Books > Law > International law > Public international law > International law of transport & communications > International maritime law
Written in fulfillment of a Masters in Marine Affairs Degree at the
University of Rhode Island in 2005, this is the harrowing tale of
some 70 vessels over the past 30 years who have found themselves
distressed at sea and begged coastal states for a safe place to
stabilize their problems. As this unique research points out, more
often than not they were turned away and in the case of the
Prestige in 2002, with disastrous results which polluted the
coastlines of three countries, cost over US$5 billion, and
indirectly led to the overthrow of the Spanish government. With
careful analysis of the salvors point of view and with a windward
eye on the environment, this study brings the reader through
step-by-step analyses and methodologies through which to debunk or
confirm assumptions. The research and listings of the 70 or so
casualties themselves make harrowing reading, the analysis sections
aret more academic, and the bibliography provides for extensive
further research. This research has been requested by and supplied
to all parties in the litigation between the Spanish government,
the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), the Bahamas Maritime
Authority, and their attorneys in the U.S. and Europe. Eric Wiberg
is qualified as a maritime lawyer and a member of the Maritime Law
Association of the US and the American Salvage Association. A
licensed captain, he has over 80,000 nautical miles of seagoing and
command experience. For three years he hepled commercially operate
a fleet of tankers for the firm which lost the Braer. He has
written several books about travel and naval history. A citizen of
the US and Sweden, he grew up in Bahamas and lives with his wife
and son in Connecticut.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational
Uses of International Watercourses plays a crucial role in
protecting and managing international watercourses and other
sources of fresh water. Boisson de Chazournes, Mbengue, Tignino,
and Sangbana head a team of experts in this Commentary, examining
the travaux preparatoires leading to the Convention and the
practice that has developed since the adoption of the Convention in
1997. Tackling the rationale and objectives of the provisions, they
offer crucial insights to the Convention's impact on the
development of a universal regime for shared water resources.
Examining cross-cutting topics such as the core water principles,
the prevention and settlement of water disputes, the relationship
between the Convention and other legal instruments, as well as the
role of the ICJ and other judicial means to solve water disputes,
this book is crucial to all those who seek a deep understanding of
water law.
THE WORLD. The War of 1812 was ravaging the countryside when two
U.S. Navy warships - the Hamilton and the Scourge - foundered in
Lake Ontario in a sudden nighttime squall. Seventy American sailors
drowned in darkness. Both shipwrecks were discovered off Port
Dalhousie, Ontario in 1975. Factions within the U.S. Navy
immediately asserted American ownership. In 1979, title to the
wrecks was transferred from the Navy to the Royal Ontario Museum,
which, like a clearing house, quickly transferred title to the City
of Hamilton. As a condition of custody, the City promised to
conduct scientific studies and archaeological assessments of the
sites, after which it would consider the possibility of raising the
wrecks as tourist attractions. Now, a quarter of a century later,
the City has done absolutely nothing to honor its pledge. Worse, it
has taken an active stance in preventing others from conducting
studies. After twenty-five years of apathetic treatment, the wrecks
are still rotting away on the lake bed, suffering from the ravages
of zebra mussels and inevitable natural decay. Stolen Heritage is
the saga of one Americans attempt to visit these relics of his
countrys heritage - a heritage that was usurped by bureaucratic
fiat. Those who control these historic sites would rather see them
decompose than permit anyone - including Americans - to see or
photograph them. This book is a story of conspiracy, double
dealing, lies, and deceit: an ugly trip through the political
machinations of the City of Hamiltons corrupt bureaucrats, and the
manipulations of individualswithin the Ontario Archaeological
Licence Bureau.
This book is a facsimile reprint and may contain imperfections such
as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages.
Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of
rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for
This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy
Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive
selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to
reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional
imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor
pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues
beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving and promoting the world's literature.
This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy
Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive
selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to
reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional
imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor
pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues
beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving and promoting the world's literature.
In this classic of international maritime law he calls for open
rights of all countries and dominions to sail the seas without
appropriation by any country, which was undoubtedly an attempt to
offset the attempts of Spain, Portugal and England to claim
sovereignty of the seas. This controversial viewpoint was opposed
by John Selden in defense of the British Empire, in Mare Clausum.
Grotius [1583-1645] is known principally for this work and his
classic treatise on the law of nations, De Jure Belli.
This book consists of edited versions of the papers delivered at
the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law's 12th
International Colloquium at Swansea Law School in September 2016.
Featuring a team of contributors at the top of their profession,
both in practice and academia, these papers have been carefully
co-ordinated so as to ensure to give the reader a first class
insight into the issues surrounding charterparties. The book is set
out in three parts. -Part I offers a detailed and critical analysis
of issues of contemporary importance concerning time charters.
-Part 2 carries out a similar analysis with regard to voyage
charterparties. -Part 3 deliberates issues common to both type of
charterparties. Offering critical analysis of contemporary legal
issues on charterparty contracts, this book considers recent legal
and practical developments and is therefore essential reading for
both professional and academic readers with an interest in
Now in its third edition, Merchant Shipping Legislation is a useful
tool tool for those wishing to refer to the UK and Commonwealth
merchant shipping statutes. Organized in subject areas and
regularly updated, this complete annotation and commentary on the
UK and Commonwealth merchant shipping legislation will be of use to
the work of maritime lawyers in the UK and overseas. All the
provisions of the various merchant shipping acts are contained in a
single easy-to-use volume organized in subject areas. Divided into
twenty chapters, the work addresses all the most important areas
including: registration; collisions; salvage; pilotage;
environmental protection; oil pollution and carriage of goods.
Now presented in two convenient volumes, the sixth edition of
Berlingieri on Arrest of Ships is an invaluable source of
information, detailing the claims in respect of which a ship may be
arrested, the conditions for obtaining an order of arrest, the need
for a security, the manner by which the ship that has been arrested
may be released, the possibility of a multiple arrest and the
jurisdiction on the merits. Focused on the 1999 Arrest Convention,
volume II provides a unique, thorough, and updated commentary,
analysing each provision with reference to its interpretation in a
significant number of States Parties. Moreover, the original
comments have been reviewed on the basis of the Travaux
Preparatoires of the Convention, which the Author has collected and
arranged under each article. In addition to this, the Travaux
Preparatoires are now included as a new and important appendix to
the volume. Written by a renowned expert in the field, and
analysing the various conventions relating to the arrest of ships
in an article-by-article and paragraph manner, this book is a
useful reference tool for practitioners, as well as academics and
post-graduate students of maritime law.
This book consists of edited versions of the papers delivered at
the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law's 11th
International Colloquium, held at Swansea Law School in September
2015. Featuring a team of contributors at the top of their
profession, both in practice and academia, these papers have been
carefully co-ordinated so as to ensure to give the reader a first
class insight into the issues surrounding international sale and
carriage contracts. The book is set out in three parts: Part I
offers a detailed and critical analysis on emerging issues and
unresolved questions in international sales and the carriage
contracts affected to facilitate such sales. Part II critically and
thoroughly analyses the legal issues that often arise in the
context of security over goods, letters of credit and similar
documents. Part III is dedicated to a critical and up-to-date
discussion on matters concerning cargo insurance in this context.
With its breadth of coverage and high-quality analysis, this book
is vital reading for both professional and academic readers with an
interest in international trade and carriage of goods.
Oil and natural gas, which today account for over 60% of the
world's energy supply, are often produced by offshore platforms.
One third of all oil and gas comes from the offshore sector.
However, offshore oil and gas installations are generally
considered intrinsically vulnerable to deliberate attacks. The
changing security landscape and concerns about the threats of
terrorism and piracy to offshore oil and gas installations are
major issues for energy companies and governments worldwide. But,
how common are attacks on offshore oil and gas installations? Who
attacks offshore installations? Why are they attacked? How are they
attacked? How is their security regulated at the international
level? How has the oil industry responded? This timely and first of
its kind publication answers these questions and examines the
protection and security of offshore oil and gas installations from
a global, industry-wide and company-level perspective. Looking at
attacks on offshore installations that occurred throughout history
of the offshore petroleum industry, it examines the different types
of security threats facing offshore installations, the factors that
make offshore installations attractive targets, the nature of
attacks and the potentially devastating impacts that can result
from attacks on these important facilities. It then examines the
international legal framework, state practice and international oil
and gas industry responses that aim to address this vital problem.
Crucially, the book includes a comprehensive dataset of attacks and
security incidents involving offshore oil and gas installations
entitled the Offshore Installations Attack Dataset (OIAD). This is
an indispensable reference work for oil and gas industry
professionals, company security officers, policy makers, maritime
lawyers and academics worldwide.
Maritime Liabilities in a Global and Regional Context consists of
edited versions of the papers delivered at the Institute of
International Shipping and Trade Law's 13th International
Colloquium at Swansea Law School in September 2017. Written by a
combination of top academics and highly-experienced legal
practitioners, these papers have been carefully co-ordinated to
give the reader a first-class insight into the issues surrounding
maritime liabilities. The book is set out in two parts: - Part I
offers a detailed and critical analysis of issues of contemporary
importance concerning maritime liabilities - Part 2 discusses
contemporary issues concerning the enforcement of maritime
liabilities. An invaluable guide to recent legal and practical
developments in maritime liabilities, this book is vital reading
for both professional and academic readers.