Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs > General > Interfaith relations
Gilbert Dahan offers a compact overview of Jewish conditions in
medieval Western Christendom, then moves to a discussion of the
changing patterns of Christian-Jewish polemical confrontation.
Dahan lays particular emphasis on the shift during the twelfth and
thirteenth centuries from a fairly open exchange of views to a
concerted Christian effort to convert the Jews. After establishing
this context, Dahan analyzes the most common literary genres
(including disputatio) in which these arguments were couched, their
underlying structures and the most important recurring themes. This
volume is particularly useful for its clear delineation of the
historical phases of Christian polemicizing, its cogent analysis of
key aspects of Christian polemical literature, and its rich
citation of illustrative texts. Whether it be shared examination of
the sacred texts or impassioned discussion over the theses
belonging to each of the two religions, the Judeo-Christian
"dispute" continued throughout the Middle Ages, and seems to be
carried on in some way even in the Judeo-Christian dialogue of
Conflict Resolution will be of interest to people who deal with
disputes - of whatever kind - including through mediation and
alternative dispute resolution procedures. Contents What is
Conflict? Strategies for Resolving Conflict Approach to the
Territory Family Mediation Mediation Between Neighbours Restorative
Justice Mediation in Schools Cross-Cultural and Multi-Faith
Mediation Environmental Conflict David and Goliath The World of
Work Training Academic Study and Research Issues for the Future
Author Susan Stewart has taught conflict resolution and mediation
and been involved in the development of innovative university
courses covering these topics. She has published extensively in the
education field, including works on adult learning. In recent years
she has been engaged in mediation as a teacher, researcher and
community consultant.
From the Crusades to the present day, the interrelationship between
Islam and Christianity has been fraught with conflict, both
theological and military. Yet events in 20th-century history,
particularly the communications revolution, have meant that, after
centuries of living in isolation from each other, Christians and
Muslims find themselves participating in the same intellectual
culture, and are having to review their assumptions about each
other. In this work, Zebiri analyzes modern Muslim writings on
Christianity and Christian writings on Islam to explore the issues
central to Muslim-Christian relations. The literature surveyed is
diverse - both popular and scholarly, varying in function,
authorship and intended audience. Through its juxtaposition of the
mutual perceptions of Muslims and Christians, the book provides an
overview of the more important contrasts and similarities between
the two religions.
Two eminent scholars, each expert in his own tradition, take
Jewish-Christian dialogue to a new level. Aiming at neither mere
description nor conversion, each presents the classical elements of
his traditions understanding of three fundamental, common religious
questions: where to meet God, how to live, and what to hope for.
The other then responds. Neusner and Chilton's analytic comparisons
of two great traditions intertwined at the roots serves as a primer
on the defining energies of both traditions. The reader is invited
to identify the traditions' unity of questions and the equally
strong differences in answers and thereby illumine one's own faith
commitments about belief, piety, and the purpose of human life.
English text with Spanish, German, and French translations. This
volume presents the policy statement on ecumenical commitment of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America adopted in 1991 by the
ELCA's second churchwide assembly.
Die Veroeffentlichung gehoert zu den wenigen Publikationen zum
Reformationsjubilaum 2017, die in oekumenischer Gemeinschaft
konzipiert worden sind. Der Altenberger Kreis steht fur Optionen in
der OEkumene, die offen in die Zukunft weisen und sich von
bestehenden kirchenamtlichen Vorgaben nicht schrecken lassen. UEber
lange Zeit hat Johannes Brosseder dem Kreis angehoert; ihm wird in
der Studie mit seinem oekumenischen Engagement ein lebendiges
Gedachtnis bewahrt. Das Jahr 2017 ladt zu einer Bestandsaufnahme in
der OEkumene ein. Was ist erreicht worden? Was ist in Zukunft noch
dringend erforderlich? UEber lange Zeit war der gemeinsame Blick
von Christinnen und Christen auf 2017 von der Frage bestimmt, ob es
anlasslich dieses Datums uberhaupt etwas zu feiern gibt, oder ob
einzig die Trauer uber die Folgen der Reformation gemeinsam zu
beklagen sind. Beides ist wahr. Trotz der vielen offenen Fragen
haben sich die Kirchen in Deutschland auf den Weg gemacht, eine
Zeit der Versoehnung miteinander zu gestalten. Der Sammelband
orientiert uber die geplanten Vorhaben und beleuchtet deren
Hintergrunde. Perspektiven der OEkumene werden mit biblischen und
liturgischen Bezugen eroeffnet. Im Blick ist dabei nicht nur die
lutherische Reformation, vielmehr kommen exemplarisch auch weitere
Orte der Reformation in Europa vor allem die reformierte Tradition
in den Niederlanden und in der Schweiz - zur Sprache. Das Buch ist
ein Votum fur mehr OEkumene gerade angesichts des
Reformationsjubilaums im Jahr 2017. Konkrete Handlungsformen
(beispielsweise Gemeindepartnerschaften) werden vorgestellt. Die
Gemeinschaft von Taize, deren Weg in die OEkumene erinnert wird,
ist eine Quelle der Inspiration fur die geistliche OEkumene der
Zukunft. Versoehnung ist ein Leitwort der OEkumene und die Zeit ist
nun gekommen, sie zu leben. Die Geschehnisse im Jahr 2017 koennen
dazu wichtige Impulse geben.
This collection takes a new approach to understanding religious
plurality in the Iberian Peninsula and its Mediterranean and
northern European contexts. Focusing on polemics-works that attack
or refute the beliefs of religious Others-this volume aims to
challenge the problematic characterization of Iberian Jews,
Muslims, and Christians as homogeneous groups. From the high Middle
Ages to the end of the seventeenth century, Christian efforts to
convert groups of Jews and Muslims, Muslim efforts to convert
Christians and Jews, and the defensive efforts of these communities
to keep their members within the faiths led to the production of
numerous polemics. This volume brings together a wide variety of
case studies that expose how the current historiographical focus on
the three religious communities as allegedly homogeneous groups
obscures the diversity within the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim
communities as well as the growing ranks of skeptics and outright
unbelievers. Featuring contributions from a range of academic
disciplines, this paradigm-shifting book sheds new light on the
cultural and intellectual dynamics of the conflicts that marked
relations among these religious communities in the Iberian
Peninsula and beyond. In addition to the editors, the contributors
are Antoni Biosca i Bas, Thomas E. Burman, Monica Colominas
Aparicio, John Dagenais, Oscar de la Cruz, Borja Franco Llopis,
Linda G. Jones, Daniel J. Lasker, Davide Scotto, Teresa Soto, Ryan
Szpiech, Pieter Sjoerd van Koningsveld, and Carsten Wilke.
Die Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland gehoert zu den Kirchen, die
als erste aufmerksam die OEffnungen des Zweiten Vatikanischen
Konzils verfolgt und darauf geantwortet haben. Dieser
Dokumentationsband belegt erstmals den eber 50-jahrigen
oekumenischen Weg, den die Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland seit
den frehen sechziger Jahren mit der roemisch-katholischen Kirche
genommen hat. Jeder seiner 6 Teile ist einem Jahrzehnt gewidmet.
Einige Akzente: Hoehepunkt in den sechziger Jahren war fraglos das
oeffentliche Podiumsgesprach, dass Prases Beckmann und Kardinal
Jaeger wahrend des 12. Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchentages in
Koeln am 30. Juli1965 zum Thema fehrten: -Katholiken und
Protestanten angesichts des Konzils."1973 verabschiedete die
Landessynode eine erste bahnbrechende Erklarung -eber die
Zusammenarbeit der evangelischen und katholischen Kirche". (In den
achtziger Jahren erarbeitete die Landessynode 1985 eine offizielle
Stellungnahme zu den Lima-Erklarungen von 1982 zu Taufe,
Eucharistie und Amt.) Anlasslich der Trierer Heilig-Rock-Wallfahrt
1996 kam am 26. Marz eine -Vereinbarung ... zur gegenseitigen
Anerkennung der Taufe" zustande. Auf die vatikanische Erklarung
Dominus Jesus im Jahr 2000 antwortete die Rheinische Landessynode
2001 mit der Stellungnahme: -Der Weg der Evangelischen Kirche im
Rheinland bleibt oekumenisch." Ausserdem empfahl sie den Abschluss
weiterer Gemeindepartnerschaften am Ort. (2013 wurde eine
theologische Grundlegung zum oekumenischen Charakter des
Reformationsfestes 2017 erarbeitet.)Dieser Dokumentationsband ist
eine Fundgrube fer das oekumenische Engagement der Evangelischen
Kirche im Rheinland und eine Inspiration fer ihren kenftigen
oekumenischen Weg.
This book explores the history of Muslim-Christian theological
exchanges in Iran during the 17th and early 18th centuries. Focused
on the work of the renegade missionary 'Ali Quli Jadid al-Islam (d.
1734), it contributes to ongoing debates on the nature of
confessionalism, interreligious encounters, and cultural
translation in early modern Muslim empires. By disentangling the
connections between polemics and other forms of Islamic learning
and by emphasizing the Shi'i character of the case in question,
this study accounts for the dynamism of polemics as an
ever-evolving genre capable to adapt to different historical
Wie kann man nach Kants fundamentaler Kritik an der philosophischen
Theologie das ontologische Argument für die Existenz Gottes
verteidigen? Dieser Frage geht Hannes Gustav Melichar mit Hilfe der
hegelschen Philosophie nach. Um verständlich zu machen, wie Hegel
verschiedene Fäden der vorkantischen Metaphysik und der kritischen
Philosophie in seinem Hauptwerk "Wissenschaft der Logik"
zusammenführt, analysiert er zunächst Kants Widerlegungsversuche
gründlich. Anschließend argumentiert er, dass Hegel in seinem
Werk zwei Argumentationslinien verfolgt. Die erste soll zu einem
inhaltsvollen und widerspruchsfreien Gottesbegriff für die
Philosophie führen. Und die zweite zeigt, wie Hegel versucht,
diesem Gottesbegriff eine abschließende Begründung zu geben, ohne
in einen Begründungsregress zu verfallen. Damit leitet Hegel aus
der absoluten Notwendigkeit dieses Gottesbegriffes dessen objektive
Geltung ab und legt so seine Version des ontologischen
Gottesbeweises vor.
Young people are doing faith differently. They are redefining
community, ministry and ritual for a new era. In the face of
planetary crisis, the next generation no longer see faith as a
private matter, instead they are integrating it with activism and
the need for systemic change. Influenced by the wealth of different
teachings and traditions available around them, their identities
are increasingly multifaceted and emphatically global. This
collection of stories and interviews with young adults and their
allies explores this new landscape, reflecting both the energy and
inspiration of the next generation and the tremendous challenges
they face. It points towards an exciting evolution in the way we
are relating to the sacred. With stories from: Adam Bucko,
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, Kara Moses, Abbas
Zahedi, Camille Barton, Bruna Kadletz, Dekila Chungyalpa, Matt
Youde, Amrita Bhohi, Sun Kaur, and many others. With supporting
stories from senior leaders including: His Holiness the 17th
Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Dr John
Sentamu, Archbishop of York, Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Rabbi Laura
Janner Klausner, Bhai Sahib Dr Mohinder Singh, and more.
This volume highlights points of agreement and disagreement on the
subject of religious pluralism. The dialogue partners in the
discussion are Paul F. Knitter, Paul Tillich Professor of Theology,
World Religions, and Culture at Union Theological Seminary, and
Harold A Netland, professor of Mission and Evangelism and director
of Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in
Deerfield, Illinois.
Taking the theme of learning as central to the responsible practice
of interfaith dialogue, Michael Barnes discusses a Christian
spirituality which builds on virtues of hospitality and the
welcoming of other traditions, whilst maintaining the importance of
difference and particularity in the search for meaning. Each
chapter explores how faith grows as a person crosses a threshold
into another religious world and learns sensitivity to echoes of
the known in the unknown. Encounters with the religious other,
refracted through texts, conversations, artefacts and places, are
used to illustrate the ancient Patristic theme of 'seeds of the
Word'. Cumulatively they show that faith which learns how to engage
imaginatively with another religious world constantly returns to
the 'home' tradition, reinvigorated in its appreciation of the
other. This book contributes to current comparative theology
studies, using a theological approach to interreligious studies
complementary to one based on the experience of interpersonal
This title is an introduction to the World's major religions from a
Catholic Perspective. There is no single standard textbook that
outlines the official Roman Catholic theological position in
relation to other religions which then explicates this orientation
theologically and phenomenologically in relation to the four main
religions of the world and the flowering of new religious movements
in the west. The present project will cover this serious gap in the
literature. After outlining the teaching of Vatican II and the
magisterium since then (chapter one), each subsequent chapter will
be divided equally between an exposition of the history and
features of the religion or movement being studied; and a serious
theological analysis of these features, showing how these religions
do have elements in common, as well as how they differ in
fundamental ways from Catholicism.
In Religious Cohesion in Times of Conflict Andrew Holden presents
the results and analysis of the key findings of a sociological
investigation which seeks to establish the contribution that
Christian-Muslim partnerships can make to community cohesion.
Beginning with a historical and sociological overview of faith
relations, a description of the empirical methodology and a
discussion of the evolution of Christian-Muslim partnerships,
Andrew Holden goes on to highlight how the fieldwork data
demonstrates the challenges of uniting young people in segregated
towns and cities. He considers the implications of the findings for
education policy, examining some of the ways in which schools and
colleges can promote faith cohesion, and further addresses the
issue of faith leadership, considering how the changing faith
landscape affects the work of Christian and Muslim clerics. He
concludes by considering possible ways forward for Christian-Muslim
relations both in Britain and in the international context and for
the development of new partnerships between faith and secular
The Crusades continue to exert a fascination in the West as a story
of perceived gallantry and battles against impossible odds. Yet
what is less often considered is their effect on the Holy Land, and
in particular the response of the Muslim world to the invasions of
European Crusaders. In this book, W. B. Bartlett, author of four
books on the Crusades, looks at these great events from the Muslim
point of view. One of the effects was to unite a previously divided
Islamic world against a common enemy. In the process, they gave an
unstoppable impetus towards the declaring of jihad against the
West, a holy war against Christendom. They also helped to shape the
careers of some important figures, most notably Saladin, but also
other great men like Sultan Baibars and Nur al-Din. The rise of
these great leaders is traced in this book, as are the many great
battles that were fought by men just as devoted to their cause as
the Crusaders were.
Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali was born to a Muslim mother and a
Christian father. He studied theology at Cambridge, going on to
become only the second non-white bishop in England and the first
diocesan bishop. He is a consultant to the Prime Minister on Muslim
affairs. Nazir-Ali sets out fundamental guidelines on the role of
religion in society and its relationship to nationalism, ideology
and political institutions, and examines Christian-Muslim dialogue
with particular relationship to the rise of Arab, Indian and
Turkish nationalism. Of particular concern is the relationship of
religion to law and the justifiability of armed conflict.
Over the past few decades, there has been a dramatic and
unprecedented shift in Jewish-Christian relations, including signs
of a new, improved Christian attitude towards Jews. "Christianity
in Jewish Terms" is a Jewish theological response to the profound
changes that have taken place in Christian thought. The book is
divided into ten chapters, each of which features a main essay,
written by a Jewish scholar, that explores the meaning of a set of
Christian beliefs. Following the essay are responses from a second
Jewish scholar and a Christian scholar. Designed to generate new
conversations within the American Jewish community and between the
Jewish and Christian communities, "Christianity in Jewish Terms"
lays the foundation for better understanding. It was named a Choice
Outstanding Academic Book of 2001.