery of results. Queueing Systems, Volume I covers material ranging from a refresher on transform and probability theory through the treatment of advanced queueing systems. It is divided into four sections: 1) preliminaries; 2) elementary queueing theory; 3) intermediate queueing theory; and 4) advanced material. Important features of Queueing Systems, Volume 1: Theory include—
A guide to intelligent decision and pervasive computing paradigms for healthcare analytics systems with a focus on the use of bio-sensors Intelligent Pervasive Computing Systems for Smarter Healthcare describes the innovations in healthcare made possible by computing through bio-sensors. The pervasive computing paradigm offers tremendous advantages in diversified areas of healthcare research and technology. The authors--noted experts in the field--provide the state-of-the-art intelligence paradigm that enables optimization of medical assessment for a healthy, authentic, safer, and more productive environment. Today's computers are integrated through bio-sensors and generate a huge amount of information that can enhance our ability to process enormous bio-informatics data that can be transformed into meaningful medical knowledge and help with diagnosis, monitoring and tracking health issues, clinical decision making, early detection of infectious disease prevention, and rapid analysis of health hazards. The text examines a wealth of topics such as the design and development of pervasive healthcare technologies, data modeling and information management, wearable biosensors and their systems, and more. This important resource: Explores the recent trends and developments in computing through bio-sensors and its technological applications Contains a review of biosensors and sensor systems and networks for mobile health monitoring Offers an opportunity for readers to examine the concepts and future outlook of intelligence on healthcare systems incorporating biosensor applications Includes information on privacy and security issues on wireless body area network for remote healthcare monitoring Written for scientists and application developers and professionals in related fields, Intelligent Pervasive Computing Systems for Smarter Healthcare is a guide to the most recent developments in intelligent computer systems that are applicable to the healthcare industry.
This book aims to discuss the basic principles of an electronic nose, and to provide an account of recent developments in this field, with practical examples of its application. It seeks to review the field together with the many new developments that have occurred since the first meeting was held on electronic noses in Iceland in 1991. It will be essential reading for anyone who is working, researching or simply interested in electronic noses or machine olfaction. A comprehensive appendix is provided at the end of the book.
Experts in data analytics and power engineering present techniques addressing the needs of modern power systems, covering theory and applications related to power system reliability, efficiency, and security. With topics spanning large-scale and distributed optimization, statistical learning, big data analytics, graph theory, and game theory, this is an essential resource for graduate students and researchers in academia and industry with backgrounds in power systems engineering, applied mathematics, and computer science.
Offers an Interdisciplinary approach to the engineering of functional materials for efficient solar cell technology Written by a collection of experts in the field of solar cell technology, this book focuses on the engineering of a variety of functional materials for improving photoanode efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The first two chapters describe operation principles of DSSC, charge transfer dynamics, as well as challenges and solutions for improving DSSCs. The remaining chapters focus on interfacial engineering of functional materials at the photoanode surface to create greater output efficiency. Interfacial Engineering in Functional Materials for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells begins by introducing readers to the history, configuration, components, and working principles of DSSC It then goes on to cover both nanoarchitectures and light scattering materials as photoanode. Function of compact (blocking) layer in the photoanode and of TiCl4 post-treatment in the photoanode are examined at next. Next two chapters look at photoanode function of doped semiconductors and binary semiconductor metal oxides. Other chapters consider nanocomposites, namely, plasmonic nanocomposites, carbon nanotube based nanocomposites, graphene based nanocomposites, and graphite carbon nitride based nanocompositesas photoanodes. The book: Provides comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals through the applications of DSSC Encompasses topics on various functional materials for DSSC technology Focuses on the novel design and application of materials in DSSC, to develop more efficient renewable energy sources Is useful for material scientists, engineers, physicists, and chemists interested in functional materials for the design of efficient solar cells Interfacial Engineering in Functional Materials for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells will be of great benefit to graduate students, researchers and engineers, who work in the multi-disciplinary areas of material science, engineering, physics, and chemistry.
Offering step-by-step, in-depth coverage, the new Third Edition of Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design provides a cohesive presentation of power electronics fundamentals for applications and design in the power range of 500 kW or less. The text describes a variety of practical and emerging power electronic converters made feasible by the new generation of power semiconductor devices. The new edition is now enhanced with a new CD-ROM, complete with PSpice-based examples, a new magnetics design program, and PowerPoint slides.
The second edition of the highly successful Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering is thoroughly expanded and updated. The text is divided into four parts: circuits, electronics, digital systems, and electromagnetics. Although it delves in depth into each of these topics, the text represents more than your basic survey of the basics of electrical engineering. A solid understanding of the fundamental principles on which modern electrical engineering is based is also provided. This edition includes a chapter on circuit analysis software SPICE, with a detailed discussion of the PC version known as PSPICE (from MicroSim Corp.). Numerous drill exercises have been added to this new edition, reinforcing ideas presented in the examples. There are over 1,000 end-of-chapter problems. This text is suitable for a variety of electrical engineering courses. It can be used as a text for an introduction to electrical engineering for both majors and non-majors or both, or can be split and the various chapters utilized for an introduction to circuits course, a first electronics course, or for a course on digital electronics and logic design. |
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