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Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Gynaecology & obstetrics > General
Gynecology is principally an operative specialty and the range of gynecologic procedures managed is constantly expanding due to improved instrumentation and minimally invasive techniques. Covering the entire spectrum of gynecologic surgery through a case-based, digestible format, procedures such as vaginal, transvaginal, hysteroscopic, laparoscopic, robotic, and abdominal procedures are included, as well as common surgical challenges and complications. For each case, a clinical vignette outlines the situation and the clinical context of the patient, followed by a comprehensive discussion of the evidence-based management approach and key teaching points. The decision to operate, contraindications, alternatives to surgery and preoperative counseling is discussed in detail along with the level of care needed for each case. Readers will improve their knowledge base of gynecologic surgery and gain multiple tools to overcome common surgical obstacles.
The increasing understanding of individual differences in response to in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, resulting from genetic and ethnical differences, has increased the potential for individualized treatment for patients, resulting in improved pregnancy and live-birth outcomes. This illustrated book summarizes, and provides updates on, the most recent developments in individualized infertility treatment and embryo selection techniques. Individualization is not only confined to the different steps in the ovarian stimulation process and the luteal phase support, but also to embryo selection techniques, which include, among others, the analysis of embryo development pattern and genetic testing. Chapters cover a multitude of topics, ranging from oocyte maturation and immunological testing to fertilization technique in the IVF laboratory and preparation for optimal endometrial receptivity in cryo cycles. Essential reading for IVF specialists and embryologists in IVF Clinics and also an important text for medical consultants specializing in reproductive medicine, gynecology and embryology.
Hysterectomy is the second most common major surgical procedure performed on women in the United States. For some women, the decision to have a hysterectomy is an easy one; for others, it is a difficult choice associated with concerns about risks, discomfort, and female identity. Yet many disorders of the uterus-fibroid tumors, uterine and cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, adenomyosis, and uterine prolapse-may require surgical treatment. In this thoroughly updated edition of Hysterectomy: Exploring Your Options, gynecologists Edward E. Wallach, Esther Eisenberg, Isabel Green, and Stacey A. Scheib describe and explain every aspect of the procedure, including, Symptoms of gynecological disorders that may require uterine fibroid removal or hysterectomy; the full range of diagnostic and therapeutic imaging techniques, including MRI-focused ultrasound; thorough explanations of specific alternative measures that may be used to avoid the need for hysterectomy; the various techniques for hysterectomy, including single-incision surgery and robotic hysterectomy; how to prepare for surgery and what to expect while in the hospital; details on the surgery and postoperative recovery, including information about pain medications, when to resume daily activities, how sexual function may be affected, future reproductive possibilities, and the benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy. Included in this compassionate, comprehensive guide to treatment and recovery for women having - or deciding whether to have - a hysterectomy are stories of women whose own experiences with hysterectomy offer useful advice for anyone considering the procedure.
The National Institute of Health interrupted their huge HRT study
in July 2002 when they found that the drug Prempro, a combination
of estrogen and progestin, had detrimental health effects. The
women who took the drug exhibited an increased risk for breast
cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
This volume of practise true/false MCQs and short answer questions is intended to be used by the trainee obstetrician and gynaecologist as a self-assessment aid throughout training and during revision for the MRCOG examination, in particular Part 2. Questions have been carefully designed to test both theoretical and practical knowledge, and are representative of the curricular elements highlighted within the RCOG trainee logbook.
Dieses Buch gibt einen Uberblick uber die aktuellen Moglichkeiten der Praimplantationsdiagnostik, der pranatalen Diagnostik und die intrauterinen Behandlungsmoglichkeiten. Neben den invasiven Methoden wurden in den vergangenen Jahren immer mehr pranatale nicht-invasive Untersuchungsmethoden etabliert, die als grosser Fortschritt in der Pranatalmedizin angesehen werden: Bluttest auf Trisomie 21 Array-CGH (vergleichende Gen Hybridisierung)Ultraschall Weiterhin nehmen auch die Moglichkeiten intrauteriner Therapien zu: Chirurgische EingriffeMedikamentose Behandlungen Herausgeber und Autoren stellen nicht-invasive und invasive Methoden vor. Sie setzen sich neben der Beschreibung der Methoden kritisch mit ethischen und rechtlichen Aspekten auseinander und diskutieren Moglichkeiten und Grenzen."
In den Bereichen Gynakologie und Geburtshilfe gibt es eine steigende Anzahl juristischer Auseinandersetzungen mit hohen Schadenssummen. Haufig kommt es zu einer aussergerichtlichen Einigung zwischen Versicherung bzw. Patient und Arzt. Dieses auf dem Gebiet einzigartige Buch enthalt zahlreiche exemplarische Falle der forensischen Gynakologie, die Besonderheiten bei der Begutachtung, die Schadenhoehe und die Urteile. Die Fallbeispiele sind authentisch, einpragsam und erleichtern das Erstellen und die Beurteilung von gynakologischen Gutachten.
Updated, revised, and reorganized, the Second Editions in the Clinical Sciences reflect the format of the USMLE Step 2. Each volume systematically presents the core information of a single segment of the medical curriculum, from Family Medicine to Psychiatry. You will also learn time-honored tricks of the trade, as well as the latest advances in clinical medicine: new diagnostic tools, new therapeutic interventions, and new pharmacologic options.
The aim of this book is to provide a straightforward summary of the knowledge required for examinations in specialist Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Part Two of the examination for Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists would be a good example. The volume is intended as a companion to the highly successful Basic Sciences for Obstetrics and Gynaecology which covers the knowledge required for preliminary examinations. Increasingly, examinations of all types are based on multiple choice questions (MCQ) or structured answer questions (SAQ). No apology is made for the fact that the present book addresses the sort of "fact" which lends itself to testing by this approach. Thus, there is little discussion of speculative or contentious areas, no account of present or future research, and no references. Numerous excellent books are available which cover these topics in a much fuller and more discursive manner, and the present volume does not seek to emulate them. Even the most apparently immutable facts are subject to periodic revision. We have attempted to present the "state-of-the-a.rt": most of the material is generally if not universally accepted. A particular problem arises with numerical information. Frequencies of diseases, frequency of clinical findings, efficiency of diagnostic tests and therapies, have almost always been the subject of numerous different studies, each of which yields somewhat different results.
The alternation between urine retention and discharge several times daily from a nappy to the cessation ofall vital functions only becomes the subject baby's first wet of greater attention if the harmony of the structure and function of the bladder is disturbed. Functional disturbances of the lower urinary tract are not only of great socio-economic importance, but are also a considerable personal burden for the patient. Hence urinary incontinence is rightly classified as a severelydisabling illness (Hauri 1985). Opinions still differ regarding the morphological basis ofurinary continence.The Terminologia Anatomica (1998) defines a musculus sphincter urethrae internus (in- ternal urethral sphincter) and a musculus sphincter urethrae externus (external ure- thral sphincter),which in the older nomenclature were known as musculus sphincter vesicae and musculussphincterurethrae,respectively.The internal urethral sphincter isascribed apurelyinvoluntaryandthe externalurethralsphincterapurelyvoluntary innervation. The significance of the musculature of the pelvic floor for maintaining urinarycontinence has notyetbeen ascertained. Duringnumerous urologicaloperations (forinstancetransurethralresectionofthe prostate and bladder neck incisions), the only involuntarily innervated sphincter at the collum vesicae,the internalurethralsphincter,is partiallyorcompletelydestroyed (Fig. 27C,D).All the patients remain continent as long as the externalurethral sphinc- ter remains intact.Howcan apurelyvoluntarilyinnervated sphincterlikethe external urethral sphincter ensureconstant continence in such cases? Improving the continence rate after radical surgery is a key topic of urological research. The incontinence rate after radical prostatectomy is still between 8.1% (third-degree incontinence) and41.4% (first- to second-degree incontinence; Rudyet al. 1984; Igel et a1.1987; Schroderand Ouden 1992).
Risk, Age and Pregnancy provides an in-depth case study of the operation of a prenatal genetic screening and testing system. The methodology integrates observational, qualitative interview and survey data. The perspectives of pregnant women, hospital doctors and midwives are explored in depth, as is the communication between women and the hospital doctors who advise them. The book offers insights which are relevant to those concerned with the rapidly growing field of genetic risk management.
Breast Cancer and Gynecological Cancer Rehabilitation provides clinicians with a concise and accessible resource covering the holistic rehabilitation of breast cancer patients. This book begins with the epidemiology, genetics and pathophysiology of breast cancer and moves into clinical assessment and treatment options before providing comprehensive coverage of rehabilitation. Containing practical information, best practices and the latest advances and research, this book provides a valuable reference for physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians and residents, as well as occupational therapists and physical therapists. Provides a clear understanding of the current medical, surgical, and radiation treatments for breast cancer. Covers the whole spectrum of breast cancer rehabilitation, including the role of physical and occupational therapy, treatment of anxiety and depression, pain syndromes, integrative care, nutritional rehabilitation, palliative care, and more. Offers a timely and convenient resource written by leading experts in breast cancer and rehabilitation.
This text provides a quick reference to all the important facts in the clinical sciences for candidates aiming at a postgraduate qualification in obstetrics and gynaecology, including those candiadtes studying for the MRCOG Part II examination. The text has been revised and updated, but the concise style and comprehensive coverage of all the essential aspects of the subject are retained. Written by a highly expert team of authors, this text will be an invaluable reference for students and will also be of value to clinicians as a brief guide. This volume serves as a companion to the highly successful "Basic Sciences for Obstetrics and Gynaecology" by Chard and Lilford, which is now in its Fifth Edition.
The best selling resource for the OB/GYN clerkship Excel on your rotation, impress on the wards, and score your highest on the shelf exams with this best-selling reference. This new edition of First Aid for the OB/GYN Clerkship has been updated with the latest clinical perspectives and research. Ask just about any student who has been through their OB/GYN rotation and they will tell you that THIS was the resource they turned to. It not only aligns with national clerkship curricula, but also follows the shelf exam blueprint and is full of helpful mnemonics, ward tips, exam tips, and integrated mini-cases. The text highlights all of the important topics, presenting a clear, concise review based on the clerkship's core competencies. Thoroughly revised, this new edition will help you prepare for the clerkship and also guide you in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of the many conditions you will see during your rotation. First Aid for the OB/GYN Clerkship features: The latest clinical research and perspectives Helpful mnemonics Ward tips and integrated mini-cases Images, diagrams, and flow charts in a fresh new-full color design Summary boxes with high-yield information needed for exam success
Die arztliche Handlung bedeutet in der Regel einen Eingriff in die korperliche Integritat seines Patienten. Hierbei gehen Patient und Arzt unterschiedliche Risiken ein: der Patient gesundheitlich, der Arzt solche der Haftung fur Untersuchungs- oder Behandlungsfehler. Insbesondere im Krankenhausbetrieb mit der Anhaufung unterschiedlicher Fachbereiche und Berufsgruppen treten haftungsrelevante Problemzonen zunehmend in den Vordergrund. Gefragt ist nach der optimalen Organisation von arztlicher Handlung im Einvernehmen mit anderen Berufs- und Fachgruppen. Neben der arztlichen Handlung als Prozessparameter entstehen viele Konflikte aus strukturellen und organisatorischen Defiziten. Die ublichen gefahrentrachtigen Bereiche der Struktur, der Fortbildung, der Aufklarung, der Dokumentation, der Vertragsgestaltung und der Organisation werden aus der Sicht des Risikomanagers abgedeckt."
This book is the first comprehensive and detailed study of early modern midwives in seventeenth-century London. Midwives, as a group, have been dismissed by historians as being inadequately educated and trained for the task of child delivery. The Midwives of Seventeenth-Century London rejects these claims by exploring the midwives' training and their licensing in an unofficial apprenticeship by the Church. Dr. Evenden also offers an accurate depiction of the midwives in their socioeconomic context by examining a wide range of seventeenth-century sources. This expansive study not only recovers the names of almost one thousand women who worked as midwives in the twelve London parishes, but also brings to light details about their spouses, their families and their associates.
Although the histological typing of ovarian tumours is the focus of this volume, other aspects of investigation of a specimen of ovarian tumour are also important. Some of these aspects are mentioned in the text or illustrated. They include tumour grading, which is impor- tantprognostically and therapeutically for certain types ofovarian tu- mour, quantification ofcomponents in mixed tumours and evaluation of the stroma of certain tumours that are associated with endocrine function. Grading methodologies have varied from one tumour type to another and from one group of investigators to another for the same type of tumour. Because a standard internationally recognized grading methodology has not been established, no specific guidance is presented in this volume. Nevertheless, grading by any generally acceptable method should be incorporated in the diagnosis whenever appropriate. The clinical and pathological classification of the extent of tu- mour growth (staging) should be taken into account for the purposes of treatment and prognosis. The TNlV1/FIGO system is therefore in- cluded (p. 45). Histological Classification of Ovarian Tumours 1 Surface Epithelial-Stromal Tumours 1. 1 Serous tumours 1. 1. 1 Benign 1 1. 1. 1. 1 Cystadenoma 8441/0 Papillary cystadenoma 8460/0 1. 1. 1. 2 Surface papilloma ...8461/0 1. 1. 1. 3 Adenofibroma; cystadenofibroma ...9014/0 1. 1. 2 Of borderline malignancy (of low malignant potential) 2 1. 1. 2. 1 Cystic tumour 8442/1 Papillary cystic tumour ...846211 Surface papillary tumour...8463/1 1. 1. 2. 2 1. 1. 2. 3 Adenofibroma; cystadenofibroma 9014/1 1. 1.
This book is based on the experience of an European Network on Congenital Toxoplasmosis which associates more than 50 European specialized Centers from 17 diferent European Countries. Some American colleagues among the best specialists in the world also collaborate to this book which gives the most recent data on congenital toxoplasmosis in epidemiology, biology, clinical symptoms, diagnostic, treatment and prevention.
As many as one in ten women experience amenorrhea--the absence of menstrual function in women who have not yet reached menopause--in varying degrees of severity, at some point in their lives. This book offers women guidance and information about a subject that is often difficult to discuss. |
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