Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > General
Die neue Energieeinsparverordnung (EnEV 2009) fordert nun eine
wesentlich verscharfte Umsetzung der EG Richtlinie uber die
Gesamtenergieeffizienz von Gebauden. Zugleich ist auch das
Energieeinsparungsgesetz (EnEG 2009) in Teilen ebenfalls erheblich
geandert und das Erneuerbare-Energien-Warmegesetz (EEWarmegesetz)
neu eingefuhrt worden. Auch die rechtliche Bewertung von
Energieausweisen, insbesondere die daraus resultierende Haftung,
gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Das Kompendium zum Energieausweis
fuhrt Architekten, Ingenieure, Handwerker, Gerichte, Rechtsanwalte,
Sachverstandige und alle, die sich mit dem Verkauf, der Vermietung,
der Verwaltung und der Bewertung von Immobilien befassen, in das
komplexe Thema ein, beleuchtet die technischen und rechtlichen
Aspekte und liefert das notwendige Handwerkszeug zur Erstellung und
Bewertung von Energieausweisen.
die vom Institut fur Kirchenrecht und rheinische
Kirchenrechtsgeschichte an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultat
der Universitat zu Koln betreute Sammlung "Entscheidungen in
Kirchensachen seit 1946" bietet die Judikatur staatlicher Gerichte
zum allgemeinen Religionsrecht und zum Verhaltnis von Kirche und
Staat. Die Sammlung ist die einzige ihrer Art im deutschsprachigen
Raum. Sie bildet zugleich ein Dokument der Zeitgeschichte. Ab Band
39 wird die fur die Verhaltnisse in Deutschland relevante
Rechtsprechung europaischer Gerichtshofe in die Sammlung
Corporations can significantly affect the fundamental rights of
individuals. This book investigates how to determine the
substantive content of their obligations that emanate from these
rights. In doing so, it addresses important conceptual issues
surrounding fundamental rights. From an investigation of existing
legal models, a clear structural similarity surfaces in how courts
make decisions about corporate obligations. The book seeks to
systematise, justify and develop this emergent 'multi-factoral
approach' through examining key factors for determining the
substantive content of corporate obligations. The book defends the
use of the proportionality test for ascertaining corporations'
negative obligations and outlines a novel seven-step test for
determining their positive obligations. The book finally proposes
legal and institutional reforms - on both the national and
international levels - designed to enhance the quality of
decision-making surrounding corporate obligations, and embed
fundamental rights within the corporate structure and the minds of
key decision-makers.
Construction Law in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf is an
authoritative guide to construction law in the United Arab Emirates
and the Gulf. The principal theme is the contrast between
construction law in an Islamic civil law jurisdiction and
construction law in a common law jurisdiction. the first
authoritative text on the application of the laws of the UAE
extensive extracts from the region's applicable laws, all
translated from Arabic, and hundreds of judgments of the most
senior courts used to back up the analysis provided
[a oeRulings in Ecclesiastical Matters Since 1946a ]The collection
of rulings publishes the administration of justice by governmental
courts in the Federal Republic of Germany pertaining to the
relationship of church and state, and also regarding further
problems which are characterized by the relevance of religious
Erfolgreiches Lehrbuch, das eine problembezogene Einfuhrung in das
Schuld- und Sachenrecht des BGB mit Bezugen zum Handelsrecht gibt."
Appropriate laws and regulations are essential tools to direct the
action of procurers toward the public good and avoid corruption and
misallocation of resources. Common laws and regulations across
regions, nations and continents potentially allow for the further
opening of markets and ventures to newcomers and new ideas to
satisfy public demand. Law and Economics of Public Procurement
Reforms collects the original contributions related to the new
European Union Directives approved in 2014 by the EU Parliament.
They are of both economists and lawyers, and have been presented in
a manner that allows for exchanges of views and "real time"
interaction. This book features, for each section, an introductory
exchange between two experts of different disciplines, made up of a
series of sequential interactions between an economist and a
lawyer, which enriches the liveliness of the debate and improve the
mutual understanding between the two professions. Four sections
characterize this book: Supporting social considerations via public
procurement; Green public procurement; Innovation through
innovative partnerships; and Lots - The Economic and Legal
Challenges of Centralized Procurement. These themes have current
relevance of the new European Public Procurement Directives.
Written by an impressive array of experts in their respected
fields, this volume is of great importance to practitioners who
work in the field of EU public procurement in the Member States of
the EU, as well as academics and students who study public finance,
public policy and regulation.
This cohesive collection brings together David J. Teece's most
important work on the nexus of innovation and competition policy.
He was one of the first to flag the importance of innovation issues
to competition policy 25 years ago. He has also pioneered the
application of economic and organizational principles to issues in
the management of innovation. Throughout these essays, Professor
Teece shows how technological advances, the advent of the Internet
and other recent shifts in the global business landscape have
placed businesses in a radically altered situation from even just a
few decades ago. He clearly elucidates the need for both businesses
and policymakers to adapt to this rapidly evolving landscape by
embracing and fostering next-generation competition policies.
Topics discussed include antitrust policy, technology strategies,
competition policy, market power and intellectual property issues.
Students and professors of business and management, innovation
studies, intellectual property and competition lawyers will find
this volume a critical asset to their work. Policymakers and
regulators will also benefit immensely from this lucid and
comprehensive collection.
Since publication of the first edition in 1976, The Building
Regulations: Explained and Illustrated has provided a detailed,
authoritative, highly illustrated and accessible guide to the
regulations that must be adhered to when constructing, altering or
extending a building in England and Wales. This latest edition has
been fully revised throughout. Much of the content has been
completely rewritten to cover the substantial changes to the
Regulations since publication of the 13th edition, to ensure it
continues to provide the detailed guidance needed by all those
concerned with building work, including architects, building
control officers, Approved Inspectors, Competent Persons, building
surveyors, engineers, contractors and students in the relevant
The collection of rulings publishes the administration of justice
by governmental courts in the Federal Republic of Germany
pertaining to the relationship of church and state, and also
regarding further problems which are characterized by the relevance
of religious concerns.
This contract should be used for local and international
procurement of goods under a single order or on a batch order basis
and is for use with contracts which do not require sophisticated
management techniques and impose only low risks on both the
Purchaser and Supplier. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of
NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector
Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the
NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of
this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver
efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in
line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
NEC Managing Reality: A Practical Guide to Applying NEC3 is a
series of books written by NEC experts well versed in using the NEC
`at the coal face' that explain how the NEC can be used to optimum
benefit in everyday environments. The second edition includes full
updates to each of the five books: Introduction to the engineering
and construction contract; Procuring an engineering and
construction contract; Managing the contract; Managing change;
Managing procedures. This new edition focuses solely on NEC3, with
new practical examples from across the world. Sections on
disallowable cost, defects, roles/responsibilities and schedule of
cost components have been expanded and enhanced.
Public procurement law, regulating public sector purchasing of
certain contracts for goods, works and services, is an area of EU
law which is closely intertwined with the UK's economy. It will
almost inevitably be affected by the consequences of Brexit. At a
time of significant uncertainty, this book explores policy
directions which domestic procurement law could take in the future,
including whether 'Buy National' policies might feasibly be
introduced, or whether existing procurement procedures could be
significantly reviewed.
As usage of the NEC family of contracts continues to grow
worldwide, so does the importance of understanding its clauses and
nuances to everyone working in the built environment. Understanding
the NEC4 ECC Contract uses plain English to lead the reader through
the NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract's key features.
Chapters cover: The Contractor's main responsibilities the use of
early warnings Contractor's design Tendering Quality management
Payment Liabilities and insurance Termination Avoiding and
resolving disputes and much more. Common problems experienced when
using the Engineering and Construction Contract are signaled to the
reader throughout, and the correct way of reading each clause
explained. The way the contract effects procurement processes,
dispute resolution, project management, and risk management are all
addressed in order to direct the user to best practice. Written for
construction professionals, by a practicing international
construction contract consultant, this handbook is the most
straightforward, balanced and practical guide to the NEC4 ECC
available. An ideal companion for employers, contractors, project
managers, supervisors, engineers, architects, quantity surveyors,
subcontractors, and anyone else interested in working successfully
with the NEC4 ECC.
As usage of the NEC family of contracts continues to grow
worldwide, so does the importance of understanding its clauses and
nuances to everyone working in the built environment. Understanding
the NEC4 ECC Contract uses plain English to lead the reader through
the NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract's key features.
Chapters cover: The Contractor's main responsibilities the use of
early warnings Contractor's design Tendering Quality management
Payment Liabilities and insurance Termination Avoiding and
resolving disputes and much more. Common problems experienced when
using the Engineering and Construction Contract are signaled to the
reader throughout, and the correct way of reading each clause
explained. The way the contract effects procurement processes,
dispute resolution, project management, and risk management are all
addressed in order to direct the user to best practice. Written for
construction professionals, by a practicing international
construction contract consultant, this handbook is the most
straightforward, balanced and practical guide to the NEC4 ECC
available. An ideal companion for employers, contractors, project
managers, supervisors, engineers, architects, quantity surveyors,
subcontractors, and anyone else interested in working successfully
with the NEC4 ECC.
English contract law provides the invisible framework that
underpins and enables much contracting activity in society, yet the
role of the law in policing many of our contracts now approaches
vanishing point. The methods by which contracts come into
existence, and notionally create binding obligations, have
transformed over the past forty years. Consumers now enter into
contracts through remote and automated processes on standard terms
over which they have little control. This book explores the
substantive weakening of the institution of contract law in a
society heavily dependent on contracts. It considers significant
areas of contracting activity that affect many people, but that
escape serious and sustained legal scrutiny. An accessibly written
and succinct account of contract law's past, present and future, it
assesses the implications of a diminished contract law, and the
possibilities, if any, for its revival.
Gutachten zu Fragen des Zivilrechts und des Offentlichen Rechts
haben in der Praxis der forensischen Psychiatrie eine erhebliche
Bedeutung. Sie erfordern einerseits Spezialwissen zu dem jeweiligen
Fall" und andererseits die enge Zusammenarbeit von Psychiatern und
Juristen. Das Buch behandelt Fragen des Zivilrechts und des
Offentlichen Rechts deshalb sowohl aus juristischer wie
psychiatrischer Perspektive. Erortert wird auch die Stellung des
psychiatrischen Sachverstandigen im Zivilprozess und im Verfahren
der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit."