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Books > Computing & IT > Computer software packages > Other software packages > Enterprise software > General
The Ultimate Reference & Learning Guide for S A P Consultants Over 200 EDI Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations It' s clear that SAP EDI is the key to interfacing technology for SAP -- and finding resources can be difficult. SAP EDI Questions, Answers, and Explanations guides you through your learning process. From helping you to assess your SAP EDI skills to evaluating candidates for a job, SAP EDI Interview Questions & Answers will help you understand what you really need to know. The book is organized around several areas of SAP EDI Interface Mapping, File Transmission, ALE, and IDOC development. Each question includes everything you need to know to master the interview or properly evaluate a candidate. More than just a rehash of SAP documentation and sales presentations, each question is based on project knowledge and experience gained on successful high-profile SAP implementations. Key certification and interview topics include . Application Link Enabling (ALE) . Interface Document (IDOC) Development . Interface Mapping, XML to IDOC, File Downloads . Audit Concerns with Interface Technology . Everything an SAP EDI Resource Needs to know Before an Interview
The Ultimate Reference & Learning Guide for S A P SCM Consultants SAP SCM Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations It' s clear that SAP SCM is the future for supply chain activity in SAP -- but finding resources can be difficult . SAP SCM Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations guides you through your learning process. From helping you to assess your SAP SCM skills to evaluating candidates for a job, SAP SCM Interview Questions & Answers will help you understand what you really need to know. The book is organized around several areas of SAP SCM: Advanced Planning & Optimziation, Event Management, SAP ICH. Each question includes everything you need to know to master the interview or properly evaluate a candidate. More than just a rehash of SAP documentation and sales presentations, each question is based on project knowledge and experience gained on successful high-profile SAP SCM implementations. Key certification and interview topics include: . Advanced Planning and Optimization (APO) . Inventory Collaboration Hub (ICH) . SAP Event Management . SAP Exchange Infrastructure (XI), Business Warehouse (BW) . Everything an SAP SCM Resource Needs to know Before an Interview
The Ultimate Reference & Learning Guide for S A P PS Consultants SAP PS Questions, Answers, and Explanations It' s clear that SAP PS is the future for projects activity in SAP -- but finding resources can be difficult . SAP PS Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations guides you through your learning process. From helping you to assess your SAP PS skills to evaluating candidates for a job, SAP PS Interview Questions & Answers will help you understand what you really need to know. The book is organized around several areas of SAP PS: Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), Purchasing, and Assets. Each question includes everything you need to know to master the interview or properly evaluate a candidate. More than just a rehash of SAP documentation and sales presentations, each question is based on project knowledge and experience gained on successful high-profile SAP PS implementations. Key certification and interview topics include: . Work Breakdown Structures and Elements (WBS) . Purchasing: From Requisition to Confirmation . Account Assignment, Cost Center Accounting . Asset Management and Stock in SAP PS . Everything an SAP PS Resource Needs to know Before an Interview
The Ultimate Reference & Learning Guide for S A P PM Consultants SAP PM Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations It' s clear that SAP PM is the future for maintenance activity in SAP -- but finding resources can be difficult . SAP PM Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations guides you through your learning process. From helping you to assess your SAP PM skills to evaluating candidates for a job, SAP PM Interview Questions & Answers will help you understand what you really need to know. The book is organized around several areas of SAP PM: Equipment Master, Enterprise Asset Management, and Routing. Each question includes everything you need to know to master the interview or properly evaluate a candidate. More than just a rehash of SAP documentation and sales presentations, each question is based on project knowledge and experience gained on successful high-profile SAP PM implementations. Key certification and interview topics include: Equipment Master versus Material Master, Equipment Characteristics, Enterprise Asset Management, Work Order Cost Control, Everything an SAP PM Resource Needs to know Before an Interview
The Ultimate Reference & Learning Guide for SAP MM/PP Consultants SAP PP Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations It's clear that Production Planning is a key specialization for SAP MM resources -- and finding answers can be difficult. SAP PP Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations guides you through your learning process. From helping you to assess your SAP MM/PP skills to evaluating candidates for a job, SAP PP Interview Questions & Answers will help you understand what you really need to know. The book is organized around several areas of SAP PP: Demand Management, BOMs, Order Release and Confirmation Each question includes everything you need to know to master the interview or properly evaluate a candidate. More than just a rehash of SAP documentation and sales presentations, each question is based on project knowledge and experience gained on successful high-profile SAP PP implementations. Key certification and interview topics include: Demand Management, BOMs, Routings, MRP, Production Orders, Order Release and Confirmation, Everything a MM/PP Resource Needs to Know Before an Interview
The Ultimate Reference & Learning Guide for FICO Consultants SAP FI/CO Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations It' s clear that FICO is one of the most important areas in SAP -- and finding answers can be difficult. SAP FICO Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations guides you through your learning process. From helping you to assess your FICO skills to evaluating candidates for a job, SAP FICO Interview Questions & Answers will help you understand what you really need to know. The book is organized around several areas of SAP FICO: AP, AR, General Ledger, Document Posting, Controlling, Assets. Each question includes everything you need to know to master the interview or properly evaluate a candidate. More than just a rehash of SAP documentation and sales presentations, each question is based on project knowledge and experience gained on successful high-profile SAP FICO implementations. Key certification and interview topics include: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Document Posting, Controlling, Fixed Assets, Organizational Strcuture, Integration with MM and SD Modules, Everything a FICO Resource Needs to Know Before an Interview
Get to work in SAP S/4HANA with this introductory guide! Learn how to navigate your user interface, manage and report on your data, customize your reports, and tailor the system to your preferences. Then walk through daily tasks for several key lines of business: procurement, sales, and finance. With details on special functions and troubleshooting, this is the complete guide to your SAP S/4HANA workday! In this book, you'll learn about: a. User Operations Get started in your new system! Learn how to log in, navigate, and display, maintain, and report on your company's data. b. Customization Options Use SAP S/4HANA according to your specifications and preferences! Adapt your reporting settings and personalize your user interface so that it works for you, whether you're using the new UI (SAP Fiori) or the classic look of SAP GUI. c. Business Processes See how to complete day-to-day tasks in key lines of business. Perform procurement activities in materials management, ordering and invoicing in sales, and business transactions in finance such as displaying open items or a balance sheet. Highlights Include: 1) Logon and navigation 2) Reporting 3) Personalization 4) Procurement 5) Sales 6) Financial accounting 7) Special functions 8) Troubleshooting 9) SAP Fiori applications 10) SAP GUI transactions
The Ultimate Reference & Learning Guide for SAP ABAP Consultants SAP ABAP Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations It' s clear that SAP ABAP is one of the most important areas in SAP. Mastering technical details is difficult. SAP ABAP Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations guides you through your learning process. From helping you to assess your ABAP skills to evaluating candidates for a job, SAP ABAP Certification and Interview book will help you understand what you really need to know. The book is organized around eight areas of SAP ABAP: Databases, Lists, Tables, Dialog, ABAP Objects, Basis, and others. Each question includes everything you need to know to master the interview or properly evaluate a candidate. More than just a rehash of SAP documentation and sales presentations, each question is based on project knowledge and experience gained on successful high-profile SAP implementations. Key certification and interview topics include, Database Updates and Changing the Standard, List Processing, Internal Tables, and ALV Grid Control, Dialog Programming, ABAP Objects, Data Transfer, Basis Administration, ABAP Development reference updated for 2006 Everything an ABAP resource needs to know before an interview
The Ultimate Learning Guide for SAP SD Consultants. Includes certification Questions, Answers, and Explanations It' s clear that SAP SD is one of the most challenging areas in SAP. Finding resources can be difficult. SAP SD Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations guides you through your learning process. From helping you to assess your SD skills to evaluating candidates for a job, SAP SD Interview Questions will put you on the path to understanding what you really need to know. The book is organized around three areas of SAP SD: SD Fundamentals, SD Functional Configuration, and SD transactions and master data. Each question includes everything you need to know to master the interview or properly evaluate a candidate. More than just a rehash of SAP documentation and sales presentations, each question is based on project knowledge and experience gained on successful high-profile mySAP SD implementations. Key interview topics include: The most important SD settings to know, SAP SD administration tables and transaction code quick references, SAP SD Certification Examination Question, Sales Organization and Document Flow Introduction, Partner Procedures, Backorder Processing, Sales BOM, Backorder Processing, Third Party Ordering, Rebates and Refunds, Everything an SD resource needs to know before an interview
The Essential Guide to SAP Security and Audit Concepts With 75+ Security Essentials, FAQs, and Step by Step Examples It' s clear that security and audit are among the most challenging areas in SAP Learning can be difficult. SAP Security Essentials is a direct answer to the need for practical security information for SAP users, consultants, and managers. From default passwords to authorization profiles, SAP Security Essentials will put you on the path to understanding what you really need to know. The book is a collection of references that every Security consultant should have at the ready. More than just a rehash of SAP documentation and sales presentations, each question is based on project knowledge and experience gained on successful high-profile SAP implementations. SAP Security Essentials Includes. Finding Audit Critical Combinations. Authentication, Transaction Logging, and Passwords. Roles, Profiles, and User Management. ITAR, DCAA, DCMA, and Audit Requirements.The most important security settings to know. Security Tuning, Tips & Tricks, and FAQ. SAP Authorization Concept. Please visit our website at: www.sapcookbook.com
Semantics in Business Systems begins with a description of what
semantics are and how they affect business systems. It examines
four main aspects of the application of semantics to systems,
specifically: How do we infer meaning from unstructured
information, how do application systems make meaning as they
operate, how do practitioners uncover meaning in business settings,
and how do we understand and communicate what we have deduced? This
book illustrates how this applies to the future of application
system development, especially how it informs and affects Web
services and business rule- based approaches, and how semantics
will play out with XML and the semantic Web. The book also contains
a quick reference guide to related terms and technologies. It is
part of Morgan Kaufmann's series of Savvy Manager's Guides.
Mit Methoden und Anwendungen der computergestutzten Tourenplanung befasst sich dieses Buch. Der Schwerpunkt liegt in der Entwicklung von Algorithmen, die praktische Probleme mit starkem Zeitbezug loesen (z.B. Kundenzeitfenster, tageszeitabh. Fahrzeiten). Die Fulle der behandelten Planungsrestriktionen hebt dieses Buch von ahnlichen Werken ab. Insbesondere der Mehrfacheinsatz der Fahrzeuge und die Berucksichtigung variabler Fahrzeiten wurden bisher kaum betrachtet. Erstmals wird der Einsatz der Tourenplanung in Verbindung mit einem Verkehrsleitsystem untersucht. Alle Verfahren sind in einem ubersichtlichen Pseudocode dargestellt. Es wird vorgefuhrt, dass sehr komplexe Planungssituationen der betrieblichen Praxis in mathematischen Verfahren abgebildet werden koennen. Der Computer macht Planung also leichter.
Step into ABAP with this beginner's guide. First understand ABAP syntax and find out how to add data and logic to your applications. Then delve into backend programming: learn to work with the ABAP data dictionary, create database objects, and process and store data. Round out your skill set by practicing error handling, modularization, string manipulation, and more. With guided examples, step-by-step instructions, and detailed code you'll become an ABAP developer in no time. In this book, you'll learn about: A. ABAP Language Basics - Learn the ABAP language, from formatting code to using variables and constants. Understand how to add binary logic to applications, create simple user interfaces, and more. B: Working with Data - Create data dictionary objects and program ABAP applications to process and read data from a database. Use working memory to store retrieved data and display it to users. C: Manipulating Programs - Modularize ABAP programs, handle errors, and work with strings, texts, dates, times, and currencies. D: Preparing for an ABAP Career - Understand the SAP system landscape, prepare your development environment, and explore the official ABAP development guidelines.
Vom "Altruismus" uber die "Filter Bubble" bis hin zum "Whistleblowing": Die Sprache der Informationsethik zeichnet sich durch unzahlige Fachtermini und Anglizismen aus. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk eignet sich fur den ersten schnellen UEberblick. In 400 ubersichtlichen Beitragen werden die Grundlagen erlautert. Die Erklarungen sind verstandlich formuliert und bieten Basiswissen fur alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in die Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft suchen und sich fur Informationsethik interessieren.
Die Autoren geben einen praxisorientierten Einstieg in Process-Mining mit unternehmensbezogenen Anwendungsfallen und einer Marktubersicht der Software, die hilft, Geschaftsprozesse schnell, smart und einfach zu gestalten. Auf Basis von Log-Daten der Geschaftsvorgange erstellt Process-Mining automatisch Modelle der Ist-Ablaufe, kann diese mit Soll-Ablaufen vergleichen und helfen, Geschaftsprozesse zu optimieren. Weitere Anwendungen von Process-Mining sind u.a. Governance, Risk und Compliance Management, IT-Migration und -Implementierung sowie Entwicklung digitaler Geschaftsmodelle. Process-Mining ist gerade auch fur kleinere und mittelgrosse Unternehmen von grosser Bedeutung fur die Wettbewerbsfahigkeit. Die Autoren Ralf Peters ist selbststandiger Unternehmensberater und Interimsmanager. Er unterstutzt Unternehmen in Transformationsphasen, bei Post-Merger-Integrationen, IT-Implementierungen sowie dem Einsatz von Process-Mining. Prof. Dr. Markus Nauroth lehrt Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Hochschule Mainz und verantwortet u.a. als Studiengangleiter den Bachelor-Studiengang Angewandte Informatik. Zuvor war er als Unternehmensberater in London und New York tatig.
Mario Kischporski untersucht in diesem essential das Thema Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) im Hinblick auf Chancen und Herausforderungen des praktischen Einsatzes im taglichen Geschaftsleben. Dabei werden v.a. die Bedeutung des Strukturdatenaustausches, Fallstricke und praxisrelevante Betrachtungen herausgearbeitet und ubersichtlich, kompakt und nachvollziehbar dargestellt. Dies soll dem Leser helfen, einen fundierten UEberblick zu erlangen und die Potentiale der Digitalisierung konkret und pragmatisch in der Anwendungspraxis im Alltag anzuwenden und zu nutzen. Zum Thema EDI gibt es so gut wie keine (einfuhrende) Fachliteratur. Diese Lucke soll dieses essential schliessen.
Aufgrund des heute verbreiteten teamorientierten Arbeitens wird der Ingenieur in Entwicklung und Konstruktion mehr und mehr in den Planungs-, Beschaffungs- und Produktionsprozess involviert. Zur Bewaltigung dieser Aufgaben braucht er neue Methoden der Entscheidungsunterstutzung und der Informationsbeschaffung, da die herkoemmlichen Ansatze des Produktdatenmanagements nicht ausreichend sind. Neue Strategien fur das Product Lifecycle Management enthalten zusatzliche Funktionsumfange zur Unterstutzung der unternehmensinternen und -externen Zusammenarbeit von Entwicklungspartnern, des Supply Chain Prozesses, des Product Portfolio Management und des Customer Needs Management. Das Buch unterstutzt die Planung, Entscheidungsfindung und Einfuhrung geeigneter Loesungskonzepte.
Auf der Grundlage aktueller Entwicklungen der Wirtschaftsinformatik
stellen die Autoren Konzepte dar, die als Richtlinie fur die
kunftige Entwicklung von einem die operationalen Systeme, Data
Warehouse-, Informations-, Experten- und Data Mining Systeme
umfassenden Anwendungssystem dienen konnen.
Das Lehrbuch behandelt mikrotheoretische Ansatze zur Planung und Entscheidungsfindung in der betrieblichen Produktion. Die Entscheidungsalternativen werden deutlich herausgearbeitet, wobei die Loesungsmethoden das Ziel einer Optimalloesung mit der Notwendigkeit einer schnell verfugbaren Entscheidung verbinden. Damit das Produktionsmanagement von einer effektiven Informationsverarbeitung begleitet wird, orientieren sich die Loesungsschritte am System des Enterprise Resource Planning. Der Stoff wird anhand vieler Beispiele und UEbungsaufgaben vertieft. |
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