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Books > Professional & Technical > Technology: general issues > Technical design > General
Magnetic Bearings are bearings where the suspension forces are generated magnetically without any contact. The advantages to modern machinery are obvious: no mechanical wear, no lubrication, potential for high rotor speed, accuracy, and high dynamic performance, new constructional solutions to a classical problem in machine dynamics. The realization of such bearings is in rapid progress. Examples for application areas are turbomachinery, centrifuges, vacuum techniques, machine tool spindles, chemical industry, medical devices, robotics, high speed drives, spacecraft equipment, con tactless actuators, vibration isolation. The Symposium is demonstrating the current state of the art in this developing field of mechatronics, showing actual research efforts, reporting on applications in the various areas, and discussing open questions. The main purpose of the Symposium has been to establish a common information basis for people working on magnetic bearings. It will point to promising areas, and it will help to facilitate decisions on research and development projects, and on investments for applications.
What is it like to be a researcher or a scientist? For young people, including graduate students and junior faculty members in universities, how can they identify good ideas for research? How do they conduct solid research to verify and realize their new ideas? How can they formulate their ideas and research results into high-quality articles, and publish them in highly competitive journals and conferences? What are effective ways to supervise graduate students so that they can establish themselves quickly in their research careers? In this book, Ling and Yang answer these questions in a step-by-step manner with specific and concrete examples from their first-hand research experience. Table of Contents: Acknowledgments / Preface / Basics of Research / Goals of Ph.D. Research / Getting Started: Finding New Ideas and Organizing Your Plans / Conducting Solid Research / Writing and Publishing Papers / Misconceptions and Tips for Paper Writing / Writing and Defending a Ph.D. Thesis / Life After Ph.D. / Summary / References / Author Biographies
Multibody systems are the appropriate models for predicting and evaluating performance of a variety of dynamical systems such as spacecraft, vehicles, mechanisms, robots or biomechanical systems. This book adresses the general problem of analysing the behaviour of such multibody systems by digital simulation. This implies that pre-computer analytical methods for deriving the system equations must be replaced by systematic computer oriented formalisms, which can be translated conveniently into efficient computer codes for - "generatin"g the system equations based on simple user data describing the system model - "solving" those complex equations yielding results ready for design evaluation. Emphasis is on computer based derivation of the system equations thus freeing the user from the time consuming and error-prone task of developing equations of motion for various problems again and again.
This book introduces robust estimation and failure detection, with a thorough presentation of Kalman filtering and H-infinity filtering theory. These estimation techniques make it possible for engineers to design estimators that are more general and robust. The book also reviews the likelihood ratio method for failure detection and demonstrates how to design failure detectors that are sensitive to failures but insensitive to model variations. This book will give engineers a concise presentation of these important techniques, as well as an overview of important robust control developments of the last fifteen years.
Multibody systems are used extensively in the investigation of mechanical systems including structural and non-structural applications. It can be argued that among all the areas in solid mechanics the methodologies and applications associated to multibody dynamics are those that provide an ideal framework to aggregate d- ferent disciplines. This idea is clearly reflected, e. g. , in the multidisciplinary applications in biomechanics that use multibody dynamics to describe the motion of the biological entities, in finite elements where multibody dynamics provides - werful tools to describe large motion and kinematic restrictions between system components, in system control where the methodologies used in multibody dynamics are the prime form of describing the systems under analysis, or even in many - plications that involve fluid-structure interaction or aero elasticity. The development of industrial products or the development of analysis tools, using multibody dynamics methodologies, requires that the final result of the devel- ments are the best possible within some limitations, i. e. , they must be optimal. Furthermore, the performance of the developed systems must either be relatively insensitive to some of their design parameters or be sensitive in a controlled manner to other variables. Therefore, the sensitivity analysis of such systems is fundamental to support the decision making process. This book presents a broad range of tools for designing mechanical systems ranging from the kinematic and dynamic analysis of rigid and flexible multibody systems to their advanced optimization.
The aim of this book is to present pedestrian injuries from a biomechanical perspective. We aim to give a detailed treatment of the physics of pedestrian impact, as well as a review of the accident databases and the relevant injury criteria used to assess pedestrian injuries. A further focus will be the effects on injury outcome of (1) pedestrian/vehicle position and velocity at impact and (2) the influence of vehicle design on injury outcome. Most of the content of this book has been published by these and other authors in various journals, but this book will provide a comprehensive treatment of the biomechanics of pedestrian impacts for the first time. It will therefore be of value to new and established researchers alike.
Composite decisions are decisions consisting of interconnected parts (subdecisions) and they correspond to a composite (composable, modular, decomposable) system. The material will be of interest to scientists (e.g., mathematicians, computer scientists, economists, social engineers, etc.). The book can be used as a text for courses (for example: systems engineering, system design, life cycle engineering, engineering design, combinatorial synthesis) at the level of undergraduate (a compressed version), graduate/PhD levels and for continuing education.
Intelligent engineering systems try to replicate fundamental abilities of humans and nature in order to achieve sufficient progress in solving complex problems. In an ideal case multi-disciplinary applications of different modern engineering fields can result in synergistic effects. Information technology and computer modeling are the underlying tools that play a major role at any stages of developing intelligent systems. Chapters in the present volume have been written by eminent scientists from different parts of the world, dealing with challenging problems for efficient modeling of intelligent systems. The reader can find different characteristics and methodologies of computational intelligence with real life applications. Various facets of intelligent engineering and information technology are addressed. Starting with theoretical issues from pseudo-analysis to parametric classes of digital fuzzy conjunctions for hardware implementation of fuzzy systems, diverse aspects of control including quantum as well as fuzzy control and hybrid approaches, intelligent robotics dealing with mobile and autonomous robots and new trends, approaches and results on information technology, machines, materials and manufacturing, and issues of intelligent systems and complex processes are covered.
Over the last decade, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become a - ture technology for the development of new products in aeronautical industry. Aerodynamic design engineers have progressively taken advantage of the pos- bilities o?ered by the numericalsolutionof the Reynolds averagedNavier-Stokes (RANS) equations. Signi?cant improvements in physical modeling and solution algorithms as well as the enormous increase of computer power enable hi- ?delity numerical simulations in all stages of aircraft development. In Germany, the national CFD project MEGAFLOW furthered the dev- opment and availability of RANS solvers for the prediction of complex ?ow problemssigni?cantly. MEGAFLOWwasinitiated by the?rstaviationresearch programoftheFederalGovernmentin1995undertheleadershipoftheDLR(see Kroll, N. , Fassbender, J. K. (Eds). : MEGAFLOW - Numerical Flow Simulation for Aircraft Design; Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Volume 89, Springer, 2005). A network from aircraft industry, DLR and several universities was created with the goal to focus and direct development activities for numerical ?ow simulation towards a common aerodynamic si- lation system providing both a block-structured (FLOWer-Code) and a hybrid (TAU-Code) parallel ? ow prediction capability. Today, both codes have reached a high level of maturity and reliability. They are routinely used at DLR and German aeronautic industry for a wide range of aerodynamic applications. For many universities the MEGAFLOW software represents a platform for the - provementofphysicalmodelsandfortheinvestigationofcomplex?owproblems. The network was established as an e?cient group of very closely co-operating partners with supplementing expertises and experience.
Interest in the fascinating field of multicriteria optimization and its application to design processes has grown very quickly in recent years. Researchers and practising engineers will find this book an comprehensive presentation of this subject. After an introduction to multicriteria optimization and the advantages of using multicriteria techniques, the first part of the book presents methods and computer procedures for solving multicriteria optimum design problems including interactive methods and knowledge-based systems. The second part presents an extensive range of applications of these methods to design processes in the fol- lowing fields: mechanisms and dynamic systems, aircraft and space technology, machine tool design, metal forming and cast metal technology, civil and architectural engineering, and structures made of advanced materials.
M. Silva Significant changes have been occurring in industrialized countries since the Second World War. Production is moving towards sophisticated high qUality products, economy of scale has been replaced by economy of scope, jerky demands are progressively replacing steady demands, and competi tiveness is becoming a worldwide phenomenon. These trends require highly automated manufacturing systems with small set-up times and high flex ibility. As a consequence, implementation and running costs of modem manufacturing systems are drastically increasing, whereas their fields of application remain limited, and every day become even narrower, which increases the risk of early obsolescence. This is the reason why designers are trying to improve the preliminary design phase, also known as the 'paper study phase'. The preliminary design phase includes, but is not limited to, the func tional specification, and the evaluation of the system. Many tools exist to support the functional specification of manufactur ing systems. IDEFO is one of these tools. It leads, using a top-down ap proach, to a precise functional description of the required system. However, its use cannot be extended further. In general, the evaluation starts with a modeling step, which depends on the evaluation tool used, and ends by applying the model to find out its main dynamic characteristics. Two main approaches can be used to perform this task, namely simulation and math ematical approach. Using simulation, the modeling tool is either a classical computer language, or a simulation language."
The Handbook of Electronics Packaging Design and Engineering has been writ ten as a reference source for use in the packaging design of electronics equip ment. It is designed to provide a single convenient source for the solution of re curring design problems. The primary consideration of any design is that the end product meet or exceed the applicable product specifications. The judicious use of uniform design practices will realize the following economies and equipment improvements: * Economics of design. Uniform design practices will result in less engineering and design times and lower costs. They will also reduce the number of changes that may be required due to poor reliability, maintainability, or producibility. * Improved design. Better designs with increased reliability, maintainability, and producibility will result from the use of uniform design practices. * Production economies. Uniform designs employing standard available tools, materials, and parts will result in the cost control of manufacturing. The Handbook is intended primarily for the serious student of electronics packaging and for those engineers and designers actively engaged in this vital and interesting profession. It attempts to present electronics packaging as it is today. It can be used as a training text for instructional purposes and as a reference source for the practicing designer and engineer.
When the present symposium was first conceived, it was decided that more emphasis be given to contributions from biological laboratories than has typically appeared in previous bionics meetings. Accordingly, most of the invited speakers are biologists, in the broad sense of representing some area of the life sciences. Likewise, many of the submitted papers eventually chosen by the technical com mittee were from the life sCiences, rather than the physical sciences or mathe matics. In this way, it was hoped that a greater direct interest in the technological problems of bionics might be stimulated among biologists, upon whose work much of the success of bionics necessarily lies. Because of the wide interdisciplinary span of the papers, it was necessary to impose some artificial organization upon them, specifically for continuity in the transactions. We elected to put the biological papers first, followed by those which deal with reasonably specific models, and reserveto the last those papers reporting models which are more general in nature. The editorial function was kept to a minimum, with no major alterations of content and few of style being exercised. Several of the papers delivered at the symposium required a longer format for clarity and are included here in ex panded versions. Assitance in the preparation of this volume was received from the National Institute of Neurologic Diseases and Blindness, Grant number B-3896."
Man is the best thing in the World. Nature does nothing uselessly. Aristotle There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is rapture on the lonely shore, There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep sea, and music in its roar: I love not Man the less, but Nature more. John Burroughs The basic purpose of development is to enlarge people's choices. The objective of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives. Mahbub ul Hag Founder of the Human Development Report Theaimofthisbookis toprovidea compiledset ofconcepts,principles,methods and issues used for studying, designing and operating human-minding and natu- minding automation and industrial systems. The depth of presentation is suf?cient for the reader to understand the problems involved and the solution approaches, and appreciate the need of human-automation cooperative interaction, and the - portance of the efforts required for environment and ecosystem protection during any technological and development process in the society. Humans and technology are living and have to live together in a sustainable society and nature. Humans must not be viewed as components of automation and technology in the same way as machines. Automation and technology must incorporate the humans' needs and preferences, and radiate "beauty" in all ways, namely functionally, technically and humanistically. In overall, automation and technology should create comfort and give pleasure.
This short Introduction into Space Charge E?ects in Semiconductors is designed for teaching the basics to undergraduates and show how space charges are created in semiconductors and what e?ect they have on the el- tric?eldandthe energybanddistributioninsuchmaterials, andconsequently on the current-voltage characteristics in semiconducting devices. Such space charge e?ects were described previously in numerous books, fromtheclassicsofSpenkeandShockleytothemorerecentonesofSeegerand others.Butmanymoredetailedinformationwereonlyavailableintheoriginal literatureandsomeofthemnotatall.Itseemstobeimportanttocollectallin a comprehensive Text that can be presented to students in Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Material Science to create the fundamental knowledge that is now essential for further development of more sophisticated semiconductor devices and solar cells. This book will go through every aspect of space charge e?ects and - scribe them from simple elementaries to the basics of semiconductor devices, systematically and in progressing detail. For simplicity we have chosen this description for a one-dimensional se- conductorthatpermitsasimpledemonstrationoftheresultsgraphicallywi- out requiring sometimes confusing perspective rendering. In order to clarify the principles involved, the book starts with a hy- thetical model, by assuming simple space charge distributions and deriving their e?ects on ?eld and potential distributions, using the Poisson equation. Itemphasizestheimportantsignrelationsoftheinterreactingvariables, space charge, ?eld, and potential (band edges). It then expands into simple semiconductor models that contain an abrupt nn-junction and gives an example of important space chargelimited currents, + as observed in nn -junction
In order to make the subject manageable the term 'injection moulding' has been restricted in its use so that only those processes which rely on thermal softening of the polymeric materials have been described and discussed in this book. It is intended to discuss the subject of reaction injection moulding in a separate book. However, even with this omission, the subject is still a very large one as nowadays many sorts or types of polymers are injection moulded. For example, it is estimated that one-third of all plastics materials are injection moulded-the range of products produced is enormous and increases daily. Because most moulding materials are based on plastics, in particular thermoplastics, the materials guides which form a large part of this book concentrate on the moulding of thermoplastics materials. Such guides should only be treated as general guidelines as each of the materials is normally available in a wide range of grades. These may differ in polymer molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, the additives used and their concentration, the physical form of the moulding compound, etc. A wide range of processing behaviours and end-use properties is therefore possible from any of the materials listed. This versatility is typified by the rubbery polymers which are compounded into an incredibly wide range of compounds. Because of this versatility only a very general guideline has been given for such materials.
International cooperation on reliability and accident data collection and processing, exchange of experience on actual uses of data and reliability engineering techniques is a major step in realising safer and more efficient industrial systems. This book provides an updated presentation of the activities in this field on a worldwide basis.
This book presents a useful way to "design in" electromagnetic compatibility (EM C). EMC design considerations are often an addendum to the design. These Band-Aid fixes are not the best approach most of the time but are all that is possible at a late stage in the design and development process. This book is not the classic "EMI fix cookbook"; it is intended for all electronics design engineers. The analytical tools presented enable the designer to address EMC considerations early in the design process. Power conversion engineers will find the enclosed information especially important because of the inherent conducted emissions problems in power conversion equipment. Switching power supplies are commonly the most significant noise generators in electronic systems. In most design work, if the conducted emission problem is addressed, good layout and packaging will ensure that the conducted and radiated electromagnetic interference (EM ) requirements are met. The EMI process involves three components: source, path, and victim. These elements are easily modeled on the computer. The methods of modeling and analysis on the computer are the essence of this book. The EMI source is analyzed using the FFr and the results are applied to a computer model of the path and victim (test setup). The resulting currents are measured and compared to a standard.
Many important industrial applications incline toward better understanding of the constitutive properties of matter. Nowadays, the development of measurement possibilities, even in nanoscale, allows for multiscale formulations that drive to the more sophisticated models used in continuum mechanics. These phenomenological models are particularly important and useful for solutions of very concrete initial boundary value problems. Our interests are focused mainly on detailed descriptions of material behavior that depend not only on simple stress-strain relationships but also includes the strong influence of loading type, which introduces temperature, strain rate dependence, fracture, etc. Understanding these physics phenomena is of fundamental importance for successful and responsible computations. In particular, using the popular commercial programs requires deep understanding of constitutive formulations and their restrictions. These lectures are addressed to industrial users who are responsible for making crucial decisions in design, as well as, to young scientists who work on new models that describe the behavior of materials which also account the new influences and reflect the complexity of the material behavior. At the end, let me express my gratitude to the lecturers of the CISM course No. 328 on "Advances in Constitutive Relations Applied in Computer Codes", held in Udine in July 2007, who finally prepared the included materials. Unfortunately, during the preparation and collecting papers for this book, our friend and colleague Prof. Janusz R. Klepaczko passed away. This is a very big loss for the society of mechanics.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1 2 31 The continual effort to improve performance in business processes attracts 4 increasing attention in research and industry alike. The impact of design 5 development performance on the overall business positions this area as an 6 important performance improvement opportunity. However, design devel- 7 opment is characterised by novelty, uniqueness and non-repeatability, which 8 provides particular challenges in de?ning, measuring and managing its 9 performance to achieve improvement. 2011 This book explores the support provided by both general research in busi- 1 ness process performance and design research for supporting performance 2 improvement in design development. The nature of design development in industrial practice is further revealed, and requirements for its modelling and 3 analysis to achieve improvement are highlighted. 4 A methodology for the modelling and analysis of performance in design 5 development that encapsulates a formalism of performance and an approach 6 for its analysis is established. The formalism is composed of three models, 7 which capture the nature of design development performance and support its 8 2 measurement and management. The E model formalises and relates the key 9 3011 elements of performance, i. e. , ef?ciency and effectiveness. The Design Activity 1 Management (DAM) model distinguishes design and design management 2 activities in terms of the knowledge processed, while the Performance 3 Measurement and Management (PMM) model describes how these activities 4 relate within a process of measuring and managing performance.
Manufacturing processes, scientific experiments, research programs, tax collection systems, are all endeavors once born as projects. Project engineering is the application of science to the development and analysis of project plans, and to the supervision of their realization. This book is a unified treatise on the technology of project planning and execution. It provides a systematic understanding of the different methodological approaches to the development and supervision of project plans. Readers are given a technical introduction to the main methodologies, such as graphs, activity networks, CPM, PERT, GERT, and Petri nets, and given guidance as to when and why to apply one technique rather than another. The book deliberately emphasizes those techniques which are particularly suitable to exploiting the power of computation, and therefore supplies a solid platform for applying computer tools to the analysis and control of projects. The book also introduces ODM, a methodology based on the theory of fuzzy sets for supporting plan execution supervisors in making operational choices. The book is self-contained. It is designed to serve professionals and students in the fields of systems engineering, computer aided planning, and decision support systems.
The aim of this book is to impart a sound understanding, both physical and mathematical, of the fundamentals of the theory of vibration and its applications. It presents in a simple and systematic manner techniques that can be easily applied to the analysis of vibration of mechanical and structural systems. In this book, an attempt has been made to provide the rational development of the methods of vibration from their foundations and develop the techniques in clearly understandable stages. This is the first volume, entitled "An Introduction," intended for an introductory semester course in the theory of vibration. The solution procedures are explained in details easily understandable by students. The second volume, "Discrete and Continuous Systems," is planned for publication in the fall of 1990.
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