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Books > Professional & Technical > Civil engineering, surveying & building > Building skills > General
Increasingly over the next few decades, the oil and gas industry faces the complex task of decommissioning its offshore platforms, pipelines and sub-sea equipment as they reach the end of their operational capabilities. Decommissioning involves and integrates many distinct aspects: engineering, environmental, economic, legal, political and safety considerations. A practical strategy for removing and disposing these structures needs to be developed which best meets the demands of all of these different aspects. Specialists in these various fields have been brought together for this volume to contribute their assessments of the situation. The result is an important step toward the development of a co-ordinated approach to the subject. It is essential reading for all those who are involved with major decommissioning projects, their possible environmental impact and their implications in politics and law.
Professor Sluzalec is a well-known and respected authority in the field of Computational Mechanics, and his personal experience forms the basis of the book. Introduction to Nonlinear Thermomechanics provides both an elementary and advanced exposition of nonlinear thermomechanics. The scope includes theoretical aspects and their rational application in thermal problems, thermo-elastoplasticity, finite strain thermoplasticity and coupled thermoplasticity. The use of numerical techniques for the solution of problems and implementation of basic theory is included. Engineers, technicians, researchers, and advanced students will find the book an extremely useful compendium of solutions to problems. The scope is such that it would also be an effective teaching aid.
Entre Meeanique et Arehiteeture: e'est-a-dire, entre les proeedes teehniques qui, depuis des temps immemoriaux eonforment l'art et la scienee de la eonstruetion au developpement de la scienee physique et mathematique la plus generale et, peut-etre, la plus abstraite, subalternata tanturn geometriae et philosophiae naturalis, eomme le disait Tartaglia, bien que liee aux faits les plus farniliers: la statique et la meeanique des mareriaux et des struetures. Le theme qui nous eoneeme est done la relation entre la technique et la scienee dans son exemple le plus important, je crois, du point de vue historiographique mais aussi epistemologique: a savoir, la relation entre le savoir faire, qui se eonforme a la norme, en respeetant une determination et une eongruenee parfaites avee son objectif, et la theorie, qui eonfirme la norme et temoigne la neeessite de la determiner eongrfiment avec les lois de la nature. Avee une extreme perspieaeite, quelque peu offusquee par une frivolite erudite, l' Abbe Franeeseo Maria Franeesehinis, mathematieien et adepte de la philosophie des lurnieres, se peneha sur la question dans un bref traite qu'il publia a Padoue en 1808 sous 1 le titre Des Mathematiques appliquees , soutenant la nouvelle tendanee didaetique introduite a l'Universite de Padoue par l'ephemere Regne d'Italie. Simulant un eonflit entre plusieurs auteurs, Franeesehinis exposait une premiere these dans un Discours inaugural qu'il reeita peut-etre reellement en 1807, lorsqu'il devint titulaire de la Chaire de Mathematiques appliquees.
Since manufacturing has acquired industrial relevance, the problem of adequately sizing manufacturing plants has always been discussed and has represented a di?cult problem for the enterprises, which prepare strategic plans to competitively operate in the market. Manufact- ing capacity is quite expensive and its exploitation and planning must be carefully designed in order to avoid large wastes, or to preserve the survival of enterprises in the market. Indeed a good choice of ma- facturing capacity can result in improved performance in terms of cost, innovativeness, ?exibility, quality and service delivery. Unfortunately the capacity planning problem is not easy to solve because of the lack of clarity in the decisional process, the large number of variables involved, the high correlation among variables and the high level of uncertainty that inevitably a?ects decisions. The aim of this book is to provide a framework and speci?c methods and tools for the selection and con?guration of capacity of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (AMS). In particular this book de?nes an - chitecture where the multidisciplinary aspects of the designofAMSare properly organized and addressed. The tool will support the decisi- maker in the de?nition of the con?guration of the system which is best suited for the particular competitive context where the ?rm operates or wants tooperate. Thisbookisofinterest for academic researchers in the ?eldofind- trial engineering and particularly indicated in the areas of operations and manufacturing strategy.
One of the best ways to get power to remote, off-grid locations, whether in developed or developing countries, is through the use of solar electric systems. This practical guide describes how to plan, design and install solar electric systems in a manner that is hands-on, graphic and technically complete. Highly illustrated chapters cover: solar energy basics components of solar electric systems (modules, batteries, regulators, inverters and appliances) installation practice on planning and servicing systems water pumping refrigeration village electrification. This is the must-have guide for electric technicians and designers, development workers, and anyone who wants to install their own off-grid system.
Das Konzept der digitalen Baustelle beschreibt die Abbildung aller bei einem Bauvorhaben anfallenden Daten in einem Baustellenmodell. Es bietet die Grundlage f r einen durchg ngigen Datenfluss und damit f r effizientere Planungs- und Ausf hrungsprozesse. In dem Band stellen Experten aus Wissenschaft und Industrie Methoden und Technologien zur Umsetzung vor, darunter die 3D-gest tzte Planung, die Nutzung von Systemen zur zentralen Datenhaltung, die computergest tzte Simulation des Bauablaufs und die Einf hrung moderner Logistikkonzepte.
Written by seven internationally known experts, the articles in this book present the fundamentals and practical applications of contemporary wind engineering. It covers complex problems in wind-building interaction from the perspective of a structural designer, examining both experimental and computational approaches and their relative merits.
Mit jedem Baufortschritt verandern sich die Gegebenheiten auf der
Baustelle. Baumangel kann man dadurch spater schlecht feststellen
oder nachweisen. Der Ausgang eines Bauprozesses hangt oft davon ab,
welche Beweise im Einzelfall erbracht werden konnen.
Christoph Winter investigates the circumstances, which determine a contractor's competitive position in different construction markets for different types of clients, as well as the influence of the consultants upon the construction development process. Moreover, he analyses the role that a contractor's supply chain must fulfil in order to be as successful as the leader of the procurement process.
Electrical services are a vital component in any building, so it is
necessary for construction professionals to understand the basic
principle of services design. The Design of Electrical Services for
Buildings aims to provide a basic grounding for students and
graduates in the field. It covers methods of wiring, schemes of
distribution and protection for lighting and power installations.
Systems such as alarms and standby supplies are also covered. Each
method is described in detail and examples of calculations are
Strategische und operative Unternehmensprozesse bilden den Schlussel fur notwendige lebenszyklusorientierte Veranderungen in der Baubranche. Im Band 1 Strategische Managementprozesse werden die wichtigsten Methoden zur erfolgreichen Ausrichtung von Geschaftseinheiten und Unternehmen sowie alle wichtigen Teilprozesse zur Unternehmensgestaltung und -fuhrung ausfuhrlich dargestellt. Strategie-, Marketing- und Organisationsplanung fur neue und bestehende Geschaftsfelder und deren operative Umsetzung stehen im Mittelpunkt. Sie finden Handlungsempfehlungen fur die systematische Durchfuhrung ihrer strategischen Aufgaben und die zukunftsorientierte Strukturierung der Unternehmensprozesse. Grossere Unternehmen konnen mit diesem Wissen ihre Positionierung im aggressiven, dynamischen und komplexen Umfeld verbessern und die eigene Wettbewerbsposition starken. Kleinere wachstumsorientierte Betriebe finden darin die Methodik, die sie ihrem Unternehmensaufbau zugrunde legen sollten. Moderne Managementkonzepte werden auf die Bauwirtschaft abgebildet."
This facsimile edition of Bennett and Pinion's classic work, first published in 1935, provides an invaluable source of information on all aspects of the slating and tiling industry. It examines the various types of roof coverings that were traditionally used, such as slates, clay tiles and shingles, and includes basic aspects such as sorting and holding states, through to more complex aspects involved in sorting and setting out a diminishing course roof, and forming swept and laced valleys. The book also looks at special roofing techniques relating to curved roofs and cupolas. It considers the care of roofs, discussing the faults which can appear, and why they may have occurred, and then how best to repair them.
Most existing arch dams have been designed for seismic loading by static methods involving the use of seismic coefficients. Although there are no known examples of arch dams which have been seriously damaged by earthquakes, the need for more realistic seismic analyses is now well recognized, not only for new dams but especially in the context of the safety evaluation of existing dams. Fortunately, with the finite element method, engineers have a powerful tool for modeling the complex geometry and the nonlinear material behavior of a dam. However, there is still a major complication in the analysis procedure, namely the interaction of the dam with the reservoir and with the foundation during an earthquake. Interaction is a wave propagation problem involving transmitting boundaries. The State of the Art in engineering practice is to neglect wave propagation by modeling the water as incompressible and the foundation as massless. More advanced analysis methods using compressible water and foundation with mass have been available for some time. However, these methods are restricted to linear models, because they work in the frequency domain. On the other hand, there are also advanced nonlinear models for dams, but they can only be used in the time domain, usually with simple transmitting boundaries. In this report, which is based on an a doctoral thesis, rigorous transmitting boundaries in the time domain are developed which permit combining compressible water with n- linear dam behavior. The new numerical model is based on a systems-theory approach.
Das Buch beinhaltet das betriebliche Basiswissen fur eine fundierte Unternehmensfuhrung. Das Grundwissen wird erganzt um Ausfuhrungen zur Wirtschaftspolitik und zum europaischen System der Zentralbanken. Behandelt werden auch die Bilanzansatz- und Bewertungsvorschriften nach International Accounting Standards (IAS) und Basiswissen zur Behandlung von Nachtragen bei Leistungsanderungen und Leistungsstorungen. Die Methoden und Anwendungsbereiche fur monetare Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnungen und Nutzen-Kosten-Untersuchungen unter Einbeziehung auch nichtmonetarer Faktoren sowie die Darstellung der Anforderungen an die Unternehmensausrichtung fur das Unternehmensrating (nach Basel II) und an die Unternehmensfinanzierung zur Insolvenzvermeidung sind bestimmende Faktoren fur eine erfolgreiche Unternehmensfuhrung. Aufmerksam werden die Leser auch die neuen Ausfuhrungen uber die Auswirkungen von Schwarzarbeit und Korruption lesen. Fur wen ist dieses Buch nutzlich? Fuhrungskrafte mit dem Hintergrund einer Ingenieur- oder einer Architekturausbildung und einer juristischen oder betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundbildung, aber auch jene, die sich erst mit diesem Buch in die komplexe Materie im Spannungsfeld zwischen Jura, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Immobilienwirtschaft und dem vielfaltigen Planen und Bauen einarbeiten wollen. Viel Wissenswertes, eine konzentrierte Quelle von wesentlichen bauwirtschaftlichen Zusammenhangen und technischen Darstellungen, fur ihre Praxisaufgaben. "
This volume is a collection of papers presented at the U.S.-Austria Joint Seminar on Stochastic Structural Mechanics held on May 4 and 5, 1987. The general theme of the two-day program was the applications of probability and statistics to structural mechanics. Within this general theme a great variety of subject matters were covered, ranging from analytical and computational algorithms to specific problems in different branches of engineering. The format of the bi-national seminar with limited attendance permitted ample time for presentation and discussion. The discussion was als6 contributed by several participants of another bi-national seminar, the U.S.-Japan Joint Seminar on Stochastic Approaches in Earthquake Engineering, which followed immediately on May 6 and 7, 1987. The scheduling of the two seminars back-to-back enhanced greatly the exchange among the experts in engineering stochastics from the three nations. The Joint Seminar was organized according to the U.S.-Austria Cooperative Science Program established in 1984. We are indebted to the following government agencies and organizations for financial assistance, including the National Science Foundation, and the Florida Atlantic University Foundation in the United States, and Fonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Land Tirol, Bundeswirtschaftskammer, Bundesministerium flir Wissenschaft und Forschung, and Osterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft in Austria. Most credits, however, must be accorded to each of the authors whose contributions were the very basis of any success we might be able to claim. Our special thanks are due to Mrs.
Very few books explore the problems which are particular to the relationship between Specialist Contractors and the Main Contractor, or Clients with whom they are in contract. Fewer still provide solutions in such a down to earth no-nonsense way as The Streetwise Subbie does. The Streetwise Subbie is a highly regarded practical guide to contractual matters. Its original author Jack Russell was well known for his 'contractual terrier' column in Electrical Times. Now, Barry Ashmore has updated and revised this work by drawing on his 46 years of construction experience and professional expertise gained at the sharp end resolving disputes and solving contractual problems for Specialist Contractors. Thousands of subbies have already benefited from the insights and the streetwise approach to avoiding or resolving contractual problems, and the clarity of thought and advice the book provides. The fourth edition features all the old favourites such as payment, delay and disruption, extension of time and the all-important checklists and site records. But it has now been brought bang up to date to reflect the importance of the 2011 revisions to the Construction Act and the emergence of adjudication as the pre-eminent means of dispute resolution. It is an easy to read, practical, and essential guide, aimed at Specialist Contractors of all sizes and specialisations, be they sole traders, company directors, or any member of the subbie's team that has to handle the commercial and contractual aspects of the projects they undertake. It's the kind of book that you keep handy, because it has so many answers that you can refer to it over and over again.
The FET College series is designed to meet the needs of students and lecturers of the National Certificate Vocational.
Ein wichtiger Bereich fur das Ziel eines nachhaltig zukunftsfahigen Wirtschaftens im Bedurfnisfeld "Bauen und Wohnen" ist der bisher in der Forschung wenig berucksichtigte Bereich der Altbaumodernisierung. Hierin liegen sehr grosse Potentiale, aber auch Hemmnisse fur Massnahmen zur Energieeinsparung. Ausserdem fallen bei Neueinbau und Entsorgung erhebliche Mengen von Stoffstromen in vielfaltiger Zusammensetzung und zum Teil mit problematischen Inhaltsstoffen an. Die Studie untersuchte die komplexen Strukturen, Rahmenbedingungen, Entscheidungsprozesse, Verflechtungen der beteiligten Akteure und Hemmnisse fur ein zielfuhrendes Stoffstrommanagement bei der Altbaumodernisierung an Fallbeispielen sowie mittels zahlreicher Gesprache mit Beteiligten im Baugeschehen und eines Workshops mit Akteuren aus dem Bereich des Mietwohnbaus. Daraus wurden Empfehlungen abgeleitet."
This science comic presents the entire life cycle of the metro system in an accessible and fun way. Just like human beings, a metro system can get sick, and this book introduces its ailments, medical records along with experts' diagnoses and available treatments. Using cartoons, it enables readers of all levels to quickly understand the scientific secrets behind the metro system. It is based on the results of China's 973 program, which aims to promote and develop basic scientific research in China.
This book presents the select proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Management (ACMM 2021). It discusses the recent innovations towards construction management, building technology and new materials in practice in civil engineering. Various topics covered include architecture and urban planning, smart materials and structures, GIS in construction application, transportation materials and engineering, geotechnical applications in construction, energy and sustainability, green building technologies and materials and construction management. The book will be useful for beginners, researchers and professionals working in the area of civil engineering.
A comphensive guide to information sources relevant to the building industry and legislation affecting it. It is designed for use as a tool either in the office or on site, giving facts in a compendium style to meet the most common requirements of the busy builder. |
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