Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > General
Die Arbeit untersucht die Einwirkung der Rechtsprechung des EuGH
auf das Verfahrensrecht, das die mitgliedstaatlichen Gerichte bei
der Anwendung des Gemeinschaftsrechts zu beachten haben. Sie sieht
die Rechtsprechung auf ein ebenenubergreifendes System des
Rechtsschutzes gegen Gemeinschafts- und mitgliedstaatliche
Rechtsakte ausgerichtet. Dies wird anhand der tatsachlich
festzustellenden Einwirkung der Rechtsprechung auf die
Systembereiche Rechtswegeroffnung, vorlaufiger Rechtsschutz,
Hauptsache sowie allgemeines Verfahrens- und Organisationsrecht
belegt. Dabei zeigt sich, dass der Einwirkung bundische,
demokratische und Leitprinzipien einer ebenenververklammernden
Verfassung des Gemeinschaftsrechtsraums zugrunde liegen
Using the lens of history, A History of Financial Technology and
Regulation illuminates recent changes to the world of finance. With
lucid prose and the help of concrete examples, Seth Oranburg helps
readers understand the role of technology in finance today,
including complex phenomena such as mutual funds, cryptocurrencies,
and the stock market itself. Chapters begin with basic principles
and historical analogy before describing complex digital-investment
strategies and instruments. Readers will also gain an introduction
to key concepts in financial regulation, learning how law and
regulations prevented some financial crises while perpetuating
others. Oranburg concludes with ideas about what's next for finance
and how the law should respond. This book will appeal to
specialists and nonspecialists alike who are interesting in
learning more about business, economics, finance, law, and
This volume offers practical commentary on the modernization of
service descriptions in the new HOAI German fee scales for
architects and engineers]. The commentary aims to educate readers
on legal principals resting at the intersection of contract law and
price law. It also provides practical assistance for drafting and
executing architectural and engineering contracts.
The behavior of managers-such as the rewards they obtain for poor
performance, the role of boards of directors in monitoring
managers, and the regulatory framework covering the corporate
governance mechanisms that are put in place to ensure managers'
accountability to shareholder and other stakeholders-has been the
subject of extensive media and policy scrutiny in light of the
financial crisis of the early 2000s. However, corporate governance
covers a much broader set of issues, which requires detailed
assessment as a central issue of concern to business and society.
Critiques of traditional governance research based on agency theory
have noted its "under-contextualized" nature and its inability to
compare accurately and explain the diversity of corporate
governance arrangements across different institutional contexts.
The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Governance aims at closing these
theoretical and empirical gaps. It considers corporate governance
issues at multiple levels of analysis-the individual manager,
firms, institutions, industries, and nations-and presents
international evidence to reflect the wide variety of perspectives.
In analyzing the effects of corporate governance on performance, a
variety of indicators are considered, such as accounting profit,
economic profit, productivity growth, market share, proxies for
environmental and social performance, such as diversity and other
aspects of corporate social responsibility, and of course, share
price effects. In addition to providing a high level review and
analysis of the existing literature, each chapter develops an
agenda for further research on a specific aspect of corporate
This Handbook constitutes the definitive source of academic
research on corporate governance, synthesizing studies from
economics, strategy, international business, organizational
behavior, entrepreneurship, business ethics, accounting, finance,
and law.
When Steven Burd, CEO of the supermarket chain Safeway, cut wages
and benefits, starting a five-month strike by 59,000 unionized
workers, he was confident he would win. But where traditional labor
action failed, a novel approach was more successful. With the aid
of the California Public Employees' Retirement System, a $300
billion pension fund, workers led a shareholder revolt that
unseated three of Burd's boardroom allies. In The Rise of the
Working-Class Shareholder: Labor's Last Best Weapon, David Webber
uses cases such as Safeway's to shine a light on labor's most
potent remaining weapon: its multitrillion-dollar pension funds.
Outmaneuvered at the bargaining table and under constant assault in
Washington, state houses, and the courts, worker organizations are
beginning to exercise muscle through markets. Shareholder activism
has been used to divest from anti-labor companies, gun makers, and
tobacco; diversify corporate boards; support Occupy Wall Street;
force global warming onto the corporate agenda; create jobs; and
challenge outlandish CEO pay. Webber argues that workers have found
in labor's capital a potent strategy against their exploiters. He
explains the tactic's surmountable difficulties even as he cautions
that corporate interests are already working to deny labor's access
to this powerful and underused tool. The Rise of the Working-Class
Shareholder is a rare good-news story for American workers, an
opportunity hiding in plain sight. Combining legal rigor with
inspiring narratives of labor victory, Webber shows how workers can
wield their own capital to reclaim their strength.
Fallsammlung zum neuen Schuldrecht. Es wird die gesamte Bandbreite
der im Schuldrecht studienrelevanten Themen in 10 Fallen und
Losungen abgedeckt. Das Werk bietet dem Studierenden zugleich das
Einuben von Gutachten- und Falllosungstechnik."
Komprimierte und zugleich didaktisch aufbereitete Darstellung der
Besteuerung von Kapitalgesellschaften, von Personengesellschaften
sowie von Sonderformen.
This volume explores the legal, technical, ecological, economic,
financial, and tax-related dimensions of green building and
sustainable construction. Energy efficient buildings are becoming
ever more important for investors and builders. Environmental
awareness pays off: green building offers measurable economic
benefits while also making a significant contribution to global
climate protection.
Compulsory Purchase and Compensation is the essential guide to this
complex and increasingly relevant area of the law. Now in its
eleventh edition, no other book presents the same level of
information on the law relating to compulsory purchase and
compensation in England and Wales in such an accessible way. The
best-selling book on the subject, previous editions have been used
by professionals and students alike in order to gain a full
understanding of a key subject for any surveyor or lawyer. The book
is also especially suited to those coming to this complex subject
without a specific background in the law and ideal reading for
those students taking planning and built environment law modules.
Surveyors in particular will find this book invaluable. This new
edition has been extensively revised and reflects the changes to
the law in the Housing and Planning Act 2016 and the Neighbourhood
Planning Act 2017, and also recent decisions of the courts and the
Upper Tribunal, all of which will be of particular interest to
those working on cases related to HS2, the proposed high-speed
railway line from London to Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester.
A clear and concise roadmap for ethical business behavior using
commonsense moral principles Business Ethics for Better Behavior
concisely answers the three most pressing ethical questions
business professionals face: What makes business practices right or
wrong?; Why do normal, decent businesspeople of good will sometimes
do the wrong thing?; and How can we use the answer to these
questions to get ourselves, our coworkers, our bosses, and our
employees to behave better? Bad behavior in business rarely results
from bad will. Most people mean well much of the time. But most of
us are vulnerable. We all fall into moral traps, usually without
even noticing. Business Ethics for Better Behavior teaches business
professionals, students, and other readers how to become aware of
those traps, how to avoid them, and how to dig their way out if
they fall in. It integrates the best work in psychology, economics,
management theory, and normative philosophy into a simple action
plan for ensuring the best ethical performance at all levels of
business practice. This is a book anyone in business, from an
entry-level employee to CEO, can use.
Vom Affentlichen Gesundheitswesen ist heute vielfach die Rede -
meistens von seinen hohen Kosten, seinen SchwAchen und von der
SphAre zwischen medizinisch Machbarem und praktisch Finanzierbarem.
Doch es geht keineswegs nur um finanzielle Fragen, um BeitragssAtze
und KostendAmpfung, sondern A1/4berhaupt um die gerechte Verteilung
der verfA1/4gbaren Ressourcen, um die Ziele Affentlicher
Gesundheitsversorgung und um die anzuwendenden Verfahren ihrer
Festlegung. Die Abhandlung befaAt sich mit den
verfassungsrechtlichen Vorgaben fA1/4r das Affentliche
Gesundheitswesen. Hierzu werden vorrangig zwei Schwerpunkte
untersucht: die prAgenden Grundrechtspositionen und die Verfahrens-
und Organisationsstrukturen fA1/4r notwendige
This book is an introduction to construction contract
administration and management, covering the delivery and execution
stage of a construction project and the various issues which the
contract administrator needs to proactively manage. It can
therefore be used as a contract administrator's resource book
covering what needs to be done (and why) to keep a construction
project on track from a commercial and contractual perspective. It
is particularly appropriate for students and new practitioners from
varied construction professions and whilst it covers domestic (UK)
projects, it will be particularly useful for those studying and
working on international projects where terminology, procedures and
legal systems may differ from the UK. The content is split into
four parts and is subdivided into easy-to-read chapters replicating
the timeline of a project during the construction stage: Part A
covers initiating the construction stage, project delivery
mechanisms, contract administration and health and safety
management; Part B covers managing the construction stage,
contractor performance and relationship management; Part C covers
finalising the construction stage, project completion and
close-out; Part D covers claims and disputes. Introduction to
Construction Contract Management will be particularly useful for
students enrolled on global construction programmes together with
international distance learning students and non-cognate graduates
starting out on an international career in construction contract
administration and quantity surveying.
Das Werk richtet sich an alle, die forschend, lehrend, lernend oder
praktisch mit den rechtlichen und betriebswirtschaftlichen
Bereichen des international Business zu tun haben. Aus dem Inhalt:
Vertragsrecht und Vertragsgestaltung bei internationalen
Kaufvertragen. Internationale Produkthaftung. Eigentumsvorbehalt im
internationalen Handel. Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit.
Gerichtliche Durchsetzung von Anspruchen. Zahlungsrisiken und
Einflussfaktoren auf die Zahlungsbedingungen. Nichtdokumentare
Zahlungsbedingungen und Instrumente - Auslandsuberweisungen,
Auslandsscheks, Auslandswechsel, Bankakzepte. Zahlung und
Zahlungssicherung mit Dokumenteninkassi (Documentary Collections).
Zahlung und Zahlungssicherung mit Dokumentenakkreditiven
(Documentary Credits). (Zahlungs-)Sicherung mit Bankgarantien - mit
Mustertexten. Zahlungssicherung und Risikouberwalzung bei
langfristigen Zahlungszielen - mit Exkurs zum Exportfactoring.
Risikouberwalzung auf Ausfuhrkreditversicherungen bzw. auf den Bund
(Hermes-Deckungen). Anhang: Incoterms 2000."
The book analyses every aspect of the ease or otherwise of
implementing the FIDIC Yellow Book Conditions of Contract. On a
clause-by-clause basis, it highlights important structural features
and suggests alternative text to avoid problems with the contract.
Written in a user-friendly manner by an expert user of the FIDIC
Suite of Contracts, who is a Member of the FIDIC President's List
of Adjudicators, this book will be a vital reference point for
contractors, lawyers, engineers, arbitrators and all others
concerned with the FIDIC contracts.