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It’s 1899 and Philippa’s fiancé Nduku has just broken off their engagement. She is heartbroken – after all, she has followed him from Kimberley, where they first met, to the goldfields of Johannesburg. In this bustling new city, tensions are mounting between the South African Republic and the gold-hungry British Empire. When war is declared, the mines are shut down and migrant workers ordered to leave town. But how do you get home and out of harm’s way when there are no running trains and home is hundreds of kilometres away? You walk. Over perilous terrain Nduku and Philippa and seven thousand others walk to Natal. Disguised as a mineworker’s wife, for Philippa is white, she and Nduku talk about their true histories, about their fears and hopes, and with every footfall the possibility of lasting happiness seems within reach – if only they can survive, and if only they can weather the storm of an unexpected third player in their troubled romance. Set during an incredible event in South African history, The Longest March is a tale of heady determination, and a tribute to the perseverance and courage of ordinary men and women when faced with extraordinary circumstances.
Min het Zirk van den Berg, toe hy in 1998 met sy gesin na Nieu-Seeland
verhuis, geweet wat dit sou verg vir ʼn huis vol Kapenaars om Kiwi’s te
word. Hy vind homself werkloos, in ʼn piepklein huisie van karton, in
die land van kettingsae en grassnyers. Die son skyn nooit en sy vrou
sniks sags in haar kussing. Tog slaag Zirk uiteindelik daarin om ʼn
betekenisvolle bestaan in Auckland vir hom en sy mense te bou.
Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS) nations have become a strong engine of South-South Cooperation. The most significant outcome of the emergence of BRICS is the shift they have brought to the balance of power in global affairs. The past decade has steadily accelerated commercial and strategic engagements between BRICS and Africa. The BRICS countries constitute Africa’s largest trading partners and new investors. BRICS has nourished Africa’s economic emergence and elevated the continent’s contemporary global positioning. This book seeks to determine the potential of BRICS-Africa cooperation in promoting African development. Some of the critical issues in this book include the following: a) What will be the impact of intra-BRICS and BRICS–Africa cooperation and partnerships, mainly through the New Industrial Revolution, financial technologies, infrastructure, economic growth and development in health; b) Determine the relevance of the BRICS New Development Bank in the post-COVID era; c) Examine the governance and accountability mechanisms required to entrench BRICS governance cooperation with the continent, and e) Determine strategies that address gender developmental disparities and inequalities in BRICS and Africa. This book consists of five sections, preceded by an introduction and later at the end of the chapters, a conclusion. The five mentioned sections respond to the 2020 12th BRICS Summit, ‘Global Stability, Shared Security, and Innovative Growth thematic thrusts.
Het jy al ooit gewonder hoe dit moet voel om vir die Springbokke gekies te word of hoe 50 000 ekstatiese ondersteuners op die pawiljoen klink? Met die Rugbywêreldbeker om die draai, het Hendrik Hancke die land deurkruis om met oud-Springbokke en ander rolspelers, insluitend breiers en’n skeidsregter, te gesels oor hul liefde vir rugby. Hulle deel oomblikke in die kleedkamer, persoonlike oorwinnings en voorheen ongepubliseerde stories oor wat van die veld af en op toer gebeur. Schalk “Schalla” Brits verduidelik waarom dit so noodsaaklik vir ’n Springbok is om ’n spanspeler te wees, terwyl Gcobani Bobo aangrypend vertel van sy reis met rugby van King Williamstown tot Nieu-Seeland. Frik du Preez verklap weer hoe hy en ’n voormalige Nobelpryswenner mekaar gevind het oor hul gedeelde afkeer van Brusselse spruite en Jean de Villiers gesels oor die hoogtepunte en uitdagings van Springbok-kaptein wees. As jy Saterdagmiddae kliphard vir die televisie skree of op die sypaadjie sal slaap vir ’n kaartjie na ’n groot wedstryd, dan is dié boek vir jou!
What does the world look like from Africa? What does it mean to think, feel, express without apology for being African? How does one teach society and children to be African – with full consciousness and pride? In institutions of learning, what would a textbook on African-centred psychology look like? How do researchers and practitioners engage in African social psychology, African-centred child development, African neuropsychology, or any area of psychology that situates African realities at the centre? Questions such as these are what Kopano Ratele grapples with in this lyrical, philosophical and poetic treatise on practising African psychology in a decolonised world view. Employing a style common in philosophy but rarely used in psychology, the book offers thoughts about the ideas, contestation, urgency and desire around a psychological praxis in Africa for Africans. While setting out a framework for researching, teaching and practicing African psychology, the book in part coaxes, in part commands and in part urges students of psychology, lecturers, researchers and therapists to reconsider and reach beyond their received notions of African psychology.
VELD Voëls van Suider-Afrika: Die volledige fotogids bring die heel nuutste foto’s, navorsing en verspreidingsdata oor alle voëlspesies wat tot op hede in Suider-Afrika aangeteken is, byeen. Hierdie omvattende veldgids bevat nagenoeg 2 000 pragtige kleurfoto’s, asook:
Of jy buite in die veld of op die rusbank in jou huis is, is hierdie gids ’n onontbeerlike metgesel.
Returning to the family homestead in the Eastern Cape for the holidays, and worried that your city ways and less than perfect knowledge of Xhosa culture will get you a wagging finger in the face from ooMalume – the uncles? No need to fret. Don’t Upset ooMalume! captures the essence of Xhosa heritage and culture, and explores different aspects of village life. It covers a range of topics, from major Xhosa life ceremonies and traditional clothing, to the significance of uronta (the rondavel) and ubuhlanti (the kraal). Not forgetting the importance of traditional food, the author describes popular dishes, edible forage and even medicinal plants. This book was born from writer and agriculturalist Hombakazi Mercy Nqandeka’s concern that aspects of Xhosa heritage will be lost to future generations. By interweaving her guide to Xhosa culture with stories from her daily life at Mqele and Bulungula villages, and lessons taught to her by her mother and her late grandmothers, she hopes to help reconnect Xhosa people to their roots.
It is often thought that Dulcie September, Anton Lubowski and Chris Hani were assassinated by apartheid forces simply because they were freedom fighters. But Evelyn Groenink’s painstaking research, conducted over the past 30 years, shows that they were much more than that: they also stood against arms traders and mafias that had invaded the liberation movements. It was their fight against corruption that cost them their lives. One of the most explosive revelations in this book concerns the murder of Chris Hani. Groenink reveals how the police buried evidence and how the state’s “brave” star eyewitness in all likelihood hadn’t even been at the murder scene. Beside the fact that Hani is widely revered as the incorruptible fighter who is sorely missed, the mystery of the murder itself still fascinates South Africans too. Was there a wider conspiracy? This book says there was and it substantiates it meticulously, with evidence – inter alia – from the police docket itself. With regard to the Dulcie September case, as Dulcie’s nephew says in an endorsement of the book, no one has done such thorough research. And certainly no one has, to date, revealed why exactly Dulcie had to die. Until this book, that is. At once murder mystery and personal journey of an investigative journalist, the book speaks to a yearning for the fight against corruption to be successful. Political mafia deals are, after all, still making victims in South Africa: Groenink refers to the Mbombela stadium murder of honest city councillor Jimmy Mohlala in 2010, and the mysterious disappearance in 2017 of South Africa’s “Mr Nuclear” Senti Thobejane. Nevertheless – which would be important to the reader looking for light at the end of the tunnel – she also notes hope in the strong anti-corruption movement that is growing in South Africa today.
Liora word groot op ’n volstruisplaas in Algerië, naby die Sahara. Sy is omring deur mense wat lief is vir haar, Maman en haar tante, oom Moshe, en haar pa, wanneer hy in die rondte is. Van kleins af bring sy tyd deur in haar tante se pluimery, ’n magiese omgewing waar volstruisvere omskep word in kostuums vir die filmbedryf en die verhoë van Parys. Maar Liora loop haar telkens in grense vas wat sy moet oor. En in Algerië broei onrus. Eers verhuis sy na die oorloggeteisterde Algiers waar sy leer om dokter te word, maar dan word sy gedwing om inderhaas landuit te vlug, Parys toe. Jare later kom Liora, steeds verwonderd oor die skoonheid van volstruisvere, in die Klein-Karoo aan om oom Moshe te besoek. Hier ontmoet sy Candice, ook behep met volstruisvere, ’n priester, ’n kunstenares en ander Kannalanders. Haar lewe word opnuut omgedop, en weer eens lê daar ’n grens voor haar – en sy moet besluit of sy dit sal oorsteek.
For all keto lifestyle followers, this 52-week planner is the ultimate guide to planning your meals and tracking your progress! It guides you on your keto diet pathway, with or without intermittent fasting, in an easy and fun way right from starting a keto diet, and throughout maintaining the lifestyle. Using a practical, visual and affirming approach, this stand-alone journal offers blank, customisable templates to help you plan your meals and track your progress as you embark on your keto journey. As both a journal and planner, this book does not include any recipes or meal plans, and so it is also the perfect companion to author Hendrik Marais’ Living the Ultimate Keto Lifestyle: A South African Guide & Cookbook.
This stunning depiction of geology in Namibia combines searingly beautiful photography with clear explanations of how the varied landscapes formed. Arranged chronologically (starting 13.8 billion years ago), the chapters each deal with a particular event or process that has resulted in the formation under discussion. These include the early beginnings of the Earth, meteorites, canyons and limestone caves, vast desert landscapes, moonscapes and bizarrely-shaped rocks, and Namibia’s astonishing underwater lakes and reservoirs. Picture-driven, with accessible text, this book features all the highlights of Namibian landscapes and landforms. A treat for travellers real and virtual – those on the road as well as those in armchairs.
Newman’s Birds by Colour offers beginner birders a quick and simple way
to identify southern Africa’s most common birds using colour as a
starting point. Now in its fourth edition, this handy illustrated guide
has been updated to include the latest common names, expanded habitat
information, and up-to-date distribution maps. An informative
introduction provides practical tips for identifying birds, and
includes information on bird anatomy and classification, and guidance
on where to look for birds and what you need to go birding.
When Love Kills is the tale of hip hop star, AKA. whose life unravelled when he embarked on a relationship with 21 year-old Anele Tembe. When she "fell" to her death from the 10th storey of the Pepper Club in April, 2021, after a long night of heated arguing, details would emerge that they'd been caught up in a whirlwind of toxic obsession, alleged substance abuse and violence. Less then two years later AKA was assassinated in what looked like a hit to avenge her death. This is their tragic story.
Hierdie keur bevat van Adam Small se gewildste – en gee ook aandag aan sy minder bekende – gedigte. Die doel van hiedie versameling is om sy bydrae tot Suid-Afrikaanse letterkunde, en Kaaps, te vereer. Die klem word geplaas op die tersaaklikheid en veelsydigheid van sy stem. Adam Small se eerste bundel het in 1957 verskyn en dekades later gee sy woorde steeds ’n stem aan die gemarginaliseerdes en die werkende stand. Die maan is swart is saamgestel deur Ronelda S Kamfer.
Die derde uitgawe van Skryf Afrikaans van A tot Z (SAAZ3) is bygewerk volgens die elfde Afrikaanse Woordelys en Spelreëls (2017). Dié stylgids:
SAAZ3 is vir alle teksversorgers asook ander taalgebruikers wat effektief in Afrikaans wil kommunikeer.
Die laaste voerings van oudpolisiespeurder Carl Bester se lewe torring los, en hy sluit aan by die Kaapse tak van Mercurius, ’n CIA-steunpilaar. Intussen word ’n Saoediese joernalis in ’n konsulaat in Istanbul vermoor, met ’n SA joernalis as onwillige ooggetuie. Gevolge van dié joernalis se besluite kring uit na Kaapstad, waar Carl opdrag kry om die saak te hanteer. Saoediese agente en ’n siellose mesmoordenaar is maar twee van die monster se vele tentakels wat Carl een-een moet afkap.
Ons weet dat die maan iets met die getye te doen het, maar het jy geweet dat jy met volmaan altyd dieselfde kant van die maan sien? Of dat weerligstrale vol vernietigende elektrisiteit is, maar dat ’n elektriese paling ’n lading van tot 600 volt kan vrystel? Hierdie feite is deel van ’n magdom kennis oor die natuur, fisiese wetenskap en die ruimte wat die RSG-program Hoe verklaar jy dit? reeds jare lank beantwoord. Hierdie publikasie bevat ’n keur uit die honderde vrae van nuuskierige luisteraars wat deur kundiges verduidelik is om die wêreld minder vreemd te maak, want nie alle kennis van die wêreld om ons is voor die hand liggend nie. Daar is honderde verskynsels in die natuur en ruimte wat vra om verklaar te word. Dan praat ons nie eens van die mensgemaakte uitvindings soos die internet, persoonlike rekenaars, globale posisioneringstelsels, selfone, radiogolwe, teorie van evolusie, relatiwiteitsteorie, narkose en mense in die ruimte nie. Agter die alledaagse skuil die fassinerende werking van kragte en wette en die wetenskap in werking: Wat bepaal dat ’n mens se hart aan die linkerkant van die liggaam sit? Hoekom vries water in ’n dam van bo en nie van onder af nie? Kan gene deur omstandighede gemodifiseer word? Hoe Verklaar Jy Dit? is ’n boek wat jou belangstelling in die wêreld om jou sal prikkel. Dit is ’n boek wat op sy eie gelees kan word, wat op die koffietafel kan lê en wat saam kan gaan kamp om wonderlike gesprekke om die braaivleisvuur uit te lok.
That morning, Michelle presented her Psychology honours thesis on men's perceptions of rape. She started her presentation like this, “A woman born in South Africa has a greater chance of being raped than learning how to read …” On that same evening, she goes to a party to celebrate attaining her degree. She and a friend go to the beach; the friend has something she wants to discuss. They are both robbed, assaulted and raped. Within minutes of getting help, Michelle realises she'll never be herself again. She's now "the girl who was raped." This book is Michelle's fight to be herself again. Of the taint she feels, despite the support and resources at her disposal as the loved child of a successful middle-class family. Of the fall-out to friendships, job, identity. It's Michelle's brave way of standing up for the women in South Africa who are raped every day.
In Junie 2070 skenk die 27-jarige Jenesis Baron geboorte aan ’n tweeling in haar woonstel in Xin Xianggang, voorheen bekend as Bloemfontein. Maar swangerskap sonder ’n genetiese toestemmingspermit van die owerhede is taboe, en die pasgeborenes word deur generaal Ben Wagner uitgesnuffel en aan die MediBot oorhandig, ’n robot wat ontwerp is om ongewenste lewens te beëindig. Genadedood noem hulle dit. Want, sê die regering, daar is nie genoeg kos, water en blyplek vir almal nie. Jenesis is hartgebroke. Met haar hele hart smag sy daarna om vir Adam te vertel van die twee seuntjies wat nes hý lyk. Maar Adam is weg. Haar halsstarrige siening oor die huidige bewind en haar onvermoë om in te sien dat slegs die elite in die slimstede floreer, het hom verdryf. Vir haar bestaan gewone burgers nie, diegene wat na die buitewyke van die oorloggeteisterde ou stede uitgewerp word om van honger te sterf. Moederland bied ’n fassinerende blik op die toekoms. ’n Puik nagevorsde, aksiebelaaide riller.
When we meet someone, one of the things we notice is the colour of their skin. But what can someone's skin colour tell us about them? Despite what some people say, your skin means very little! Inside we're all the same. Join Njabulo, Aisha, Tim, Chris and Roshni as they discover why humans have different skins, and how people's thinking about skin colour has changed throughout history. Skin We Are In is a celebration of the glorious human rainbow, both in South Africa and beyond. One of South Africa's best-selling authors, Sindiwe Magona, has teamed up with well-known American anthropologist, Nina G. Jablonski, and award-winning illustrator Lynn Fellman to create a much-needed book about race and skin colour – for children. Magona has written a story of five friends as they explore and discuss the skin they are in. The scientific narrative, written by Jablonski, expands and supports the conversation topics generated by the children's adventure.
Liela Oloffson se ouers is in ’n huisbrand oorlede toe sy tien jaar oud was, maar vandag het sy alles wat meeste mense begeer. Skoonheid, roem, en ’n blink loopbaan as aktrise. Maar dan verdwyn sy een Vrydagnag spoorloos en kaptein Kgomotso vra gesoute misdaadjoernalis Ami Prinsloo se hulp. Soos ’n bloedhond volg Ami Liela se spoor van waar sy laas by ’n Engen-garage in Johannesburg gesien is. Maar waarom lyk dit op die CCTV-kamera of Liela alleen van die garage wegry? Kruip Liela weg of is sy gekaap? Of dalk ontvoer? En waaroor het sy en haar verloofde so hewig baklei net voor sy verdwyn het? Die Verkeerde Vrou is die tweede boek in Irma Venter se nuwe reeks met misdaadjoernalis Ami Prinsloo as hoofkarakter. Die Verkeerde Vrou volg op Minder As Niks, maar kan ook alleen gelees word.
A woman in post-apartheid South Africa confronts her family’s troubling past in this taut and daring novel about national trauma and collective guilt—from the Booker Prize–longlisted author of An Island. Cape Town, 2028. The land cracks from a years-long drought, the nearby mountains threaten to burn, and the queue for the water trucks grows ever longer. In her crumbling corner of a public housing complex, Deidre van Deventer receives a call from the South African police. Her family home, recently reclaimed by the government, has become the scene of a criminal investigation. The remains of several bodies have just been unearthed from her land, after decades underground. Detectives pepper Deidre with questions: Was your brother a member of a pro-apartheid group in the 1990s? Is it true that he was building bombs as part of a terrorist plot? Deidre doesn’t know the answers to the detectives’ questions. All she knows is that she was denied—repeatedly—the life she felt she deserved. Overshadowed by her brother, then left behind by her daughter after she emigrated, Deidre must watch over her aging mother and make do with government help and the fading generosity of her neighbors while the landscape around her grows more and more combustible. As alarming evidence from the investigation continues to surface, and detectives pressure her to share what she knows of her family’s disturbing past, Deidre must finally face her own shattered memories so that something better might emerge for her and her country. In exquisitely spare prose, Karen Jennings weaves a singularly powerful novel about post-apartheid South Africa. It is an unforgettable, propulsive story of fractured families, collective guilt, the ways we become trapped in prisons of our own making, and how we can begin to break free.
Told with the immediacy of a diary, which is where the book began, Patrick takes us on a journey to the highest mountain in the world, where one of the greatest tragedies in climbing history was about to unfold. Filled with photographs and sketches from his notebooks we become part of the Radio 702 team sent to cover the South African Everest Expedition of 1996. It would turn out to be the deadliest climbing seasons in the peak’s history. Twenty years later the controversy around what truly happened on the mountain continues to rage. Conroy kept a meticulous diary and recorded many hours of radio communications between the climbers. Now, two decades later, his memoirs reveal a remarkable and untold story of what happened on the mountain that fateful year. Everest Untold includes hidden insights and never before revealed transcripts that shed new light on the 1996 disaster, including the mysterious disappearance of one of the South African team members in the death zone. Conroy’s hidden story reopens the debate on the risks of high-altitude mountaineering and what it meant to a young democratic South Africa unaware of the dangers that lay ahead.
“Twenty-one years [since the TRC] that have led to this Pretoria courtroom, and to the appearance of this giant man who, 46 years ago, claimed to have been the only eye witness to Uncle Ahmed’s suicide. Joao Rodrigues was the state’s star witness at the 1972 inquest. He would have been deemed pretty perfect for the job of covering the murder of Uncle Ahmed. A white South African of Portuguese descent, he worked as an administrative clerk at security police headquarters in Pretoria. After more than 10 years of service he had ascended just one step up the police hierarchy, to the rank of sergeant – proof, if nothing else, of his loyalty to the cause for his role in covering up the murder of Uncle Ahmed.” Follow Ahmed Timol’s nephew, Imtiaz Cajee, on his 20-year journey to find his uncle’s killer and bring him to justice. In 1971, a state inquiry found that Ahmed Timol, held by the security branch of the tenth floor of John Vorster Square, committed suicide by jumping to his death. Forty-six years later, a new inquiry found that Ahmed Timol was murdered. Only one man remained alive who could tell the truth, a lowly clerk from the police, who was in the room when Timol was pushed. Joao Rodrigues has now been charged with murder and defeating and or obstructing the administration of justice. The book is a wonderful evocation of a time and places; Johannesburg, London, Mecca, Moscow. The last years of Timol’s life, the woman he loved, and his commitment to a non-racial and free South Africa. His last days are detailed here; the roadblock that was set up to catch him and his treatment by the security police. Not content with finding his uncle’s murderer, Cajee has been on a quest for justice for other murdered victims of apartheid, whose killers never applied to the TRC and who were never charged, despite the information being available. Cajee investigates the possible deal that was done between the National Party and the ANC during the early 90s, and asks how it is possible that so many murderers and torturers were not prosecuted. He is clear that now is the time to find these people and prosecute them. The book is unputdownable, and one that will leave you deeply touched.
Wat Moet Ons Met Ons Kerk Doen? is 'n poging om te probeer verstaan waar ons as Afrikaners teologies vandaan kom, watter kragte en magte ons en ons Kerk gevorm het en hoe ons Kerk tans daar uitsien. Die N.G.Kerk was 'n belangrike en rigtinggewende rolspele in die opheffing van die Afrikaner na die Britse vergrype tydens en na die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog. Tans word die N.G.Kerk ervaar as 'n instansie wat ongevoelig teenoor die geestelike behoeftes van haar lidmate staan. Hierdie is 'n moet-lees boek vir:
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