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Books > Science & Mathematics > Biology, life sciences > Zoology & animal sciences > Invertebrates
In a work that beautifully demonstrates the rewards of closely observing nature, Elisabeth Tova Bailey shares an inspiring and intimate story of her encounter with a Neohelix albolabris—a common woodland snail. While an illness keeps her bedridden, Bailey watches a wild snail that has taken up residence on her nightstand. As a result, she discovers the solace and sense of wonder that this mysterious creature brings and comes to a greater understanding of her own place in the world. Intrigued by the snail’s molluscan anatomy, cryptic defenses, clear decision making, hydraulic locomotion, and courtship activities, Bailey becomes an astute and amused observer, offering a candid and engaging look into the curious life of this underappreciated small animal. The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating is a remarkable journey of survival and resilience, showing us how a small part of the natural world can illuminate our own human existence, while providing an appreciation of what it means to be fully alive.
This title discusses egg formation, release, and development, variations in life history patterns, population, and fisheries aspects regarding crustaceans.
This book is a collection of comprehensive and latest information on all aspects of vaccination in fish and shellfish. It provides the basic understanding about the immune system of both fish and crustaceans, besides giving the latest information on adjuvants, vaccine delivery methods, adverse effects of vaccines and methods to assess the efficacy of vaccines. Separate chapters on the role of pattern recognition receptors and interferons in fish vaccination, biofilm vaccines and biosafety and regulatory requirements for fish vaccines are also included. Aquaculture, being the fastest growing food producing industry in the world, is looked upon for alleviating the malnutrition especially among the under privileged population. However, intensive aquaculture practices have led to increased incidences of diseases and significant production losses. Among various health management measures employed in aquaculture, vaccination has been proven to be the best approach to protect fish against pathogens. It is considered to be safe and is a key factor for sustainable aquaculture. In this background, apart from the basic understanding of fish and shellfish immune system, updated knowledge on various types of vaccines and the vaccination strategies currently employed in aquaculture are also covered. The book is designed to provide the latest and comprehensive knowledge on all these aspects as a compiled resource material which is useful to students, researchers and other professionals in the field of aquaculture.
Ecology and Morphology of Copepods is organized under the following general topics: Behavior, Feeding, Genetics, Horizontal Variations, Morphology, Phylogeny, Reproduction, Seasonal Changes, Vertical Distribution, plus two special sessions on copepods of the genus Acartia and cyclopid/mosquito interactions. The Maxilliped Lecture, given by Dr. Arthur G. Humes of Boston University, clearly established the importance of copepods to the earth's organic diversity. The book consists of selected research articles from the different sections. The articles published here reflect the diverse research interests of copepodologists today, and are distinguished by their high quality. Their impact will ensure that this volume is consulted by a wide range of research biologists.
This fully revised and updated second edition of Insect Pests of Potato now includes an opening section with a basic overview of agronomic and economic issues as they relate to potato production. It also features a new section that reviews potato production, as well as problems caused by insect pests and solutions to these problems, in all major potato-growing regions of the world. Further, a new section discusses theoretical foundations of potato pest management and includes chapters on ecological theory, evolutionary theory, and a case study on their applications to elucidate differences between Eastern and Western populations of Colorado potato beetle in North America. There is also a new chapter on the foundations of integrated pest management and their applications in controlling insect pests. The sections on the biology of main pests and on control methods now feature the latest information, including emphasis on recent advances in molecular biology and genomics. Information on the use of dsRNA technology for pest control is also included, as are new chapters on potato ladybirds and on hemipterous pests other than aphids and psyllids. This second edition provides improved integration and logical connections among chapters and expanded geographic scope of coverage making it the ideal reference on the topic.
The beetle genus Agrilus has over 3000 species which makes it the most numerous in the Animal Kingdom. Many species are serious pests of plants with high invasive potential. Among them, the notoriously known Agrilus planipennis invaded from Asia to North America where it killed tens of millions of ash trees, caused regulatory agencies to enforce quarantines and cost municipalities, property owners, nursery operators and forest products industries tens of millions of dollars. The monograph provides coherent, comprehensive and critical review on all known host plants for more than 680 Agrilus species. All host plants have assigned the confidence index from 0-3 based on the evaluated reliability which eliminates false records. All original and subsequent references for particular plants are cited at each Agrilus species. Data are organized from both, insect and plant viewpoints. Results are analyzed and illustrated by graphs and diagrams. The main impact of the monograph is seen in entomology, phytopathology, forestry, agriculture ecology and biocontrol.
Insect Ecology: An Ecosystem Approach, Fifth Edition provides the most updated and comprehensive knowledge of the diversity of insect responses to environmental changes and their effects on ecosystem properties and services. Written by an expert in the field, this book addresses ways in which insect morphology, physiology and behavior tailor their adaptation to particular environmental conditions, how those adaptations affect their responses to environmental changes, and how their responses affect ecosystem properties and the ecosystem services on which humans depend for survival. This edition also addresses recent reports of global declines in insect abundance and how these declines could affect human interests. Insect Ecology: An Ecosystem Approach, Fifth Edition is an important resource for researchers, entomologists, ecologists, pest managers and conservationists who want to understand insect ecology and to manage insects in ways that sustain the delivery of ecosystem services. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students may also find this as a useful resource for entomology and specifically insect ecology courses.
A comprehensive review of the honeybees of Africa on a subspecies as well as by country basis. Includes an updated multivariate analysis of the subspecies based on the merger of the Ruttner database (Oberursel) and that of Hepburn & Radloff (Grahamstown) for nearly 20,000 bees. Special emphasis is placed on natural zones of hybridisation and introgression of different populations; seasonal cycles of development in different ecological-climatological zones of the continent; swarming, migration and absconding; and an analysis of the bee flora of the continent. The text is supplemented by tables containing quantitative data on all aspects of honeybee biology, and by continental and regional maps.
Nannochoristidae (=Nannomecoptera) and Boreidae (=Neomecoptera) are traditionally assigned to the holometabolan order Mecoptera. Both are presently in the focus of insect systematists. They differ strikingly from the "typical" mecopteran pattern, not only in their larval and adult morphology, but also in their life style and reproductive biology. Phylogenetic affinities between Boreidae ("snow fleas") and fleas have been postulated mainly based on molecular data, while morphological characters related to food uptake and larval features suggest a close relationship between Nannochoristidae and true flies. Both groups display fascinating features such as preferred temperatures around 0 C, extremely slender larvae adapted to running water, and a highly unusual mating behaviour. Despite the extremely low number of known species, there is no doubt that both groups are key taxa and in their own way highlights in the evolution of the extremely successful Holometabola. Their interesting characteristics and the impressive number of recent studies on various aspects of Nannochoristidae and Boreidae justifies a new volume in the Handbook of Zoology series dedicated to these highly unusual taxa."
Microbial Biodegradation and Bioremediation: Techniques and Case Studies for Environmental Pollution, Second Edition describes the successful application of microbes and their derivatives for bioremediation of potentially toxic and relatively novel compounds in the environment. Our natural biodiversity and environment is in danger due to the release of continuously emerging potential pollutants by anthropogenic activities. Though many attempts have been made to eradicate and remediate these noxious elements, thousands of xenobiotics of relatively new entities emerge every day, thus worsening the situation. Primitive microorganisms are highly adaptable to toxic environments, and can reduce the load of toxic elements by their successful transformation and remediation. This completely updated new edition presents many new technologies and techniques and includes theoretical context and case studies in every chapter. Microbial Biodegradation and Bioremediation: Techniques and Case Studies for Environmental Pollution, Second Edition serves as a single-source reference and encompasses all categories of pollutants and their applications in a convenient, comprehensive format for researchers in environmental science and engineering, pollution, environmental microbiology, and biotechnology.
Bryozoa are a colonial animal phylum with a long evolutionary history, having existed from the early Ordovician (480 My) onward and still flourishing today. Several mass extinctions in earth history shaped and triggered bryozoan evolution through drastic turnover of faunas and new evolutionary lineages. Bryozoa are widespread across all latitudes from Equator to Polar Regions and occur in marine and freshwater environments. They are shaping benthic ecosystems and recording ambient environmental conditions in their skeletons. The book provides a synthesis of the current main topics of research in the field of Bryozoology including combined research on both extant, and extinct taxa. Fields or current research span molecular genetics and phylogeny, life history, reproduction and anatomy, biodiversity and evolutionary patterns in time and space, taxonomy, zoogeography, ecology, sediment interactions, and climate response.
More than 2600 species of tiger beetles are found all over the world. In North America there are 116 species of tiger beetle, divided into 153 geographically distinct races. Detailed studies of their natural history, population dynamics, communities, patterns of worldwide species richness, and taxonomy of particular subgroups have produced much information. Tiger beetles are among the most widely investigated groups of insects, especially in terms of their ecology and geographic distribution. The first edition of A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of the United States and Canada, published in 2005, has served as a field and natural-history guide to all known species of tiger beetles found in North America above the Mexican border. The 2nd edition is a pleasant and comprehensible handbook of the identification, distribution, natural history, and habitat details of the 116 species of tiger beetles in North America. The updated handbook provides new information including observations of seasonality, range extensions and biology, a newly developed list of common names, and twenty-five artistically pleasing identification color plates. The second edition of A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of the United States and Canada provides essential information to recognize and easily identify tiger beetles for established naturalists and outdoor enthusiasts alike.
This book is a revised edition of the first of three volumes in the Handbook of Zoology series which treats the systematics and biology of Coleoptera. With over 380,000 described species, Coleoptera are by far the most species-rich order of insects and the largest group of animals of comparable geological age. Moreover, numerous species are tremendously important economically. The beetle volumes meet the demand of modern biologists seeking to answer questions about Coleoptera phylogeny, evolution, and ecology. This first Coleoptera volume covers the suborders Archostemata, Myxophaga and Adephaga, and the basal series of Polyphaga, with information on world distribution, biology, morphology of all life stages, phylogeny and comments on taxonomy.
The shieldbug is an amazing and beautiful species, rich with diversity in shape, form, size, life history, ecology, physiology and behaviour. But they are not commonly known, outside of specialist circles. Richard Jones’ groundbreaking New Naturalist volume on shieldbugs encourages those enthusiasts who would otherwise be put off by the, to date, rather technical literature that has dominated the field, providing a comprehensive natural history of this fascinating and beautiful group of insects.
The ultimate visual journey into the beautiful and complex world of wasps Wasps are far more diverse than the familiar yellowjackets and hornets that harass picnickers and build nests under the eaves of our homes. These amazing, mostly solitary creatures thrive in nearly every habitat on Earth, and their influence on our lives is overwhelmingly beneficial. Wasps are agents of pest control in agriculture and gardens. They are subjects of study in medicine, engineering, and other important fields. Wasps pollinate flowers, engage in symbiotic relationships with other organisms, and create architectural masterpieces in the form of their nests. This richly illustrated book introduces you to some of the most spectacular members of the wasp realm, colorful in both appearance and lifestyle. From minute fairyflies to gargantuan tarantula hawks, wasps exploit almost every niche on the planet. So successful are they at survival that other organisms emulate their appearance and behavior. The sting is the least reason to respect wasps and, as you will see, no reason to loathe them, either. Written by a leading authority on these remarkable insects, Wasps reveals a world of staggering variety and endless fascination. Packed with more than 150 incredible color photos Includes a wealth of eye-popping infographics Provides comprehensive treatments of most wasp families Describes wasp species from all corners of the world Covers wasp evolution, ecology, physiology, diversity, and behavior Highlights the positive relationships wasps share with humans and the environment
A great deal is now known about the functional organization, physiology, reproduction, and development of barnacles. For the first time, this book brings to bear all aspects of this knowledge on our interpretation of the dynamics of barnacle evolution relating them to the fossil history and biogeography of the group.
Ecdysone is the steroidal prohormone of the major insect moulting hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone. It groups with its homologues the steroidal molting hormones in arthropods, but they also occur in other phyla where they can play different roles. Besides ecdysteroids appear in many plants mostly as protection agents (toxins or antifeedants) against herbivorous insects. The important developments and achievements in modern ecdysone science since the first edition in 1989 by J. Koolman have led to this new revised, expanded and retitled reference work. New chapters in this edition include RNA interference, the ecdysone receptor crystal structures and structure activity relationships, etc. Each article may also be read independently, as a review of that particular subject. Complete up-to-date coverage of many important topics - the book is divisible into five conceptual areas: (1) Distribution and diversity of ecdysteroids in the two kingdoms is still basis, (2) In the post-genomic era, ecdysteroid genetic hierarchies in insect growth and reproduction, (3) Role of cross talk of genes and growth factors in ecdysteroid titers and signaling, (4) Ecdysteroids function through nuclear and membrane receptors, and (5) Ecdysteroids in modern agriculture, medicine, doping and ecotoxicology. Each of the 23 chapters is written by scientists active in the reviewed research area and a truly distinguished international team of contributors has been chosen. Ecdysone, Structures and Functions will be of immense use and contains essential information for scientists, students, and professionals alike in entomology, endocrinology, physiology, chemistry, and agricultural, plant, biomedicine and environmental sciences.
Grasslands comprise more than a quarter of the Earth's land surface. In addition to supporting a wide range of vertebrates such as domestic livestock and a variety of games species, grassland is the natural habitat for a wide range of invertebrate species, and this book considers those which occur in grassland and their impact on soil fertility and herbage growth. It describes grassland as a habitat for invertebrates, the groups which occur there and their abudance. An extensive literature on grassland invertebrates scattered through numerous scientific journals and reports is drawn on in an attempt to develop an overview. In the opening chapter the major grassland types are considered and the features which influence the distribution and abudance of the invertebrates which inhabit them are discussed. Next the major taxonomic groups are reviewed in turn, with a brief account of their biology and ecology and of their ecosystem role. Some general features of grassland invertebrate communities are then described and teh factors which influence th epopulation densities of their constituent species are considered. Particular attentionm is given to the ways in which populations are influenced by management practices. The final and largest chapterdeals with the various ways in which invertebrates influence important grassland processes through ingestion of organic matter, interaction with injurious species is considered, with particular emphasis on the potential for achieving this through manipulating grassland management practices.
Previously published in hardback and now made available in paperback, this ground-breaking book is a must for all interested in butterflies, whether as conservation biologist, amateur or professional entomologist or as a student studying the phenomenon of butterfly populations as part of a number of biology, ecology or conservation courses. Recently, many British butterflies have suffered severe declines whole others have flourished and expanded in range. This is the first book to describe the results from a British scheme to monitor butterflies during this period of change. The Monitoring Scheme, initiated in 1976 by the senior author is based on frequent counts at some 90 sites throughout Britain. The combined efforts of both amateurs and professionals have thus produced a dataset with no equivalent elsewhere in the world. The book therefore provides a unique perspective on trends in numbers, extinction and foundation of populations; flight periods, local distributions, migration and other aspects of population ecology. Practical problems encountered during the conservation of butterflies of individual sites are outlined. The relevance of this monitoring for an understanding of the effects of the weather - climatic warming - is described. |
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